God Bless The Broken Road Tha...

By FlorK2D

324K 18.8K 2.2K

He hated his past not knowing it will lead him to LOVE and his REAL IDENTITY AND TO HIS MOTHER AND RIGHTFUL P... More

Shot 1
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Shot 9
Character Sketch
Shot 10
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Shot 14
Shot 15
Shot 16
Shot 17
Shot 18
Shot 19
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Shot 21
Shot 22
Shot 23
Shot 24
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Shot 26
Shot 27
Shot 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
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Shot 12

9.8K 604 91
By FlorK2D

Anjali, Manohar and Mami were on cloud nine after finding out from Nani that they were about to receive the entire fortune of Namik and Asha Singh Raizada which was twice or thrice more than Arnav's entire net worth.

"I can't believe it, Nani...... We are going to be rich again..... Now we don't need chote's money to live comfortably because we will be richer than him. " Anjali squealed enthusiastically and Nani smiled and nodded.

"Hello hi bye bye..... Manohar can start his business again. " Mami said and looked at Manohar who glared at him and so did Nani.

"Shut up...... If it hadn't been for maa I would have divorced you by now..... From now on I will never tell you anything again and you better not spread gossip about this family again or else you are out. " Manohar exclaimed in anger and Mami looked down and nodded.

"Enough already..... Let not let Arnav come and see us fighting. " Nani scolded and they all kept quiet. "I wish Akash was here with us but he left with that girl and didn't even listen to me. " Nani said sadly and Anjali rolled her eyes annoyed.

"Don't worry maa..... He is just angry because of what happened and it is good he is changing his environment..... He should calm down and he will come back to us. " Manohar assured Nani who sighed and nodded.

Immediately he was done, the doorbell rang and Hari Prakash rushed and opened it revealing Arnav and Khushi.

"Arnav bhaiya... Khushiji. " He exclaimed happily and let them in.

"How are you Hari Prakashji? " Khushi asked and Arnav smiled at him.

"Am fine Khushiji." He answered as they walked into the lounge to find Anjali and Nani angry and Mami shocked looking at Khushi's outfit.

She was looking gorgeous and Arnav's clothes complimented her perfectly making them look like the perfect couple.

Manohar on the other hand was happy to see Arnav but Arnav cringed looking at him and averted his eyes making the smile on his face drop.

"You are here but why is she here? " Anjali asked rudely and Arnav immediately got angry and Khushi pressed his hand and he stopped himself from lashing out at her and the look on his face sent shivers down Anjali's spine.

"If I remember correctly this is still my Arnav's house and being his fiancee and soon to be the wife I have every right to be here without you or anyone's permission. " Khushi said confidentially shocking them and making Arnav smirk proudly at her.

He was glad she took his mother's advice to stop being selfless all the time.

"Anyways Arnav wanted me to be by his side so here I am. " Khushi said and Arnav held her hand and they both sat on the couch ignoring them.

Hari Prakash happily brought them refreshment ignoring the others.

They all didn't like the kind of person Arnav has become now.

"Arnav...... Don't get me wrong..... But don't you think you should be with a woman who is more educated than Khushi is." Manohar asked nervously.

"Someone like Lavanya. " Anjali continued smirking and Arnav looked at Khushi with a smile.

"Babe..... Should I or will you do the honours? " Arnav asked with a smile and Khushi smiled at him and winked

"Well, Mr Raizada...... I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Lucknow in business management and design...... I don't have to explain what it means but you can explain it to your mother and your wife...... If you think am lying you can check with the university. " Khushi revealed shocking Manohar and Anjali but Nani and Mami didn't know what she meant.

"Hello hi bye bye..... What did she say? " Mami asked confused looking at her husband.

"She graduated from Lucknow University with the best grades and top of her class. "Manohar answered shocked that Khushi was a graduate and higher than in academics than Arnav was.

This shut Anjali who was going to taunt Khushi and she looked away and Khushi and Arnav smirked seeing her disappointment.

The doorbell rang again and Mahesh entered and greeted all of them and sat down.

"So Mrs Raizada came to see me after decades to claim the wealth of Namik and Asha which I have been waiting for one of you to claim but I now finally have to chance to read the will of Anita. " This shocked Nani and the other and Arnav and Khushi pretended they didn't know anything. "As you know Anita's parents left everything they own to Anita and she before dying left everything for Arnav Singh Raizada. " this shocked everyone especially Nani. "And there are conditions to the will.
1. The only people with inheritance rights are his legal wife and biological children.

2. Anyone who contests the will be arrested for fraud.

3. Finally anyone related to Ratna apart from Arnav has no rights to a dime of the fortune.

So Mr Raizada... Sign here. " Mahesh said and gave Arnav a pen and a document and he signed them. "Now you are the owner of Raizada group of companies...... Congratulations...... I will take my leave now and please send your lawyer for us to finalize everything..... You are now the richest man in Asia. " Mahesh declared and shook his hand and left not waiting for anyone to ask any questions.

Nani looked paler than a ghost and so did Manohar who saw his hope and dreams of starting a new business fly away into oblivion.

Anjali's dream of shopping non-stop will only be a dream and so did Mami.

Nani knew she was doomed now that there was no money to make their plan successful.

Arnav and Khushi smirked seeing their state and wanted to laugh but held back.

"Well, I don't know who this Anita is but God bless her heart...... Anyways I have to leave...... " Arnav said standing up with Khushi. "Come on babe...... Let's go. "
Arnav said and locked his hand with Khushi's and was walking away when Nani called out to them.

"Arnav." He turned with a poker face making Nani gulp.

"Please can you give us some of the inheritance..... See your uncle had lost his business and Anjali needs money for the hospital..... Please you are rich so give us the inheritance. "

Arnav chuckled and moved towards Nani.

"Anjali is not my sister because she disowned me and before you start with your emotional blackmail of using your spineless dead daughter to get to me better know that am over her and all of you..... Why should I give money belonging to the daughter of the people you hated because your husband was a drunk and womanizer who spent his money on alcohol and women. " Arnav revealed shocking Nani and he smirked seeing her state.

"Come to think of it, I never understood why you never wanted anyone to know about them and since I never knew her I will find out who she was and why she gave me this inheritance when Akash and your beloved Anjali was there and yet she only chooses me to give everything to. " Arnav said looking right into her eyes and she paled up more than a ghost. "I know you are hiding something and I will find out including the other woman in my mother lives."

Arnav and Khushi walked away with a huge smile on her face.

Manohar looked at Mami and gulped in fear while a confused Anjali looked on with a frown seeing their scared state.

"What's going on here and why are you all looking so scared. " Anjali asked looking angry.

"Manu take Anjali to her room now. " Nani said and Mami nodded and dragged a reluctant Anjali away.

She sat down and looked at Manohar.

"We can't let him find out the truth or else he would kill us all..... And there is something you should know, " Nani went ahead and told him everything Sudhadra told her and he shivered in fear.

"Maa... What if Arvind has been laying low all those years just to get back at us. " Manohar said and Nani knew he will kill them.

"We have to sell anything we can get out hands-on and do what we can to stop Arvind and Arnav. "

Manohar nodded and rushed to his room to find anything valuable to sell.

Garima's House.

Garima has just gotten out of the shower and moved towards her mirror when she felt a well-known presence in the room and turned to find Arvind walking up to her.

He smiled at her and moved to touch her but she moved back.

"Anu.....please don't shun me. "

Garima stood her ground as Arvind moved forward and snaked his arms around her waist and she did the same but around his neck.

"We will be together forever from now on...... No more sacrifices for anyone...... And I can't wait to marry you again. " Arvind said and the smile on Garima's face dropped and moved away.

"There's something you need to know..... Am married. " She revealed but Arvind smiled at her confusing her.

He moved closer and cupped her cheeks.

"I bribed your lawyer to destroy the divorce papers that day...... My marriage to Ratna and yours to that man is not legal and can be easily annulled. " Arvind revealed and Garima was shocked but happy. "You are my only wife in this life and the next seven lives. "

Garima smiled and hugged Arvind which reciprocated.

They heard something clear their throat and looked towards the door to find Arnav and Khushi with smirks on their faces.

They parted embarrassed at being caught.

"It's done. " Arnav said and they both nodded.

"Now what? " Khushi asked and Arvind moved closer to Khushi and led her hand.

"Now we cripple them little by little until they a totally ruined and then will strike them down....... Anant killed your parent and we will leave his punishment up to you. " Arvind said and Khushi thought for a well.

"I want him locked up in an asylum and tortured until he goes crazy. " Khushi exclaimed in anger taking all of them by surprise.

"Okay then..... It's done even though I wanted a harsher punishment for him but if that's what you want then so be it. " Arvind declared and they nodded.

"Papa..... Have you spoken to Preeto? " Khushi asked confusing Garima.

"Khushi... What has Preeto got to do with Arvind? " Garima asked.

"Preeto is my niece... She is the daughter of Sanjay Jha, the policeman who helped me and gave me a new identity." Arvind replied surprising Garima. "This is not the first time I have met Khushi...... I met her when Preeto and she use to visit my shop. "

Khushi nodded at a shocked Garima.

"I have forgotten her number, so please call her here...... I miss her. "

Khushi took her phone and called Preeto who was so happy to find out her uncle was closer to her.

Aman entered afterwards with a piece of good news for them.

"I have good news of all of you. " Aman said enthusiastically.

"What news? " Arnav asked.

"My men followed Nani and she went to see Sudhadra Malik and from what we gathered all her men have left her and they are both desperate," Aman revealed making all of the smiles except Khushi who looked lost in thought which didn't go unnoticed by Arnav.

"Khushi are you okay? " Arnav asked.

"There something about Akash that doesn't sit right with me. " She replied confusing all of them. "I have a feeling Akash is not Mami's son. "

"But why are you saying that? " Aman asked confused.

"Akash looks nothing like Mami, Manohar or anyone in the family..... I know sometimes children don't look like anyone family member but Akash is way different in height and looks...... Aman, can you look into the birth of Akash? "

Aman nodded even though he was confused.

"I will take my leave now and will look into Akash's birth. " Aman said and left the house and Arnav moved closer to Khushi and looked at her.

"Khushi... What are you hiding from me? " Arnav asked suspecting Khushi knew something which she has been hiding. "Khushi!. "

Khushi gulped down the lump in her throat knowing she had to reveal what she had found out.

To be continued.

Precap:Arvind at RM.

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Xoxo xoxo.

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