Part of The S.O.G and Part of...

By DragonCrystyGarmadon

6.9K 148 68

A child was born as both the S.O.G and the resistance. She had been living with one side a.k.a the dark side... More

The Beginning of The Rivals
The Baby
Evil or Good
Daughter of Green
You're Safe With Me
You're Safer With Me
New Member of S.O.G
The Walk
This Was Such a Bad Idea
I Hate You
The Deal
Sides Battle
A Mother's Sacrifise
Struggling Relationship
Untrust Worthy?!
Messed Up
Should I...?
Lloyd's Defending
Father to Father
Teaching a Child
Call Lloyd!
I Want to Call Harumi

Child's Power

183 4 9
By DragonCrystyGarmadon

"I hate you!" Harumi said after she punched Lloyd's arm.

"Crystal is not gonna be happy with you..!" Lloyd teased with a smirk.

"She doesn't even know what "hate" means!" Harumi chuckled.

They both laughed and walked in to the basement.

"Those bags looked full there." Kai said.

"Yeah.But trust me,it's not even the whole stuff." Lloyd said and everyone's eyes widened.

"Some of Crystal's toys are still at the S.O.G.We're gonna go there again tomorrow." Harumi explained.

Everyone was silent, thinking how many toys Crystal had.

"Go blame the S.O.G for it,they gave her so many things!" Harumi said with a small giggle.

"This basement is gonna be filled with toys." Jay joked.

"Twoys?" Sky asked.

"Where's Crystal?" Lloyd asked.

"She's with Misako in your room." Cole answered.

In Lloyd's room :

"Mwawa!Dwawa!" Crystal cried.

"They'll be back soon,Crystal.Your parents only needed to get a few things and-" Misako said but was cut off.

"It was more than a few that we thought,mom." Lloyd said.

"What do you mean?" Misako asked.

"These bags are full with stuff from a room and there are still some more stuff we left at the S.O.G.Which are Crystal's toys." Harumi explained.

"Twoys!Twoys!" Crystal squealed.

"Oh my gosh,Crystal,that's so loud!" Misako laughed.

Everyone laughed and Crystal teleported to Lloyd's hair.

"Woah!Crystal..!" Lloyd laughed.

"Come here." Harumi said and gently took Crystal from Lloyd's head.

"I'll leave you three alone." Misako said with a smile and left the room.

Harumi and Lloyd put the bags down and sat on the bed.

"Have you been good,Crystal?" Harumi asked playfully.

Crystal squealed while trying to reach Harumi's face.

"That's our girl!" Lloyd said as he placed his hand on Crystal's head.

"Mwawa!Dwawa!" Crystal squealed loudly again.

"Oh my goodness!That was so loud!" Harumi laughed.

"You're so energetic,aren't you?" Lloyd chuckled and cradled Crystal.

Crystal started laughing and tried to reach Lloyd's hair.

"Dwawa!" Crystal said.

"Let's let her play with Sky while we organize...all of the stuff." Harumi said then turned to the bags.

"This is going to take forever!" Harumi pouted.

"We better get to it then." Lloyd said.

Crystal started scream crying and grabbed Lloyd's right hand and Harumi's left hand.

"Don't you want to play with Sky,sweetie?" Harumi asked.

"Mwa!Dwa!Nwo!" Crystal answered.

"We'll come get you after we finish unpacking." Lloyd said.

Crystal scream-cried again and pulled Lloyd's collar.

"Ok,we've made her really upset." Harumi said.

"Maybe we can just unpack the things when Crystal is asleep." Lloyd said.

"Good idea." Harumi replied.

Lloyd put Crystal on her swing and gently swung her. Crystal giggled and looked at Harumi.

"Mwawa!Dwawa!Chwing Cwysty!" Crystal said.

"I'm going to die of her cuteness." Lloyd joked.

"Same." Harumi joked and walked to them.

Lloyd and Harumi both started gently swinging Crystal together. Crystal giggled even louder.

"You're having fun,sweetie?" Harumi asked playfully.

"Mawa!Dawa!" Crystal giggled.

"You're loving the swi-" Harumi asked, but stopped when she felt her hand..

touching Lloyd's behind the swing.

They both looked and when they saw that their hands were touching each other, they immediately pulled their hand away and blushed.

Crystal looked at them in confusion.

"My hand...slipped." Harumi said as she covered her face.

"Sure it did."Lloyd teased.

"Stop teasing me for once!" Harumi whined.

"You would do the same." Lloyd said.

"Yeah right.In your dreams,greenie!" Harumi said.

"We'll see!" Lloyd said.

Crystal started crying, feeling fear. She teleported to her crib swing and covered herself with her blanket.

"Great!Now look what you did!!" Harumi blamed.

"Me?!You are involved!!" Lloyd argued.

"Well you shouldn't have teased me!!" Harumi shouted.

"What's wrong with it?!You usually laughed when I tease you!!"Lloyd shouted.

"In the past!!" Harumi reminded.

"What is the matter with you?!" Lloyd asked.

"What's the matter with YOU?!?!" Harumi shot back.

They continued to argue and Crystal just couldn't take it anymore. So she teleported away from the room and to..

Mystake's desk.

"Oh!What are you doing here,little one?" Mystake asked.

Crystal kept crying and Mystake decided to bring her to Misako.

"Misako." Mystake called.

"Mystake.What is it?" Misako asked.

Then she noticed Crystal crying in Mystake's arms.

"What happened?" Misako asked.

"I do not know.Perhaps you should ask your son." Mystake answered and gave Crystal to Misako.

"Nwo!Nwo mawa ow dawa!" Crystal cried.

"What's wrong,Crystal?What did your parents do?" Misako asked.

"Cwystal scawed!" Crystal cried.

"Oh gosh.I knew this was a bad idea." Misako said and walked to Kai.

"Kai." Misako called.

"Hi,Misako." Kai greeted.

"Is it alright if Crystal stay with you for a bit?I need to talk to Lloyd and Harumi." Misako asked.

"Uh oh.What happened?" Kai asked.

"I assume they are arguing again." Misako asnwered.

"Alright.Come here,Crystal." Kai said and gently took Crystal from Misako.

"Stay with Uncle Kai,Crystal.I'll be right back." Misako said and walked to Lloyd and Harumi's room.

"You can play with Sky until then." Kai said and placed Crystal next to Sky.

"Cwystal?" Sky asked and crawled to Crystal.

"Cheer her up,Sky." Skylor said and Sky wiped Crystal's tears.


"Come on!!We are both Crystal's parents!!Nothing can change that!!" Lloyd shouted.

"I can!!" Harumi shouted.

"How exactly?!Tell me!!" Lloyd asked.

"I'll find a better father for her!!" Harumi shouted and they both became silent.

Harumi immediately covered her mouth, not believing what she just said.

Lloyd just looked away.

"L-Lloyd,I...I-I.." Harumi started as she walked to Lloyd.

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!" Misako yelled from behind and Harumi jumped.

"M-Misako..You...Y-You.." Harumi said nervoudly.

"I heard what you just said!How could you say that?!" Misako shouted as she walked to Harumi with anger.

"I-I'm sorry,I...I don't know what I was thinking." Harumi said.

"Lloyd is Crystal's father and it will stay that way!!No one and NOTHING can change that!!" Misako shouted.

"I know!And I'm sorry!I-" Harumi said but stopped when Misako slapped her 'till she hit the floor.

Harumi began to cry and looked at Misako.

"I knew agreeing to let you stay here was a bad idea!" Misako shouted.

"Mom,stop!!Leave her alone!!" Lloyd shouted.

"Lloyd,just go and calm your daughter down!She's with Kai downstairs." Misako told him.

"But-" Lloyd said but Misako cut him off.

"Now,Lloyd!!" Misako shouted and Lloyd ran out of the room.

"Please,Mrs.Garmadon.I really didn't mean anything I said to your son!I just wasn't thinking-" Harumi begged but Misako cut her off.

"You still said it!!Remember,the only reason I let you stay here is because Crystal needs both her parents and Lloyd wanted you to!It doesn't mean anything!" Misako reminded.

"I..I know that." Harumi said.

"You better watch your mouth next time you talk to my son!" Misako warned.

"I-I..will." Harumi said.

"Now go calm your daughter down!She's really scared right now!" Misako told her and Harumi ran out of the room and went downstairs.

When she came downstairs, she saw that Crystal was pllaying with Kai's hair.

"What's happening?" HArumi asked as she walked to them.

"Just take look.Look what our little girl did to Kai's hair." Lloyd laughed.

Harumi looked and began laughing at the sight.

"She actually messed it up!" Kai laughed.

Crystal also giggled and when she saw Lloyd and Harumi standing next to each other.

She jumped to them.

"Crystal!!" Lloyd and Harumi shouted in panic and caught her, with their hands on each other's.

Crystal giggled and squealed as her parents blushed. Crystal grabbed their sleeves to make sure they don't pull away from each other.

"Wow.Lloyd,your daughter is...something.Look at her,she's holding your sleeves." Kai said with a small laugh.

"Mawa!Dawa!" Crystal said and pulled their sleeves closer to each other's hands.

"Crystal,what are you doing?Let go!" Harumi giglged.

Crystal just looked at Harumi.

"That's suppose to be a 'no'?" Harumi asked playfully.

Crystal said nothing. Instead, she just sneezed. 

But that wasn't all that happened.

"She just sneezed instead of answering." Lloyd chuckled and cradled Crystal.

Suddenly, the power went out.

"Aah!!" Dareth screamed.

"What happened to the power?!" Jay asked.

"I'll try to fix it!" Pixal said and was about to run, but..

Crystal sneezed again and the power went back on, except, the light turned...


"What in Ninjago was that?!" Jay asked.

"I don't know.But we'll figure that out later." Harumi answered.

"Mawa!Dawa!" Crystal called.

"Lloyd,Harumi.Can I have a word with you for a moment?" Mystake asked.

"Of course,Mystake." Lloyd answered and they went with Mystake to her tea room.

After they went inside, they sat down by the table. 

"So,what is it you want to talk about?" Harumi asked.

"It is about the child." Mystake answered and the two parents turned to their child.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"As I have told you before,your child has inherited your powers.And in this age,she can't control it yet,she is far too young." Mystake started.

"Wait,so...the light out and green lights?!That was...Crystal?!" Harumi asked in shock, still trying to process everything.

Mystake could only nod and they turned their attention to Crystal. 

"This isn't going to be easy."

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