I need you next to me (Jortin...

By violettastory

64K 2.1K 275

After finishing Violetta Tini has been to Europe for a few years. She lost contact to everyone she knew and b... More

Again in Buenos Aires
Everything different but still the same
Going to a club
Ex Coming Back
Morning with Ruggelaria
In the park
"Hey love I'm back!"
Ignoring him
No escape
In Paris
Happy birthday, Tini!
"Just do it!"
Waking up
Back home
Pregnancy test
I now pronounce you man and wife.
The end (1/2)
The end (2/2)

Thinking and Remembering

2.3K 80 15
By violettastory

Mechi's P.O.V.
It had been a whole week now since Tini had stormed into my apartment. She was crying, tears were streaming down her face and didn't stop. The worst thing was that I couldn't help her...my words wouldn't help her, I tried everything. She didn't leave her apartment so I visited her every day. But that would stop. I couldn't see her like this anymore, it ripped my heart apart. That's why I decided to do something about it.

"Who is it?", a voice from his apartment shouted. I didn't answer, I just stood there and waited for him to open the door.

"Wha-", he began as he opened the door but when he saw me he stopped. "Mechi? Why are you here?"

"Why I'm here?!", I shouted at him. "Are you alone?"

"Yeah, why?"

As respond I went into his apartment and continued shouting at him: "How could you do this to Tini?!"

"Do what?"

"Argh, Jorge! Don't act like you don't know what I mean!"

"Seriously, I don't...how is she?"

"How she is?! Bad! Really bad! She hasn't left the house for a whole week! She's crying the whole time and what are you doing?! Enjoying your time with Little Miss Perfect?! Please, Jorge, don't act like you're over Tini..."

"Fine, I'm not! But what am I supposed to do?! I can't give up my whole life to be with her!"

"Alright. Then you don't really love her."
I was about to leave his apartment but there was one thing left which he should be told.
"Just one thing. She gave up her whole life for you. The whole time she was waiting for you to come to her. And why do you think did she come back?"
I took my bag and went out of his apartment. When I looked back he stood there with a shocked expression on his face. I just hoped my visit would help him to do the right thing.

Jorge's P.O.V.
Since Mechi left my apartment her words wouldn't go out of my head.
The whole time she was waiting for you to come to her. Why do you think did she come back?
How could I be so stupid? She liked me the whole time. And what did I do? I chose Stephie over her, just because I knew there wouldn't be any complications. I was afraid to mess with real love.

"Dude, you gotta tell her you love her!", Ruggero told me. We were talking about our lives, he just got together with Cande, they were so cute. We met up so we could do fun stuff but she wouldn't go out of my mind.
"No, Ruggero, I can't, it's not that easy! You know she has a boyfriend!"
"So what? I'm pretty sure that she loves you too!"
"I don't think so, she looks so happy with him..."
"But she looks even happier with you...come on, Jorge, you gotta tell her before it's too late!"
"You're right, thanks Bro!"
I left the money for my coffee in the café in which we were sitting and made my way to her house.
"Hello?", I knocked against the door. No reaction. "Anybody there?"
I continued knocking but nobody would open. I hoped to find help by looking around me, that's when I saw an old woman.
"Excuse me. Do you know if she is at home?", I asked the woman while pointing at her door.
"You're Jorge, aren't you? I'm sorry, I thought you knew it."
"Knew what?"
"She went to Europe. She wanted to continue hercareer there."
I felt dizzy and everything around me faded...

Turn on your TV NOW! Channel 13, I got a text from Ruggero.
Since that sounded pretty dramatic, I turned on my TV, channel 13.
"Today we have Martina Stoessel here, known as Tini. So, you want to tell us something, that's why we're here", a reporter said.
"Yeah, that's true", Tini began. She didn't look as sad as Mechi said she was...
"Well, it's that the last days I've been thinking about everything. I went to Europe so that even more of my dreams could come true, but I noticed that one thing which I really needed wasn't there...and I still don't have it. I came back for love", she continued and I raised my eye brows. I think she really came back for me, that's why she was so sad all the time. She loved me and hoped I did the same. But I never showed her...
"But the right one will come someday", she carried on. "I've decided to return to Europe."
"That's shocking news! Why suddenly this big decision?"
"I need to get away from here. Of course, I love Buenos Aires, it's my home town, but for now it's the best to go to Europe."
"And which city are you planning to go to first?"
"Alright, is there anything you want to telll your fans?"
"Yes, of course", she smiled. Nobody could see it but I knew something about that smile wasn't true. She didn't want to leave. But she decided to do it because of me.
"Thank you so much for supporting me everyone, I hope you'll still be my fans, even if I leave Buenos Aires now. I don't know when, but someday I'll come back. But now I'm happy to see all my French Tinistas! See you!"
The screen of my TV went black and I just sat on my couch for a while. To be honest, I didn't know what to do. On the one hand I didn't want to hold her back from her dreams...but on the other one...I really needed her, not seeing her is killing me, I want her near me.
Before I knew what I was doing I stormed out of my apartment and drove to the airport as fast as I could. Something was telling me that she was about to leave already and if I didn't stop her, I knew I'd regret it forever.

As I stood in front of the departure/arrival information board, I took out my phone and called Stephie. I knew Tini wouldn't come back if I still was with her, but I also didn't want to break up through a text message.

"Jorge! Finally you're calling, where are you?!"

"Stephie, we need to talk"

"Sure, come home and then we'll talk"

"No, it can't wait. Please don't understand me wrong, you're an amazing girl and anyone could wish for someone like you...but my heart belongs to someone else..."

"...so you're breaking up with me?"

"Ehm...yes, I'm really sorry..."

"I knew this was gonna happen somewhen...then go after her, Jorge, it might be too late, if you don't", she advised me and hanged up, I know it must have costed her a lot to say that. But she was right, I couldn't be too late, not again.

I walked to the gate where the next flight to Paris was. There was no one left, only a few stewardesses.

"Excuse me, could I please talk to a person in there? It's really important", I asked one of the stewardesses nicely.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow that", she responded. Of course, what did I think? That she would let me in there? It was hard enough to get through the rest of the airport.

"What about I buy a ticket? I ha-"

"Sorry, the plane is full. Now excuse me", the stewardess said and went away.

There was only one thing left I could do. Tini would fly to Paris and I would follow her.
The next flight to Paris was in the evening, I bought a ticket for it and there were a few hours left until boarding would start.

"Oh my...Jorge Blanco!", a girl screamed from behind. I turned around to face a teenage girl that was hugging me in the next second. To be honest, I was surprised, I guessed I still wasn't used to that stuff.
"Could I please have an autograph? And if it's not too much, could we please take a selfie?", she smiled at me, she seemed so happy, how could I say no?
"What's your name?"
"I'm Wicky"
"Alright, so this is for you", I gave her back the signed picture she has given to me. She took out her phone and we took a few selfies.
"Thank you so much!", she hugged me again, I could hardly breathe.
"Wicky, our flight! Are you coming?", a female voice shouted from behind, probably her mother.
"Yes! I'll be there in a second!", she shouted to her mum and faced me again. "Just one last thing. Don't ler her go"
I knew who she meant and promised her, I wouldn't. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and happily she ran to her mother. To make people happy like that, that was what made my day.
A few hours later I was sitting in the plane, luckily I had a window seat. Next to me was sitting an old man who was sleeping already, although we weren't even in the air yet. I was bored so I look a selfie with him and uploaded it to instagram. But after a while I decided to turn my phone off, I didn't even have a battery charger with my, neither my clothes or anything! Luckily I had a lot of money on my credit card so that I could buy things when we'd land.
Martina, I'm coming, whether you want it or not.

Author's note
Happy birthday, Wicky, this is for you!

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