By MsBooPotato

499K 20.3K 2.3K

JAN 2015 - JUNE 2017 COMPLETED After being sent off by his pack away from his mate, Harris' life has become m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (End)
Extra Chappy

Chapter 15

13.1K 532 28
By MsBooPotato

Did I do something wrong? Why do I feel guilty?

I closed my eyes as I stared at the ceiling trying to understand why he seemed so betrayed when he was the one who pushed me first.

I can't forget how Niel stared at me full of pain, hatred, sadness, regret... everything I felt when they threw me out.

He doesn't deserve it.

"Hey?" Liam patted my head. I looked up at him, my eyes swollen from crying. "I brought you some food, you haven't eaten anything since we came home."

I stared at the tray of soup and bread before shaking my head.

I don't want to talk...I don't want to do anything now.

Why am I feeling so depressed? It's just so not me... Lucas told me once that mates have this strong connection like twins. Does Niel feel the same way? Then back then, did he feel my pain too?

"You have to eat!" My eyes widened when he suddenly pulled my hands up to sit on his bed. I frowned as I glared at the food. "Stop glaring at the g*ddamn food and eat."

"I don't have any appetite." I said weakly and Liam sighed.

"Look at me." I shook my head. I felt him sit beside me before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Don't depress yourself."

"I'm not." I leaned my head on his shoulder, loving the warmth. This is not my's Niel's.

"Then what's the matter?" He pulled me closer and now both of his arms are around me.

He's being clingy again. I still can't believe it when he was so cold back then.

"I don't know...I felt like I did something horrible." I clenched my fist. "I've never seen him like that before..." I closed my eyes. "I can't believe I hurt him again. I'm always hurting him when all he does is to be there all the time." I said in guilt.

"Harris." Liam hugged me tightly, giving me all the comfort I needed. The comfort I used to receive from Niel.

"Si-since we were young, I've always given him trouble," My eyes are tired but I can't stop crying.

Whenever I see his reaction in my mind...pain just keeps on coming back.

"I can't catch up to him...he's ruining his grade just to stay in the same class with me. He's alway prioritising me all the time..." I snuggled on his chest. "He did nothing but be kind to me but... I'm always, always-"

"Shh..." He brushed my hair slowly as he patted my back. "It's alright Harris."

"How can i-it be alright?!" He suddenly patted my head before looking at me straight to my eyes.

"Believe me, I can feel it but first you have to eat." He pulled away and smiled.

"Liam..." I slowly pulled away before nodding.

"You've forgotten your place." My eyes widened and he smirked. "But I like the sound of it. Please call me that from now on." I smiled when I saw how happy he was. "Now eat."

"Okay." He put the tray on the bed and I started eating. I don't have the appetite to be honest but Liam will never stop bothering me, I sighed.

I'm glad that I have him.


"Really?!" I asked with a very wide smile on my face.

"Yup, you don't have to clean our rooms anymore. Someone will do it for you." Liam said as he dried his hair on the other side of the bed with his back on me while I'm still wing lazy on his bed.

I just woke up still depressed but he quickly cheered me up with the news.

"How about the puppies?" I asked as I faced his back... the sexiest back I've ever seen. I poked it and he turned to look at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked amusedly and I just stared at him. He smirked. "About the pups you can play with them if you want but, as much as possible, I want you to stay with me."

I tried not to let my emotion show but what he said was the most romantic thing I've been told. Liam didn't say that, did he? I blushed hard before hiding under the blanket to hide my face.

The Alpha male let out a chuckle before bending down and planting a kiss on my forehead. I stiffened under the cover.

"I'm leaving first, you can go back if your colour is back."

"Just leave." I glared at nowhere and he just chuckled before leaving the room.

I sighed in relief after he was gone and I sat up. My heart won't stop beating so load and I bet even the wolves outside the room could hear it pounding. I took a deep breath in and out before brushing my hair back smiling.

I feel good now.

After ten minutes of smiling alone I finally stood up and did my morning routine. After that, I went to the beta's room and found Lucas sitting on the floor while staring at Hariel on the bed.

I left her here for her safety and to lighten Lucas' mood in a condition that he won't hurt her.

"Lucas?" He slowly looked up, his hair was messy and his eyes were still swollen red.

He looks pale, wanna know why? It's because of his stupid mate who brought his fiancee in here!

"Harris?" Lucas forced a smile and I sighed.

"You look like shit Lucas." I said as I closed the door behind me and walked towards him.

"Thanks!" He smiled genuinely this time and I smiled back.

"You're feeding her." I asked as I sat on the bed.

"Yeah...Harris," He looked up at me straight to the eyes and I raised a brow sensing the seriousness of his stares. "Zicky and I...we're planning to do know." I raised a brow again before shaking my head, why is he blushing?

"What is it? Tell me." He looked down.

"Mating." My eyes widened.

"Wh-what?!" I shouted and made Hariel run away again. "But what about Zick's mate?! And yours?!" He leaned his chin on the bed.

"Zick and I talked about it." He smiled a little. "He chose me."

"That's sweet." I sighed but can't really be happy for him knowing that they will affect their own mates. "I'm glad for you...but Daniel? If he learned this-"

"Who cares?" He glared with a pout. "But Zicky said that too so we decided that we'll do it on his wedding day since I'm obviously not invited. We'll do it before he marks her. My body won't be able to take it so we have to cut the connection."

"Are you sure about this?" His eyes widened before looking down.

"To be honest? I love my mate." He blushed hard as he pressed his face down the bed. "But I can only feel it because of our fate and nothing more so I'm sure, there's no turning back."

I sighed before moving in front of him and laid his head on my lap. "I'm proud of you, Lucas." He chuckled.

"I'm glad." I smiled.

I don't know if this is the right decision but as long as Lucas is happy then I'll support him.

No matter what happened...

"And then he told me that we'll be together..." Tania said dreamily and I rolled my eyes. "Forever and ever and ever and-"

"Ever and ever and ever, that's so cliche." Lucas said, boredly while laying on the ground.

We are in the garden resting after the pups were already taken for their nap and now we're stuck here listening to Tania's love story.

"What cliche?! Huh you're just jealous, my prince is perfect!" She giggled and Lucas repeated it sarcastically.

"My prince is perfect too you know, much more perfect than yours who have a rotten personality!" Lucas wiggled his tongue at Tania that made her frowned.

"He said he'll stop."

"Great. You can marry him now." Tania rolled her eyes at Lucas.

"Look, both of you, stop talking about your princes cause to be honest I'm getting jealous over here." They both looked at each other before smirking at me.

I don't like the way they did that.

"What was that?" I glared.

"Oh Harris." Tania giggled. "We should be the ones who should be jealous here." Lucas nodded.

"Even though he's bad news he's still the most wanted man alive here. A top tier." He said. "He's like Batman." He said childishly and I rolled my eyes.

"How come?"

"He's rich, handsome, smart-"

"Smart you say? Are you even sure? They're not even going to school!" I cut her off and she rolled her eyes.

"They are house students, Mister?" She glared and my lips formed an 'O'.

That explains it. This pack is quite sensitive to humans unlike mine. They hardly try to get along with mankind but I don't need to ask why.

I'm just thankful that my Pack was able to live with humans and get to know that not everyone is evil

"How about you guys? I mean us, why aren't we going to school?"

"I stopped at 5th grade. I haven't continued my studies since my aunt left me here to work." Tania shrugged, and didn't really care.

Guess she's someone who hates schools.

"Oh and Lucas?"

"Me? I grew up here but didn't receive any education." He said casually like it was normal.

"Really? Where's your parents?" I asked as I watched him crawl towards me in four and laid his head on my lap.

"I don't know, I've never met them." He closed his eyes and I stared at him, didn't know what to say next.

Lucas had a hard life. Maybe that's the reason why he's a little bit weird. Carter raised him like a good father but since he's the doctor of the pack, he didn't really have the chance to focus on Lucas.

"But I can write and read." Lucas said proudly and I smiled.

"How did you learn?" I brushed his hair and he bit his lower lip.

"I...someone taught me before." He said, staring at the sky. "But he's long gone." I slowly nodded. "The villains took him away then Batman saved him! Then he became his sidekick and called himself Robin! The handsome boy who doesn't know how to wear his briefs right! Oh but he's cute anyway." I chuckled.

"Oh here we go again!" Tania frowned as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway it's boring, wanna do something fun?" She asked, smirking that made Lucas sit up excitedly.

"I want! I want!" He shouted.

"Then let's go outside!" She cheered and I frowned.

"We can't do that." I said and Lucas pouted.

"Harris this is not the first time it happened. We had been locked as well before! It's probably the sixth time or more and we've been doing the 'escape' thing everytime it happens!" Tania said, frowning. "We never have been caught! Right Lucas?"

"Yeah, trust Tania, she's an expert with this." Lucas said proudly and Tania giggled, very proud of herself as well.

"So come on! Trust me, let's go before someone sees us." She stood up excitedly followed by Lucas who's also happy about this.

He forgot about his problems, so I smiled. If this makes him feel better then-

"We better go before it gets dark." I stood up and dusted my butt.

They both cheered and I sighed.

I hope we won't get caught though.

"Hey, what is this place?" I was confused as we walked towards a small alley in the city, we walked for thirty minutes to get here. This part of the city is really scary, the buildings are old and some of them are abandoned.

There are less people here too.

"This is scary." I whispered at Lucas and he just stared at me smirking.

"That's my first impression too, but the people here are really nice and funny." Lucas chuckled.

"Here we are!" Tania giggled as we stopped in front of a weird steel door. She knocked and the door opened a little revealing a weird, blondie guy with muscles.

"Password." He said coldly and Tania frowned.

"Shut up and let us in idiot." Tania glared at the guy and he chuckled.

"You haven't changed Tania," The blond said as he opened up the door for us. "Oh you brought our cute Lucas with you!" Lucas giggled as the blond eyed him with those annoying perverted eyes. I want to kick his eggs with sausage.

"I'm back Kyle." Lucas said smiling.

"Welcome back!" Kyle patted his head before his eyes travelled at me. "Oh another hottie, who is it?" He asked Tania.

"Harris, the new guy." Tania answered. "Anyway, move your ass."

Whoa, I've never seen this side of her. Kyle chuckled as he moved aside.

"You're really sweet Tania, have a good time."

We walked in and I prayed this would end so we could go back.


"I can't believe you're turning eighteen!" Zoddy said in daze as he stared at the ceiling of my room.

"And what's the problem with that?" I asked as I turned the next page of this huge book about the rules and history for the pack that I've been reading since the Alpha was sent to the hospital.

Since I'm attending Packs' meetings, I should at least know even the basic rules so the old people won't laugh at me up damn...

This is boring.

"Everything!" Zoddy shouted and I jumped on my seat. "Two months after your birthday you'll receive the title of the Alpha! Then you'll find your mate! Then you'll be very busy! Then we'll meet often! Then-" I looked at him when he stopped.

"Then what?" I asked and he frowned.

"Everything will change, Daniel is getting married! He'll have his own family at the age of twenty-one, while I...I'll have to wait for two more years before I can find my mate!" He said annoyed and I sighed.

"That's how life goes, why are you here anyway?" I asked as I turned my attention back to my book. He used to stay with Daniel for the whole day instead of being with me, cause as he says, I'm boring.

"I don't want to stay with Daniel!" He shouted. He's really loud and annoying. He's shouting even if I'm just here sitting next to him on the sofa. "He's doomed! Like DOOMED!!" I frowned while rolling my eyes.

How long is he going to stay here? And why can't I sense Harris? I sighed.

I don't know why but I am starting to think he's really hot in a weird way. I've never been attracted to anyone but I couldn't stay away from him as soon as I saw him.

I want to see him.


"Ouch!" My chest throb, I clenched my fist above it.

"Hey, what happened?!" Zoddy asked worriedly. I slowly looked up at him, gritting my teeth in pain.

"My chest hurt." I said before groaning in pain.

What the fuck is this?! I bent down digging my fingers into the sofa.


"I'll call Calter!" Zoddy shouted as he jumped off the bed.

No! Call Harris! I have to see him!

"Liam!" The door burst open and Daniel stood there, breathing heavily.

"Daniel what happened?! You look shitter than shit!" Zoddy asked and Daniel ignored his stupid remarks.

"Liam! Lucas is missing!" I closed my eyes as I breathed heavily.

I don't give a shit to whatever happened to that brat! I wanted to see Harris! Where the fuck is he?

"Liam! Tania and Harris are also missing!" My eyes shot up at his face with wide eyes so did Zoddy.

"What?" We both asked.


Oh sorry for the late update guys! I tried my best to write Liam's point of view which is really hard. Thanks for reading by the way and please ignore my errors, yeah I know there are too many of them. Anyway I hope you like this chappy and please continue to support this story!

Bye luv yha *kiss* muah, see yha next time!

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