Jokesters In Love

By ChelseaFlynn8

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Aries Cassiopeia Black is a Halfblood Witch and is also a Gryffindor and she is also the only daughter and ch... More

Aries Cassiopeia Black
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten: Goblet of Fire
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Order of the Phoenix
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty: Half Blood Prince
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty: Deathly Hallows
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Fort Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine: Final

Chapter Thirty Three

6 0 0
By ChelseaFlynn8

Aries’s P.O.V
It was finally the night of Professor Slughorn’s Dinner party and I was sitting next to Hermione and Neville as we were all sitting around the table as we ate and not long after we had gotten to desert, Professor Slughorn had started getting to know us a little better and ask us what we were doing over the Holidays, “so tell me Cormack, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberias these days?” Professor Slughorn asked him, “yes sir, in fact I’m meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the Holidays” Cormac told him, “oh well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your Uncle Belby? For those of you who don't know, Marcus’s Uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?” Professor Slughorn said, “I don't know. Him and my dad don’t get on. Probably because my dad says his potions are rubbish. His only potion worth having is the stiff one at the end of the day.” Marcus said as he ate his Ice Cream, “what about you Miss Granger, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?” Professor Slughorn asked her, “my parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth.” she told him, “fascinating, and is that considered a dangerous profession?” Slughorn asked her, “no. although one boy, Robbie Fenwick did bit my father once. He needed ten stitches.” Hermione said to him not long before someone walked in and saw that it was Ginny, “ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, come in.” Slughorn said and I wasn’t the only one who noticed that she was crying either as Hermione whispered to Harry, “sorry. I’m not usually late.” Ginny said before Harry stood up, “no matter, just in time for dessert. That is if Belby’s left you any.” Slughorn said as he laughed at his own joke and the room stayed silent for a little before some of us talked to each other for the rest of the dinner before it was over and as soon as Hermione and I left, the both of us caught up with Ginny to make sure she was alright, “are you doing alright Ginny?” I asked her, “yeah, we noticed that you’ve been crying.” Hermione said to her, “yeah, Dean and I had a fight again and I think we might break up to be honest if this keeps up.” she told us as we made it to the Common Room and we had gotten changed before talking about it for a while longer before going to bed that night.

It was the day of the Quidditch match and it was Gryffindor VS Slytherin and I was just walking into the Great Hall and I had noticed Draco looking off and  wondered if he was doing alright before I sat down with the others not long before Ron had done the same thing as he sat down next to me, “you alright Ron?” I asked him, “I’ll be alright. So how was it then?” he said to us, “How was what?” Hermione asked him, “your dinner party.” Ron mentioned, “pretty boring actually. Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert.” Hermione mentioned and I laughed a little before Hermione spoke up again, “Slughorn’s having Christmas Due, you know. And we’re meant to bring someone.” Hermione mentioned, “I expect you’ll be bringing McClagon? He’s in the Slug Club isn’t he?” Ron asked, “Actually, I was going to ask you.” Hermione told him, “really” Ron said before Lavender walked up to him, “good luck today Ron. I know you’ll be brilliant.” she said before walking away, “well there’s something you don’t see everyday. I think she has a thing for you Ron.” I said and they all looked at me, “what. Was I the only one who noticed?” I asked them, “I’m resigning. After today's match MaClagon can have my spot.” Ron said to us, “have it your way. Truce.” Harry said, giving Ron a cup, “what’s in it?” I asked him and all he did was smile before Luna spoke, making me jump a little, “hello everyone. You look dreadful Ron. is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?” Luna said to us, “you bloody git” I said to Harry as both Hermione and I realised what it was after he put it in his pocket, “Liquid Luck. don’t drink it Ron.” Hermione said, “oh please do, I think you’re going to need it.” I said to Ron, taking another bite of my food, “you could be expelled for that” Hermione said to Harry, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said to her, “come on Harry and Aries, we’ve got a game to win” Ron said getting up from his spot and Harry and I had done the same and eventually us along with the rest of us made it out onto the field before the game eventually started as we flew toward the Slytherin team since they had the ball and after Ron had blocked it, I caught the ball and flew toward the Slytherin’s side before trying to get a goal and managed to do so and heard everyone cheering again and throughout the game, Ron managed to block most of the Goals from the Slytherins and both Ginny and I were passing the ball back and forth before getting another goal.

Later on, when the game was over, everyone from the Gryffindor team along with the others made it back to the Common Room as we were all cheering for Ron as we all circled around him, “you really shouldn’t have done it.” Hermione told Harry, “I know. I suppose I could have used a Confundus Charm” Harry said and I chuckled a little, “that was different. That was tryouts, this was an actual game.” Hermione mentioned before Harry showed us the Liquid Luck, “you didn’t put it in. Ron thought you did.” Hermione said and he shook his head, “you’re still an idiot, but I have to admit at least it worked though.” I said to them before we looked back only to eventually see Lavender kissing Ron and I looked over at Hermione to see something was wrong and she left and I soon followed as I called her name, “Hermione, what’s wrong?” I asked her as we soon sat down on a set of stairs before realising she likes him, “you have feelings for him don’t you?” I asked her and she nodded before resting her head on my shoulder, “boys are idiots sometimes. They don;t realise any of it until it’s too late.” I told her before birds flew around as before seeing Harry walk up to us before Hermione wiped her tears away, “Chant Spell. Just practising.” she told Harry as he pointed it out, “well, they’re really good.” he told her before he sat down next to her, “how does it feel Harry. When you see Dean with Ginny?” Hermione asked him, “oh um.” he tried saying, “I know, so does Aries. We see the way you look at her. You're our best friend.” Hermione told him before we saw Lavender and Ron run up to us before seeing us sitting here, “oops. I think this room is taken” Lavender said to Ron, “what’s with the birds?” Ron asked before Hermione stood up, “Apogno.” she said before the birds charged after Ron before hitting the wall before Ron walked away and Hermione sat back down as she continued to cry, “it feels like this.” Harry said to her as we continued to sit there for a while trying to comfort Hermione.

Later that night, the three of us eventually went back to the Common Room and Hermione and I went into our Dorm and got changed for the night and the both of us just talked about it for a while longer, “have you liked him for a while?” I asked her and she nodded as we ate some sweets, “yeah, I realised that I have this year that I have.” she told me and I felt bad for her about it as well, “I don’t know much about this stuff because I never really had much of a love life before George, but I’m sure that one day, that lovable git of yours will come around and see it and realise that he feels the same. Boys do this all the time no matter what.” I told her and he chuckled a little, “alright now enough with the depressing love stories, let's have a few laughs instead alright.” I told her and we had done just that as we used our magic to make ourselves laugh until we got tired and had eventually gone to bed but before we had gone to sleep that night, Hermione spoke up again, “thanks Aries, for making me laugh.” she said and I smiled, “no problem.” I said and we both finally went to sleep that night. 

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