Boys x3 (DJ)

By SiniGilbert

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A light hearted story about love, friendship and family drama. In order to get close to her ultimate musical... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

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By SiniGilbert

Inside waited 19 other servants just like me. I was the last one to enter, there was no sight of Ronin. a moment later we all heard the siren from the bull horn. we turned our attention to the top of the stairs where Vladimir was standing. he was in blue jeans, white shoes, and a black tee. his hair wasn't in a ponytail today. behind him was his assistant.

assistant: welcome, starting today you shall be working for the master. you will work in groups of four. each group will be assigned to a duty to do. each of you will get their own room, there are two beds in the rooms we have assigned to you so if you wish to pair up you can.

No thank you, I'll gladly take a room to myself.

Assistant: kitchen duty requires you to do everything except the cooking we have international chiefs to handle that. garden care needs you to maintain the flowers, mow the lawn ect. you'll have a supervisor for each section who you'll report to, and they will explain in more detail. the other section is the daily cleaning crew, you all will have to vacuum, sweep, mop, scrub toilets the whole house every single day.

I guess I have my work cut out for me.

Assistant: work begins sharp 7:30. all of you must be dressed in uniform and down by 6:45 to have breakfast. you are officially off the clock at 10. if there is a party or event being held at the Drac house then obviously you are to tend to the guests and clean up afterwards.

Vladimir: I'd like to make one thing clear. I do not tolerate women in my house.

I wonder why.

Vladimir: once a month I host a party only open to women, rest of the time women aren't allowed in this household. women are dramatic and distracting so don't bring your girlfriends around and all that shit when I ain't in the house.

right! he needs all the peace and quiet he can get to work on his music. I totally support him on this. with that Vladimir walked away leaving us with his assistant.

Assistant: each of you will take three pairs of uniform. keeping them washed and ironed are your own responsibilities. you'll find your uniforms in your rooms. I want you all in uniform and done in the kitchen in ten minutes. you'll meet all your supervisors as well.

With that we followed Ronin to our rooms. I ended up getting the last room, the others examined their rooms and I heard them telling each other if they wanted to bunk together. I watched a few guys pick up their uniforms from the rooms and move into another. I stepped into my room and was in awe. it was huge and so extravagant. the bathroom was tiled in the finest granite, and everything was so sparkly. I sat on the bed and I litterally sank in. wow this was so cool. I got dressed in my uniform it was a little big on me maybe I could stitch them to my size later. my physic wasn't as built as the others, I was a woman after all. I saw a couple of guys walking down the stairs and I quickly followed behind them.

Assistant: I want you all in teams of four. total five groups should be made. two teams will be in charge of cleaning. rest the other supervisors can decide what to do.

I was assigned to cleaning duty. with eight other guys. our supervisor was Mr. Wesley. he was an old British man, tall and bald only at the top. he kept his gray hair neatly trimmed and combed. he wore a single lens that was attached to a golden chain, like prince charming's father. I, carter, and kai were in charge of vacuuming and mopping the whole house. carter and kai said they would handle the upstairs and that left me with the main hall and ballroom. I just finished vacuuming and now I had to mop only thing was I couldn't find a mop.

Shawn: hey Mr. Wesley?

Wesley: yes Mr. rose?

Shawn: where's the mop?

Wesley: where IS the mop you mean.

Shawn: yes sir.

Wesley: I'm afraid you'll have to use a cloth for today. we must stock up on cleaning supplies. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this causes you.

Shawn: it's alright.

someone was at the door; we all knew it because the doorbell echoed throughout the whole house. Ronin let the guest in. I continued to work on the ballroom. I got down on my knees and wiped the surface with disinfectant. it was a man with a child in his arms that walked in. he seemed to be in his 30s and the little boy with him seemed to be around 5 or 6. what an adorable kid! I want to pinch his cheeks-oh uh no a guy wouldn't do that with kids. he placed the child down to shake hands with Ronin.

Assistant: good afternoon Mr. Daniel.

Daniel: hello. will Mr. Drac be joining us for today's meeting?

Assistant: no he will not, but he has listed all his demands on this document with me.

Daniel: he has never been present for any meeting. he will have to come for one of them at least. it's his record label we are talking about.

Assistant: that's what he has me for. the master wishes to not be disturbed. whenever you need him to sign that's when he'll show up.

(sigh) Daniel: very well.

I didn't pay attention much to their conversation when I got a whiff of what they were cooking up in the kitchen. my stomach was growling as I finished my final swipe of the floor. when were we allowed to have lunch I wondered. I got up and rubbed my back, awe man it was aching. I went over to wash my hands when I saw Vladimir walking down the stairs. my goodness he was so handsome, even if it was his sleepy face. he made his way to the kitchen, and I watched him secretly. he was wearing sport shorts that came up to his knees and a wife beater shirt, he rummaged through the refrigerator for a second before pulling out a carton of orange juice.

Cook: master Drac, why did you take the trouble to come down for breakfast. we would have brought it up.

Vladimir: I was bored in my room anyway. today I have a meeting with Mr. Daniel, thought I'd surprise him by showing up. he's always felt bad I never personally meet with him.

I smiled happily. see, he does care. my Vladimir is a sweet guy. the little kid wandered into the kitchen and neither the cook nor Vladimir noticed. Vladimir was too busy drinking orange juice straight out of the carton, ahhh I so want that carton now! my attention went back to the kid who was going towards a tray with a boiling tea pot and a plate full of cookies. it must be chocolate chip since those are Vladimir's favorite. I paused for a moment... hold on I got everything wrong on my test, what if... what if all that I know about Vladimir isn't really true? my eyes went back to the child who was now dangerously close to the tray. I came out of hiding and ran towards the child. he was reaching for the tray but his tiny little fingers couldn't make the reach so he started pulling the kitchen towel that was slightly under it.

Shawn: hey! stop!

Both the cook and Vladimir were startled as I ran past them towards the child. it was like everything was happening in slow motion. I saw the tea pot falling, my hand reached out for the kid and the tea pot bounced off my hand and shattered as it landed on the ground. it startled the child, and he began to cry. ignoring my own injuries, I picked up the child and rocked him back and forth to stop him from crying.

Shawn: oh no it's ok. you're ok. this is one tea pot you don't tip over. you would have gotten a boo boo.

I suddenly realised that the both of them were staring at me silently. my eyes went wide from fear, have I revealed my true identity? Vladimir had fury written all over his face, oh no he knows!

Vladimir: why the hell is there a child in here!?

I was shocked at his reaction. he was angry about a child in his kitchen? he came closer to child and pinched his cheek making him cry in fear. instinctively I slapped his hand away and moved back. he looked at me in shock. mr Daniel and ronin came running into the kitchen when they heard the child cry. I kissed the poor child on his cheek and rocked him again to try and sooth him. I handed him a cookie.

Shawn: want a cookie?

He stopped crying and eyed the cookie with teary eyes, then he looked up at me. I nodded and smiled.

child: yummy yummy

Shawn: that's right. cookies are yummy.

Assistant: what in the world is going on?

Daniel: toby!

Mr. Daniel rushed over to toby and took him gently out of my arms. toby seemed to settle down now. I spotted Vladimir glaring at Mr. Daniel.

Vladimir: if you can't keep that thing close to you, then I suggest you keep it on a leash! how can you let a child wander around my house Daniel?!

Daniel: sorry Mr. Drac, we just got caught up with discussing your possible tour-

Vladimir: you should have left the child at home. because of him one of my priceless dishes has been ruined.

Shawn: your worried about your tea pot more than toby?

everyone turned their gaze to me. they all were shocked, heck I was shocked myself that I spoke. Vladimir raised an eyebrow.

Assistant: your hurt.

(looks at her hand) Shawn: huh? oh, uh I got burned from the tea.

Assistant: go put some medicine on it immediately. I'll ring up Wesley right away.

Within one minute Mr. Wesley came to the kitchen. the cook was already busy in cleaning up the glass pieces. I followed Mr. Wesley out of the kitchen. I could feel Vladimir's eyes watching my every step until I could no longer be seen. I followed Mr. Wesley into the bathroom, he had an ointment and bandages ready for me. I didn't think Vladimir was such a person... it was still a shock to me to see him glaring at an innocent child.

Wesley: done.

Shawn: huh? oh thanks mr Wesley.

Wesley: have you completed your chores?

Shawn: I still have the main hall to mop, I thought I'd do it when Mr. Daniel and Mr. ronin weren't around.

Wesley: well once they all move into the study you may work on the main hall.

Shawn: very well. thanks once again Mr. Wesley.

Wesley: I'd prefer if you did not use slang when holding a conversation. a "thank you" is much more appropriate than "thanks"

Shawn: THANK YOU Mr. Wesley.

I added a bow before we walked off. when the coast was clear I began wiping the main hall. Vladimir, his assistant and Mr. Daniel were sure taking their own sweet time. after I finished my chores, I headed into the kitchen where I saw a few of the other servants with plates in their hands. yes! finally I get to eat. they were in single file line throwing whatever they wanted onto their plates. the food looked delicious. I ended up piling my plate up with Thai and Italian food. the servants didn't sit at the main dining table we had our own table in the storage room. I didn't talk to anyone, just minded my own business, and chowed down on my food. after lunch carter, kai and a few others divided more of the cleaning, kai and I had to clean the rooms on the ground floor. kai took all the rooms to the right and that left me with the rooms on the left. 

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