His Scarred Beauty (Complete)

By suzangill98

1.5M 84.3K 21.9K

"Skin once broken ,can never be the same. Just like hearts once betrayed, struggle to beat again." ... More

Chapter 1: The acquaintance
Chapter 2:Hatred
Introduction 1. Welcome readers!
Chapter 3: Ugly
Chapter 4 The repulsion
Chapter 5: Saving her.
Chapter 6 The fall
Chapter 7 The first time
Chapter 8 The shoot
Chapter 9 The replacement
Chapter 10 The lost love
Chapter 11 The third heart
Chapter 12 The hero/ Villain
Chapter 13 The proposal?
Chapter 14 Accepted?
Chapter 15 The villain
Chapter 16 The surprise
Chapter 17 The memories
Chapter 18 The Wedding(this)
Chapter 19 The first night
Chapter 20 The attack
Chapter 21 Jealousy
Chapter 22 Broken or not?
Chapter 23 The offer?
Chapter 24 Persuasion
Chapter 25 The Plantiff
Ch 26 The Hero
Chapter 27 Finding her.
Chapter 28 The dream
Chapter 29 The Scars
Chapter 30 The Game
Chapter 31 The Beginning
Chapter 32 Unveiled
Chapter 33 The Secrets
Chapter 34 Faking / Caring?
Chapter 35 The murderer
Chapter 36 Face off
Chapter 37 The welcome
Chapter 38 Mending hearts
Chapter 39 The delimma
Chapter 40 The island
Chapter 41 Let go
Chapter 42 The sparks
Chapter 43 Captive
Chapter 44 Shattering restraints
Chapter 45 The limit
Chapter 46 Trust
Chapter 47 Burning Rage
Chapter 48 The Beginning of a War
Chapter 49 The intrusion
Chapter 50 The Impact
Chapter 51 The Choice
Chapter 52 Reunions and heartbreaks
Chapter 53 The face off
Chapter 54 The best friend.
Chapter 55 Coming back
Chapter 56 The Phoenix
Chapter 57 Her typhoons
Chapter 58 The d day
Chapter 59 The Ace
Ch 60 Her Secrets
Chapter 62 Vengeance
Chapter 63 Epilogue (1)
Chapter 64 Epilogue ( 2)
Chapter 65 Bonus (1)
Chapter 66 Bonus ( The Final)

Ch 61 The Truth of that night

21K 1.1K 179
By suzangill98


.....the night of the accident....

"Get the fuc* out of the car Soph! I don't want to listen you you!"

Vivian screams as Soph forcefully, sits beside her in her car. Not listening to her.

"I won't! I won't let you drive alone in this state! You are drunk Viv!"

"I don't care...I just don't care okay! "

"Fine! Let it be then! '

Vivian starts the car. Hitting the road, while Soph tries to reason out with her.

"I am sorry Vivian...I know Ethan broke up with you because of me."

Vivian doesn't answer. Her knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. Breathing heavily.

"But trust me...I... didn't wanted the things to be like this...I tried-"

"Lies! All lies Soph! Aren't you ashamed of yourself! Still defending your childish stupid actions !"

Soph goes silent, and now it was Vivian's time to roar.

"Elijah refused to return your feelings so you blamed him of molesting you? .....so that Ethan hurts him? You think I can't see how you use Ethan in your sick games?"

"Ethan may blindly trust you Soph but I don't! I stand with what is right. And right now?"

"You are wrong Soph!"

Her eyes widen as she tightly held the hem of her skirt.
Staring down at her hands.

"You are right Vivian...but I can't help it."

She looks up, staring at Vivian.

"I can't help feeling envious of you. Elijah likes you and now even my best friend likes you."

"He has started going away from me and caring more about you. He always had time for me...but since the day you came? He has started ignoring me."

And that's when Vivian looks at Soph and scoffs. Almost cracking up into an unbelievable laugh.

"So this is it huh? It's you who is making Ethan hate me? It is you who told him I slept with Eli? "

Soph doesn't say anything. Hitting her palms on the steering. Cursing.

"Dammit! "

"I considered you to be my best friend Soph! I ...how can you?"

"I am...sorry V...I was just envious...I don't know what happened to me....I was being selfish...I don't know...."

"Then what changed now Soph? Why are you saying sorry now! It's finished! Ethan and me are over okay....he is all yours..."

Soph moves her head in a no... continuing while gulping the lump caught in her throat.

"V... tonight...when I saw you...after Ethan left you in the balcony....you looked so broken V...I am sorry... I realised how selfish I was being V...I am sorry....I want you back V......I want my best friend back.... please... please forgive me....I will tell Ethan everything.....he will -"

"It's no use Soph. My entire life is finished."

"No V! Trust me...I will make everything right....I will..."

"No Soph! No ! You can't do anything now! "

"I ...am pregnant...with Ethan's child......and the worst thing being....he never loved me...."

Tears slide down her eyes as the road becomes hazy, but she doesn't stop. Changing the gear and increasing the pace.

Her eyes fixed at the road as Soph stares at her in shock.

"Doe...s Ethan know?"

Soph manages to ask ,to only make more tears leave Vivian's eyes. She moves her head in s no, making Soph to curse.

"The fuck Vivian! Why haven't you told him ! Shit!"

"It doesn't matter Soph...it doesn't matter. He never loved me...he said he loves you...I was just a good fuc* for him..."

"Dammit! That asshole! Did he say that?"

Vivian nods to only have Soph hold her head in her hands.

"Stop the car Vivian. Stop the car!"

Vivian agrees. Stopping the car at a side. To hold the steering wheel and let out her tears.

"My life is over Soph...how...how will raise a baby? I am just 20? My step dad will throw me out of the house if he comes to know of this Soph. Everyone will point their fingers at me...my dreams...my baby...how will I do it?"

Soph pulls Vivian to her. Holding her shoulders to make her look at her.

"Listen to me V."

"No ...Soph... it's over-"

"The fuck V! Just listen!"

Soph says, nearly shaking her shoulders. Getting her out of her thoughts.

Holding Vivian's face in her hands, she whispers softly.

"Ethan loves you V. He always had. But it's just that he is confused of his own feelings."

"He is a fool! He doesn't know what he feels! It's all because of me....I... misguided him...I was afraid of loosing him so I lied to him...I said you liked Elijah as well ....I am sorry Vivian..."

"But trust me on this."

"I have seen him taking hidden glances at you...I have seen him punch boys behind your back to protect you...I have seen him getting jealous of Elijah...I have seen him missing you V......I have seen him loving you."

"I know him more than him."

"And I can bet on this. That he loves you...and only you Vivian."

Vivian stills. Staring at Soph. Not able to believe this.
Her hands moving down to encircle around her stomach.

"But he said...he loved you Soph...he...."

"He said and you belived him Vivian? He cares for me...yes but he doesn't love me like he loves you V. I am sure he said just to push you away..."

"He thought you will be more happy with Elijah...he thought he didn't deserve you V...he said all that so that you stop loving him."

Vivian places her forehead on the steering wheel. Crying. To only have Soph place her hand on her shoulder.

"Tell him the truth V. Tell him about your baby. He deserves to know. And I can promise you."

"That he will accept you. He truly loves you."

Soph takes out her phone from her pocket, calling Ethan.
While Vivian's eyes widen.

"No ..Soph..."

"Shh trust me. Tell him everything V. I know he loves you."

Soph offers her the phone and Vivian holds it with her trembling hands. Cleaning the tears from her sleeves.

The bell rings and the anxiety in their stomach worsens. When he answers finally.

"Not right now Soph. We will talk later."

He says without listening anything, to make Vivian literally scream.

"No Ethan wait!"

There is silence on the other side of the line. Until he finally speaks in disbelief.

"Vivian? Is that you?"

She bites her lip, to look at Soph. Who nods at her. Encouraging her to say it.

"Yes. It's me."

"What are you doing with Soph's phone. Are you two together?"

"Ya we...we are together."

There is silence on the other side. When Vivian gulps. Tightly holding the cell.

"Ethan...I want to tell you something."

He merely replies lowly.


His voice calmer than before. Soph tightens her grip on Vivian's shoulder , nodding.

"Ethan I...I am p-"

She couldn't complete as they both saw a truck coming their way through the side mirrors, flashing headlights at them. And before they know, it's front hits a side of their car's rear.

Making the entire car to shake, the phone slips from inbetween Vivian's fingers to fall out of the window.

"Fuck! Who is this crazy person!"

Soph screams as Vivian looks back to see the person reversing the truck to again hit them. Her hands shaking as she struggles with the keys in the ignition.

"He...he is going to hit again! Hurry Vivian!"

The car jerks again , as the truck again hits to only make Vivian press on the accelerator. Just in time.

She roars the engine, pressing onto full acceleration as Soph looks back, exclaiming in fear.

"This...this is not an accident V.... someone is trying to kill us!"

Vivian's eyes were only focussed on the road... determined to reach safety. But little did she knew, they will find no safety tonight.

Shifting the gears, she looks back in the mirror.To feel her blood run cold.

Car's were following them from all sides.

"Vivian watch out!"

Soph screams pointing in the front , to only have Vivian press on the breaks. A car in front of them, meters away from a head on head clash.

They both breathe heavily, sounds of their heavy breathing. The only thing audible in the silence of the night.

When suddenly they feel flash lights from all sides blinding them, they cover their eyes with their hands to look around.

To only see.

Nearly 10 cars surrounding them from all sides.

"Who....who are they V?"

Soph asks, looking around to only have Vivian gulp.

"I...I don't know Soph"

They look at each other, to only have Soph hold Vivian's hand. Nodding at her.

"Don't... don't worry. We two are together in this."

Before they could engage much in further dialogues, their doors are opened and they are pulled out roughly . Their held hands, getting pulled away.



"Leave us you fuckers!"

"Who are you!"

They are pushed down ,to make them kneel on the ground. Their knees scrapping against the rough gravel.

Guns aiming at them.

Forcing them to place their hands above their heads as they see a figure emerge from the centre.

Vivian looks up to see a man she has never seen before. He looked like a powerful person. An evil smirk plastered on his face.

"I must say"

He whispers, looking down at them.

"Edward does have beautiful daughters"

Soph and Vivian exchange a look of confusion, not able to understand him. When the man leans his back against the bonnet. Enjoying the show.

"Aww don't tell me. The coward couldn't tell you that you two are sister?"

"Well half sisters"

Soph was the first one to speak. Her eyes rebellious in contrast to Vivian's scared ones.

"What are you saying you bastard! "

James chuckles. Nodding.

"Bastard. Yes bastard. That's what our dear Vivian is. A bastard's child. "

Vivian's eyes widen. Tears ready to leave her eyes.

"Edward Rogers fell in love with a maid in their estate. A mere girl with no background and family "

"He fucked her knowing his family will never accept a nobody like her . Used her. Did it all in name of love."

"To only throw her out of their estate , leaving her to feed herself when she got pregnant with his child."

Vivian's heart thudded rapidly in her chest. The father...the person she always wanted to know about...was he talking about him?

"A child that grew up without a father. A child whose mother did odd jobs...to fill their stomachs... to only remarry another man....for the sake of her child's future?"

"Rings a bell Vivian?"

Vivian was shocked would be an understatement. Is it...it her? The child? She is the one. Her mother married Roman...so that she could find a home?

"Shut up you fucker! How dare you feed us lies!"

Soph screams, trying to get up. To be only pinned down by the guards.

"Lies? This is the truth Soph. What...you always wanted to know the truth.Not happy with it?"

"Now coming to you Soph. Edward Rogers was forced to marry another women under family pressure called Esme. He was asked to produce a heir to inherit the family property. To only have a girl."

"To have you Soph."

"A girl which Roger's didn't wanted. A girl who was kept hidden from the world."

Soph presses her hands on her ears, moving her head in a no.

"No! You are lying! Mom said my father was away...she said he was keeping us safe....he..loved me....he..."

James just sighs, looking back at the road.

"Isn't life a game of fate. I remember this was the same place I killed her.....Amelia...if I remember her name correctly.'

Vivian gets up. To only grab his collar seeing red.

"Where is my mom! You have her don't you! "

James chuckles, prying her fingers away from his coat collar.

"I am afraid she is dead Vivian. I killed her with my own hands."

Gripping her neck. He starts choking her. Seething.

"And very soon. You are going to join her there."

"Only after killing you will Edward know how it feels to loose your lover and your child!"

"I killed his lover...that bitc* Amelia...and now? It's your turn."

"Leave her!"

Soph screams ,to only have the men grab her. Blocking her.
As James pins Vivian on the car bonnet behind. Still choking her as she thrashed for release.

Placing a knife near her face, James smirks. Making the pointed metal to trace down her teary cheeks.

Lowering his face, he speaks sadistically.

"Come on beg Vivian.I love it when they do it.""

She tries to move, but he keeps her pinned. Her face loosing it's colour as he keeps choking her.


She manages to ask. And his expression changes more deadly.

"Edward...he killed my wife! Her face...he destroyed my wife's beautiful face....and I...I will destroy everything related to him!"

And that's when she feels a sharp pain as the knife, he held tears apart her face's skin.

"No one...no one will ever like you...you will be ugly....despised...loathed wherever you will go.....no one will ever love you Vivian..."


She pleads helpless. While Soph screams, to be only able to free herself from the guards grip. Pushing back James, to have him fall on the bonnet.

Pulling Vivian...she screams at her.

"Come on! Run!"

She says and Vivian rins with her. Coming out of the reverie. Blood drops falling down her chin....as the man has managed to scar her for eternity.

"No! Don't shoot! I want to bloody torture these bitches first!"

They hear James scream. As they run , hand in hand. To only find themselves in front of a cliff.
The men surrounding them from behind.

"I...will stop them......You...you have to jump Soph..."

Vivian says, looking up at her sister. Tears streaming down her eyes.

To only have Soph move her head in a no.

"No! V! I can't leave you!"

Vivian looks back at the men surrounding them. Clenching her fists.

"No Vivian please don't do it...."

Soph says with tears streaming down her eyes.
And that's when Vivian takes a deep breath.

Pushing her back into the depths of the unknown. With the last words.

"I am sorry Soph."

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