Feelings | Kai parker


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Updates every day Harper Miller had a normal life before her family moved to mystic falls. After 4 years sinc... Más



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We went to Blake and Mike's house. I rushed inside and saw Mike sitting on a couch. I ran towards him and punched him in the face.
"How could you." I asked and tried to punch him again but Blake stopped me.

"What did you do to Kai?" I asked, I could feel my voice was breaking but I didn't care, all I cared about was Kai and his safety.

"It's just an old spell, okay it will make him weaker for a while."

"He's unconscious." Blake told his brother. I couldn't speak anymore, if I opened my mouth I knew I won't be able to stop crying and I couldn't break down in front of Mike.

"I don't know about that, he should have wake up like minutes later, the spell was only to take his powers temporarily-"

"So, you could kill him?" I cut him off, he nodded. I couldn't believe this , he admitted everything. it's the second time he tried to harm Kai. I shook my head.
"Tell me how to reverse it?" I said but it came out more like a demand.

"There's no reverse, didn't you heard what I said, it's temporarily"

"I hate you." I yelled at his face and walked away. I quickly went back to my house, pick up phone and called Zeke to tell him about what Mike just told me. "Hello?" He asked
"Yes, zeke it's me." "Oh, right, girl who was with Kai"
"My name's Harper but it's not important now."
"Okay" he replied
"Did you figure out anything."

"Yes" I said and nodded but knew he couldn't see it. "It was an old spell to take his powers temporarily but he shouldn't be unconscious for this long." I explained

"Okay, Harper thank's for your help, I'll contact you when I'll have more information." He said and hang up.

I just went to my room and laid in my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Kai and a lot of ifs, like what if he wouldn't wake up at all, or maybe he would and he would lost his powers, and it all would be my fault, Mike's my best friend , what if he hates me?.
Finally I fade to sleep.

I woke up next morning and immediately checked my phone but there was no missed calls from Zeke. What if they won't figure it out?
How did even Mike knew about this spell?
Then I heard knock on my door.

I walked downstairs and opened the door.
"Mike?" I asked in disbelief couldn't believe he came to see me after everything he did.

"Harper, listen, I can't say that I'm sorry because I'm not" he said and I almost slammed the  door in front of him
"But." He continued , giving me a paper with latin words on it.
"This is the spell, just give this to whoever" he said and left. I just closed the door and called Zeke.

"This is really early, Harper."

"Wow, you remembered my name" I said ironically, in better mood because I had spell that made Kai in this condition.
"Look, I have a spell that was done to Kai."

"What, how did you-
I cut him off, "not important"

"Just come here and -

"Yes, yes, I'm coming" he said cutting me off.

I was standing near the window waiting for Zeke to arrive. Then finally there was a knock. But it was Elena.
"What do you want Elena?"
"Can I come in?" She asked
"Look, it's not great time, I have something to do."
"This is important, and it's about Care." She finished.
"Okay, come in" I replied.

She came in and sat on the couch, rolling her eyes.
"So?" I asked her, wanting more than to just get over with whatever this was so I could get back to helping Kai.

"Caroline turned off her humanity."
"What?" I asked confused. "But why?"

"Her mom died 2 days ago" she replied.
Her mom died and I wasn't there. "After the Thanksgiving dinner.I was calling you , we all were but you didn't answer." She said. Right I only checked my phone for Zeke's number, because Kai was all I was thinking about.
Then there was a knock again, and this time it was the person I was waiting for. I ran and opened the door.

"Thank god you're here." I sigh in relief
"So, where is it?" He asked
I walked inside and grabbed the paper where the spell was written.
"Here." I replied. When he came inside, Elena looked confused.
"Who's that?" She asked.
"Hi, I'm zeke" he answered
"He's one of Kai's coven members" I added.
"Kai" Elena said in disbelief. "Of course he's the reason why we couldn't contact you, seriously, you were having sex with Kai when we were at care's mum funeral."
I shook my head.
"Get out." I told her, I didn't even wanted to explain that Kai was unconscious and he might never wake up.
She stood up and before walking out, looked at me one  last time. "I didn't expect more from you."

"You're kidding right." I asked her, she rose her eyebrows.
"You know what I was doing when you were at care's mum funeral? Huh?
Well, let's see I was crying beside unconscious Kai who was in that condition because my best friend put him there." Once I was finished I realized, I was yelling.
I breathed.
"I'm sorry" Elena started "I didn't know."
Zeke looked uncomfortable. "I should go" he said. "Why don't you help your friends Harper?" He suggested. "I'll call you when I'll have news about Kai and his situation." I nodded and he left.

When I turned back Elena ran to me and pulled me in a hug. "I'm really sorry, Harper."
I hugged her back, I mean it wasn't her fault and I just didn't have energy to fight with her.
"It's okay, you didn't know." I replied and tears came down from me eyes at the thought of unconscious Kai.
"You can help Kai if you want" Elena started but I cut her off
"No there's nothing I can do and I really need a distraction or all I think about is what'll happen if he doesn't wake up."

"Hey, don't think like that" Elena said in calm voice. "He'll wake up"

"Thank's Elena." I said and hugged her once again. She was being more understanding than before, guess it's because Damon and Bonnie are back now.

"So, how do we know where's Caroline?"
Damon asked behind me.

"I don't know," Elena answered.
"I can try and do the locater spell" Bonnie added.
We were at salvatore's, trying to figure out where was Caroline and  how to get her humanity back.

"You okay?" I heard matt asking beside me.
"I'm fine" I answered, lying clearly.
I was not even close to be okay not when I didn't know how Kai was doing and if he would wake up.

Then Caroline walked in.
"Hello,hello." She said giving us posters about party. "What's this?" I asked
"It's a party which I'm throwing and you're invited."
"You're throwing your party at my house?" Damon asked her, annoyed.

"Yes or do you prefer I kill someone and throw party at their apartment?" She asked.

"Of course not care, what are friends for." Elena said rising her eyebrows at Damon.

"Great, then you need to go, so I can decorate this place for party and I'll need someone to help me get snacks because this place is full of drinks."

My phone rang and I immediately walked outside where vampires couldn't hear me and answered the phone.
"Zeke." I said
"Yes, well I have good and bad news."
"No," I sighed in fear.
"Calm down not that bad" he added. "What is it?" I asked.
"Well bad news is that Kai won't wake up for like a week or two."

"What? Why?"
"Then there's good news, because it took away his powers and that caused him to be unconscious and once he gets them back he'll wake up."

I was confused "good news being?"
"He will have his powers when he wakes up, that's the good news." He replied.
Right, well, at least that was a relieve. I mean Kai cared a lot about his powers and at least he would have them once he wakes up.
"Thanks Zeke."
"No, we figured out all this with that spell, so thank you Harper." He said. I smiled.

I walked back in to the room and everyone was gone except Caroline.
"You" she said. "You're coming with me to get products." She said with joy in her voice.

"Lucky me" I said ironically.

"Come on" Caroline said while we were in store. "This is like old times"
"Right" I replied annoyed.
"Your face expression says something else." She smirked.

After we got everything Caroline needed,  we got back to salvatore's. "Now, I'm supposed to help you decorate to?" I asked ironically.

"Yes, you're, it's not like you have something else to do." She chuckled. God, how I hate no humanity  caroline.
"Care, I'm sorry, I was not there when your mum died."
She turned to face me. "What were you doing, probably being with Kai, huh?"
I looked down, tears in my eyes.
"You should invite him," Caroline continued.
"I can't" I answered.
"Come on , yes you can, and by the way, ask him if I'm his type, he's like totally hot."
I shook my head. "First I can't bring him, because Mike did some spell on him and he's unconscious, and second you're not his type."

"Oh, someone's jealous?" She asked and rose her eyebrows.
"I'm not jealous, I'm angry, because he's unconscious and I don't know when he wakes up, and I'm here decorating party with you instead of being with him." I yelled at her and walked away.

After hours I got text from Caroline, she threatened us ,that if any of her friends wouldn't be on the party, she would eat humans. So everyone went. When I walked in, I saw Blake and Mike. I tried to avoid them but Mike called me.
"Harper, wait."
I kept walking until, I bumped in to Caroline.
"There you are, I thought you wouldn't come."
"Well, guess I care about humans, I'm one of them, so" I said sarcastically.

"Okay, " she pointed Blake and Mike with her fingers, "you two and Harper, come with me."

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"That's a surprise."
Great, I thought to myself.

We walked upstairs and Caroline lead us to a room where all our friends were.

"You wanted us all here, so you could what?" Damon asked.
"I wouldn't say I, I would say we." As she finished her sentence,rebekah came out from nowhere.

"What is she doing here?" Elena asked confused.
"Unlike you all, she knows how to have fun."
Rebekah walked towards me. "I'm sorry about my brother, I didn't know he was gonna do that." She said. I nodded. It wasn't her fault what his family members have done.

"Why are you here?" Mike asked.
"Well, I know I saw you couple of days ago, so I didn't come here to see you, relax." She finished and I looked at him confused.

"You were in New Orleans?" I asked.
"Of course, he was, where do you think, he got that spell? Which is like really old." Rebekah continued.
"My sister Freya" she turned to everyone."the one you haven't met yet, is a witch." She looked back at me.
"And she gave Mike the spell." I shook my head.
"Of course, she did."
"Harper, I'm sorry." Mike said grabbing my hand.
I take my hand from his reach. "Just stop."

"What's going on here?" Jeremy asked confused.

Then Caroline explained everything. She loved talking especially now, when her humanity was off, and she didn't care if she hurt anyone's feelings. After she finished, rebekah started.
"Now, I'm bored, I'm here to have fun, your friend caroline here is really fun when her humanity is off."
Caroline nodded. "So, why don't we play truth or dare, huh?" She asked.

"Right, because I'm a teenager." Damon answered annoyed.
"You know Damon, I thought you would want to play, I mean, last time I made Elena play, she admitted she loves you."
Then Caroline interepted her "and it's not a choice, you play or I'll go and have fun by eating people." She smirked when she was done.

"Whatever." Damon mumbled.
Rebekah and Caroline took their seats, as did Blake, Mike and I. There were also Matt, Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie and Elena here.
"So Bonnie," Caroline started looking at her best friend. "Let's start from you, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Bonnie said annoyed and shook her head, it was clear everyone hated being here.
Caroline was thinking for a moment then looked at Elena and smirked.
"Did anything happen between you and Damon while you were in the prison world?" She asked. "God, of course not caroline." Bonnie replied quickly. And shook her head in disgust. "Now, I'm offended." Damon said when he saw disgusting look on Bonnie. Elena shrugged his shoulder.

"Okay, Bonnie ask me." Caroline said.
"You know what, I'm tired so I'm gonna- " Bonnie couldn't finish the sentence when Caroline vamp speed away and then back with 2 humans.
"So, I compelled them to stand here, doing nothing. If you don't play, or don't agree with me, I'm gonna kill them." Caroline replied. Rebekah chuckled.
"Fine" Bonnie answered in defeat. "Truth or dare, caroline?"
"That's my girl, now this rule is for everyone, you play if you want or not." She smirked and answered bonnie's question.
Bonnie immediately told her, "I dare you to turn your humanity back."
Caroline shook her head. "Now, that's cheating." She said and vamp speed to one of the humans and started eating from his neck.

"Stop caroline" Bonnie yelled at her , she tried to use her magic but Rebekah speed over to her. "No, magic witchy." She told her.
Once caroline finished drinking, she turned around. "No mention of my humanity or I'll finish what I started."  Then I got call from Zeke, I immediately stand up and tried to leave when I saw his name but Caroline stopped me and grabbed my phone.
"Give me back, Caroline." I demanded.
"Ohh, who is Zeke? I thought you were with Kai?" She asked.
"Non of your business." I replied. Then she speed over to the person she was drinking from seconds earlier but my voice stopped her.
"He is one of the gemini coven's member."
She looked at me confused.
I continued explaining because she would kill  people if I didn't.
"Kai's with them, and he told me, he would call me, when he had news about him."

"Oh, so, this is about Kai." She chuckled, "then I guess I'm sorry." I rose my eyebrows, didn't get what she was apologizing for until she squized my phone with her vampire strength. "Oops." She replied.
"You're a bitch, when you don't have feelings." I said.
"Be careful when you talk to me, I don't have feelings and I can kill you without feeling bad or any other thing." I kept staring at her. "Now, back at your seat." She demanded.
I got back at my seat, but couldn't stop thinking about what Zeke wanted to tell me, was it a good news or bad.

"Truth or dare, Harper?" Caroline asked once I got back at my seat. "Truth." I replied. "So boring." She replied back. "Okay, tell me , did anything happened between you and Kai, in prison world?" I shook my head. "No."
It wasn't complete lie, I mean nothing happened in prison world. "What about here?" Rebekah added. "You already asked me, you can't add." I answered. Caroline chuckled. "That means yes." She said looking at everyone one by one. Mike made disgusting sound and turned to me. "Are you serious?" He asked. I didn't bother to talk to him. He was about to ask again when Matt spoke up.
"I need to leave."
"No," caroline answered him. "No one goes without answering at least one time."

"Then ask me, and hurry." He told her.
"Fine, truth or dare Matt?"
"Truth" he replied. "Why does everyone chooses truth? I mean I would always choose dare, it's more fun."
"Anyway" she continued when she noticed no one was listening at her statement. Mike grabbed my wrist and tried to take me outside. "What are you doing?" I asked. Then Caroline, "you can't leave, without answering, are you deaf or something?" She asked him.
"I'm not leaving, I just need to talk to Harper." He replied. Caroline shook her head. I got back to my seat. "Just ask me then." He said. Caroline smirked, "fine, but you'll do dare or wait for your time." Mike nodded and Caroline continued. "I dare you to make out with Harper."

"No way." I said, getting out of my seat, when I saw Mike was coming towards me. "Did you not hear the rules?" Caroline asked. "Yes, and you kill people if we don't do, what you ask, but you asked Mike, and I'm the one who's not doing it. And I already answered your question, so ." I finished and stormed outside.

Once I got home, I found Zeke's number and called him, but he didn't answer.
Then I heard sound from my room. I slowly went upstairs.
"El?" I asked. "Are you in my room?"
No one answered so I knew it wasn't El. "I took a bat and kept walking, when I finally reached my door, I gently opened it.

"Hello, love."  The voice says and as I turn around, I see Klaus Mikaelson.
"Klaus." I sighed in relieve, I wasn't happy to see him but at least it wasn't someone else.

"What are you doing here?"
"Well, I called you days ago and you hang up on me, so I decided I would visit my old friend." He smirked.
"Old friend?" I specified.
"You banished me to prison world and told my family and friends I was dead." I yelled at him.
"That's true but."
"No buts." I cut him off. "Just get out of my home."

"Please, it's about my daughter." Wow I thought to myself, klaus Mikaelson had a daughter, how I didn't know about this, and he said please , it was the first time I heard him say that word.

"You have a daughter?" I asked him confused.
"Yes, I do. Her name is Hope."
"Beautiful name." I told him and he smiled.
"Fine, I'll help you." I said.
"Thank you, and it's not a big deal, I just need you to babysit Hope for a day or two."

"You have siblings." I told him. Couldn't get why any of his friend or sibling couldn't babysit her.
"Yes, but you see, my mother and brother , are after her. But they won't even suspect that my daughter is in mystic falls, with the human, I banished in to prison world." He explained.

"And you trust me?"
"I don't have another choice so I do, besides I know you won't let any harm to innocent child." He finished. I nodded. "And where is she?" I asked. "They'll be arriving soon, I couldn't bring her with me."
"Okay, and btw I saw Rebekah, she's here too." Klaus chuckled. "I know, I know, she and humanity off caroline make a great team don't you think."
I smirked a little. "Definitely not." I said. I wasn't that mad at Klaus, he banished me to prison world but if not him, than I wouldn't have met Kai. Then I remembered I need to call Zeke. I walked downstairs and called him once again. There's no answer again.

Klaus left and after some time some girl which I didn't recognize brought Hope to me.
She was so cute and lovely. I mean all kids were. "My name's Cami" she spoke when she was about to leave. "I'm Harper." I replied.
"Well, Harper be careful because if anything happened to Hope while she's with you, Mikaelsons" she paused. "They won't take it well."

"That's the least to say." I answered and we both smiled.

"El where have you been?" I asked my little sister when she walked in the living room.
"Calm down sis." She answered. "I was hanging out with friends, you do know I have other friends than your friends, right?" I laughed. "Yes, it's just, I'm worried."
"So stop." She said turning away and turned back to look at me when she saw Hope.
"Who's that?" She asked. I told her about Klaus and why Hope needed to be here. Then we went to bed.

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