3Throuple: (Beyonce, Nicki, R...

By pinkbutterflyva2

178K 8.4K 2.1K

Nicki and Rihanna are girlfriends and have an amazing relationship but will Nicki be able to love Beyonce too... More

Coming Home
Getting to Know Her: part 1
Getting to know her: part 2
Dinner Party
Slow Dance
Mommy x Nika
Little Voice
A Lie
To Tell
The Caregiver
Little Friend
Room for 3?
Safe and Secure
Sick Baby
A Pink Unicorn
Dreams and Nightmares
Thanksgiving: part 1
Thanksgiving: Part 2
Star Resort: Part 1
Star Resort: Part 2
Fragile Glass
Naughty Little
Le Feu
Alone Time
Pink Gemstone
Slutted Out Tingz: Part 1
Slutted Out Tingz: Part 2
Painful Truths
Mama's Baby: Part 1
Mama's Baby: Part 2
Grape Soda
Honeymoon: Part 1
Honeymoon: Part 2
Magic Gummy Bear: Part 1
Magic Gummy Bear : Part 2
Christmas Magic Part 1
Christmas Magic Part 2
We love Nika
Daddy loves Nika? Part 1
Daddy Loves Nika? Part 2
Valentines Day I
Valentine's Day II
Through the Woods 1
Pink Sparkly Box
Through the Woods 2
Love on a 1000
Worthy Friends
Consistency is Key
Meeting Mama Tina
TX Reset 1
TX Reset 2


1.7K 93 16
By pinkbutterflyva2

Beyonce's POV:

Big Nicki did a good job of faking her way through Christmas Eve. She had a small dinner, opened all gifts and thanked everyone but I'm sure all us knew it was performative so we wouldn't feel a way. We all told her it was okay and that she didn't have to fake being 'Okay' but she just brushed us off and smiled. Soon everyone was gone and Nicki let the act drop. Robyn pulled her aside to talk to her but she wasn't receptive and excused herself to the bathroom. My heart broke into a million pieces to hear her cry in the shower in her room and I couldn't take it. I went inside and it was a mistake. I startled her so bad she smacked her head on the side of the shower wall jumping in fear.

So now she was really crying and I screamed for Rob. She came in and asked what happened before telling me to step out and grab her some clothes. I walked out and went into Nicki's drawers picking out a pink shirt and matching shorts. I grabbed some gray knee high socks and lotion and sat on the bed to wait. I got myself together and felt ready to go into full caregiver mode when Rob walked out with Nicki who was in her fuzzy pink robe. Thankfully, she allowed me to lotion her up and get her dressed for bed. She snuggled into her bed and Rob left the room to double check the locks and I laid next to Nicki and held her close. We laid there for about an hour all together after Robyn came up to join us.

I felt so relieved to feel my Baby latch on if only for half the time than normal before she drifted off to sleep.  I sat up and Rob did the same before whispering.

            "It's going to be okay my Queen."

            "This is a disaster. I made her hurt herself Rob."

            "It was an accident, she even said she didn't mean to scream when you came in."

            "Rob...I just want my happy Baby back."

            "I know but we have to help her through this my Queen. Her mental health is important. The therapist did reply back, and we have a walk in the day after Christmas."

            "Good. First thing, I want to be in that office first thing."

            "I know. Just take a breath and relax my Queen. She'll be okay, we just have to handle her with care."

I nod and snuggle back into a sleeping Nika eventually falling back asleep as well.


Christmas day was slow and quiet, and I was grateful. Everyone hit us up with a 'Merry Christmas' wishes and said they wanted Nicki to feel comfortable today and wouldn't come over. My Mom did stop by briefly just to hug me and say she was happy I was home and not behind bars before giving me the breakfast casserole she made us and the dinner one. Mom was sweet and whipped up the later so we wouldn't have to worry about cooking today and could rest.

Nicki was 'Big' this morning and gave us our gifts and opened hers before cleaning up. I felt so bad knowing she was suffering and looking at the bruise on the side of her forehead. We sat on the couch for awhile quietly watching TV as Robyn was playing with her new gray Nintendo Switch Lite game console. She was so excited for something called Animal Crossing and had to play it right away. Soon Nicki went upstairs to lie down, and Rob and I were alone. We ate an early lunch and we video called Rob's parents for a bit. Soon it was dinner time and we ate alone since Nicki was asleep and wrote a note requesting that she not be woken up for anything.

Rob hated seeing both of us sad so after dinner, she took me out to her truck and lit the blunt that Mel gave her. She and I hot boxed and I felt relaxed. Back inside, I had some of the chocolate that Mel gave Robyn before going up to check on Nicki before taking a bath. Rob joined me and gave me some slow tub sex.

After cleaning up and just falling into bed, I longed for my Baby to be next to me. I snuggled her pillow tightly before falling asleep.


Robyn's POV:

After Beyonce went to sleep, I fell asleep until three am when I woken up by something dropping in the hall. I got up and slid my gun from its hiding place and went out to see what it was. In the dim of the decorative lights in the hall, I saw my Baby on the floor on top of pink fuzzy sheets scrambling to get up. Her sobs were soft and I quickly thought of how I needed to take care of it. I put my gun up and spoke.

            "Nika, it's okay." I say softly helping her to her feet.

She looked mortified and I held my grip firm so she wouldn't run off.

            "Let's get those in the wash okay?"

Nika sobbed as we walked down to the laundry room and we put the wet sheets in the wash. I saw that her clothes for wet and helped her take them off and put them in the wash as well. I gave Nika my robe and we went upstairs. In her room, I could smell the cleaning solution that Nika used to clean the mattress and mentally remembered that Mama T brought it the other day and left it in her room.

I turned on the tub for my Baby and put in some oils and a bath bomb. Helping Nika in she was still distraught but slowly calming down. I kissed her cheek and rubbed her with the bath rag all over. I left her to soak while I went in and put new sheets on her bed and saw the mattress protector that Mama T tucked into closet with a note for Nika telling her 'It was just an accident, you'll be okay. Nana loves you.' I put the note to the side and put on the protector and new sheets before grabbing a top and underwear for Nika. I went back and helped Nika dry off and get oiled up and changed.

We went back downstairs and I gave Nika a snack and we sat on the couch watching TV until six am when Beyonce got up. I took Nika back up to her room and gave her some tights to put on and socks. I told her we were going out and to wait for us. Leaving her room, I took a shower and got dressed in a Champion tracksuit and Nikes. I put my hair up and Beyonce came over in a red Addidas tracksuit with her hair down.

            "Hey, you sleep with our Baby?"

            "No, we watched TV, she couldn't sleep. She had another accident and I helped her clean up. Don't stress on it, but she already distraught so I didn't want make her feel worse waking you up."

            "I understand, let's go over to that office."

Beyonce and I left the room and she grabbed her 'Mom tote' and we left with Nika who had slipped on her pink crocs and gray hoodie. I drove over to the special office downtown and we walked in. Inside Nika got nervous as we were taken back. After a quick physical, Beyonce consoled Nika in a private nursing room and the Doctor asked me what was going on before getting her results back that showed she had a urinary tract infection that was more than likely contributing to the bed wetting along with stress. Soon Nika came with Beyonce and we were asked to leave so the psychologist could talk her privately. Waiting in the waiting room, Beyonce took my hand and gave me a kiss.

            "You okay Rob?"

            "I'm fine, just tired. I'll need a nap when we go home."

            "And breakfast. Nika was so hungry, both my nipples are sore."

            "I'm sorry my Queen, I'll rub them with some coconut oil later."

I yawn and rest my head against Bey's shoulder as she pulled out her phone. Waking up from a nap I didn't even knew I took I felt rested and saw Beyonce beside me standing up.

            "She's ready to talk to us."

I nod and get up and go into the Doctor's office. Nika was curled up in her chair as a Nurse put a bandaid on her forearm. The Nurse took Nika out and the Doctor spoke.

            "She'll just be in the TV room next door. We gave her something to relax her."

            "What can we do for her?" Beyonce asked.

            "Well, outside of making sure she takes her antibiotics and drinks more water, she needs to take the antidepressant medication I prescribed a while back. I adjusted the dose so it's lower and won't affect her like it used to but to put it plainly, she's depressed and feels like you two are moving forward in life without her. She was very productive with her work and now that it's gone she feels like she's losing touch with herself. She's scared that you two will make her leave or make her work a job she doesn't like. Also, she mentioned she'd been seeing Rihmeek lately. Lately, anywhere she's been, she's seen him and it's triggering her that he's following her again. She says he hasn't talked to her or anything but just watches. Combined with Kehlani still being out, she's living in constant fear that she's been able to manage but now she can't. Which brings me to the bed wetting. That's pure stress and the UTI isn't helping it. Once the stress is alleviated, it should stop. My suggestion would be pull-ups at night or naps until she has a few dry nights."

Taking in everything the Doctor said I felt bad. Even though we are supposed to have an open line of communication our Baby still didn't tell us everything. Beyonce asked about their nursing relationship and the Doctor said that Nika expressed she loved it and that she would hope it would continue and would actually like to do it more frequently as it was relaxing to her.

The Doctor also said Nika's current Little age was about 3- 5years old. She said that Nika said she felt comfortable in that and liked being taken care of more by Beyonce which made her flash a huge grin. Beyonce loved doing everything for Nika when she would let her.

Leaving the office with instructions and a 90-day prescription Nika ran over to me and Beyonce. Beyonce picked her up and we left. Nika asked if we could see Nana so I drove over to Mama T's house. There, Mama T was making breakfast. She tossed in a few extra eggs for us and Nika enjoyed cuddling up with her in the kitchen as she cooked. Nika didn't want breakfast and opted to lie in the living room watching TV with Mama T's pitbull Roxy. Roxy was old and sweet and loved to just lay on Nika and Jhene when they came over.

Talking quietly Mama T asked what was up and we told her and I thanked her for the things she left for Nika. She agreed with the plan the Doctor wanted us to take and said she'd do anything to help us. After helping Mama T clean up, I went up to take a nap leaving Bey nursing Nika on the couch while her and Mama T watched TV.


Excuse all errors!



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