
Por demonlover07

6.5K 235 21

The war with Gaea has just ended and everyone is content. There are no new prophecies or anything other than... Mais

New Moon
1. Arriving
2. First Day of School
3. Bella's Missing?
4. Laurent
5. The Wolf's Out of the Bag
6. Treaty
7. How Stupid is She?
8. Meeting the Cullens
1. Back to 'normal'
2. Break in
3. Bondfire
4. Graduation
6. Day Before the Fight
7. The Newborn Army
8. Going Home
Breaking Dawn
1. Going back
2. The Wedding
3. What the Hell is Wrong with Her?
4. Before the Birth
4. The Birth
Breaking Dawn Part II
1. Why do I Keep Coming Back?
2. Nico Arrives in Forks
3. The Battle
4. Aftermath

5. Training

213 8 0
Por demonlover07

The next day I get a ride from Edward and Bella to where we are training. I'm wearing what I would normally wear for training, tight black jeans, my sword holster, skull shirt, and aviator jacket which I haven't worn in a while, with my hair in a side braid. I also have my skull ring, my necklace, bracelet, and earrings. Not that I'll use all of them, I just always have them on now in case I run into a vampire. We arrive just in time to see Jasper throw Emmett through the air.

I get out of the car quickly, not staying around to wait for the two of them. Once I make it to the clearing where the Cullens are we all turn hearing something approaching. The pack started coming through the trees into our line of sight. Bella and Edward make it to the group and Jake goes over to her. Leah and Seth come and stand by me.

Seth rubs his head on me and I scratch him behind the ears like a giant dog. Honestly, they all remind me of Mrs. O' Leary. None more than Sam, though who is completely black with yellow eyes.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward tells us. Well of course they don't, I wouldn't either if I could shapeshift and it was easier for me to kill you in that form.

"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle tells him. Also, aren't they fighting as wolves so why would they practice as humans. "Will you translate?" He asks Edward. Now I'm glad I had the hecate campers block their memories of my powers from his mind. "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us."

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood still lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life," he turns to Jasper to take over.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, and no human army could stand against them. Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you; they'll crush you instantly. A second, never go for the obvious kill." Isn't that a protocol for every battle? Well I mean it is at camp, mostly because we don't even know how we're going to kill a monster before we actually do most of the time. "They'll be expecting that." Well no duh, that's why it's called an obvious kill. "And you will lose. EMMETT!" He calls walking over to a different part of the field. "Don't hold back," he tells him.

"Not in my nature," Emmett grins. He runs at Jasper pushing both of them back before throwing him in the air. They run at each other, Jasper ducking under Emmett's arm and throwing him on the ground.

"Never lose focus," Jasper comments.

Edward and Carlisle nod before running at each other. Carlisle slides under Edward as he jumps. They run again and start trying to joke/ hit each other. Edward eventually slams him down on the ground before getting up and looking at Jasper.

"One more thing," Carlisle gets up and attacks him "Never turn your back on your enemy."

Rosalie is going against Jasper. He signals for her to start and she swings at him multiple times, every time he dodges her attacks.

This time it's going to be interesting, him against Alice. He tries to hit her, but she predicts his moves even before he makes them. It almost looks like they're dancing with how she's just avoiding him like it's nothing. Huh sounds like Percy when Rachel liked him and he had no idea. Jasper goes to kiss her but she runs away. He looks around for her before she jumps down from a tree onto his back, finally giving him a kiss.

"My turn," I smirk.

"Are you sure?" Jasper asks. "Don't want you accidentally getting hurt."

"I'm sure, even if I do get hurt, I'll walk it off," I shrug. "One question though, are we allowed weapons?"

Jasper chuckles "Sure, just no permanent damage." The wolves howl excitedly. He opens his arms for me to attack him.

I run and slide through his legs, using my right arm to trip him. We both get up and run at each other. I go to his right side and use my right arm to jump on his back and wrap my legs around his sides. I start choking him and he flips me onto the ground with one arm holding me down. "Ready to give up?" He asks.

"Never." I twist his arm and use my right leg to roll us over so I'm on top. I let both of us get up and when he runs at me again and I yank off one of my charms so that my dagger comes out.

I spin around him, cutting his arm. He looks back at me with a questioning glaze. "How did you do that? I've never known a weapon sharp enough to cut-" he stops in the middle of his sentence. You can hear a sizzle in the air and he looks down at the cut, which is now a little burnt, then back to me. I smirk.

"Do you want to keep fighting or are you ready to yield?" I ask him.

"You're not always going to have that sword, what if you don't have it or it gets knocked out of your hand the day of the battle?" He asks.

"Then I have other ways of killing them," I tell him honestly. He scoffs.

"Then fight this off," He says. He runs at me and I let him knock my dagger out of my hand. He runs back to his original place and run directly for me this time. As soon as it looks like he's about to barrel into me I shadow travel behind the wolves. He looks around confused before I run at him, taking his arm and flipping him onto the ground.

"I win," I smirk.

"Where did you get a weapon like that?" Carlisle asks after we get up. "I've never seen a weapon able to hurt a vampire that wasn't made out of wolves' teeth, let alone one that could burn us."

"If told you then I would have to kill you," I tease. "It's an old family heirloom," I say throwing it up in the air and catching it.

After a couple more rounds of people fighting each other we all start to leave. Jasper gave them a few helpful tips, but it was nothing really new for me. Just watch out for their speed and make sure not to get blood anywhere or they'll go into a frenzy. Seth comes up to me and gesture for me to get on his back. I jump on and he runs with the pack back to Emily's house.

When we get there I hop off of Seth and wait in the house for them to get back. "Hey, Emily," I greet her.

"Hey, how was training?" She smiles.

"It was good, got to kick some vampire ass," I smirk.

"I'll say, that was amazing," Paul comes in with a grin with everyone right behind him. "They way you flipped him and then cutting him with that dagger and their surprise was just the icing on the cake."

"That was really cool," Seth smiles.

"You have to teach me to fight like that," Leah comments. "I may be the fastest, but being able to fight like that, I wouldn't even need to phase to kick these boys' asses."

"I can, we can start training tomorrow if you like, and who knows maybe you could become a hunter one day," I wink at her. 

"That would be awesome," she thanked, hitting my shoulder.

"What's a hunter?" Embry asks.

"Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and she recruits girls to hunt monster with them. The only requirement is to pledge an oath to never be with or fall in love with a man," I explain to them. "You also get the added bonus of immorality."

"Now that sounds amazing, no men, no aging, and I get to be a bad ass. Where do I sign up?" She laughs.

"Well, you should think more about it, but I could talk to her and she could come with the hunters and get you inducted." I told her. Emily calls everyone for food and they get up while Leah and I sit there for a minute. When they come back Leah goes to get food while I stay.

"Isn't that a demi-god thing? I mean Artemis is a goddess," Jared asks.

"While she is a goddess she will rescue any girl who has been wronged and wants to turn their back on men. Leah would still see you guys maybe once a year, but if this is something she wants it would be great for her, no matter my feelings on the hunt," I zone out of a second thinking of Bianca and how she asked me if I wanted to join the hunt with her.

"What do you mean your feelings on the hunt?" Seth asked, curiously.

I sigh, "my older sister was a hunter. I was asked if I wanted to be one, but I could never leave my twin brother and I didn't know if I joined them if I could ever see him again. My sister even though being a new hunter was sent on a quest that she never came back from," I look up to see them all looking at me with pity. "I've held a grudge against them ever since, nothing against Artemis or any individual hunter, just them in general."

"Well of course you wouldn't say anything bad about Artemis, she is a god. You can't say anything bad about a god," Paul laughs, making everyone laugh with him.

"First of all she's a goddess, second of all who says I can't?" I ask them.

"Well if you do, won't you get stuck with lightning or something?" Quil asks.

"Hmm, lets find out, FUCK YOU ZEUS! FUCK YOU TOO, HERA! ONE MORE FUCK YOU TO APHORDITE!" All of them look at me with shocked and terrified looks. "What? It's not like they're actually going to do anything, they already know we hate them." I roll my eyes. Leah comes to sit back down next to me and starts eating, not even caring. 

"Why do you hate them?" Sam asked.

"Two words; child soldiers," I say to them. 

"Okay, but what do you have against Aphrodite?" Jared asks. "Isn't she the goddess of love?"

"Yes, exactly. She is always getting in everyone's business. Hell, she loves my relationship with Leo, but give me a spirt soulmate I'm going to do nothing with," I explain.  

They continue eating before Paul speaks up, "Oh I think I finally know who your godly parent is."

"Oh yeah, who?" I ask him, leaning forward.

"Well, you are always wearing black, are covered in skulls, and you did that thing with the shadows, so I think it's Hades," he smirks proudly.

"Hmm, well before I tell you the answer, remember Nyx can also manipulate shadows and is the goddess of the night," I say, he looks pretty disappointed, thinking he got it wrong. "Drumroll please," Seth, Quil, and Embry start banging on the table. "The answer is... Hades," I slow clap for him. "Congratulations you were correct." 

Everyone finishes eating and afterwards I head back to Charlie's house to sleep, except I'm not going to sleep. I'm going to listen to music and do something, don't know what, but I don't feel like sleeping right now. 

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