Honor, Love, and Dragons (Zuk...

By Star_Child9301

98.8K 2.7K 639

Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. She grew up playing and sparring in th... More

Book 1: Water
The Boy in the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The Winter Solstice: Part 1
The Winter Solstice: Part 2
The Waterbending Scroll (Part One)
The Waterbending Scroll (Part Two)
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Waterbending Master
The Siege of the North: Part 1
The Siege of the North: Part 2
Book 2: Earth
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
The Swamp
Zuko Alone (Part One)
Zuko Alone (Part Two)
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Serpent's Pass
The Drill
City of Walls and Secrets
Tales of Ba Sing Se
Lake Laogai
The Earth King
The Guru
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3: Fire
The Awakening (Part One)
The Awakening (Part Two)
The Headband
The Beach (Part One)
The Beach (Part Two)
The Avatar and the Firelord
Nightmares and Daydreams
Day of the Black Sun: Part 1
Day of the Black Sun: Part 2
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Masters (Part One)
The Firbending Masters (Part Two)
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
The Southern Raiders
The Ember Island Players (Part One)
The Ember Island Players (Part Two)
The Phoenix King
The Old Masters
Into the Inferno
Avatar Aang
Thank You!!!

The Desert

1.3K 47 9
By Star_Child9301

Stop and Smell the Roses


It had been almost a month since they tried to bend lightning. Ivana held the reins to the ostrich horse as they traveled down the road. Iroh was pretending to be in pain with frequent groans.

"Maybe we should make camp," Zuko suggested, believing his uncle's act.

"No please, don't stop just for me!" he said dramatically. They continued for a few more minutes until Iroh let out a few more theatrical groans. Ivana pulled on the reins, annoyed by his performance. Zuko dismounted, helping his uncle down. The ostrich horse screeched, startled by something. Zuko took up a defensive stance, surveying the surrounding forest.

"What now?" Iroh sighed, annoyed that they couldn't seem to get a break. It wouldn't be their first ambush since their faces appeared on wanted posters everywhere. They were soon surrounded by four men on komodo rhinos.

"Colonel Mongke! What a pleasant surprise!" Iroh said, recognizing the men.

"If you're surprised we're here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps," Colonel Mongke said. His Rough Rhinos prepared for battle, readying their weapons.

"You know these guys?" Zuko asked, surprised.

"Sure. Colonel Mongke and the Rough Rhinos are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapon specialist. They are also a very capable singing group," Iroh joked with a smile.

"We're not here to give a concert. We're here to apprehend fugitives!"

"Would you like some tea first? I'd love some. How about you, Kahchi? I make you as a jasmine man. Am I right?" Iroh asked, rubbing his beard.

"Enough stalling! Round 'em up!" Mongke shouted. One of the men swung a ball and chain at Iroh. He kicked it away, the chain wrapping around another man's rhino. Iroh did a somersault, dodging two blasts from Mongke. He stood, smacking the rhino's rear end. The first man got yanked off his rhino. Iroh waved at them as the rhino charged back down the path.

Another man shot an arrow at Zuko. He deflected it and shot fire back, putting a hole through his bow. Mongke threw fire blasts at Iroh, but he dodged each one. Zuko took advantage of Mongke's focus being on Iroh and threw him off his rhino with a few powerful fire blasts.

Ivana helped Iroh mount the Ostrich horse before riding toward Zuko. He jumped on and they rode away. One of the Rough Rhino men followed. He threw a grenade at them, but missed, allowing them to slip through the smoke.

"It's nice to see old friends," Iroh said.

"Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you," Zuko huffed.

"Hey! My grandfather wouldn't want to attack him," Ivana pointed out. 

"Yeah, but your grandfather is in the fire nation," Zuko said, rolling his eyes. "I mean old friends in the Earth Kingdom or in the colonies that don't want to attack him." 

"Hmmm... Old friends that don't want to attack me..." Ivana led the ostrich horse down the path, waiting for some kind of direction. She watched the landscape pass by, grateful for the warmer weather. That was one thing she missed about the homeland besides her grandfather, Ru, and Jojo. 

"I have an idea... why don't you let me steer for a while so you can get some rest?" Iroh said, knowing she still hadn't been sleeping well. Ivana nodded, pulling on the reins before dismounting. Iroh scooched forward and so did Zuko. Ivana climbed back on behind him. Iroh took them off the road toward the distant desert. Ivana held onto Zuko, resting her head on the back of his shoulder. She drifted off soon, having not slept well the previous night. She snored softly against his shoulder.

"Wake up, 'Vana," Zuko said. She stirred, opening her eyes. They had made it to a small settlement at the edge of the desert.

"Where are we?" she asked as Iroh dismounted.

"The Misty Palms Oasis," Iroh replied. She looked at him, confused as to why they were here. As much as she enjoyed the warm weather, the desert was not her idea of a good time. She and Zuko got off the ostrich horse, and Zuko tied it up before following Iroh into a tavern. They sat at a table waiting for Iroh's next move.

"No one here is going to help us. These people just look like filthy wanderers," Zuko said.

"So do we," Iroh pointed out. He pointed at a pai sho table behind Zuko. "Ah, this is interesting. I think I found our friend," Iroh said. Zuko turned around to see what he was talking about.

"You brought us here to gamble on Pai Sho?" he said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't think this is a gamble," Iroh said hopefully. They walked over to the pai sho table, Zuko and Ivana sitting on either side of Iroh. "May I have this game?"

"The guest has the first move," the man said. Iroh placed the lotus tile in the center of the board. "I see you favor the white lotus gambit. Not many still cling to the ancient ways." He cupped his hands toward him and bowed.

"Those who do can always find a friend," Iroh smiled, copying the gesture.

"Then let us play," the man said. He put a tile on the board, followed by Iroh. Zuko and Ivana watched closely. They rapidly took turns placing pieces, forming a lotus flower on the board. "Welcome, brother. The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets," the man said.

"What are you old gasbags talking about?" Zuko said rudely. Ivana gave him a glare.

"I always tried to tell you that Pai Sho is more than just a game," Iroh said wisely. He rolled a tile over his fingers skillfully. Ivana watched curiously.

They were interrupted when a man with long black hair stomped over shouting, "It's over! You fugitives are coming with me!" Great.

The pai sho man stood up, standing between them and the intruder. "I knew it! You two are wanted criminals with a giant bounty on your heads!"

"I thought you said he would help!" Zuko spat.

Iroh put a hand on his shoulder, "He is. Just watch." And he was right. Every person in the bar looked up when the pai sho man mentioned gold, a few pulling weapons ready to attack. The man who had approached was blocked from attacking them by two more men. He and his companion busied themselves with fighting for their bounty.

"This way," the pai sho man whispered, taking them out the back. "My name is Fung, follow me to a safe place." He led them out of the oasis and through the desert until they reached another settlement. Night had fallen as Fung led them inside a flower shop.

"It is an honor to welcome such a high-ranking member of the Order of the White Lotus. Being a grandmaster, you must know so many secrets," Fung said to Iroh as they followed him further into the building to a door.

"Now that you played Pai Sho, are you going to do some flower arranging, or is someone in this club going to offer some real help?" Zuko spat, annoyed with the lack of things happening. Great, he's in a mood.

"You must forgive my nephew. He is not an initiate and has little appreciation for the cryptic arts," Iroh smiled. Fung nodded before knocking on a closed door. Another man slid open a small peephole.

"Who knocks at the garden gate‌?"

"One who has eaten the fruit and tasted its mysteries," Iroh answered. The mystery man let him in. Zuko and Ivana tried to follow, but the door slammed shut. Iroh opened the peephole. "I'm afraid it's members-only, wait out here.

Zuko huffed, crossing his arms and leaning against a table. Ivana found a place to sit out of the way. She closed her eyes, thinking it would be a good time to meditate since she wasn't very tired after having slept most of the day. She looked up, hearing Zuko sniff. He leaned over to smell the flower next to him. She giggled, but closed her eyes like she hadn't when he looked up. "What's so funny?"

"I just never pegged you as a stop and smell the flower type," she said with a grin, "I mean despite your uncle's teachings, you've never had any interest. And now you're literally smelling flowers."

"Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes.

Ivana opened her eyes. "Come meditate with me. I'm sure you could grab that lamp off the wall," she said, offering peace. "You always do better with a flame in front of you."

He nodded, still frowning. He took the lamp and sat across from her, setting it between them. They began their meditation. Ivana focused on her breathing, relaxing to the heat of the flame, trying not to focus on the feeling of Zuko's hands in hers. 

They meditated for an hour before Zuko sighed, "I need to sleep." Ivana nodded, looking around for a place for them to lie down. There wasn't an area big enough for either of them. However, there was some space next to her.

She bit her lip before she suggested, "You could lay your head on my lap... I mean there isn't a lot of space and it'd be more comfortable than the floor." Zuko nodded, not really thinking about any awkwardness until his head was actually in her lap. His eyes were wide open, not that Ivana could see. She had her hands at her side but felt that was awkward too. She put a hand on his head, petting his hair. "Is this ok?" she asked softly.

Zuko felt calmer at her touch and nodded. He sunk into it before closing his eyes. As he drifted off to sleep, he sighed with contentment. 

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