Brettsey One Shots

By photofrnd54

95.9K 1.6K 354

Here will be a bunch of One Shots of Brettsey. Some of them might look familiar as i took my Rheese one shots... More

Authors Notes
That One Night
Why me
Taylor Elizabeth Brett
Hospital Stay
Almost Lost Him
The Shirt
Why Me. Part 2
Five Days To Long
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 2
She's Your Wife?
Jealous Fight
She's Your Wife? Part 2
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
I Can't Marry You
Why Me. Part 3
Auction Night
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 3
Will you stay with me?
Bring Him Back
Bring Him Back (Part 2 The Boat)
The Flu
An Early Surprise
I'm Scared
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 4
First Child
Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.
I never got to tell her
What do you mean she's not here?
Tired of Hiding
A Morning Surprise
The Flowers
My Girl
Should have done this sooner
Locker Room Chat
A Night in Paris (Locker Room Chat Part 2)
Casey's Quarters
Got Stood up
Casey's Quarters Part 2
Casey's Quarters Part 3
Casey's Quarters Part 4
What am I to you?
Girlfriend in Fowlerton part 1
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 2
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 3
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 4
It's okay It's okay
Accidently Double Date
I need him
Get Off Her
We need to talk
Anyone seen Brett?
Secret Promotion
Will you Stay
She's Gone
The Thanksgiving Rolls
Christmas Tree
Ice Skating Date
Meeting the Family
Secret Santa Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Secret Santa Part 3
Christmas Windows
Getting The Christmas Tree
New Years Eve Kiss
Late Night Phone Call (New Years Eve Kiss Part 2)
Surprise Visit (New Years Eve Kiss Part 3)
Meeting Parents Part 2
Some Unexpected Great News
The Flash Over
In Shock
What's That Smell?
It's Hard
Someone's Missing
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 1)
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 2)
Fowlerton Fair Part 3
Birthday Dinner
The Collapse
She was attacked
He Promised
Memory Loss
That Night Against River
A Shift on 61
That Night Outside Molly's
Dance With Me
Will You...
Somethings off
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 2)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 3)
Stayed All Night
Jace Matthew Casey
Get To The Hospital
Call it - TOD 4:38am
Wedding Day
Missing you
Where is she
Where is She (Part 2)
Paradoxical Reaction
Play Nice Now
Our Boy (Part 1)
Our Boy (Part 2)
Chicago to Portland
Sylvie's Secret Santa
Sylvie's Secret Santa (Part 2)
New Years Eve Hospital
Did I wake you

She Said No

508 7 0
By photofrnd54

Slyvie's pov

"I so need this girls night" Foster says as we pull up to the bar. "you always say that" Kidd says "hey it was a ruff shift. We all need it." I say as we walk in. They were at the best bar in town. The bar was Molly's. "hey I'll go order what do you all want" I ask them "um we will both do a beer." Kidd says. " Beer it is coming right up. Go grab us a table" I say. I walk up to the bar while they get a table. It was packed in the bar tonight. "hey Hermann can I get three beers please" I say to him. While I wait for the beers there was a guy at the bar who kept staring at me. "hey pretty thing let me get those for you." He says "thanks but I've got it" I say a little creeped out. "here you go Brett" Hermann says as he hands me the beers. "thanks" I say as I head to my table. "took you long enough" Foster says "hey not my fault the bar is so crowded because Hermann is running a special. So you will never guess what happened up at the bar" I say "what" Kidd asks "this guy at the bar offered to buy the drinks for me." I say "did you let him" she as asks "no" I say "well was he at least cute." Foster asks "no he was kinda creepy." I say "so what's with the guy Colin" foster asks "well he and I are taking things slow. We both work crazy hours. So seeing each other outside of our work is hard but we are managing it. We actually have plans this weekend to do a get away since we both don't work. He's taking me up to this cabin." I say smiling at the thought of being with him this whole weekend was great. "so when will we get to meet him." Kidd asks. "Well" I smile knowing they already met. See we both work at the same firehouse and under regulations we can't date each other. So to keep it safe If people ask who I'm dating I always say Colin even though it's Casey We fell in love the moment we met. We knew it was going to be hard but we didn't care. We had to try. "So can we meet him" Kidd says again. "when the time is right" I say. "deal" foster says "so when do you find out if you made it into that class at the academy you wanted." Kidd asks. But I don't hear her I'm staring at the door. Because Casey just walked in. "Earth to Sylvie... Sylvie..." Kidd says. "Sylvie..." Foster says as she's waving a hand in front of me. "um sorry. Um next week. I'm excited." I say "creepy guy alert" Foster says. "hey pretty thing. Need another drink" the creep says walking up to my table. He smells like a thousand drinks got dumped on him. "I'm good" I say "ah come on let me buy you a round. Or better yet how bout a date." He slurs leaning towards me. "no thanks" I say pushing him away. "Just one drink" he says "my Friend here said no" Kidd says. "well I say yes" he slurs trying to grab me. "get away or I'll call the cops." I say "if you take the drink I'll leave." he says "I said no" I scream. At this point people are staring "just one" he says "she said no" Casey says as he punched the drunk man in the face knocking him on the floor. "Police are on their way" Hermann says. "Thanks Hermann" I say. Once the police arrive they take the drunken man into custody. "Mind if I join you ladies" Casey asks "please we'd love the company" Foster says

Casey's pov

"how was your day ladies" I ask as i takes a seat next to Sylvie. "it was busy as usual" lots of ambo calls. How was yours? Foster says. "it was good busy with paperwork as always. Just can't wait to have the weekend off." I say with a smile. "oh what's happening this weekend." Kidd asks. "just a small get away" I say as I secretly grab Sylvie's hand under the table. "What are you up to this weekend Brett I ask putting her on the spot. She instantly gets nervous. As I run my thumb over her hand. "um uh, uh the boyfriend and I are going to this cabin." She says squeezing my hand. "Nice I hope you have fun" I say "oh I defiantly plan on it" she says with a smile. "What about you ladies." I ask "Foster is coming over to help me set up the Severide's birthday gift." Kidd says. "Well that sounds like fun." I say. "What did you get him?" I ask "yeah I know better than to tell you." He's probably snooping through you." She says with a laugh. "Where is he tonight?" foster asks. "Oh he had to help his sister for the night." She says "oh cool" I say as the police arrive. "hey Kim What are you doing on patrol. "I asks "they are short staffed tonight so I told Platt I would fill in. So you wanna tell me what happened here." She asks us. "oh umm yeah. We had just arrived. I was at the bar getting drinks when a guy asked to buy us drinks but I said no and left. A little while later he made is way over to our table and starting making passes at me. Wouldn't leave me alone tried grabbing me. Casey here stepped in to stop it." Sylvie says "thanks for the info we are taking him in to custody and he will be charged." Kim says. "Thanks Kim" Sylvie says as Burgess leaves. "Hey I need another beer anyone else need a refill." Kidd asks. "I do I'll come with you, Brett you need anything" Foster says. "Nope I'm good thanks" she says. As soon as they get up I release Sylvie's hand from mine. I lean towards her once they were out of site. "we meeting up tonight" I ask. "yeah definitely. When I leave say you will take me home since it's on your way home." she says. "Will do. Hey I missed you today" I say "I missed you too" she quickly say before the girls hear her as they come back to the table.

Sylvie's pov

Once the girls get back we talk a little while longer. "So when again do you leave for your trip?" foster asks me. "Right after...uhhhh uhhh no I know what you are doing and it's not happening." I say "what is she doing" Casey asks with a smile as he traces random patterns in my hand. It's driving me wild. "See they both wanna meet Colin. I keep saying not right now. So they are trying to trick me into me letting them see him. But I know what they are up to and the answer is still no." I say "oh fine I'll wait." she says. "It will be worth the wait I promise." I say smiling as a start tracing lines in Casey's hand. Knowing very well it drives him nuts too. "It's getting late I should be going. I'm gonna go grab taxi I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say "you're leaving so soon? Foster asks. "Yeah it's almost midnight and I'm way too tired from shift so I'm grabbing a taxi home and sleeping." I say "Oh no need for a taxi I'll drive you home. It's on the way to my place." He says to me. "You sure. I don't want to inconvenience you" I say even though I know what he's up to. I just play along so the girls won't get suspicious of us. "Yeah it's no problem at all. I'm done here anyways got an early construction job in the am so I need to get some sleep." He says. "Well thanks Casey then yes I would love a ride home." She says. Once outside the bar he takes me by the hand. He then pushes me against the side of the building where no one can see us and he kisses me. "I had a hard time resisting doing that in there. Your hand tracing was amazing but mean." He says with a laugh. "Well we aren't in there anymore" I say flirty while leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him back. "Come let's get you home." He says "My place or yours." I ask him with a smile. "I like yours better it's cozier" he says. "Perfect" I say kissing him as we head off to his car then to my place for a night of fun.

Hey guys sorry I haven't written in a while.  Just been busy with stuff. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this one shot. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them below.  

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