Boys x3 (DJ)

By SiniGilbert

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A light hearted story about love, friendship and family drama. In order to get close to her ultimate musical... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

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By SiniGilbert

I removed my beard and wig as I got ready for bed. I thought to text Vlad and ask if he was ok... I was worried about him. I kept telling myself that he was an adult and that he can manage himself. around 11:15 as I was about to turn off the lights I got a phone call from tum-tum.

(Phone) Shawn: hey tum-tum! what's up?

(Phone) Ranger: uhh your so-called idol DJ is at the house.

(Phone) Shawn: what?! he's there?!

(Phone) Ranger: yeah, he asked if he could stay the night, something happened? are you ok?

(Phone) Shawn: I'm perfectly alright. Vlad's mother is visiting and the two of them don't see eye to eye. Vlad left the house to get some distance from her.

(Phone) Ranger: gotcha. have you eaten?

(Phone) Shawn: yes. you?

(Phone) Ranger: I ate at the office.

(Phone) Shawn: I'll sleep now. take care of him tum-tum. he wasn't exactly a happy camper when he stormed out of the house. don't tell him I know he's at my place as of now. and you don't stay up all night.

(Phone) Ranger: yeah yeah

(Phone) Shawn: where is he now? asleep?

(Phone) Ranger: he's using the bathroom. take care kiddo.

I hung up the phone feeling relieved that he was somewhere safe. I was surprised that he'd still go to my house even though I wasn't there. I'm glad he did. I could sleep in peace knowing he's safe.

Vladimir's point of view

I drove off so angry that I had no idea where I was going? how dare she?! why on earth is mother setting me up with one of her friend's daughters?! isn't Ivan more suitable for such tasks or is she not involving Ivan because of his condition? either way she doesn't care about me like she does Ivan, so she needs to stay out of my life! I drove around without a purpose, and I was getting tired of it. I was too stubborn to return to the house, so I kept on driving. I drove around in circle not sure what I was doing myself... I heard the police sirens go off which startled me! I looked through my mirror to see that they were tailing me. I pulled over to the side and saw from my side mirror that one of them was getting out. I rolled down the window with my driver's license ready in hand. what a drag!

(Talking into a walkie talkie) ?: suspect has pulled over.

The officer approaches my window. I gasp.

Ranger: Vladimir?

Vladimir: tum- I mean ranger sir?

Ranger: I was wondering who it was.

Vladimir: you're a cop?

Ranger: uhhh yeah, I do more detective work than patrolling. the Lambo looked familiar, but I had to be sure.

Vladimir: so, are we good?

Ranger: oh yeah, but what are you doing out so late?

Vladimir: oh, uhh nothing really. wanted to get my mind off of stuff.

Ranger: everything ok? is Shawn, ok?

Vladimir: yes, yes all is well. no need to worry.

Ranger: hurry and get home then. I'll head back to the station and get my actual car. night Vladimir.

Vladimir: night sir.

He spoke into his walkie talkie while heading back to the car and drove off. that's strange Shawn never told me that his guardian was a detective. I drove towards Shawn's house. once I reached, I parked in the driveway and sat at the doorstep waiting patiently for ranger to arrive. I wanted to stay the night at Shawn's place... I know it was rude to intrude but I felt comfortable at his place. I saw his car pull up into the driveway. he got out of the car with a laptop bag and a couple of folders.

(Walks to the door) ranger: Vladimir?!

(Stands up) Vladimir: here, let me help.

I take the folders out of his hand so that he could reach for the house keys. he eyed me strangely as he unlocked the door. we stepped inside and I placed the folders on the dining table. ranger closed the door behind him and turned on the lights in the house. I watched him remove his coat and then place his laptop bag on the table.

ranger: what's up?

Vladimir: if it's alright with you, could I stay the night?

He gave me a shocked look. I kept my hands behind my back and averted my eyes away from his gaze.

Ranger: what's the problem?

Vladimir: nothing really, it's just that the house was getting to crowded.

Ranger: your mansion was getting crowded??

Vladimir: can I stay or not? I don't want to be a bother to you if it's going to be a problem.

I was hoping he wouldn't turn me away. I tried to keep my annoyance in control, I didn't like that he was asking me questions, but it was a natural thing to do when someone shows up late at your doorstep.

Ranger: you can stay.

Vladimir: thank you sir.

Ranger: coffee?

Vladimir: uhh hot water with lemon please.

(Dawns on him) ranger: that's why Shawn bought lemons.

Vladimir: excuse me?

Ranger: when he had those few days off, we went grocery shopping, and he bought a few lemons. now I know why.

Vladimir: how thoughtful of him.

A smile formed on my face thinking about the small act of kindness Shawn has done. did he expect me to visit more often? is that why he bought lemons? if so I'm happy.

Ranger: are you hungry?

Vladimir: no, I just ate.

Ranger: did Shawn eat?

Vladimir: he must have by now.

Ranger: must have? doesn't he eat with you three?

Vladimir: yeah usually, but today...

Ranger: today?

Vladimir: uhh it's kinda a long story...

Ranger: I'm gonna be up all night working on these files, so I've got time.

Vladimir: ok, but first I'll use the bathroom.

I walk over to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror I saw a worn-out reflection of myself. I splashed some cold water over my face. after I came out of the room my hot water with lemon was waiting for me at the table. ranger had his laptop open while pressing on some keys and then taking a few sips of his coffee. I sat diagonally from him.

Ranger: start talking kid. should I be concerned?

Vladimir: no.

Ranger: ok, then I won't interrogate you any further.

What happened to him suddenly? moments ago he was very keen on knowing what was going on.

Vladimir: so... you're a detective, which police station do you work at?

Ranger: the one that's 20 minutes away from your mansion.

Vladimir: oh nice, is it stressful?

Ranger: very. it pays the bills and keeps people safe so it's ok.

(Smile) Vladimir: I bet you do background checks on all the girls Shawn hangs out with huh.

(Typing) Ranger: oooh yeah! when it comes to that boy, I'm very protective. he and terra are the only kids I have.

Vladimir: terra?

Ranger: Terra is my daughter. her mother got custody of her.

Vladimir: oh. I'm sorry.

Ranger: no no it's fine. I wouldn't be able to take care of her because I'm a work-a-holic.

Vladimir: how old is she?

Ranger: 16

16? any 16-year-old can handle things on their own. why wouldn't this terra chick be able to do the same? ranger must have sensed my uncertainty.

Ranger: she's autistic, she doesn't function like a normal teenager does.

Vladimir: she's like Ivan.

Ranger: but her symptoms are much worse than your brother's.

This news shouldn't be coming to me as a shock, but it was! I didn't know anything about Shawn. it was settled I was going to have a long ass conversation with him about everything and anything. ranger never took his eyes off his laptop while he held the conversation with me.

Ranger: if you're feeling sorry for me then don't. I get to see terra every Christmas and Shawn keeps me company always. well, he would if you give him more days off.

Vladimir: if I leave it up to you, you wouldn't even send him back to the mansion.

(Smile) ranger: heyyy now you're catching on! when does his work period end?

Vladimir: end of this month...

It dawned on me that I wouldn't have him around after the end of this month. I'd be in Asia, and he'd go back to his life... what if I asked him to come along with me for my tour...

Ranger: don't even think about it.

Vladimir: w-what?

Ranger: about extending his work period. you've had him long enough.

Vladimir: it would have been nice to have him on tour with me.

Ranger: when is your tour?

Vladimir: next month. all of Asia. India, Japan, China, Singapore, Vietnam, south Korea, Philippines and many more.

Ranger: that's a lot of countries. that's almost 6 months of your time on tour?

Vladimir: almost a year. ten months to be exact.

Ranger: will you get home sick?

Vladimir: no. there isn't much of a home to come back to.

Ranger: I see. do you enjoy what you do?

Vladimir: very much! I love to being involved with my music and fans.

Ranger: wouldn't your girlfriend miss you? unless she's coming on tour with you

Vladimir: I'm not dating anyone at the moment. what about you? have you thought about dating?

Ranger: me? ha! no I'm married to my work. maybe when I retire or something I'll think about it.

Vladimir: when your 65? that's too old in my opinion.

Ranger: I don't think so, a lot of elderly folks are still getting "giggy with it"

Vladimir: first of all, no one says "giggy with it" anymore and second, disgusting! I don't even want to know why old people are sexually active.

Ranger: when you're a detective there are a lot of things you can't unsee when you've seen them.

I gave him a cringey look and shuddered at the thought.

Vladimir: since you're an old timer, I'm guessing you aren't a fan of my music.

Ranger: nope. your music gives me a headache. I tolerate it because my boy likes it.

(Smile) Vladimir: I've never met a fan like him...

Ranger: Your music was his solace after his parents passed was undeniably a dark time for him, and your music kept him going.

Vladimir: Must have been challenging for the two of you.

Ranger: I hated seeing him like absolute wreck.

The mood was getting heavy, and Ranger noticed it too. He cleared his throat and gave me a smile of reassurance. I decided to change the topic to a lighter one.

Vladimir: what kind of music are you into then?

Ranger: beetles, rolling stone, Abba, Simon and Garfunkel, Michael Jackson, queenie, bee gees. the list is never ending.

(Smile) Vladimir: old is gold.

My eyes were growing heavy, and a yawn escaped my mouth.

Ranger: go sleep kid. I'll be up for another 2 hours.

I stood up and stretched. I excused myself and went into Shawn's room. I closed the door behind me and sank into his bed. as soon as my head touched the pillow, I was wide awake again. I scrolled through my Instagram feed. Shawn hadn't messaged me at all since the time I left... was everything ok at home? I hope mother wasn't giving him too much trouble... it's his own fault. I told him to come along, and he didn't. I grabbed the other pillow and cuddled with it. memories of me holding Shawn like this flooded my mind... the night he passed out in my arms. he looked so innocent and defenseless. my dick started twitching slightly and I pushed the pillow away as if I was physically pushing those thoughts out of my head.

Vladimir: what the hell am I reacting to.

That whole night Shawn clung onto me. his skin is soft and his lips plump. I shook my head again and decided to watch porn. I had to get my mind off Shawn. I didn't watch much porn I preferred the actual thing then watching others do it on camera. watching boobs bounce and women moaning in pleasure had my dick standing in attention. then I decided to experiment... I decided to watch some gay porn to see if I'd get the same reaction as when watching men and women have sex. lesbian sex kept my dick erect, but as soon as I started watching men having sex with other men I was disgusted, and I had lost my boner instantly.

Vladimir: I'm never doing that again. that was uncultured.

Then why? if I was getting turned off watching men having sex with other men why didn't it feel like that when I thought about Shawn? even that time during beer pong when lex dared me to enact my favorite sex positions I didn't feel awkward at all doing it with Shawn. was it because I was drunk? but I could clearly remember his facial expressions, and as lex said it did turn me on slightly. seeing him look so embarrassed and having him easily fit into my arms made my dick move again. he didn't seem manly from any angle. he looked delicate, small, and womanly when he had a clean shaved face.

Vladimir: could he have had gender surgery?

No way! no way! I was falling for a guy?! wait, was I? not that there is anything wrong with being gay... it's just I never thought I'd feel this way towards another guy. I tossed and turned again, not ready to accept this notion. it wasn't natural for me. I've slept with a couple of girls from time to time and I've enjoyed it. I don't know what's wrong with me! all that crap Dilan and Ivan talked has messed with my head! I don't like Shawn like that, I like him because he's a close friend! I'm thinking too much! maybe... maybe I should consider mother's offer? no! I can find someone on my own. I don't need her help.

Vladimir: I'm going to hook up with a nice Asian girl during my tour! one Asian from each country!

That's what I say, but will I actually come through? highly doubt, I don't go looking for girls they just come to me. I'm always into my music. I'll just go with the flow, whatever happens will happen. my eyes closed and soon I was off to sleep, all thoughts leaving my mind. the next morning, I woke up to water running and pots and pans shifting around in the kitchen. I woke up and headed for the bathroom. brushed my teeth with my finger and washed my face.

Vladimir: morning ranger. what time is it?

Ranger: 8:00. I'm running late for work. I packed some breakfast for you in a lunch box.

Vladimir: oh.

Ranger: I don't mean to be rude, but if you could leave now. so, I can lock up and head for work.

Vladimir: yeah, yeah, no problem I understand. I'll leave now. thanks again for letting me crash here.

Ranger: take care kid. don't make it a habit to come here, there are nights where I don't come home at all.

Vladimir: I'll just call you if I want to come over again.

Ranger: no. please don't. it's weird having a famous person staying over.

I smiled and opened the door. both of us stepped out and he locked the door. I placed the lunch box in my car and waited for him to back out first. he waved bye before driving off.

Vladimir's point of view ends

My morning started off with as a disaster! Mr. Wesley informed me that I was to be Mrs. drake's personal butler and only do her bidding. she hadn't ordered anything to awful but being around her was torture enough. Vlad was exactly like his mother; I don't care how much he'll deny it, but he is exactly like his mother when it came to giving orders. grin and bear it was my motto for the day. I asked Ivan when we got a moment alone how long his mother was planning on staying. Ivan told me three days.

Mrs. drake: rose, I'll be having a guest over so please prepare another plate at the table.

Shawn: yes madam.

Mrs. drake: my guest likes apple juice so have that ready as well.

I nodded and did as she told. who was coming early in the morning to visit?

Shawn: will Mr. drake be joining us this morning?

Mrs. drake: no, he is much too busy with handling the company.

Shawn: is there anything else to be done madam?? anything about this guest I should know so I can be prepared?

Mrs. drake: no no this is all. such a well-mannered child how old are you Mr. rose?

Shawn: 22 madam.

Mrs. drake: such a young man. do you not plan to study?

Shawn: I will continue with my college courses next month madam. I am only under contract for three months.

Mrs. drake: have you had breakfast yet?

Shawn: no madam, I'll attend to my own needs once the guest has been settled in.

Mrs. drake actually smiled at me! I was really surprised at the fact she smiled so humbly. the main door opened with a loud creak and my attention fell to the entrance right away.

(Almost a whisper) Shawn: it's Vlad.

I ran towards the door and stopped halfway. I saw him walk through the doors and felt a sense of happiness. he saw me and I had no option but to greet him.

Shawn: good morning, sir.

Vladimir: mom's still here I'm guessing.

Shawn: yeah.

Vladimir: she hasn't troubled you that much, has she?

Shawn: she's your mother, she isn't trouble

(Walks in) Mrs. drake: oh, Vladimir it's you. good morning.

Vlad just ignores her and begins to walk towards the stairs.

Mrs. drake: get freshened up asap. I've invited a guest this morning and she'll be here any minute.

It's a she? Vladimir still had no response and continued walking up the stairs. once he reached the top, he did look down at me for a long moment. he didn't hint anything just watched me as I made my way back into the kitchen. 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, and I was told to escort our guest into the kitchen. she was gorgeous! beyond beautiful, creamy white skin with rosy, pink cheeks and a shade of peach colored lipstick she wore. I was stunned to the point no words came out of my mouth when she greeted me with a hello. I finally snap out of it and smile back at her.

Shawn: hello Ms. may I take your coat for you?

?: yes please. thank you.

Shawn: are you here to visit Mrs. drake?

?: yes.

She hands me the coat and I ask her to wait a moment while I hang her coat.

Shawn: this way Ms.

I led her to the kitchen where Mrs. drake immediately shakes her hand and they both exchange kisses. she had long brown hair that was curled at the ends and big dark brown eyes. she looked like a doll. she had a thin waist and larger chest than me... she wore nude-colored heels and simple black dress with a scalloped bateau neckline. the dress was knee length and had a flowy skirt. she was like a life size Barbie doll.

Mrs. drake: you look more beautiful than the last time is saw you.

?: your too kind Mrs. drake.

I wanted to know so badly who she was!!!! she didn't look like a businessman's daughter... then again, I wouldn't know about that. I have no idea who's famous in the business world.

Mrs. drake: Serena please sit. have some breakfast.

Serena! ok Serena who? I need a full name if I wanna google who you are. Vlad walked into the kitchen with wet hair and a towel around his neck. he was dressed in pajama bottoms and a Pokémon graphic tee.

Vladimir: what's for breakfast- Serena?

Serena: hey there Dracula.

"Dracula"?? they know each other? who is she?! why the hell was I getting my nickers in a twist about who she was? the two of them exchanged a small hug before Vlad sat down next to her.

Vladimir: why has mother invited you here all of a sudden?

Mrs. drake: rose. you may have your breakfast now.

after grabbing my food and going into the servant's dining room I messaged Ivan.

(Text) Shawn: go to the dining table quick it's an emergency!! I need to know who she is!

Within two minutes I heard Ivan's voice come from the kitchen. he too greeted Serena with a hint of surprise in his voice. was she a family friend? was Mrs. drake going to set her and Vlad up for a date? Vlad would be out of his mind if he turned down a girl like her. there's no way he'd say no to a girl like that! just thinking about it annoyed me. I kept moving my food around the plate instead of eating it. it was bothering me to the point almost pushed my plate off the table. Dilan's voice could be heard, he was the happiest of the three to see her. I went out with my half empty plate. I disposed of the waste and washed my plate, secretly eavesdropping in on their conversation.

Mrs. drake: Serena's going to Asia as well.

Serena: I'm so excited, I'll be there for six months.

Vladimir: I'll be in Asia for about ten months, if we end up crossing paths then we should hang out.

Ivan came over to the sink with his empty plate and I literally crashed into him.

(Whisper) Shawn: who is she?

(Low voice) Ivan: that's Serena Mcgarden she's a fashion designer.

(whisper) Shawn: oh.

Ivan: she's the one that designed our tuxedos for the anniversary.

(Loud whisper) Shawn: what?! no way!

she's beautiful and talented.

(Whisper) Shawn: is Mrs. drake trying to get them together?

Ivan: highly possible.

(Whisper) Shawn: but you said she's a designer. how does that benefit Mrs. drake? she's a businesswoman.

Mrs. drake: rose, please take our plates, and clear the table.

Shawn: right away madam.

Our conversation was cut short, but I'd get the scoop later! not only did she look elegant and graceful she was an intellectual woman. they all decided to hang out by the pool, and they all looked happy. I don't remember seeing her at the anniversary though... I was told to do my daily routine chores, that I wasn't needed for the time being. I'd walk by occasionally to see what kind of atmosphere they had. Vlad was amused and laughing around her! it pissed me off for some reason seeing him all smiley like that around her. another 2 hours went by, and they still all seemed to be enjoying each other's company. I saw Vlad help her out of her chair and the two of them came walking into the house. I ran into one of the rooms so that they didn't see me eavesdropping with a bunch of cleaning supplies in my hands.

(Shouts) Vladimir: Shawn! Shawn!

I almost drop the bucket of cleaning supplies when I heard him call out my name.

(Rushes) Shawn: y-yes sir?

Vladimir: please get Serena her coat and my car keys.

Shawn: right away.

I did as I was told. I handed the keys off to Vlad and the coat.

Shawn: have a nice day.

Vladimir: thanks.

(Smile) Serena: pardon me I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but have you had gender surgery?

Shawn: n-no. I have not.

That took me and Vlad by surprise. I wasn't expecting such a bold question to come out of her mouth.

Serena: I'm sorry if I have offended you. it's just I haven't seen such a womanly man before.

Vlad nudges her in the arm.

Vladimir: sorry about that Shawn, Usagi here is very open and straightforward about things.

"Usagi"? really? they freaking have nicknames for each other?! just cuz her name matches the dubbed version of sailor moon you call her Usagi?

Serena: my brother wants to get gender surgery done and I thought you could help.... again sorry. you're a beautiful man.

Shawn: it's ok. I get that a lot.

I smiled and waved at the two of them as they left the house. I let out a sigh after they were no longer in my line of sight. I turned to see Mrs. drake and the boys walk in.

Mrs. drake: I'm going out for a bit as well. rose, would you like to accompany me?

Shawn: would you feel bad if I told you that I have many things left unattended at the house and that I'd prefer to finish them off?

Mrs. drake: yes.

Shawn: then madam I will gladly accompany you.

Mrs. drake smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

Mrs. drake: wear casual clothes and meet me out in 10 minutes.

I looked at Ivan and Dilan for an explanation, Ivan shrugged his shoulders and Dilan frowned. I let out another sigh of frustration as I stomped up the stairs. I changed into a pair of jeans and a light pink shirt. I know Mrs. drake said casual but semi formal was what she meant by "casual". she was a public figure, and I didn't want her to be seen with a commoner like me. more like I didn't want to be seen with her.

(Buttoning up) Shawn: dress to impress.

I was waiting by her car. Mr. Wesley came with a huge tote bag.

Mr. Wesley: here you go Mr. rose.

Shawn: what's all this Mr. Wesley?

Mr. Wesley: some water, wine, lunch, snacks.

Shawn: where is it that Mrs. drake is going?

Mr. Wesley: she is going to be shadowing the young master.

Shawn: WHAT?!!

Mr. Wesley: yes. also, this is your packed lunch. master Ivan wanted me to deliver it to you.

Mrs. drake and I are going to be spying on Vlad?! could this day get any worse!? Mrs. drake and I were off, she kept in constant contact with one of Vlad's bodyguards about their location. they had stopped at a nearby ice cream place. I saw Vlad parking his car and get out of the car with his hood up and shades on. Serena followed him. she wrapped a head scarf around her hair and wore shades as well.

Mrs. drake: nicely done Serena. guess even my own son can't resist your charm.

I stared out the opposite window, I just couldn't stand to see the two of them together. I hated the fact we were spying on them as well. we had ice cream at home, she could have had some if she really wanted!

Mrs. drake: what do you suppose they are talking about rose?

(Not interested) Shawn: I don't know, maybe about the anniversary since she designed sir's suit.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to people watch.

Mrs. drake: ugh! please don't even bring that up. that was a disaster.

Shawn: oh? did you not enjoy the event madam?

Mrs. drake: I was disgusted. everything about it was flawed.

Shawn: I see, but do you not consider the efforts the sirs went through to make it happen?

Mrs. drake: they didn't put enough effort.

I rolled my eyes at her. she was a stubborn old goat. if something was wrong in her eyes then there was no changing that.

Shawn: madam, do you not wish to see your children happy?

Mrs. drake: I do, but they are still young and inexperienced. I have seen more of this world than Ivan and Vladimir, so I know what's best for them.

Shawn: if you always step in for them how do you expect them to mature and learn?

Mrs. drake turned her head to look at me and there was astonishment written all over her face. suddenly I was feeling bolder.

Shawn: aren't you afraid of pushing them away if you keep interfering in their lives? Vladimir sir already feels as if he's suffocating around you madam.

She didn't speak, so I continued to say more.

Shawn: there is a possibility even Ivan sir would get frustrated by your actions. I say trust your children's judgements because you have raised them well.

Mrs. drake: such big words from a young man...

Shawn: I'm sorry madam. it's only been 3 months, but I have grown very attached to those who I serve in the Drac household. I want nothing but the best for them and I want to protect them as much as you do.

I don't know why I was pouring my heart out to her.

Shawn: in these 3 months I have seen each of them grow so much that it makes me happy to have witnessed it first-hand. sir Ivan has grown much more open to having people in his personal space, Dilan sir has learned time management and preparing for his classes when he isn't goofing off.

Mrs. drake: and Vladimir?

Shawn: he's grown most of all. though he doesn't like to admit it or show it. he cares for his brother deeply. he admires you and Mr. drake so much that he did his absolute best to write the two of you that special song.

She turned back to see what the two of them were doing.

Shawn: he has a kind heart, and he only has one aim in life. that is to make people happy through his music.

Mrs. drake: they seem to be leaving the ice cream shop.

We were getting ready to follow them when I spoke again.

Shawn: pardon me, but I feel we are wasting time following them.

Mrs. drake: you are a very talkative person. why shouldn't we follow them?

Shawn: Ms. Serena is the ideal women you prefer and even Vladimir sir seems to have taken interest. we should give them privacy and time. if things like this continue to happen between the two of them, then I'm sure it will lead to the two of them starting a relationship.

Mrs. drake crossed her arms and sat back in her seat. Vlad's car drove off and we were still parked. honestly speaking the only reason, I didn't want to spy on them was because it was too painful. the more I denied it, the more I refused to acknowledge, and the more I tried to hide it was what caused me the pain. I was in love with Vladimir drake. to see him smile so happily with another girl was too much for me to handle.

Mrs. drake: very well... let's go home then.

Shawn: it's still a nice day out madam. do you have any errands to run? we can get those out of the way.

Mrs. drake: I do.

We did a little bit of shopping and went to the bank so that she could revise and sign a few important documents. I stood by her side in silence. my mind was still stuck on Vlad and Serena. what were they doing right now at this very moment? was he telling her his deepest thoughts? was he letting his guard down in front of her? was he laughing and cracking jokes with her?

(Gets back into the car) Mrs. drake: what's the matter with you rose?

Shawn: hmm?

Mrs. drake: a little while ago you were talking your mouth off, now your quiet as a mouse.

I didn't say anything just smiled at her. funny how she seemed more approachable with Shawn than Sharon... just because I splatted cake on her face, she detests me. I was worlds apart from Vlad and I knew that, but why do I want it to work out so badly? I want to stay by his side. we reached home and I was drained even though I didn't do anything. Vlad's car was already back at the estate and Mrs. drake crinkled her nose in response. the only way for Vlad to be happy and his mother to be happy is if I just keep my distance. sure, I'm not thrilled about this whole thing but there isn't anything I can do about it. it's my fault, I should have been fine with just supporting him from a distance, I can't be by him 24/7.

(Talking to herself) Shawn: this is one big mess.

Ivan: what is?

I didn't realize Ivan appeared in front of me until his nose was practically touching mine. he didn't maintain that stance for long.

Shawn: oh, hello Ivan.

I handed him the lunch box.

Shawn: thank you for the food.

(Feels the weight) Ivan: you didn't even take a single bite.

Shawn: I wasn't hungry, but it looked really yummy.

Mrs. drake's three days were up. she and Vlad kept their distance from one another and respected each other's wishes. Vlad didn't come down from his room to send her off. Vlad was texting Serena often... I'd see the notification and bits of their conversation when I'd give him a massage.

(Text) Vladimir: haha Usagi I think your brain is filled with stripes and polka dots. nothing else.

(Text) Serena: don't suck the fun out of everything Dracula. see my new design.

(Text) Vladimir: woah that's really good. it's better than the ones you designed for us.

(Text) Serena: will you and Dilan be my models? I have to present this in 3 days. you can wear the purple and Dilan can wear the yellow

(Text) Vladimir: why such bright colors?

(Text) Serena: going for a wonderland meets K-pop theme.

(Text) Vladimir: I'm gonna look like a boy with luv? (Eyes rolling smiley)

Seeing their constant emojis irritated me. I jabbed my elbow into his mid-back

(Slight pain) Vladimir: ugh Shawn.

I dug my nails into his back as I rubbed it.

Vladimir: Shawn!

Vladimir quickly turns to face me. he was confused too why I was being rough. I looked down at the floor half ashamed and the other half annoyed.

Vladimir: you're hurting me.

Shawn: my bad. I'll go ahead and leave now.

Vladimir: you can't leave, my massage isn't over.

Shawn: I shall continue sir.

Vladimir: sir? you can drop the horrifics, mother isn't here anymore.

Shawn: I've been thinking I should be more formal with you sir.

(Sits up) Vladimir: why?

Shawn: people will think bad

Vladimir: and when did you start caring about what others think?

Shawn: I don't but I don't want your image spoiled.

Vladimir: but we are alone. you can call me by name.

Shawn: I need to get into the habit now itself.

I needed to get into the habit of distancing myself from him. I have to keep reminding myself that we are worlds apart and whatever I thought was/would happen is all in my head. the next couple of days I avoided him completely. I wouldn't sit with the boys during mealtimes, and I wouldn't chill with them in the game room. even for serena's design presentation I declined Vlad's invitation to tag along. I instructed Dilan separately on how to tackle things if problems occurred, especially if there were wardrobe malfunctions. when I was asked why I didn't want to attend I gave the excuse I wasn't feeling well.

(Vladimir working on his laptop) Shawn: sir, your hot water with lemon.

I place the cup at his desk and inform him that I'd come by later to give his massage.

Vladimir: hey Shawn?

Shawn: yes sir?

Vladimir: is everything ok?

Shawn: yes sir, everything is absolutely fine.

Vladimir: have I done something to upset you?

Shawn: not at all. what makes you say that?

Vladimir: can you drop the act? it's getting on my nerves.

Shawn: act?

Vladimir: this act of being so formal!

I could see Vlad's irritation. I didn't want to be this way either, but this was the only way for everyone to be happy.

Vladimir: you stopped having meals with us, we don't sit and chat when you bring me my hot water. it seems like I'm seeing you less and less nowa days.

Shawn: I've just been busy with the housework lately that's all.

Vladimir: did my mother say something to you? cuz you've been acting strange ever since she left.

Shawn: no nothing of the sort. your mother is truly a genuine madam surprisingly.

Vladimir: something's off. you didn't even come with Dilan and I for the design presentation.

Shawn: I wasn't well sir.

Vladimir: you seemed just fine. laughing and giggling at whatever it was Ivan was saying to you that day.

Crap he saw that?

Vladimir: talk to me. I wanna fix it if I did something wrong.

Shawn: no, please don't feel that way sir. you have done no such thing.

Vladimir: again, with the "sir"?

I was pretty sure I was going to break down in tears if it wasn't for Ivan popping in.

Ivan: brother. Serena has sent the photos of your runway presentation.

Vladimir: really? she sent them to you?

Ivan: to Dilan via email.

(Opens his email) Vladimir: oh duh! the picture resolution would be better through email.

I took the opportunity to make my escape with the empty cup. I needed a break... I'd ask Vlad later if I could take a day or two off to go see tum-tum. that night I called up tum-tum and the two of us had a long chat. well technically I was prolonging the conversation because I didn't want to hang up. I hung up when there was a knock on my door. whoever it was didn't even wait for my response of for me to open the door.

(Walks in) Vladimir: I've texted trice and called twice. who are you on the phone with?

Shawn: my apologizes sir. I was speaking to tum- I mean ranger.

Vladimir: oh, so now you're gonna be formal about everything?

Vlad jumps onto my bed and sprawls out, he removed his shirt and laid on his stomach.

Vladimir: massage, now.

Shawn: let's go to your room for that.

Vladimir: it's my house I can be anywhere I want. since you want to act like master and servant, I order you to give me a massage right here and now.

Shawn: but-

Vladimir: quiet servant. just do as your told.

He couldn't see me sticking my tongue out at him. this was too much, even for him. still, I repressed my annoyance and massaged his upper back first.

(5 minutes into the massage) Shawn: is it ok if I take a few days off? to visit ranger?

Vladimir: no.

Shawn: why not?

Vladimir: servants aren't allowed so many days off.

We didn't speak a word to each other after that. about 20 minutes passed by and my hands were cramping up.

Shawn: I'm done.

I got no response from him. I walked over to the other side, where his face was to see that he was already fast asleep. this is what I was afraid of! now where was I going to sleep!!?? I paced back and forth in the room thinking whether I should wake him up or not. whatever I'll just sleep in another room.

(Half asleep) Vladimir: why did... you stop...

Shawn: your-your awake?

Vladimir: b-back massage... now...

He was talking in his sleep. he wasn't fully asleep yet. I went back to his side to massage him.

Shawn: how about we do this in your room?

Vladimir: your opinion isn't considered servant.

He was gaining his consciousness again. I let out a sigh, why was he doing this all of a sudden? can't he just be mature about the whole thing? he turns to lay on his back.

Vladimir: give me a head massage.

Shawn: for that you'll need to sit up sir.

Vladimir: no.

Shawn: but sir-

Vladimir: you can sit at the head of the bed, and I lay my head on your lap.

Shawn: you could, but that's not really-

Vladimir: then it's settled. do it.

I glared at him, and he merely kept raising his eyebrows at me. this was like initial month when he'd torture me with over the top requests like cleaning the gym even if a single drop of sweat landed on the ground. I did what he wanted without a fight. he rested his head on my lap and I passed my fingers through his hair rhythmically. his hair was soft and silky. I loved it, being able to run my fingers through his hair. I bit my lower lip to prevent a hum of satisfaction to escape my mouth. I didn't stare into his eyes, I kept looking around my room to avoid eye contact.

(10 minutes later) Shawn: I think that's eno-

He was fast asleep. he was sleeping soundly. he looked at peace when he slept, I was fighting every urge to touch his face. I examined every detail about his features. his creamy skin was glowing, but I could make out a few black heads on his nose. I couldn't resist touching his face. there weren't any bumps or stubble on his face. he had recently shaved. his ears were slightly bigger, and his lips were a natural shade of light pink.

(Smile) Shawn: your very handsome Vlad. Serena is lucky.

I hope she takes care of him and supports him. I rest my head against the headboard of the bed and closed my eyes to think. should I quit? anyways he'll be gone for his Asian tour at the end of this month. maybe I should start dating? if I find someone then I'll be distracted but isn't that considered at rebound? that wouldn't be fair to the person I date... maybe I should join a foreign exchange program and leave the country for a little while. yeah, that's a good idea! maybe go to Europe with Ivan! find a nice college near his cooking institute??? I thought myself to sleep... 

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