ARSU:The journey from Disannu...


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This is a modern day story consisting the famous couple of the greatest epic Mahabharata, Arjuna and subhadra... More

🌹🌹Characters 🌹🌹
🌹🌹More characters🌹🌹
🌹🌹Children characters🌹🌹
🌹🌹Gupta family 🌹🌹
🌹🌹Ironical characters🌹🌹
(1) Happy time
(2) Unknown danger
(3) Annihilation of innocence
(4) Horror of guiltness
(5) Eclipse of enigma
(6) Punishment of execution
(7) Labyrinth of problems
(8) Blessings of Beautitide
(9) Craziness and contemplation of celebration
(10) peace of paradise
(11) Preeminent moments
(12) Mirthfulness and Maliciousness
(13) Distress and delightfulness
(14) Engaged schedule
(15) Law of Court and casual life
(16) Punishment of silence
(17) Permission of happiness
(18) Satisfaction, stress and specialism
(19) Rapture and return of riddles
(20) circumstances of crime
(21) Complications and conjecture
(22) Felicity with family
(23) Unbelievable uniqueness
(24) A maiden in the center of maze
(25) Come back of complications
(26) Comeuppance for candour
(27) Breaking the chain of problems
(28) Determination for duties
(29) Sign of upcoming sadness
(30) Helpless in front of horniness
(31) Emotional breakdown
(32) Merriment of marriage and morality of mind
(33) Honesty and humanity create the difference
(34) Happiness in a nutshell
(35) Unison and detection
(36) Unknown connection
(37) Upcoming happiness
(38) Enchanting event of engagement
(39) Contribution for heavenly connection and confusions
(40) Acceptation of association
(41) On the way of surprise
(42) The most beautiful surprise
(43) Precautions and calamities
(44) Marvellous mirage
(45) Publicity of the puzzlement
(46) Family and fluster
(47) Affection and efficiency
(48) Simple solution
(50) Decorations and destruction of anger
(49) Family time with sweet and sour
(51) Enjoyment and elegiac events
(52) Planning and professionalism
(53) Seriousness and suspicion
(54) Revelation of surprise
(55) Virtual happiness and victory
(56) Spectacular story
(57) Creation, confusion and confabulation
(58) Timid togetherness
(59) Enthusiasm and excitement
(60) Exgrossment and exchange of views
(61) Arrival before final departure
(62) Purity of mind and preplanning
(64) Pre-planning of pleasance
(65) A rich profusion of jollification
(66) Overshower of oblation to the mortal Gods
(67) Predesigning and preparation
(68) Embracable interaction and obsession
(69) From backstabbing to beautiful bliss
(70) Excitement and expectations
(71) Silly Squabble and confidentiality of passion
(72) Melting down the anger and miserable situation
(73) Hesitation and heartwarming moments
(74) Traveling beyond the threshold of disannualing
(75) Visualization of perennial paradise
(76) Cheerfulness and cerebral clash
(77) Unexpected union
(78) Confusion and choreographing first part of the plan
(79) Saccharine and sweetened seconds of secracy
(80) Comprehensiveness and growing closeness
(81) Tension for the fixation and tenderheartedness
(82) The matching of destinies
(83) Concealed circumstances and coming happiness
(84) Preparing the circle of clash
(85) Assembling the ecstasy while making it permanent
(86) Parentage and paradisiacal peace
(87) Memories and mischievousness

(63) Raid and approaching recompense

208 16 19

"The art of being happy is the art of being satisfied of what you have"- Sumitra Sharma.

In the slum, outside of the city:-

In the morning, the life in the slum had started with the same chaos and unhealthy situations. Since the morning only, they had started their daily works. An ultra narrow soil path and both the sides of it were covered with houses. They slum dwellers got extremely little space to complete their works.

There was a huge queue consisting the slum dwellers, who had gathered near the tap, to fill their pots with water.

In between all these chaos, the house of the criminals was in a complete silent state. They didn't get up from their sleep till then. After some hours, all of them got up from the sleep.

Vahiravan:- Vinod, today I don't have any mood to go out and collect money!

Zafar:- Yes! Of course! Today, we can take some rest! I am also feeling lazy, so, I don't want to go out!

Ibrahim:- At least, some of us have to go out to buy the food!

Vinod:- Yes, exactly! The foods which are available in our slum aren't good at all! So, we have to go out to purchase our meals for three times!

Haji mastan:- Then, let's go immediately! See, we can't stay outside of this slum for much time! It will be exceedingly risky for all of us!

Aadil:- If police get to about one of us, then; they will surely torture him to utter the present positions of others!

Aaib:- I think, all of us shouldn't go out to purchase food! Anyone also can identify us!

Hamza:- Who wants to go to purchase food with me?

Hussain:- As you are going, then, I will also go with you!

Vinod:- I will also accompany you!

Irfan:- Hey guys, I have a plan! Can we have two non-veg dishes today? For so many days, we haven't tasted the egg curry! Please! Please!

Junaid:- Egg curry? Okay fine and what will be the second dish?

Owais:- I know! It must be chicken! Right?

Ridwan:- Chicken? No, no, mutton! Please!

Vahiravan:- Okay! Mutton will be saved for the next time!

Irfan:- There is never a next time! Please! Please!

Zain:- Wonderful! You guys are planning in such a way as if we are Billionaires! Who will pay the costs of these expensive dishes?

Aadil:- See, no one is going to pay the cost alone! The money will be divided among all of us! So, that, it won't become hectic pressure for anyone! What do you say?

Zeeshaan:- Let's collect the money from everyone and then, we can go to buy the meals!

Junaid:- Extremely good idea!

Ghufram:- Lovely! Let's give the money from our savings and also keep some money with yourself, because, we need that at night!

All the others:- Yeah! Absolutely!

After discussing this, each of them took out some money and after collecting them; Vinod, Hamza, Hussain, Junaid and Owais went out secretively to purchase the food for all of their friends.

The Slum was situated by captivating a gargantuan space, behind the city. All of them crossed the slum area and after walking for two and half kilometers, finally, they had reached at the roadside dhaba, they usually brought meals everyday. After giving orders of meals for a huge number of people, they sat on the bench near the shop.

Suddenly, the siren of police and military jips made them extra alert. At a few kilometres distance, they had seen the police and military jips were approaching towards them in a queue.

Vinod:- Let's hide behind the old broken house! We have this only option left with!

Hamza:- Okay! Let's go! They won't find us there!

Hussain:- Hey shopkeeper, if the police come here to ask about us, please don't tell them anything!

The shopkeeper:- Don't worry! I won't tell anything!

As they had planned, everything happened accordingly. One police jip stopped in front of the dhaba.

Some police officers got down from it and asked the shopkeeper about the sight of those criminals, but the shopkeeper didn't utter a single word against them and this, they were saved. After this small investigation, the jips went ahead in their journey.

All of them came out of the old house and sat on the bench. They thanked the shopkeeper and felt relaxed. After a couple of hours, the shopkeeper and the other workers completed the cooking. They were handing over the meals, all of a sudden, they noticed Zafar was rushing towards them. The extreme level of trepidation, fearfulness and terror were mirroring in his anxious eyes and pale face. He ran towards them and due to the fast running through out a long way, he was huffing and puffing.

Hussain:- Zafar, what happened?

Zafar:- I... I.... Hussain...

Hussain:- Okay, okay! Come inside and have some water at first! Then, we are listening everything!

Vinod:- We have come here to take the food, you didn't have to come here! Right?

Zafar:- Leave the food and let's come with me! Fast! Police has arrived!

Hamza:- Don't worry! The police had gone away! Leave it, Zafar!

Zafar:- No, they didn't go away with blank hands! They had attacked in our slum and arrested all of our friends! It was a sudden raid!

Junaid:- What! What are you saying?

Zafar:- I am saying absolutely true! All of them were arrested! Only I and Ibrahim managed to escape from there!

Vinod:- Where is Ibrahim?

Zafar:- He is coming! Oh! There he is!

Meanwhile, Ibrahim also arrived there. They had decided that it would be risky for them to be outside for a long time. So, they had taken the meals, paid the bills and went back to the slum.

After that, they started discussing about how they could help their friends to escape from the police custody.

Hussain:- One thing is constantly disturbing me! How the police got to know about our dwelling?

Vinod:- Now a days, police are becoming extremely smart! But they forgot that we are free to help our friends to run away from there!

Owais:- But Vinod, we need a proper plan for it!

Junaid:- Fine! Let's start planning from now only!

Ibrahim:- I want to say something to all of you that, please don't become upset thinking about their conditions! Now, we need to be strong enough both physically and mentally; so that, we can arrenge a proper plan to release them! They are waiting for us, they have the faith that we will freed them from the prison! So, we shouldn't loose mental strength and of course, faith on ourselves! Okay?

Vinod:- Absolutely right! Now, let's have our meals and after that we will start planning!

Hamza:- Good idea!

All of them have eaten their meals and sat with a pen and paper to make a proper plan.

All the doors and windows were closed to keep the secrecy of their plan. Everyone became completely indulged into the forethought and arrangements to free their friends. They knew that the police would surely take them to the Central jail and almost all of them had visited the Central jail for multiple times. So, they were well aware of the structure of the prison, the walls and gates formations, security guards presence, each and everything. In between all these chaos, Vinod absolutely forgot about Saubhaagyashree.

In CBI headquarters:-
At night:-

After completing the works, Avijita came out of the headquarters and was waiting for Arjun near the main gate. The Director general had much more work pressure than the other employees.

After some couple of minutes, Arjun also finished his works and came out of the headquarters. He was looking here and there to find Avijita. Meanwhile, she called him from behind. Arjun went to that direction.

Avijita:- Thank you, sir that you have agreed to meet with me here at night!

Arjun:- It's okay! Tell whatever you want to!

Avijita:- Sir, I am planning to give the party on the next Saturday! What do you say about this?

Arjun:- What will i say about this matter? See, what is comfortable for you, do everything according to that!

Avijita:- Actually sir, I was thinking that if I throw the party on Sunday, then, on Monday, we have office! So, we won't be able to enjoy the party till late night; but if I keep it on Saturday, then, on Sunday, we have holiday! We don't have to hurry up in the morning to get up fast and be ready!

Arjun:- Yes, absolutely! It is a great idea!

Avijita:- Sir, will you please come in the party? Please sir! Without you the party will be a complete black whole!

Arjun:- When will it start?

Avijita:- At 6:30pm on that day! Please don't reject, sir! Please!

Arjun:- Okay fine! I will come, but I will leave within 9:00pm!

Avijita:- Alright sir! No problem in it! You have agreed to come, that is enough for me!

Arjun:- Okay! Now, it's already very late! Go back to home and I also have to go! Good night!

Avijita:- Yes sir! Good ni....

Avijita couldn't complete her words, meanwhile, a car rushed beside her in an extremely high speed. Due to that gast wind of the speeding car, she fell down on the road. Her elbows and forearms were slightly injured.

Arjun couldn't control his anger and shouted on the car driver.

Arjun:- Can't you see properly? Is this even a way to drive?

The driver:- Hello officer! The highway is open for the cars and trucks, the sidewalk is for the pedestrians and there are parks for your love relationship and dating! The highway isn't the proper place for it! Take your juliet and go to any park!

Arjun understood that it was completely useless to argue further with the driver. He went away with his car and Arjun came near Avijita. But instead of forwarding his own hand for support, Arjun found out a broken branch of a tree. He cleaned the thorns and leaves from it and gave it to Avijita.

Arjun:- Try to stand with the help of this branch!

Avijita:- Thank you, sir!

Arjun:- Can you go to home alone or shall I accompany with you?

Avijita:- No sir, I can go by myself! You must be very busy, I don't need anything! You can go, sir!

Arjun:- Okay, take care!

By saying that, Arjun left from there hurriedly and went to the RV, which was waiting for him. He got into it and started his journey towards their house.

After the journey of several hours, finally he reached at home. While entering into the house, he found all the members of their family were present in the dining room, with delightful and dazzling smiles of satisfaction on their faces. Rajesh and Rajendra came forward to him.

Rajesh:- Arjun, are you free on this Sunday?

Arjun:- Yes papa! The recent case is already solved! Now, we are little relaxed! Yes, I have an office party invitation on the next Saturday from our new employee! But, this Sunday is complete holiday for me! No works and no worries at all!

Rajendra:- Great! Then, be ready to meet with your dream girl! Your Cinderella!

Arjun(with an horizonless excitement):- Chacha, are we.......
Are we........ I mean, chacha, are..... We......

Rajesh:- Yes, yes, Arjun! Please tell! Please complete your sentence!

Rajendra:- Come on, Arjun; speak it out!

Kalyani:- Oh my God! Arjun, my dear son, you can't even hold on your excitement! See, Kavya, he has become completely crazy in love!

Kavya:- Absolutely so, didi! I am also observing that! Come on, Arjun, tell!

Arjun:- Are we going to meet with...... Meet with....... I mean, chachi....

Rajesh:- Arjun; my dear son, how will we understand if you don't tell us? Hold on your excitement and utter your heart's words!

Arjun:- Are we going to meet with Saubhaagyashree? Pa.... Papa, cha.... Chacha, is it true? Please tell m... Me! Are we really going to meet with her? Please tell me, please!

Sumitra:- Yes, Arjun, yes! On Sunday morning, we are going to their house for fixing the marriage proposal! On Sunday, they will also become free from their professional works and your Cinderella also won't have to go to Supreme Court on that day! Right?

Arjun:- I.... I.... I can't belive this! Grandma, really? I hope, I am not dreaming!

Kalyani:- How sweet of you, Arjun! I can see the future now that both of you are looking extremely beautiful with each other!

Sumitra:- Undoubtedly true, Kalyani!

So, guys this is the sixty third chapter of the book. Hope you will like it.

Don't forget to tell your opinion in the comments section.

Next update is coming soon. Till then, stay safe and healthy.

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