By NiranjanaNepol

366K 18.7K 1.2K

Loneliness... that's what he always wanted. He wanted to be alone. His world is different. He didn't need any... More

1 The Wedding
2 She loves him
3 This is what I'm
4 The Letter
5 Arnav's friends
6 Food Poison
7 Angel
8 Interview
9 The Answer
10 Anonymous Feel
11 Khushi's Perception
12 Question
13 She is his wife...after all...
14 Guilty Mother-in-law
15 Angry Arnav
16 Change
17 Husband's Condition
18 No peace of mind
19 The First HUG
20 Warm-heartedness
21 Clarity
23 Love?
24 Proposals
25 I'm Married
26 Arnav's Action
27 Engagement Party
28 Arnav's closeness
29 Arnav and his thought
30 Encounter
31 First ever conversation
32 Utter Change
33 Clear-cut declaration
34 Is it Permanent?
35 As he said...
36 Feelings...?
37 In Arnav's Room
38 Real Picture
39 Talks...
40 Confession
41 Unexpected Action
42 Normal Life
43 Danger?
44 The Party
45 Jealous
46 plan
47 Pleasant Surprise
48 In Delhi
49 Excitement
50 Nose Cut
51 Apology
52 Romance and passion
53 Mysterious Man
54 Who is he?
55 Plan of meeting Vishal
56 Don't poke your nose
57 Cute Fight
58 Warning
59 How important...!
60 Apology
61 Helping Khushi
62 Third Person
63 Suspicion
64 Task
65 Confusion
66 Trap
67 Punishment
68 Boomerang
69 Guests
70 Guests or Enemies?
71 The party
72 Understanding Partner
73 Last Part

22 Furious Husband

5.5K 274 17
By NiranjanaNepol

Part 22 Furious husband (Long Update)

Aman was shocked to the core. Is Vikrant talking about Khushi? How dare he...! Aman knew Vikrant. He was a shameless guy when it comes to the matter of women. He won't mind stooping low. He will go to any extent to get the girl on his bed... according to him, women are just for bed. That's all...

"What a girl she is...!" Vikrant said.

"How do you know about Khushi?" Aman asked, controlling himself.

"I saw her photographs with Johnson..."

Aman rolled his eyes.

"I would like to meet the model..."

"She is not a model but my PA"

"That's great..."

"Vikrant, she is not what you are thinking..." Aman said.

"Let her be anything... I will talk to her..."

"She won't do modeling for any company..."

"Why not, if I offer her more than what you offered?" he smiled cunningly.

"She is my friend..."

"Just now you said she is your PA?"

"Vikrant, try to understand... I was in hurry to complete the session. That's why I requested her to do the session."

Cutting him,

"So, she can be manipulated.... Right?"

"She was not ready to do it. She agreed only because I'm her friend and that too with saree..."

"Of course, that's what made me mad, Aman. I never thought a girl can collapse me with a simple saree"

"You are mistaken...she is not that kind..."

"I have seen many kinds... let me see what kind she is..."

"Vikrant, this is not done..."

"Stop talking like an old man, Aman. What if she likes me?"

"She won't..."

"Aman, are you trying her?"

"Shut up..." Aman gritted his teeth, clutching his collar.

Vikrant looked at his hand and then his face.

"Leave my" Aman said.

Vikrant removed his hand from his collar. He saw Khushi coming out of her cabin and going somewhere. Vikrant's face spilled a lusty expression. He left the office smirking.

Aman cursed himself for bringing Khushi into a problem. He knew Vikrant. He won't be quiet. He will try to reach Khushi at any cause. Aman was nervous.

Arnav who came there asked Aman.

"Why Vikrant came here, Aman?"

"He is a B***** Leave it..." Aman went to his cabin furiously, leaving thoughtful Arnav.


Khushi started from the office. She got down from the elevator and walked out of the building. She jerked as someone blocked her way, stopping the car at her feet at the office entrance. Aman was not wrong. Vikrant was not ready to leave this matter easily. He got down from the car, smiling at Khushi. Khushi frowned at him even though she saw him in the office. She was about to go from there, he stopped her, extending his hand.

"I need to talk to you," Vikrant said.

"I don't know who you are..." Khushi said calmly.

"I'm one of the main dealers of AM Designs"


"I saw your photos... I liked you very much. So, thought to get committed with you"

Khushi looked at him loath fully. She didn't like the way he talked.

"I'm not interested..." She tried to go from there.

"I can offer anything you want"

"I don't want anything.... excuse me"

"You don't know me..."

"I don't want to know who you are..."

Opening his car door, Vikrant tried to push Khushi inside the car but he was pulled back. Khushi looked at Arnav who pulled Vikrant's collar from behind. He looked not less than a beast. In no time, he started hitting Vikrant black and blue.

"How dare you touch her?" that's what came from Arnav's mouth for each and every punch.

People gathered around them. Akash and NK who came out of the office got stuck, seeing Arnav hitting Vikrant. Khushi rushed to them,

"Please stop him..." she shouted fearfully.

They rushed to Arnav and tried to stop him. But it was not easy to lock the cyclone in a bottle. Akash and NK held Arnav on either side. Though his hands were in Akash and NK's clutch his legs were free to kick Vikrant. Arnav kicked Vikrant's face and stomach with full power. He fell on the floor with a bleeding face. Aman got stuck, seeing bleeding Vikrant. His eyes automatically turned towards Khushi who looked nervous.

"I will kill you if you dare touch her" Arnav shouted like a maniac hoping to hit him again, being in Akash and NK's clutch.

"What happened, Khushi?" Aman asked.

"He misbehaved with me," Khushi said with teary eyes.

Aman rolled his eyes. He didn't expect Vikrant would act so fast. He lifted Vikrant from the ground, clutching his collar.

"I told you not to do this... won't you understand?" he pushed him towards his car.

Vikrant got into the car clutching his stomach that was aching due to Arnav's kicks. He threw a dangerous look on Arnav and left the place.

Arnav shrugged Akash and NK's hands-off. He looked at Khushi who was crying with fear.

"Come with me..." Arnav said with a deep gaze.

Khushi looked at him gulping down.

"I said..." he gritted his teeth.

"Go Khushi... he will drop you," Aman said.

Khushi bowed down.

"ASR..." Aman was about to say something,

"This is why I asked you not to force her to do the photoshoot because she can't stand all this nonsense... See the consequence..." Arnav sneered.

"I... just..." Aman felt bad for what happened to Khushi.

"Let's go..." Arnav said looking at Khushi.

She followed him silently whereas the trio stood helplessly.

Arnav started the car. Khushi was silently crying all the way to Parel. She was scared, seeing Arnav so furious.

They reached the house. Arnav threw his bag on the floor with anger making Khushi jerk.

"Can't you understand a simple thing, Khushi? Didn't I ask you not to agree to do modeling? Why didn't you understand? You are new to this field. You know nothing about it. When you know nothing about it, why didn't you take my decision into consideration?"

"When did you ask me not to do, Arnavji?" she asked feeling bad.

Arnav got stuck.

"You are an understanding girl... can't you just understand through my GESTURES?" he gulped down. We can't say he was talking about THAT gesture only.

"You could have told me not to... You were there... then why didn't you stop me Arnavji?"

Arnav gulped down.

"It's because we have been drawn a line between us... right? That's why you don't want to guide me... then why did you get angry if someone misbehaved with me? Why did you cross the line and hit the man?"

That surely made Arnav furious.

"Do you want me to watch coolly when someone misbehaves with you? Do you want me to let him touch you?" he shouted.

"You have not given me the answer to my question... why can't you just open your mouth and say it straight away?"

"Why are you blaming me? I know this is how it will take a turn... this is why I don't want you to be here..." he said with anger.

Arnav got stuck, seeing Khushi's eyes pooling up.

"I will leave your house as soon as possible, Arnavji... you no need to bother about me..." she said choking.

"I didn't mean it..." Arnav said.

She rushed to her room without listening to him.

"Khushi... Khushi, listen to me... Khushiiiii..." Arnav shouted.

He punched the wall without bothering about the pain. He thought something and called Ratna. She attended the call.

"It's everything because of you..." he shouted on phone.

Ratna was taken back...

"What are you talking about?"

"Why the hell did you ask Khushi to do modeling? What do you know about this felid? Can't you just stay away from the issue or ask her to get MY permission? She would not have done that if you had been zipping your lips... see, what happened now... a rough was about to pounce on her today..."

Ratna was stuck. She too didn't expect this level of consequence.

"I don't know, Chotte..."

Cutting her,

"If you know nothing, why do you give her suggestions? What if something happens to her?"

"How do you know she got my permission?"

"I was there..."

"Then you could have advised her not to do modeling... I agree I know nothing about this field but you know... then why were you silent, Chotte...?"

"I gestured her not to..."

"Oh... you want her to understand your gestures... but you won't understand her..."

"Mom, please... don't connect something is not related to this issue"

"Why should not I? She asked my permission even though you were there. She would not have done that if you had told her straight away..."

"Stop blaming me for everything... This is why I don't want her to stay here and wanted to tell her the same but she misunderstood me and cried..."

Ratna felt bad for both of them. Khushi loves Arnav and Arnav also started feeling for Khushi. It's Arnav who has to realize what he feels for Khushi is nothing but love.

"Mom, I didn't ask her to leave my house but Mumbai"

"Does it make difference?"

"Tell her I didn't mean it..."

"She is in a hand distance from you, Chotte... You can tell her that"

"Mom, try to understand... she will leave my house"

"That's what good for her, Chotte. Let her go from your house. It will help her to realize her worth and leads her to think of marrying someone who understands her"

"Will you stop talking about remarriage?" he yelled.

"Why? You won't accept her as your wife and won't let her marry someone. What do you want Chotte? Are you going to torture her keeping her with you without giving any assurance?" She too yelled.

"She is here... that's the assurance..."

"ok... stay adamant... bye" She disconnected the call.

"Mooooom..." Arnav threw the phone on the couch annoying.

To be continued...

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