The Wrong Jason Singularity

By Gilthur

60.5K 2.3K 224

His name was Jason, one of the many regular guys who has been suffering through the Gacha Hell and Salt dimen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 35

1K 41 2
By Gilthur

AN: It's been a long time since I have last updated this fanfiction.

Chapter 35: Brother

   Promachus is someone who was born ordinary. He was born in one of the many cities of Aeolia called Pherae. It was a city somewhere near the lake of Boebeis, bordering around Phtia to the southeast, and Iolcus to the northeast.

He lived with his mother named Alcimede. His mother has been taking care of him since he was an infant. They lived in Pherae yet far away from the lively people.

His mother, even with wearing ordinary clothes, could be considered a very beautiful woman. She has this graceful and noble aura that surrounds her so people in the nearby settlements always thought that she wasn't an ordinary woman.

Despite his presence, some men have tried to a court or woo her but she remained unmoved. The women on the nearby settlement accused her of being a witch but it has never been proven by them.

Some people thought that they are just jealous of the attention that his mother have gotten so they have spread those rumors. Because those envious women have accused her of being a witch, no one has wanted to be friends with Promachus and play with him.

But it's alright. He gave his mother. That's the only thing that ever needs. Promachus never asked about his father because he thought that it would make his mother sad. He never wanted to bother her.
 Promachus just desired a simple and happy life with his mother.

It wasn't an easy goal to make. Since he was born, he didn't remember his mother making a genuine smile.

He wondered what is the reason why his mother never smiled. He even thought that it was his fault.

But to achieve his goal, Promachus decided to ask when he was 4 years old. He also told her his goal.

" It wouldn't be possible for us to live a simple life Promachus. "

" Mother? "

" We are destined to live an extraordinary life. "

" Why? Would I also become a hero mother like the man Perseus? "

At that time despite wanting to live a happy life with his mother, it wasn't also bad to dream of being a hero sometimes. Maybe, being a hero would make his mother proud of him.

" No. "

" Then. Why? Why would we not have an extraordinary life mother? "

Promachus remembered her mother smiling genuinely for the first time since he lived with her. He never thought that it would be so simple to have his mother smile like that.

" We would live an extraordinary life because we are bound to someone great. "

" great? "

He wondered at that time who could it be. He even thought it was his Father that he never met in his life. But Promachus haven't guessed it right.

" Your brother... "

It was an answer that was out of his expectations. He was surprised to find out that he have a brother at that time.

" brother? "

" yes. Someday, your brother would be a great king and hero who would have his name carved in history. "

Even his mother is just telling the story, Promachus isn't blind to the affection that his mother has toward this brother that he never met just like his father.

He then wondered why they aren't living with his father and brother. What is the reason? Why is his brother would become a hero? Why not him too?

Since then, it was like a barrier between him and his mother was broken. She didn't appear to be mysterious and secretive like before. She also lost her sadness when she talks about his brother and her hopes for him.

" When you're brother becomes the king, We could live with your father. Then, we would have your father's kingdom of Iolcus again. We wouldn't live this harsh life... Everything would be aligned again. "

His mother was full of hope. There would be never a day where she wouldn't speak of his brother so full of smiles and positivity.

It was always about good things.

Even Promachus never met his brother and saw his face, he has learned to hate him.

He was the reason for everything.

The reason why do they live in this place instead of the nearby kingdom that was told in the stories. The reason why his father was imprisoned. The reason why he and his mother aren't living a happy life. The reason why they aren't living together like a normal family like those ordinary people.

If he was a prince, then those other kids would be friendly with him. He can play with them and they would never throw rocks and insult him and his mother.

A few years passed by, his hatred has festered more and more unknown to his mother who was living in her fantasies.

Her beauty then soon disappeared as she slowly forgot to take care of herself and her son. She slowly loses her popularity with the men in Pherae. She was disdained more by the women as they thought that it was further proof that she was a witch.

She was declining and Promachus was trying his best. He even suggests to his mother that they return to Iolcus but she firmly rejected his idea saying " not until the kingdom is saved by your brother ".

Deep inside his mind, he wanted to shout at his mother in anger but he reasoned to himself that it was his brother that was the cause.

And then one day, a certain Centaur has delivered information about his father. He relayed his message to him and left never introducing himself.

He told his mother that his father died.

He never truly felt deeply about his father as his mother since he never met him. But Promachus never thought that his mother would kill herself out of grief but not before wishing his brother would take revenge for them.

No one helped him when he buried his mother. The people of Pherae mocked her mother and laughed at her misery. Many of them rejoice that the witch is dead.

Since his mother are dead, they didn't fear for her curse anymore, Promachus wasn't welcome there anymore.

Despite his father being dead, Promachus went to Iolcus. Hoping to at least visit the one that his mother called their home and the place of his father's burial.

He never thought that after visiting his father's grave, someone would see him being there.

Amphinome, one of the daughters of the current King of Iolcus. She notice how similar he was to the previous king of Iolcus.

She decided to report it to her father but Promachus begged her not to tell her and promise her anything.

Promachus was naive. He shouldn't have told her those words.

" Since I'm a benevolent princess, I would give you a chance... Hmmm... I am feeling bored lately and my sister hasn't provided me with any interesting entertainment...How about you became my slave, little boy? If you don't want it, then it would be bad if my father discover your existence. It wouldn't be my fault if he would kill you. Hehe... He has been temperamental since a few years ago. So, what is your decision?  "

Ever since he learned of his brother's existence, his desire has changed.

When his mother died, it has changed again.

When he became a slave, it changed once again.

But despite that, there was the desire that fostered and remained unchanged in his heart. It has grown stronger and stronger.

Someday, when he met his brother, Promachus would like to kill him.

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