Boys x3 (DJ)

By SiniGilbert

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A light hearted story about love, friendship and family drama. In order to get close to her ultimate musical... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

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By SiniGilbert

The second song came on and the romantic atmosphere of eric had changed to an upbeat swag of Bruno. I knew Dilan and Vlad were good dancers because they were performers, but Ivan surprised me the most! wow that boy can move!! there was a normal smile on his face too, he was relaxed that he had his own space to dance. the boys were in sync, which I didn't think was possible because Vlad barely came down for practice. the song came to an end and everyone cheered! the boys bowed before Vlad took the mic again.

Vladimir: hope you liked that little surprise mom and dad, because there is much more to come.

Dilan whispered something to a nearby waiter, 2 minutes later he came back with champagne for Mr. and Mrs. drake.

Vladimir: so, before the next surprise, let's have dinner. exactly at 8:30 I'll let you all in on the next event.

The crowd dispersed and the servants and waiters lead them to the buffet. Ivan made the announcement regarding the couples' favorite foods and what was on the menu. Dilan met up with me as soon as he could.

Dilan: great job Sharon!

Sharon: you three definitely stole the show.

Dilan: partly, many people have come up and asked me about you. if you and I are a couple.

Sharon: oh dear, what did you tell them?

Dilan: that we are friends and nothing more.

Relief washed over my face. I did not want to be known for dating a tv star! I wanted to remain out of the spotlight. now that Dilan mentioned it many guests did have their eyes on me. I mean that's obvious because I'm the new girl dancing with three hot and famous brothers.

Dilan: let's grab a bite to eat.

Ivan: Dilan, mother's calling us. she and father are sitting at table with your parents.

Dilan: yeah sure. let's go.

Sharon: woah woah woah.

Dilan: what?

Sharon: YOU go. I can manage to get dinner by myself.

Dilan: but-

Sharon: I can't sit with you and Ivan if you two are spending time with family.

Ivan nodded; he didn't like the idea of leaving me on my own but he agreed that it would not be appropriate to have me around family members. I smiled at both of them as they headed towards the dinner table. I turned to walk the other way when I almost crashed into Vlad.

Vladimir: oh hi! it's you.

He extended out his hand to shake and I accepted with a bright smile.

Sharon: it's nice to meet you Mr. drake.

Vladimir: please call me Drac. Mr. drake is my father. I'm not so established in life to go by that name just yet.

Sharon: oh no I think your amazing sir.

he tilted his head slightly.

(laugh) Vladimir: sorry I'm not used to sir either.

Sharon: alright. Mr. Drac it is.

Vladimir: charmed. what's your name?

Sharon: Sharon.

Vladimir: beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

Wow I was experiencing Vlad's flirtatious side for the first time. he wasn't necessarily flirting; he was working his charm.

Vladimir: I better not court you any further. Dilan wouldn't like it. excuse me, I better go check on my parents. it was nice meeting you Sharon. thanks for helping us out with the dance.

He extended his hand out for a goodbye hand shake, I didn't feel like parting with him so instead I smiled and bowed.

Sharon: hope to see you again soon Mr. Drac.

Vladimir: I hope so too. Dilan has found a real cutie; I wish you two the best in your photoshoot together.

He walked off and I let out a sigh. he was so cool. I slowly made my way to the buffet counter and sampled a bit of everything. I watched the people mingle and laugh. Was this how high society people partied? because it doesn't seem that boring. there were a few children at the party with their parents. I was shocked at how well behaved they all were.

Dilan's father: Sharon, was it?

Sharon: yes sir. are you enjoying the party so far?

Dilan's father: it's certainly different than what I'm used to.

Sharon: how so?

Dilan's father: there's no dancing first of all at the drake parties.

Sharon: the boys were wonderful, weren't they?! I mean it's natural that they would be so talented.

Dilan's father: that's my boy. how did you two meet?

Sharon: oh, has Dilan not told you?

Dilan's father: he and I haven't had the time to chat, he's occupied with the guests.

Sharon: I see.

Dilan's father: during dinner we were discussing a trip to Cancun for a week. Dilan's mother would be happy if you came along with us.

Sharon: oh no I couldn't. I do not want to intrude on family time.

Dilan's father: nonsense, you are the first girl he's ever introduced to us. so that means he must be serious about you.

Sharon: we-we aren't in-

There was another clinking of glass and our attention turned to Vlad.

Vladimir: alrighty everyone! hope you all enjoyed the food, let's have some fun!

The crowd was curious to what Vladimir meant by "fun"

Vladimir: we are going to play games!

Vlad explained the first game. it was called paper dance. couples would stand on a large sheet of paper and dance, each time the paper would be folded and there would be less space to dance on. the last couple dancing would go home with an expensive looking wine set. Dilan's father pulled Mr. drake onto the dance floor to participate.

Old actor: oh, I know this game! I had to do this as a scene in a movie once!

Famous designer: oh, idk if I can do it, but I wanna try.

Another actor: let's give it a try honey.

Slowly people who were intrigued by the concept made their way to the dance floor. Dilan's mother had to somewhat pull Mrs. drake onto the dance floor, she wouldn't have gotten far if Dilan hadn't pushed Mrs. drake from behind. the music started and there were a good number of couples on the dance floor playing. it was fun to watch Dilan's parents try it as well. Ivan came to stand beside me.

(Smirk) Sharon: do you wanna play paper dance with me?

He looked at me with an expressionless face. my smile slowly started to fade when I wasn't getting any reaction out of him.

Ivan: you are not the least bit funny.

(Sigh) Sharon: whatever.

Ivan: let's do it.

Sharon: huh?!

Ivan took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor, we took the place of a couple who was already eliminated.

Vladimir: what's this?! Ivan has joined the competition?!

The paper wasn't that small so we both had a good distance and were able to keep both our feet on the sheet of paper. we swayed back and forth until it was time for us to fold the paper again. the servants came out to fold the paper each time.

Sharon: I-Ivan are you sure you're ok with this?

Ivan: I danced closer with you before, haven't I?

I was really proud of Ivan, but he really didn't have to do this. Vlad had his eyes on us and I began to blush.

Ivan: I'm doing this to show mother that I can be independent and that having someone in my space isn't an issue.

That's right, I did over hear Vlad and Ivan talking about this matter. Mrs. drake wouldn't allow him to travel to Europe on his own. I looked into his eyes and he was determined. I smiled at him.

Sharon: you're really cute you know that?

Ivan: your jokes still aren't funny.

the paper was small to the point only one person could keep their feet on the paper. there were fewer couples on the floor.

Ivan: seems that I'll have to carry you.

Sharon: or we could- ahhh

Before I could finish my sentence, I was scooped up bridal style.

(Panic) Sharon: ok now I'm not comfortable.

(Smirk) Ivan: now your kind of funny.

Sharon: Ivan please.

Ivan: relax. you aren't that heavy.

The other couples around us all were in awkward positions on their sheets of paper. people were actually enjoying themselves. Dilan and Vlad both watched us. Vlad was telling Dilan something but we were too far to hear them. now the paper was folded so that only one foot was allowed. I started seeing sweat droplets forming on Ivan's forehead. was I really heavy or was I starting to cross his comfort level? I could sense his wobbly gait.

(Nervous) Ivan: I feel like I'm going to get a panic attack

Sharon: stop, let me down. don't overdo it.

He was trying so hard to prove to his mother that he could handle things by himself... Ivan lost his grip on me. I managed to plant my feet on the floor, but because of the heels I couldn't stand straight. I was about to fall backwards when I felt a strong sturdy body and hands catch my shoulder. Ivan took a step back and I pulled him by the tie closer to me so that he wouldn't fall backwards.

Dilan: that was a close one.

I looked up to see Dilan had caught me. he had a huge smile on his face, I knew he wanted to laugh but he was holding it in by smiling from ear to ear. suddenly I realised I was squished between Ivan and Dilan like a sandwich. I looked up at Ivan who was patting his sweat away with his handkerchief.

Vladimir: and looks like the winner is Mr. and Mrs. biro! sorry Ivan you would have won if you held on for 3 more seconds.

Sharon: I'm proud of you. you're a winner in my eyes.

The biros ended up winning the wine set. people clapped and cheered.

Vladimir: moving on to the next game! is everyone having fun?!

There was cheering and whistling that echoed throughout the mansion. the next game was guessing your other. women were blind folded and had to feel for their significant other.

Dilan: come on Sharon, I want you to be my partner for this one.

Sharon: Dilan no I can't-

He pulled me along to the dance floor where I had to wait my turn. there were about ten men that kept getting shuffled each time other women went. now and then they would add an extra man or two to throw off the women. it was my turn and Dilan gave me a thumbs up before I was blindfolded. I heard the whistle go off meaning I was allowed to begin. I was polite with each guest. I asked permission before I touched them. I asked them to shake hands with me as a sign they were ok with me touching them. I placed my hands gently across their shoulders and neck. there was no way I'd be able to find Dilan when I myself don't feel comfortable putting my hands on other people. from shoulders I went to each man's hand. Dilan had soft hands... few of them were rough. I was on my 7th guy, I think. Dilan had stubble; this is a full-on beard. I felt their face as well. Dilan's tux material was smooth, not scratchy. this guy's cologne was too strong I didn't smell that on Dilan while we were dancing... what guy was I on now?! I lost count. I stepped to the next guy.

Sharon: hello. if it's alright with you, may I please touch you?

I held out my hand and he shook it. when I felt his hands, they were soft. I felt the shoulders then moved up to the neck and face. this guy had stubble and his cheeks were smooth. I moved to his lips they felt good to touch. I could feel the warm air coming from his nostrils. I felt his ears but I had no idea if Dilan was wearing an earring or not. he doesn't normally, but I did see a few Instagram posts where he wears clip ons. I moved down to his chest. I felt his chest and his sides. I don't know why but I felt like this body was familiar. I stepped closer to him and felt his upper and lower back...

(Talking to herself) Sharon: Vlad? no it can't be.

I went back to his chest and felt his suit it wasn't scratchy and he didn't smell of strong cologne. the material of the suit was smooth, thick and soft to the touch, the same as Dilan's. what was throwing me off was the body structure, it was very similar to Vlad's. I remove my blindfold indicating this person was my final choice. the whistle went off signaling I was wrong. I gasped and took a step back when I realised who I picked!!!!

Sharon: Mr. Drac!

he was equally shocked. he had no words to say.

Dilan: the suit must have thrown you off.

My attention fell to Dilan was standing next to Vlad. I shouldn't have been so hasty with my choice... I knew they were adding people to throw us off and I fell for it.

Dilan: our suits are the same, that's why you must have mistaken Vlad for me.

I didn't look Vlad in the face. Dilan and I walked off. I was so embarrassed!

(Smirk) Dilan: I heard you say "Vlad"

I was speechless as he elbowed me twice in the arm.

Dilan: it's obvious you'd know Vlad so well, since you give him massages every night!

I hid my face in my hands as he patted my head and wrapped me in a warm embrace.

Dilan: there there don't be too bummed. you're a winner for me since you were able to recognize my cousin brother so well.

Sharon: this soooooo embarrassing!

(Joking) Dilan: it isn't. I just mean my brother is in "good hands".

I punch Dilan in the shoulder as he broke out into another laugh.... wait... if Dilan heard me saying "Vlad" does that mean Vlad heard it too?

Vladimir: there is a photo area if you all want to take photos. the photographer will print out the pictures there itself for you to take home. so please do check that out!

it was time for Vlad's song. he was fidgeting with his tie; I couldn't help but smile at him.

Sharon: go give your brother a pep talk. he looks like he's about to drop dead any minute now.

Dilan: he really wants his mother to like it.

Ivan: he's been working really hard on the song.

Ivan and Dilan went over to their brother. I could imagine the pressure Vlad was in. his mother did seem hard to impress. she didn't wear the crown or sash. not once did I see Mrs. drake laugh or smile a full-on genuine smile. Vlad was wiping his sweaty palms on his pants when he was being handed the guitar. Ivan made the announcement for Mr. and Mrs. drake to come to the center of the dance floor.

(Ivan holds the mic for Vlad) Vladimir: this is an original song. I hope you like it mom and dad.

Ivan fixed the mic on the mic stand and took a few steps back. Dilan stood by his parents. I saw his mother pinching his cheek and laughing so brightly. Dilan pinched her cheek back in return. the three of them were lucky, they got to spend time with their parents... I wish I had more time with my parents... tum-tum was nothing less than a father for me and I was grateful to have him. music goes off and Vlad plays guitar. he began to sing. I closed my eyes and listened to the song, swaying back and forth. it wasn't the typical upbeat bass and thumping music we knew Vlad was capable of, it was catchy and danceable. it was sweet and romantic. I didn't seem to understand the expression Mrs. drake was giving, Mr. drake smiled and clapped along to the tune. his nerves went away after he got to the chorus, he sang well. I clapped proudly for him seeing that he was getting so much love and respect from the older generation. Mr. and Mrs. drake didn't really dance... she allowed Mr. drake to waltz for a bit before she let go of his hand. Mr. drake on the other hand was feeling the love and pulled her back into his arms. he held onto her tightly and planted a kiss on her forehead and the crowd applauded. then other couples came onto the dance floor and danced besides the drakes. Dilan came over and offered to dance.

Sharon: I've danced enough.

Dilan: I'm not taking no for an answer.

He led me to the dance floor and he placed a hand on my waist. we swayed back and forth to Vlad's song.

Dilan: mother really seems to like you. it was a shame to tell her that we were only friends. she lost all the sparkle for a moment.

Sharon: your girl is somewhere out there. you just haven't found her yet.

Dilan: who ever she is I hope she'll be unique.

I watched Vlad sing. whenever he was performing nothing going on around me was important.

(smile) Dilan: hey pay attention to me. you are MY date after all.

Sharon: sorry, what were you saying?

Dilan: you really love my cousin, don't you?

I stopped swaying and looked terrified that Dilan even said that. I shook my head dismissing the idea of even falling for a guy like him. our worlds were far apart. I took a step back, but Dilan gently held me in place.

Dilan: why don't you just tell him who you really are?

Sharon: no, stop talking crazy. I don't like Vlad like that.

Dilan: you don't "like" Vlad you LOVE him. even after seeing his true side. how much of a brat he is and how much he irritated you as his personal servant, you've accepted him as him.

Sharon: he's my friend Dilan. friends always stick around and support each other and watch each other grow.

The song came to an end and Dilan released me. we clapped and I couldn't look anybody in the eye.

Vladimir: it's time to cut the cake!

Vlad requested the close family members to gather around the table. a large cake was brought in that was decorated it red, yellow, blue and silver.

Ivan: Sharon would you mind getting my cake from the kitchen. there is a photo session going on.

Sharon: yeah, sure no problem.

I take long strides towards the kitchen to grab the cake. the cake was a beautiful combination of pink and red roses. it was decorated with silver sprinkles and swirls. I took the cake off the counter and headed back to the rest of the family and guest. they waited for me to reach the table. Vlad was standing to the right of his mother and Ivan was standing near his father. Dilan and his family were standing to the left of the couple. there were a few more relatives and close friends I didn't know about. Vlad flashed the cake a smile and turned to praise his brother. it was a magnificent cake. Ivan put a lot of hard work into this cake. I hope Mr. and Mrs. drake like it.

(Running) child: NO! I don't want to do that!

I heard a kid shouting and a push on my butt! I lost my footing and!!! the crowd all gasped and whispers broke out. Vlad, Dilan and Ivan all went pale in the face and Mr. drake looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. what have I done!!?!??

Vladimir: M-mother?

I caked Mrs. drake in the face!!! I fell to the ground and cake splattered everywhere... I looked up to see that Mrs. drake's whole face was covered in cream and frosting!! oh no! I scrambled to get up, but my heel slid on some cake that had fallen on the ground. I fell on my ass! Vlad caught me by the arm and yanked me up violently.

Sharon: Mrs. drake I'm so sorry! I don't know how it happened; I was pushed-

Vladimir: what the hell is wrong with you!?

I was shocked Vlad took such an angry tone with me. clearly, he saw that it was an accident.

Vladimir: you ruined Ivan's cake and my mother's clothes!

Sharon: Mr. Drac I didn't do it on purpose. the little boy, he was running and-

Vladimir: my brothers and I worked really hard on tonight's event and you!

(Squeezes his shoulder) Mrs. drake: Vladimir.

Her voice was so stern and strict. Vlad shut up instantly.

(Talks softly so that only people close by hear) Mrs. drake: do not create a scene in front of so many guests.

Sharon: I'm terribly sorry-

Mrs. drake stuck a hand in front of my face to silence me. her eyes were fierce and dangerous. my head fell to the ground and I could feel the tears starting to form.

(Loudly) Mrs. drake: oh dear, seems we had a little mishap. let's not let this little thing ruin our mood. please enjoy the cake while I go get cleaned up

Mrs. drake spoke nicely and had a smile on her face. she pretended to show everyone that she was alright. Vlad glared at me as he escorted his mother up the stairs. a man came up to Mr. drake and I, he was holding the little boy who had pushed me by the arm.

?: Samuel apologize to the nice lady right now!

The little boy named Samuel looked terrified and he began to cry. I bent down to his level and wiped the tears away, even though I wanted to start crying myself.

Sharon: hey. Sam, don't cry it's alright.

?: I'm very sorry Ms. my son didn't mean to push you. I was trying to get him to eat when he ran away from the table.

I patted him on the head and squished his cheeks to get him to stop crying. when he did, I smiled and told him that it was ok.

?: Mr. drake once again I apologize for the accident, I hope Mrs. drake wasn't injured or anything.

Mr. drake: oh no, she's fine. it's alright bobby, kids will be kids.

Bobby: I'll tell her sorry as well when she comes back down.

(Whimpering) Samuel: so-so-sorry...

Sharon: it's ok really. next time be careful, ok?

Samuel and bobby walked off and the waiters were passing out the larger cake to the other guests.

Sharon: Ivan I-

Ivan looked hurt; it was like the time he had his breakdown. the same expression...

Sharon: Ivan I'm really sorry...

I know he worked really hard on that cake for his parents and I... I was feeling horrible. I wanted to run! run away from everyone and everything. it wasn't my fault, but I was feeling miserable about the whole thing. the way Vlad reacted, Mrs. drake's way of silencing me and Ivan looking disappointed... he was keeping his cool because there were so many important people around.

(Hand on her shoulder) Mr. drake: Ms. don't worry. it wasn't your fault after all.

(Bow) Sharon: I'm truly sorry sir for this.

Mr. drake smiled and patted me twice on the cheek before going up to check on his wife.

Dilan: go get cleaned up. you have cake on your arms and heels.

Sharon: right...

I did as I was told. I was in the bathroom almost for 30 minutes. I was scrunched up on the floor near the bathroom counter... it didn't take long to clean up, I just didn't want to go out and face everyone again. I wanted to cry, but I held it in. I didn't want to spoil my makeup. when was it the right time to go back out? could I just leave without anyone noticing? just then I got a call.

(Phone) Sharon: hey tum-tum.

Ranger: hi, I haven't heard from you all day.

(Phone) Sharon: oh, I've been very busy. what about you? how's work?

Ranger: better. they've given me a few days off starting tomorrow, to recuperate since I took back-to-back cases.

(Phone) Sharon: that's great.

Ranger: what's the matter kid? you don't sound like your normal hyper self.

(Phone) Sharon: oh no, it's just a lot of work today. Vladimir's parents are here at the house. it's their anniversary celebration going on. they need all servants to help.

Ranger: oh, am I bothering you?

(Phone) Sharon: no no tum-tum. I just took a bathroom break. are you home?

Ranger: not yet. will get home in about an hour.

(Phone) Sharon: make sure you eat dinner.

Ranger: yeah yeah.

(Phone) Sharon: I-I have to go, bye tum-tum. love you.

(Stunned) ranger: a-are you sure you're alright?

(Phone) Sharon: bye!

I cut the call before he could ask any furtherquestions. I stand up and fix any wrinkles in my dress and straighten my hair. Itake a deep breath as I unlock the door and turn the knob... 

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