Metanoia: A Change of Heart

By StellaShimmers

3.7K 213 84

Love--was it something real from the heart? Or it was no more than series of chemical reactions in the brain... More

~ L ~
Chapter I ~ Joshua
Chapter II ~ Joshua
Chapter III ~ Joshua
Chapter IV ~ Joshua
Chapter V ~ Joshua
Chapter VI ~ Joshua
Chapter VII ~ Joshua
Chapter VIII ~ Joshua
~ O ~
Chapter IX ~ Joshua
Chapter X ~ Joshua
Chapter XI ~ Joshua
Chapter XII ~ Joshua
Chapter XIII ~ Joshua
Chapter XIV ~Thonia
Chapter XV~ Joshua
Chapter XVI ~ Joshua
Chapter XVII~ Thonia
Chapter XVIII~ Joshua
Chapter XIX ~ Thonia
Chapter XX ~ Thonia
Chapter XXI ~ Joshua
~ V ~
Chapter XXII ~ Joshua
Chapter XXIII~ Thonia
Chapter XXIV ~ Joshua
Chapter XXV ~ Thonia
Chapter XXVI ~ Joshua
Chapter XXVII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXVIII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXIX ˜ Thonia
Chapter XXX ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXI ~Thonia
Chapter XXXII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXIII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXIV ~ Thonia
~ E ~
Chapter XXXV ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXVI ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXVII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXIX ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXX ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXI ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXIII ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXIV ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXV ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXVI ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXVII ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXVIII ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXIX ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXX ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXXI ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXXII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXXIII ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXXIV ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXXV ~ Joshua
Chapter XXXXXVI ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXXVII ~ Thonia
Chapter XXXXXVIII ~ Thonia

Chapter XXXVIII ~ Thonia

21 3 0
By StellaShimmers

"You're having a date with your boyfriend, what are you so nervous about?"

"That's the thing! That will be our first official and formal date and I am afraid it will end up a disaster." I stared at my reflection on the mirror with my phone on my ears. I did not know what to wear for my first romantic date with Josh. Asaila said I should wear a dress, so I turned my closet upside-down and looked for my Sunday dresses which I only got to wear occasionally. I picked the most decent dress I found—laced sleeves and peach floral that reached above my knee.

Asaila took a moment before replying. "Thones, chill down. If anything goes wrong, just remember if he truly loves you, nothing will change even if tonight became a catastrophe."

I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. "Do you always feel this way whenever you'll have first dates?" After I asked that, I realized I should not have because it might bring up Arthur or her past boyfriends and hurt her.

"No," I was relieved she said it with humor. "They're the one who got nervous."

I rolled my eyes for my bestfriend's arrogance. I suddenly heard Fur Elise and answered the call from my phone. "I have to go, he might be here already."

"Check on you later. Behave!" she said and the call ended.

I answered the incoming call, just like what I thought, it was Josh. "Where are you?" I asked.

"Parking outside," he said. "I'm afraid your brothers will open."

I ran out of my room to the front door. My brothers were on the living room and hadn't notice the white SUV outside. Josh came out of the driver's side; he was wearing maong shorts and red collared shirt with short sleeves, clearly the typical Joshua Silva outfit. I felt guilty instantly that I wore a dress so I said, "Hold on," then went back to my room.

Dresses were not so Thonia and I doubt they like me back because I really could not breath properly with them on. I changed into black leggings and plain gray shirt. There. I was more comfortable and more myself. If I was to spend our first official and formal date, I wanted to spend it with the clothes I often wore, just like Josh.

There was a knock and my brother, not sure who, spoke. "Josh is outside should I let him in?"

I grabbed my phone immediately and saw the call was still on. "Hi, sorry for waiting."

"It's always worth the wait." There was a knock again so I shouted yes. In no time, I was standing beside the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. I smiled at how my thoughts sounded too dramatic.

"Sorry for being late." Josh whispered even though Jude was standing two meters away from us. Jack didn't seem to mind us and was watching a television show while eating home-made popcorn.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"I love you." He whispered again.

"The word 'love' sounds perfectly with your voice." I was surprised he used the word.


Jude stepped infront of us and coughed. "Eight," he said. I glanced at my clock and it was just five.

"Eleven," I said, knitting my brows.

"Nine," Jude insisted.

"Ten." We all glanced at Jack who was watching us. He looked at Josh; they seemed to have a silent bond. I wondered how was the night they'd shared the same room during the storm, what were the things they'd talked about...did they even talked at all? "Final offer," he added.

I nodded. "Be back before ten ended.

Jude glared at me. "Before ten o'clock."

"But ten forty-five is still ten." I raised a brow to prove my point. Josh held my arm and I saw a flicker of his hidden laughter. I thought Jude would argue more or say I go back to my room, but instead, he simply shook his head, defeated. "Just go home safely."

"I will." I smiled.

He nodded at Josh in acknowledgement. "Take good care," he said and somewhat smiled. Josh and I stepped out the house when he said something before fully closing the door. "Ten," he repeated and grinned.

Josh opened the car door for me. I remembered it was the same car he'd brought to Nikki's birthday and our first-first date. This time, he'll use it for our second date and first date as a real couple. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We'll eat." He said and went to the other side of the car. He started the engine and drove away.

"Is that what we'll only do?" I turned the radio on and searched for a good station.

"Nope, we'll watch a movie later."

"Movie?" I focused glanced at him.

"Yes. Your choice." He glanced at me for a split second then went back to the road. "But let's talk about what we'll do now. Save it for the last."

That made me curious what was he planning? "I don't know any new movies this month."

"Later." Josh grinned and pointed to the glove compartment. "There are albums there, if you want."

I checked it and found several albums. His parents were music lovers that's why you could find albums in every car. "You look very much like your father."

"Very much?" he asked.

"Yeah, very." I laughed.

He stopped the car because of traffic, that gave him a chance to look at me. "Is that something to be laughing about?"

I cut my laughter and pursed my lips. "It's just so cute." The traffic moved so he also cut his stare at me.

"You know," I said and played with the ring on my neck. "I get that a lot." I smiled because he turned to me. "Sometimes they said I looked very much like my parents but other times they said I wasn't. It was a big deal when I was a kid since Jude and Jack already had their look-alike. I felt left out."

"Who were 'they'?" he asked without looking.

"Relatives, neighbors, other people." I chuckled. "Honestly, who do you think I look like?"

He stopped because of traffic again and leaned forward to stare at me. "Hmm," he hummed. "It doesn't matter, you're beautiful. That's all." He grinned and went back to his driving position. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. It was a serious question but he made me blush because of his compliment.

He parked the car and we went in the mall. I opened my black sling bag for the security check in the entrance. After that, he walked beside me; our hands brushed but no one took the initiative to interlace them. We went to the mall several times, we held hands several times, now what was happening?!

We passed the food lane of the mall where different restaurants and fast-food chains lined the massive aisle. I tried to ignore how I hated him and myself for not joining our hands or speaking. Was he thinking the same?

To end the bizarre air, I pointed to a Korean Restaurant my family and I used to go. "Are you into Korean?"

Joshua looked at me like I said a corny joke and shook his head very fast. "I'm done with exotic food." I suddenly wanted to know why, I might ask him later.

"Native, then?" I gestured to the next restaurant. He nodded and we went to reserve our seats.

Thankfully, there was an empty table for two once we entered. I ordered the usual grilled chicken, vegetable soup and halo-halo, a famous chilled dessert. He ordered the same.

"I guess we should just eat in the Love Cup." I suggested while waiting for our food.

"In our next date." He winked and checked his phone. A little tinge of jealousy hit me. Who was he texting if I was already here? I sighed. Don't be so ridiculous, Thonia. It can be his family or Fredd and Kennard.

He creased his brows while staring at the screen and typing. I wanted to ask why but I did not. "What movie are we going to watch?" I asked him after he kept his phone.

His anxious face smiled and he tilted his head. "We'll get later."

"Get?" I asked and ate the complimentary food.

"Yeah," he said. "We'll rent."

"And watch it where?" I became more confused because of the playful glow in his eyes.

"Later I'll show you."

"Make sure I'll like it." I dared playfully.

"We'll see."

After the dinner, we went to the last floor of the mall to the arcade. I remembered the time he got the album for me. The Stacker machine had another jackpot prize this time. It wasn't a Mayday Parade album anymore, but a gift certificate of a jewelry store.

"Want me try?" he asked with arrogance.

"I doubt you can." I just defied, but I did not doubt him, I knew he could.

"What if I can?" He smirked. "One thousand kisses?"

"Gross." I laughed. "If not? No kiss for a month?"

"A month?!"

I nodded. "Don't you believe in yourself?"

"How about for a day?"

"A week." I raised my brow.

"Three days."

"Okay." I cut because there's no use of arguing about the consequence if he would win. "Deal." I grinned and bought ten tokens. He paid our dinner, the tokens worth nothing. I unpacked the plastic and gave him one. "Ten tries only, Josh."

He stretched his arms,bent his neck like an athlete preparing for a race and returned to his usual calming position. "Game!"

Josh almost got it but he always failed in the uppermost box. Like before, I came to hate the irritating Game Over sound. "I can buy you a new lace for your ring." He bent his finger pointing at the gift certificate. "Using that."

"Yours still looks fine. Do you need it back already?" I held my ring and caressed the lace that kept it in my neck.

"No," he said and leaned on the machine. "You can use it as much as you want, but it is old so I want something new for you."

I was about to hand him the eighth token when I noticed that there were two extra tokens. Instead of having two left, there were still four. "Josh, I think the cashier over counted the tokens. She gave us twelve instead of ten."

He peaked over the plastic where the tokens were and saw four. He glanced at the ticket booth. "Oh," he said. "It's arcade day. Ten plus two."

"What are we going to do with the two remaining tokens?" I asked as they shimmered on my hand because of the arcade lights.

"Just keep it for the mean time." He smiled. "Can't use it here because of the deal."

"Souvenir," I cleared.

"Sort of."

I got the ninth and tenth tokens and kept the two extra tokens in the pocket of my bag. "You're about to lose." I reminded him. He stretched his hands infront of him again and laughed. He inserted the token in the slot and poked my chin, "Lucky charm." He turned his focus on the machine again, but failed. He stood with frustration.

"Last," I said and be the one to insert the token.

"I can do this," he said. Three days without Josh's kiss felt like staying in a desert without water. Not minding the crowd forming around us, I kissed him, just in case he failed, it would be the last.

"Whoa," he breathed and kissed me back.

I glanced at the machine and cursed. "The time is running!" We forgot I already inserted the token and the twenty-five countdown was now ten. Joshua immediately tried to get the prize but he didn't. He looked at me with sad and cute face like a little puppy.

"Sorry," he placed his hands behind his neck.

I placed my arm around his shoulder and pulled his close. "Don't worry, three days aren't that long."

"Popcorn or cotton candy?" he asked, still defeated. I followed him towards the stalls, away from that Game Over sound.

"Cotton Candy." I answered, but later on, he bought both. "I guess your necklace doesn't want to leave me just yet." I tore from my pink cotton candy he bought for me. I thought about how Asaila would like that color.

He licked his vanilla ice cream. The bench across of us was vacated by a couple so we went over there and sat down. "Are we really going to obey the consequence?"

"Yes," I said. "Just three days."

"It will be long."

"I know." I threw the plastic and waited for him to finish. "Siomai?" I offered. I was full but I craved for it. "Plus Mango milktea?"

He finished the final bite of the cone and stood. "Come on," he grinned. I stood and our hands brushed again, but to my surprise, his did not leave mine. Our hands just stayed together.


"Let me carry those." Joshua reached for the paper bags I was holding.

"No, I can." I walked faster. They weren't that heavy. They were just chips and drinks for the movie later, which still intrigues me of what he was planning.

He caught my pace and laughed as we went out of the mall to the dark parking lot. "Yes, you're stronger than me alright."

I sneered at him and nodded. "By the way, where are we going to watch the movie?" I slowed down to see him and waited for his answer. We bought a movie in the store before buying the chips.

"I'll show you." He winked and walked ahead to the car below a green light that meant the space was occupied. I groaned because of his smirk.

I placed the paper bags and my small sling bag on the passenger seat at the back and went in the front passenger without waiting for Joshua to open for me. "I hate surprises." I whispered. Surprises make me crazy!

"What are you so grumpy about?" Joshua asked me with curiosity more than anxiety.

"Nothing." I replied. "Just..." I waved my hand to the front. "Just go wherever you want to take me." I avoided his gaze because I know it would make me swoon and end my anger.

He poked my chin and chuckled. "Don't be so excited, I might disappoint you." He started the engine. "Wait, okay?" I felt he was looking at me and waiting for my reply, but I simply stared outside. "I swear you'll love it."

The usage of the word made me look at him. "I will?"

He shrugged and complained. "Honestly, girls are very unpredictable and moody so I don't know."

I slapped his arm and raised my brow. "And you think boys are not?"

"Uhmm..." He did not answer and just drove out of the parking lot.

"Oh, okayyy." I leaned my back and crossed my legs.

"I'm not saying anything!" Josh said.

"You are too, okay. Keep that in mind. It's one of our similarities." I relaxed on my seat and smiled. "Now, take me to wherever—to your another somewhere again."

He glanced at me and sighed. "That's how unpredictable you are."

"Saying something?" I asked though I fully heard what he had said.

"Nothing, ma'am!" He drove and said with deep voice, "Flight 123, bound to somewhere." I laughed and let the air of the night cool us. I was not surprise when he drove into his village. "We'll watch at your house?" He nodded. "After all this time that is the mysterious place?"

"I told you that you shouldn't have thought about it deeply for I might only disappoint you."

"Nope, it is a great honor to step just on your porch, Mister Silva."

"Are you talking to me or my father? He is Mister Silva too." He said and went to open my side of the door. After mine, he went to the middle seat and took the paper bags and saw my bag. "Where's your purple knuckles?" he asked while handling me my bag.

"Don't care to bring them anymore." I sling my bag in my shoulder and offered him a help with the other bags but he declined. "Got someone to shoo the bad guys away."

He stared at me. "Is that me?"

We laughed as we entered his house. "No one inside?" I asked because it was eerie quiet.

"They all went to a company event." He went straight upstairs to his room and settled the bags on the bed.

"Without you?" I asked and sat on the other side of his bed.

"Already made plans tonight so I can't come." He smiled. I suddenly felt guilty that he did that for me after I became so... I could not explain what I became. Maybe just so moody because of my arriving monthly period that sucks.

He sat beside me. "What?" he asked, I must be frowning.

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Thank you for still wanting to be with me." I rolled my eyes at my own drama. I never felt this way. I never felt wanting to cry infront of anyone. I did not hate it, this time it felt good.

"Since I loved you and asked you to be my girl, I accepted it will be part of the package." He hugged me tightly. "But don't thank me just yet, save it for later." He stood. "Wait a sec; I'll change my clothes before I stink."

"Okay," I wiped the water forming in the sides of my eyes.

He pulled his clothes and his back was facing me. His body wasn't that dreamy-boyfriend type, but I admit it to myself that he was hot for me. Love can make people beautiful. "Faster," I ordered.

He turned and saw me watching. "You're enjoying the view, huh?" he asked with a smirk.

I pulled a pillow and covered my face. "What are you talking about? Go on."

After a few minutes with his pillow, I felt a hand on my head. "Let's go." He carried the paper bags.

"Where? I thought we'll watch here?" I pointed to his bed.

He did not stop to turn to me. "Why didn't you say you want it here in my room?"

"I hate you." I rolled my eyes again.

This time, he stopped and looked at me. "Does that mean you don't want to continue the movie anymore?"

I sighed and stood. "Please lead the way, Sir." He grinned and led the way to another door in the farend of the hallway. I had never been in this part of his house. I wandered around. The walls were wooden just like the outside of his room. "Do you have a playroom or movie room just like Fredd's?"

He stopped infront of a door and said, "Better."

Josh gave me the honor to turn the knob and open the door. Once I opened it, the dark night sky and shimmering bright stars welcomed me with the gentle cool breeze. "Welcome to our very own movie room." He stepped towards the door and placed what he was holding on the coffee table infront of a fluffy love couch with four rectangular pillows. Also on the coffee table was Josh's blue laptop he used during StuPub meetings.

He jumped on the couch and opened his arms for me. "Great way to end our first second date?"

"The best," I grinned and jumped into his arms.

"Since I went home after the storm, I missed the stars in your room. This became my place whenever I am calling or texting you." He said while we gazed at the stars. "Looking at the stars makes me want to catch them and call them mine, but I can't, no one can. However, I have you and you worth the same."

The wind blew our hair. I cocked my head to look at him. "Too bad I can't kiss you."

"Yes, too bad." He agreed. I was fighting the urge to kiss him because right then, I really really want to; words weren't enough to extend my thanks.

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