Honor, Love, and Dragons (Zuk...

By Star_Child9301

98.7K 2.7K 639

Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. She grew up playing and sparring in th... More

Book 1: Water
The Boy in the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The Winter Solstice: Part 1
The Winter Solstice: Part 2
The Waterbending Scroll (Part One)
The Waterbending Scroll (Part Two)
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Waterbending Master
The Siege of the North: Part 1
The Siege of the North: Part 2
Book 2: Earth
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
The Swamp
Zuko Alone (Part One)
Zuko Alone (Part Two)
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
The Serpent's Pass
The Drill
City of Walls and Secrets
Tales of Ba Sing Se
Lake Laogai
The Earth King
The Guru
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3: Fire
The Awakening (Part One)
The Awakening (Part Two)
The Headband
The Beach (Part One)
The Beach (Part Two)
The Avatar and the Firelord
Nightmares and Daydreams
Day of the Black Sun: Part 1
Day of the Black Sun: Part 2
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Masters (Part One)
The Firbending Masters (Part Two)
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
The Southern Raiders
The Ember Island Players (Part One)
The Ember Island Players (Part Two)
The Phoenix King
The Old Masters
Into the Inferno
Thank You!!!

Avatar Aang

1.9K 51 17
By Star_Child9301

The End


Zuko tried to stand as Ivana fought Azula back away from him and Katara. Katara made him lie down, taking out her water to try and heal him. Ivana watched Azula carefully, however it wasn't going to be enough. She was nowhere near skilled enough to beat Azula.

They sent wall after wall of fire at each other. Ivana was angry, all she wanted to do was hurt Azula. Hurt her for everything she'd ever done. However, a thought caused her to pause. Azula is fourteen years old. She's like this because her father is a sociopath. If she were a sociopath too, she wouldn't have broken like this.

Azula took the pause in their match to shoot a bolt of lightning at Ivana. She was able to jump out of the way, but it let her be open to another blast of fire. She rolled out of the way, only to have her leg and her other foot caught in the flames. Ivana screamed. She watched Azula come closer, a demented smile on her face. Ivana tried to back away, blasting fire at Azula as she approached. Each blast was deflected. Fear crawled into Ivana's throat, her leg and foot burned severely. She couldn't run away. She blasted as much fire she could at her with her remaining strength, only to have Azula deflect it.

Ivana watched as Azula was thrown to the side with a torrent of water. She stared up at the comet in the sky as the pain from her legs radiated. The heat was unbearable. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to think of anything else.

"'Vana!" she heard as she blinked slowly, trying to stay awake, despite her brain telling her to rest. She turned to head to see Zuko slowly crawling toward her.

"I'm okay," she said softly, "You are not. You need to lay down."

"Even at a time like this you nag," Zuko said, reaching her. He rolled over on his back, exhausted and in pain. Ivana watched Katara freeze herself and Azula in a block of ice. "Uh, listen, if I don't make it... I mean you know..."

"You are so awkward," Ivana said, laughing a little. She looked down at him. "You're going to survive. You always do. Besides, you still have to kiss me," she mumbled. Ivana looked down at her legs, the sight making her sick. The pain started to fade as her mind clouded. She felt herself fall to the floor before there was black.


Ivana woke up to Katara healing her leg. She swayed a bit as she sat up. "What happened?" she asked, looking around. She was in her old room. Normally that would have cause her to panic, but Katara was there.

"Well, I beat Azula for you and Zuko because you both managed to get yourselves hurt. Your foot should be fine, but I don't know about your leg. You might walk with a cane." Ivana looked down at her legs. She wiggled her foot that Katara seemed to heal all the way.

"My foot doesn't hurt," she said. She tried to wiggle her other set of toes, finding that she couldn't.

"I think Azula's fire was so hot it fried the nerves in your foot. I was able to save it though. I'm sorry, Ivana," Katara said. "There isn't much more I can do." She looked at her with sadness.

"Well at least I didn't fry myself from the inside out like somebody. I'm not in pain anymore, and that's what matters to me. Thank you, Katara. Thank you so much," Ivana said, holding out her arms for a hug. Katara gave her a hug. "Now where is the stubborn prince?"

"It's about to be Firelord," Katara laughed. "I kicked him out a few minutes ago. He was freaking out because you weren't awake yet. If it doesn't hurt, you can try to walk." Ivana tried to get out of bed, standing up. She couldn't feel her one foot at all. Katara rushed over with a crutch.

"We thought you might need this." Ivana nodded, taking it and trying it out. It took a few tries but she seemed to get the hang of it. Katara helped her walk out of her room to find Zuko. They found him in his room. "I'll leave you two alone," Katara said, winking at Ivana before letting her be.

Zuko walked quickly over to her. "Should you be walking? Are you in any pain? Do you need to sit?" he asked, quickly.

"Aw, you're cute when you worry," she giggled. "I'm fine. I just can't feel my foot anymore. But it could be worse. I could be you," Ivana teased, poking his chest. Zuko blushed, walking a few feet away to grab his robe.

"My coronation is today," Zuko said, trying to put his robe on. He groaned in pain. The scar on her chest made her frown.

"Let me help you." He walked over to her. Ivana gently helped him into his robe while she balanced on one foot. "There," she said, finishing tying it. She looked up at him.

"So... Do you remember what you said before you passed out?" Zuko asked, awkwardly. He avoided her gaze.

"I remember," she said softly. "I know I said no before, but I've done some thinking and got some unsolicited advice from our friends and Uncle. You make me so happy, so I'm saying yes if you'll still-" Ivana was interrupted by Zuko pressing his lips to hers. She put her hands on the sides of his face, pulling him in. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer. She melted into him before he gasped in pain.

"Too close," he groaned.

"Sorry!" she said, pulling back.

"I didn't say stop kissing me," he grinned. She laughed before pulling him in for another kiss.

"Hey, Zuk- Oh," Aang said, shuffling his feet awkwardly. Ivana pulled away, blushing. "Sorry guys. Uh, Ivana, your brother's here along with everyone else we had to leave behind at the air temple. Katara gave me directions to come get the both of you. The ceremony is about to start."

Ivana smiled at the thought of seeing her brother. She gave Zuko a kiss on the cheek before limping away, leaving Aang and Zuko. She found her brother in the plaza. "Who let you in here?" she asked.

"Ina!" Botan said happily, before noticing her leg. "What did you do?"

"I fought Azula and lost," she said simply. "I'm fine, really. No pain," she said, tapping her leg with her crutch. Botan rushed over and hugged her.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be calling her Lala anymore."

"Does that mean you'll stop calling me Ruru?" Haru asked, coming up behind them. He put an arm around Botan as he stepped back. Ivana looked between them suspiciously.

"I can't believe you got a boyfriend before me," she huffed.

"Like you and Zuko didn't just makeout?" Katara said, coming up behind her.

"You aren't supposed to tell my brother that! Do you want me to tell Sokka you kissed Aang at the invasion?"

"How did you know about that!?"

"Toph told me. Wait, how did you even know I kissed Zuko?"

"I was right outside the door. I was worried you might collapse or fall."

"You just wanted to eavesdrop!"

"I thought I heard my granddaughter's voice."

"Grandfather! You're out of bed!" Ivana gasped, running to him and giving him a hug. Ru stood behind him, pushing his wheelchair.

"Well I'm not going to miss a Firelord's coronation," Tu Sung said. He looked up at the others, his eyes widening at the sight of Botan. "You're alive?"

"Hey, gramps," Botan said, looking down at the ground. Ivana looked between them.

"Well get over here and hug an old man. I can't believe it," Tu Sung said. Ivana swore she saw tears in his eyes. Botan rushed over and hugged him.

The gongs began to sound throughout the plaza. Zuko appeared as the crowd cheered.

"Please. The real hero is the Avatar," Zuko said, standing aside so Aang could join him. "Today this war is finally over! I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation. And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace." Ivana felt tears gather in her eyes. She held onto Ru as Zuko kneeled and a fire sage put the Fire Lord headpiece on Zuko's top knot.

"All hail Fire Lord Zuko!" Everyone cheered as Zuko stood.


"Love, you didn't make this, right?" Ivana asked as Zuko poured her a cup of tea. She smiled up at him sweetly.

Zuko rolled his eyes. "No, Uncle did." She smiled wider, taking a sip.

"Zuko, stop moving! I'm trying to capture the moment. I wanted to do a painting, so we always remember the good times together," Sokka said, focusing back on his painting. Ivana shook her head.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka," Katara said as she looked over his shoulder at his painting. "Wait, why did you give me Momo's ears?"

"Those are your hair loopies!" Sokka said defensively. Ivana got up and used her cane to walk over to them. She looked at his picture and stifled a laugh.

"At least you don't look like a boar-q-pine! My hair is not that spiky!" Zuko said.

"Where is my leg, Sokka?" Ivana asked, seeing herself with only one leg.

"And why did you paint me firebending?" Suki asked, confused.

"I thought it looked more exciting that way." Momo jumped on the table and chattered at him. "Oh, you think you can do a better job, Momo?"

"Hey, my belly's not that big anymore. I've really trimmed down," Iroh said, pouting.

"Well, I think you all look perfect!" Toph said. Ivana laughed with everyone else as Sokka pouted.

Ivana felt Zuko's arm wrap around her waist. She leaned into him, taking some weight off her foot. She looked up at him and smiled. "I can't believe we have to leave tomorrow," she said, somewhat sadly.

"There's a lot to do. It's going to be a few weeks before we have more downtime. Are you sure you aren't changing your mind?" Zuko asked, knowing the traveling was tiring now that she needed a crutch.

"The last few months have been hard, but I'll follow you to the end of the world," Ivana smiled, giving him a soft kiss.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." 

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