Mirage of the Moon||TaeJin

By ukiyo_0701

242K 19.6K 25.3K

A power hungry alpha plans to trap an omega in his greed to acquire immortality and limitless strength. An un... More

1. Prologue
2. The Prize
3. The Boy Who Lived
4. Into The Wild
5. Chasing Fires
6. Till I Find You
7. The Truth Untold
8. Dauntless
9. Fire On Fire
10. Arrival of Conflict
11. A Test of Will
12. The Trouble I'm In
13. True Colours
14. The Onset of A Storm
15. Cruel Intentions
16. Battle of the Beasts
17. Calling Me A Sinner?
18. Unstoppable
19. In My Blood
20. Beauty in Adversity
21. Alone, Together
22. I Will Be Your Armour
23. Tug Of War
24. The Unfitting Warrior
25. When Alpha Claims
26. This I Promise You
27. Can I Trust You?
28. Disaster In The Air
29. Caught In A Lie
30. Of Love and Lore
31. In Mood for Malice
32. Thunder and Lightning
33. The Mystery of Love
34. Where Our Horizons Meet
35. Where The Mind Is Without Fear
36. War Of Hormones
37. Truth Begins to Show
38. Echoes of Tomorrow
39. Better Left Unsaid
40. Stay With Me~Pt. 1
41. Stay With Me~Pt. 2
42. Be In My Touch
43. Caged In Camouflage
44. The Price Of A Life
45. War of Hearts
46. All You Never Say
47. A Game of Thrones
48. Beyond Enemy Borders
49. A Losing Game
50. Desperate Measures
51. The World Could be Ours
52. What We Fight For
53. Rhapsodies of Change
55. Half of My Heart
56. Legions Of Fate
57. A Twist of Fate
58. The Fault in Our Stars
59. Through the Storm
60. Because We Are Destined
61. A Heart of Courage
62. A Gift of a Dream
63. A Tryst with Destiny
64. Wings of Apocalypse
65. The Song of Surrender
66. The Birth of Tragedy

54. Power Over Me

3K 257 347
By ukiyo_0701

Seokjin's P. O. V.

I walked down the stairs to step into the dim passage, my mind constantly telling me that this was probably not a good decision...Taehyung will most definitely be mad at me for coming down here.

My steps echoed sharply against the grim silence as I turned a corner to walk further into the dungeon.

"Ah what an unusual surprise...wasn't really expecting to see you here"

I stopped, my breathing cautious as I let my eyes catch the sight of Jungkook sitting on the floor at one corner of the cell. He looks tired and pale as he opened his eyes to look at me, a smile lazily pulling on his lips.

"It was unfortunate wouldn't you say...that we didn't even get the chance to sit and talk to each other" he chuckled dryly, his voice is calm but the hint of remorse heavy in them. His light voice falls deeper as he speaks some weird gibberish next "an omega beyond the seas...holds heaven in his power...the royal mate he shall take...would rule to death devour..." he stops speaking as he gazes deeply at me, his eyes looking hollow before he exhales loudly "fate is such a trickster in its play...I didn't want to believe that the 'royal mate' could actually be him" he laughs to himself shaking his head "you were supposed to make things better...not be the cause of Kleon's ruin."

I didn't want to believe Yoongi's concerns about Jungkook suffering from hallucinations but from the looks of it he sure sounds crazy. I didn't understand half of what he just spoke.

"I just came here to let you know that your punishment will be declared tomorrow...although Yoongi seems to think you aren't-" "I've been waiting for it...just make it quick that's all I ask for" he closed his eyes resting back against the wall.

I am not really bothered about him but Jungkook looks rather frail right now, seems like he's quite ready to accept death. I don't understand why he's being like this though, I have a feeling that Taehyung was right...it doesn't look like he'd need to kill Jungkook, this man seems to be on a mission to end himself anyway.

"It's not a death sentence" I announce "I have decided that you need to mend the mistakes you have made."

He opens his eyes looking puzzled as he waits to understand my words.

"You will ask for forgiveness from the people and accept the punishment they will decide for you"

He goes very quiet, eyes looking lost again as he seemed to be weighing my orders.

"Well, I should ask for forgiveness because I couldn't be the king my father wanted me to be for Kleon" he speaks, tone heavy with grief as his gaze stayed low "it wasn't supposed to be like this...but I'm tired..." his eyes close as he lets his head hang, breathing laboured as I trace an odd weariness in him "I want to sleep...I want to forget everything and be free..."

I stand there confused as I try to make sense of his words. I cannot comprehend this side of Jungkook, he is the most awful person I've ever come across and a part of me is confident that this is just a sham...he's a cruel and pathetic man...I will never forgive him for how he treated not only me but also all the people who looked up to him as their king.

"Don't think this act of yours will make me pity you...you deserve worse, but you're lucky that you have people who actually care about you" I feel anger flash in me as I speak.

"A king has no use of pity Seokjin...neither care...people do not see me, they don't know who I am...their concerns are only about the throne and the power I held."

"That is because you don't know how to value the ones who care about you!" The words dart out of my mouth as anger envelopes my senses "Jimin cared about you...and you hurt him...you knew you were wrong and yet you didn't stop hurting him!"

He stays quiet, eyes looking lost still as he keeps gazing at the floor.

"Jimin..." the name seemed to have thrown him into some deep thought as his voice echoed in the emptiness with a haunting depth "sometimes I tell myself that maybe I should have just let it be...but I couldn't leave him there...I had to bring him to Kleon...they would have killed him, I couldn't have left him there..." his fists tightened, a shudder running through him as he spoke "it's good that he left on his own...I am glad that he had the strength to leave...I've been cruel to make him suffer with me..."

Jungkook really seems to have lost it all, even his speech is all muddled. I can't tell what's going through his mind.

"He really did care about you"

"He shouldn't have" Jungkook chuckled dryly, looking up to meet my gaze "I did everything possible to make him hate me, did I not?"

I frowned at him trying to understand why the hell is he this twisted.

"Why are-" "Leave him be Jin"
I felt a chill run through me to hear Taehyung speak right behind me, his fingers wrapping at my wrist next.

"You see, some people are beyond saving...simply because they don't seek to be saved."

Jungkook's light laugh echoed around the cell "what do you even know about saving? You were born to destroy...a mere weapon Kleon needed to win wars."

I felt Taehyung go quiet beside me, tugging at my wrist to follow him out of there "tomorrow he will serve the punishment decided for him-" "Brother..."

I see Taehyung roll his eyes at the call as he heads to lead us out of there and hear Jungkook shuffling to stand up, his movements slow and breathing laboured due to pain and fatigue.

"I need to tell you something."

"I don't think whatever it is you have to say is worth my time-" "I have the answers you seek"

I see Taehyung freeze on his spot, body going stiff as he denied to even blink before he slowly turned to face Jungkook.

"What answers? What is he talking about?" I inquire but my words fall to deaf ears as Taehyung's eyes fix on Jungkook.

"If you think that defeating me is going to solve anything...then you're very wrong brother...it might sound funny, but I am not the real enemy..."

I could see a look pass between them, before Jungkook's eyes moved to fall on me...more like on my belly.

"And unfortunately, your real enemy will be immune to your authority and invincible in strength..."

I felt my insides squirm in worry, and my hand instinctively wrapped around my belly as I sensed that he must be talking about the child I'm carrying.

"Wh-What is he talking about Tae-I don't understand what that means..." my voice is shaky with worry and confusion clouds my head and I frown at Jungkook, feeling both annoyed and anxious.

"Go upstairs Jin" Taehyung's voice is deep and low as he orders.

"N-No" I protest staring back at his stern gaze "if it's about our child, I too-" "Jin..."

I gulp to sense the trueblood's command in his voice telling me not to try to intervene in between.

"So, you haven't told him anything yet?" Jungkook speaks making my insides feel even more worried.

"Please, it's making me worry now...tell me what is he talking about?" I plead, my breaths quickening.

"The child you're carrying will be your end Seokjin...he will take everything from you to become the invincible immortal he is destined to be...and not even a trueblood can defeat him at war."

The news sends a blow of shock through me as well as my alpha, and I feel Taehyung step in front to growl at Jungkook, still trying to guard me from the truth the other had revealed.

"Stop talking bullshit! I don't fucking care about all your stupid old stories!"

I realize Taehyung is simply retaliating in rage. I can sense his worry and the emotional turmoil going through his mind.

"You are the fool brother" Jungkook scoffs "if you really wanted to see him stay alive then you should not have marked and mated him!"

Taehyung freezes beside me, and I see regret pass through him before he gave in to his anger, huffing and marching out of the cell as he clasped on my arm to drag me along. Our steps rushed as he walks without pause up the stairs and through the hallway. I tell myself yet again that going to the dungeon was a bad idea after all but I have no idea what to say or believe.

Why would my child want to kill me?


There's no reply, pulling me after him to walk out of there to finally be far enough from the agitating presence Jungkook often proved to be.

"You know, you reacting like this is making me worry more" I state annoyed with his silent treatment.

He halts abruptly in the middle of the passageway, his breathing heavy as he whips about to look at me. It's a rare sight to see Taehyung look this vulnerable but it is at times like these that I feel like I can see the human in him.

"Forget about what he said" he speaks, his voice low and troubled "trust me...I promise I will not let anything happen to you."

I take a step closer, letting my palm touch his arm as I frown up at him "what is it? What are you not telling me?"

And he goes even more stiff, eyes instantly zapping away from me. I have rarely seen him this troubled, he's forever been so sure about everything he does that this look of tensed nerves seems odd on him. He's always so strong and unbreakable that I often forget that there might be things that shake him up as well.

"Nothing...it's nothing...don't pay attention to him" his voice is rigid as he repeats "trust me...everything will be alright..."

"I know you won't let anything happen to us" I try to get him to calm down instead and honestly, the words are not a lie, I am not worried at all...at least not about myself "I do trust you on that".

His gaze comes back on me, eyes still worried but I can feel his breathing calming as he gulps loudly. I smile up at him realizing that it must be something really threatening which had him feeling so jarred, I let my fingers find his before I entwine them letting him know I do have full faith on his strength. He takes a big breath, nodding pertly to my words as an assurance and with that he resumes his walking as he guides me towards the carriage waiting for us.

But why do I feel like Taehyung knows about what Jungkook meant? Why does it feel like he's hiding something from me?

North Gate castle had probably never been this busy as it was today, the entire place a rush of spirits, every resident busy in chatter and praises of astonishment. However, the most startling thing to see would probably be the fact that the large crowd that was gathered outside their home today was not here to complain or argue or throw curses but they were all here today to cheer for their idols today.

"What happened to him?" Ha-yoon asks beside me, her tone confused as she frowns at how Taehyung sent out invitations to the people about the feast that he has decided to be arranged at North Gate castle to celebrate the victory and the future.

"I have no clue...he's been doing all sorts of things these days" I spoke under my breath to the lady by my side, my gaze following Taehyung as I saw him busy in preparations with Yushik tailing him in rushed steps as he tried to keep up with everything Taehyung commanded him to do.

I am a little worried as well with what might have happened to him...he's been the most volatile man I've ever met but right now I could see that not only me but every person who has known him is confused to see the trueblood who'd growl and curse at people be this welcoming as to suggest to invite people to his home!

"I have never seen him like this" I thought out loud, my eyes still following after him and saw him stop pacing around to turn to look up at me as we stood in the open balcony which oversaw the entrance of the castle. A chill raked through me to feel his eyes on myself, no words passed...no questions asked and yet I could read a thousand flitting emotions cross his unperturbed expression as he gazed at me in silence.

I feel like an open book when he looks at me like that...like he could see everything I didn't want to reveal...and knew about all the words I wouldn't speak. I wish I could do the same...look through him and understand all his silences as well.

He turned around to go back to concentrate on whatever he was doing and my insides felt hollow all of a sudden.

"I am glad to see that I was right to think that he'd grow out of his rigid aggressive attitude once he has a mate to share his troubles with" a calm breeze fiddled with our hairs as she said the words "I had believed that one day he'd take up the throne and the people will finally see him as someone they should look up to rather than curse at...but today I think I am even more proud to know that Kleon will remember him as the one who forged the pathway to a new world where no one will have the right to look down upon another" she turned to me and I could see the pride gleaming in her eyes "and I have a feeling that together you will reform Kleon as the land that will never be forgotten."

Her words made my insides fill with delight at our new achievements and hope for the ones we were yet to attain. Sometimes when I think back to how much I have changed over the last few months, I feel a little afraid...so much has happened...I, who had always been cursed for my powers have been decked with the responsibility to lead a kingdom...and yet I can't deny that I have this feeling that I will live up to the expectations because the most prideful alpha I've ever met believes that I was born to lead.

"Sometimes he gets so confusing" my gaze was still fixed on Taehyung's back.

There are questions clouding my brain but I chose to push them back and trust his word on it...trust my alpha that nothing will go wrong because he won't let anything wrong happen to me or our pup.

There's also this new sense of pride that seemed to be brimming within me now whenever I hear someone praise Taehyung. Every applaud my mate receives feels like a praise to me as well and somewhere in my heart I too know that I am proud to know that it was my mate who had the strength to stand against the tyranny of the royals, that it was my alpha who had the power to establish the idea of reforming centuries worth of oppression...that it was Taehyung who had not only urged the people of Kleon towards freedom and justice but he had also led me towards it as well.

But then again, I have a feeling he's kinda going to be an ass always.

"What's gotten into you?" I enquire as I see him walking into his study and eyeing me.

"I believe that's my seat" he replies, choosing to deny my question as he cocks a brow at me to see me seated at his desk. I don't get why he gets so possessive about every single thing.

"As your leader, I have every right to oversee what you are planning Commander" I fail to cover up my smile as I see him smirking at me, his teeth digging into his lower lip in a sly tease.

"Oversee my plans?"

"Mhmm...I believe I must-" "And what do you think? Am I guilty of any offence 'my liege'?" His voice is light, almost flirty as he rounds the heavy wooden desk to come to my side, hand brushing over my arm to set on my shoulders as he stands behind the chair I am currently seated on.

"Ah...q-quite many if I must point out" I try to stay unaffected by the way I could sense him leaning in, breath fanning my neck as he chuckles at my words.

"Ok...and what is my punishment for such an offence?" He pecks at my neck, smiling against my skin before he carries on playing with me, leaving a trail of pecks along my jaw "am I allowed to plead for a little show of mercy my liege?"

My eyes close in their own volition as I feel him press his mouth at the soft flesh below my ear, his breath tickling my skin as it made something fiery graze underneath my skin.

"You may" my words come out breathy and hushed as I struggle to hold onto my sane mind.

"Won't you ask why I'm arranging for the feast?"

"I did ask...I thought you hated people gathering at your home" I inquire trying to understand what he was trying to play now.

"Our" he corrects me with a peck at my cheek "I realized we never really got the chance to celebrate our mating...if we're reforming, I thought why not try to do everything the right way eh?"

He speaks, hand moving to tilt my chin up and I open my eyes to realize that despite me being the one who had began this game, he's the one who had taken the upper hand now as he smiles down at me while I stay confused as I search his eyes to affirm that he's the same alpha I had hated to be bonded to.

"Despite the mishaps, I'm proud to have you as my mate...I don't want people to keep remembering you as the omega I took away from my brother...I want them to know that we have chosen each other...that you too have chosen me..."

He says before stealing a kiss and I blink up at him trying to figure out what might he be thinking right now. I truly wish at times that I could have a gift like Jimin's, it would be so much easier to understand this man before me...I am still not sure about half the stuff that goes on in Taehyung's mind, his words have been startling me a lot these past few days...it's as if he had some sort of epiphany after I restored him back to life yet again.

There's a knock at the door and Yushik's voice floats in from the other side "sire...there are people asking-" "I'll be there" Taehyung replies, heading out in haste to attend to the arrangements and I sit there reminiscing not only about the words he had just spoken but also about the question he had asked me a few days ago...one that I hadn't found the strength to answer right away...

'Would you choose me as your alpha...willingly?'

A smile took over my lips as I thought back to how oddly soft and unusually pleading Taehyung's eyes had seemed at that moment, how even remembering it makes goosebumps flare all over my skin...and I planned to give him the reply in my own way.

I went out to look for Ha-yoon, my steps hasty as excitement bubbled up in my veins and Ha-yoon was rather surprised to see me peeking into her room.

"I had a favour to ask for"

"Sure, come in...whatever you want Seokjin-ah" and instantly I rushed inside to take a seat beside her, my actions are jittery as I tried to conceal my nervousness with a smile and felt my cheeks heat up.

And she had stared at me, probably judging my odd actions.

"You seem to be very happy about the feast...well, I don't blame you...I'm quite excited myself...we rarely have visitors...no one really dared to because of his flaring temper you see..." she rambled not rightly judging the omega's glee so Jin decided to tell her.

"Umm...I actually came to ask if you have any idea about the...umm...the-you know, those wedding robes he had gotten me as a mating gift...?"

"The ones you threw right back at him?" She blinked at me making me flush even more red.

"Yes...they were really pretty-" "I remember you telling him you hated those...?"

"N-No...I didn't hate those...it's just that I'm uncomfortable in-" "I agree they'd be even more uncomfortable for you to wear now being with child and all you know" Ha-yoon assured, judging my intentions wrongly yet again making me flush with embarrassment further as I tried to come up with a way to tell her what I had come here to say to her.

"But I want to" the words were small as I bit into my lip before meekly looking up at her "I wanted to see how I'd look in the robes he had gotten for me...so could you please tell the tailor to get me something like the ones he had chosen for me?"

And Ha-yoon's mouth stayed open for more than a minute to finally judge the message in my intention.

"I see" she spoke, a smile playing at her lips now "I'll have someone get them for you right away...I'm sure he never threw those away."

My head shot up as I realized with a start "he kept those with him?"

The lady broke out into a light laugh looking at how surprised I was to hear that "I'm sure he had a feeling that someday he'd get to see you in those."

"I asked you to help me out...but you guys just keep making me feel like some weak little omega" I grumble, eyeing the soft looking shimmering robes hanging by the dresser, too fancy for me but they do look gorgeous if you ask me.

"Don't dillydally Prince, come now" the elder ajhumma rebuked as they surrounded me from all sides "let me help you wash up and put it on...you're gonna be late for the feast otherwise and master is gonna be very angry, he hates people being casual about punctuality... after all the feast is to celebrate your new title as a leader...and nobody likes a tardy leader..."

"This is wrong" I grumble again as I pout in protest "what use is this feast to celebrate me becoming the 'leader' when you all are gonna treat him like your master still?"

And I hear them break out in giggles as I dip myself into the warm water, I am not nearly as amused as them though...this is just them still favouring Taehyung but they won't listen to me even if I point that out.

"Sure you're our leader indeed...and honestly we're all so very proud of you" Yuna giggles, scrubbing my arm before she leans in to whisper "but that doesn't change the fact that he's still your alpha dear prince...you can't deny his demands on you just because you got other responsibilities now...trust us he won't allow you to do that...he's still the master at home, and you're still his omega...you may punish him for commanding you out there but the truth is, within these four walls you're bound to give in to his every command" they titter around me as I roll my eyes at them.

"Aww look at your ears burning red" Midel giggles and I clasp at my ears to hide them away as I mumble trying to look unaffected by their taunts "so what if my ears are red?"

"You're so naive...blushing like a baby and still denying" the elder ajhumma laughed at me "why hide? There's nothing wrong in being in love with your mate...your alpha deserves that from you."

My voice catches at my throat as the words settle into me and I blink at them in blank astonishment.

"I d-don't think I'm in-" "Ah these young hearts...always so scared to deal with their emotions" she spoke carrying on with scrubbing and massaging "how will you deal with the nation's troubles if you keep yourself so troubled with things that are so easy to see huh?"

The words send an arrow of realisation run through me.

"Oh dear prince calm yourself down...your ears are going to catch on fire now" with that they broke out into a fresh bout of laughter.

And after an hour of scented oils and creams and powders and a whole lot of fussing, I finally stood before the full mirror inside our chamber to gape at myself in wonder. The gold, white and red robes sequinned with royal pearls and embroidery give a rather grand aura that made me look like the prince I never got the chance to become.

"Is this ok for a feast?" I inquire in awe "I look...overdressed"

"There's nothing called being 'overdressed' if you're trying to make an impression on your man" Yuna clears smirking at me "and trust me prince you look absolutely stunning!"

I guess I really looked good, or maybe utterly weird, because as I walked out of the chamber, all eyes followed me.

When the last time I had met these people there had been murmurs about me being the prince of Eulan brought to Kleon to be claimed by the king and how I had been taken away from him by the trueblood...how he had forced his mark upon me...how he had kept me here at North Gate castle as his omega...and how I had retaliated by Kleon's men in return.

But today as I walked through the crowd gathered here all I heard them voicing were praises for both me and my alpha...we were no longer monsters with powers too threatening to them but two people on whom they could put their trust upon.

And as I entered the hall where the feast had been arranged, my eyes instantly went to set upon Taehyung. His back turned to the door as he spoke with Yoongi, who smiled at me the moment he traced me at the door.

I could see him telling something to Taehyung although I couldn't make out what but in the very next moment Taehyung was turning about to look and I swear that was the moment I felt like I probably should not have done this because of how absolutely stunned he looked all of a sudden...awed and wordless as he simply stood staring at me.

He was dressed differently, not that regal blue commander's suit he often wears for official occasions but decked in a white and red overcoat with gold embroidery worked in intricate designs over it...and I smiled a little to myself realizing Ha-yoon must have gotten him to wear it to match my attire.

I felt my heart pounding against my ribs as I saw him slowly take a step through the crowd to head towards me, his gaze unmoving from me as I held my breath...something inside me felt like if I move I might disturb him and I stayed frozen under his dark gaze, enchanted as well.

"I wasn't really expecting to see you in this" he leans in to whisper into my ear.

I felt his hand coil about my hip to rest at the small of my back as he guided me inside to meet the others. Several eyes followed us as people began gathering around for the feast. Music filled the air and the evening seemed to have been adorned in a light of joy.

"Well, it was my gift after all" I spoke leaning into him not intending our little conversation to reach other ears "I am allowed to accept it when I intend to right?"

And the smile he gave me alone spoke for everything.

He leans into my side, lips ghosting over my ear as he whispers "of course darling...it is custom-made to suit only you"

I try to do away the heat that rushes to my cheeks, my ears already feeling hot as well.

"The potion's wearing off...I've missed your scent" he blurts next although his voice is a mere hush as he dips his head lower to catch a quick whiff, but holds back from scenting me in the midst of everyone. I sense the truth in his confession, and this might be the first time that I am regretting the fact that he is trying to be so thoughtful and not acting like the complete brute who'd take pride in showing off his possessiveness over me before all.

"Do it...I wish to wear your scent" my voice is soft but resolute as I realize what I just said.

He pauses, gaze delving deeper into mine as I sense him trying to read the sincerity there...as if he couldn't believe the words I had said and needed something more to assure himself.

"I too want everyone here to know that I am proud to have you as my mate..."

Honestly, I too have terribly missed sensing his scent and his trueblood...although I am glad that I can bond with the pup but on the other hand, I feel utterly anxious due to being blocked to sense the presence and assurance his alpha provides me with.

I guess I didn't realize when having Taehyung as my support had become a habit to me...or when had I allowed myself to depend on him so much...

"Don't tempt me with pretty words love...they hurt more than your anger does" he gives me a slow smirk, eyes dipping low to hide the emotion I could feel coursing through him as he coiled his fingers at my nape, pulling me closer in a slow pull as he stared at me "don't tell me words that make me wish for more if you won't let me have it all."

"All? What is it that you asked of me and I have not given you?" My eyes close and the words fade on my lips as I feel him pressing his nose at my scent gland, a hum slipping out of my mouth.

"Always so eager to make your point, aren't you?" He chuckles, pulling back from scenting me.

"I learnt it from my alpha" I grin at him and see him give out a short laugh, hand brushing against my cheek with fondness as he stares down at me.

"Sounds like a wise man" he smirks back at me.

"He is...although he can be a real ass at times as well"

"Omega don't-" he bites into his cheek controlling his words "I'm sure he cares about you very much, you shouldn't talk about him like this"

"I'm sure he does...but he's still kinda an ass" I giggle seeing his jaw grit in anger while he struggled not to yell curses at me for 'testing his temper.'

I feel his arm wrapping about my wrist as he led us away from the public eye as we stepped into the dimmer side of the hallway and I felt my back against a pillar as he corners me into it intentionally "how dare you try to demean me n mock me huh? Leader or not I will still ensure to punish you for this" the smirk was still in place as he fake growled at me but his voice sounded heavier now.

And I too took this little window of alone-time to toy with him a little more as I stepped up on my tippytoes to press my mouth on his to steal a kiss.

"Am I allowed to plead for a little show of mercy alpha?"

He stills, mouth parting as I trace the surprise in his eyes before I feel his hands taking a hold of my wrists to pin them above my head right when he captures my lips in his. His mouth slotted against mine as he kissed me, tongue sliding across my lip to slip inside as our passions burned high.

I smiled to myself to feel him releasing my wrists to coil his arms about me, touch gentle and adoring as his large hands caressed my hips. I snaked my arms around his neck to hold him close.

There are some things you don't learn about yourself unil you let someone else enter into the most intimate places of your heart.*

Him and I, it's like we share more than a home...it's like we have a little world of our own where we are merely us, not tied by customs or regulations or law...where he is my home and I am his world.

á na márië.

[A/N] yes, it's a short chapter...say like a filler maybe...but we'll probably have such short chapters from here on 🤐

(*It's a quote by Keira Cass)

Borahae 💜

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