Chapter 15

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Marks POV:

Jesus On a freaking tricycle! He's bleeding heavily! I don't know what to do! And I can't lose him. I will just have to keep the operation going, as this could mean life or death.

I plunged the knife deeper to tear the muscle layer. Jack face was unconscious along with the rest of his body. I exposed the heart, and his ribcage. His heart being just a metallic ball where his original heart used to be. I ripped out the metal lump.

I saw a glance of a silver flash in jacks chest. I decided to investigate. But I would have to be quick, or he'll die on me.

I dug underneath the lung slightly, quickly checking his breath and pulse to make sure he wasn't dead. He wasn't. I found a silver plate on his backbone, it was an immortality chip. I knew who had given it to him in a certain afterlife. Tears of sadness prickled my eyes, knowing hat he had an immortality chip make him immortal, and I wouldn't be there forever. I would talk to him after. Hopefully he won't be too surprised.

I placed the lung back in place of where it's natural position was, carefully trying to grab the new heart that jack had taken with him. He said he had stolen it quickly whist me and him were fighting. Wilfred apparently kept it in his back pocket. Ok, 1) why in the world would you keep a live, beating heart in someone's pocket? And 2) if you going to keep it, put in in a cool box or something?! Jeez, he is a real douche.

I used the butter knife I had on the wooden coffee table to slice of the ragged edge of the vessels going into what should have been jacks heart. I found my cotton needle and thread, placing it in my hand so I was prepared to suture jacks real heart into place.

I places his beating heart into his chest, suturing the vessels to the right ports in jacks heart. I wiped my furrowed brow in frustration and deep concentration. Suddenly, his heart glowed a brilliant gold, causing me to Sheild my eyes.

I quickly stitched his chest back together quite ruthlessly. Then it hit me.

He is the one we have been looking for.

He and his brother are the chosen ones that will save us all.


Sorry this wasn't the best chapter I have done, but I wanted to be quite a gruesome one so yeah!


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