Brettsey One Shots

By photofrnd54

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Here will be a bunch of One Shots of Brettsey. Some of them might look familiar as i took my Rheese one shots... More

Authors Notes
That One Night
Why me
Taylor Elizabeth Brett
Hospital Stay
Almost Lost Him
The Shirt
Why Me. Part 2
Five Days To Long
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 2
She's Your Wife?
Jealous Fight
She's Your Wife? Part 2
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
I Can't Marry You
Why Me. Part 3
Auction Night
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 3
Will you stay with me?
Bring Him Back
Bring Him Back (Part 2 The Boat)
The Flu
An Early Surprise
I'm Scared
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 4
First Child
Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.
I never got to tell her
What do you mean she's not here?
Tired of Hiding
A Morning Surprise
The Flowers
My Girl
Should have done this sooner
Locker Room Chat
A Night in Paris (Locker Room Chat Part 2)
Casey's Quarters
Got Stood up
Casey's Quarters Part 2
Casey's Quarters Part 3
Casey's Quarters Part 4
What am I to you?
Girlfriend in Fowlerton part 1
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 2
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 3
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 4
It's okay It's okay
Accidently Double Date
I need him
Get Off Her
We need to talk
Anyone seen Brett?
Secret Promotion
Will you Stay
She's Gone
The Thanksgiving Rolls
Christmas Tree
Ice Skating Date
Meeting the Family
Secret Santa Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Secret Santa Part 3
Christmas Windows
Getting The Christmas Tree
New Years Eve Kiss
Late Night Phone Call (New Years Eve Kiss Part 2)
Surprise Visit (New Years Eve Kiss Part 3)
Meeting Parents Part 2
Some Unexpected Great News
The Flash Over
In Shock
What's That Smell?
It's Hard
Someone's Missing
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 1)
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 2)
Fowlerton Fair Part 3
Birthday Dinner
The Collapse
She was attacked
He Promised
Memory Loss
That Night Against River
A Shift on 61
That Night Outside Molly's
Dance With Me
Will You...
Somethings off
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 2)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 3)
Stayed All Night
Jace Matthew Casey
Get To The Hospital
Call it - TOD 4:38am
Wedding Day
Missing you
Where is she
Where is She (Part 2)
Paradoxical Reaction
Play Nice Now
Our Boy (Part 1)
Our Boy (Part 2)
Sylvie's Secret Santa
Sylvie's Secret Santa (Part 2)
New Years Eve Hospital
Did I wake you
She Said No

Chicago to Portland

411 11 0
By photofrnd54

Matt's pov
I was just about to finish breakfast when my phone buzzed. I look down to see Sylvie's face light up on my screen. "hey baby" I say with a smile as I pick up my phone. "hey" she says back sounding tired. "you okay. You sound off." I ask her. "Yeah sorry long shift. That's all. Ambo was out most of the night" she says. "wanna talk about it I'm always here to listen." I say  "thanks I might take you up on that later." She says to me. "Did you make it through security?" I ask. "Yeah I just got dropped off and made it through security." She says "how long was the line?" I ask "it was long but wasn't to bad." She says. "that's good so you have about two hours till your flight. And then about a 5 hour flight. So that's about 7 hours total.  I can't wait till you land. I've missed you so much.  Can you tell." I say with a laugh. "Haha I've been counting too. I think I was annoying half the house. I can't wait to see you either. Miss you more than you know." She's says with a smile. "Oh I do have a surprise." I say with the biggest grin that I haven't been able to wipe off my face. "a surprise. What kind of surprise" she ask curiously. I know she doesn't like surprises but she will love this one.  "well if I tell you babe it won't be a surprise." I say. "you know I don't like surprises." She says.  "You will just have to wait. And see." I tell her.

Sylvie's pov
"Hey have fun this week. And tell me everything when you get back." Violet says as she pulls up to the departures area. "I will I promise. Thanks for the ride.  Now go rest we had a crazy night." I say. "Welcome. Will do. But please come back I don't know how much of chout I can take." She says "hey at least you don't have mr doom and gloom. I save you from him." I say "well if I had to choose chouts the better option. Thanks. Now go have fun." She says. I grab my bags and watch her pull away. I check in at the skycap and hand over my bag. Then head through security.  Once through I pull out my phone and call Matt. "Did you make it okay" he asks me. "Yeah I just got dropped off and made it through security." I say "how long was the line?" He asks "it was long but wasn't to bad." I say. "that's good so you have about two hours till your flight. And then about a 5 hour flight.  I can't wait till you land. I've missed you so much." He says. "I can't wait to see you either. Missed you more than you know." I say with a smile. "Oh I do have a surprise." He says. "a surprise. What kind of surprise" I ask curiously. "well if I tell you babe it won't be a surprise." He says. "you know I don't like surprises." I say as I take a seat at my gate. "You will just have to wait. And see." He tells me. I can hear him smiling on the other end of the line. "Fine be that way." I say with a little edge to my voice. "do you trust me" he asks me "yeah with my life" I say. "then you have nothing to worry about. My love" he says "okay. How's work been?" I ask "it's been good. Sorry I have to work a shift while your here I couldn't get it off." He says "nah it's okay. I'm kinda excited to see what your firehouse looks like and where you work." I say. We talk another hour before I decide to head off and get some coffee. "Hey babe I'm gonna go get some much needed coffee before the flight boards soon. So I will see you in 5 hours and 48 minutes." I say "see you soon have a safe flight. I love you." He says "I love you too" I say as I hang up the phone. I walk over to the window and snap a selfie of me and send it to Matt. I then head over to get coffee. An extra large coffee.

Matt's pov
I hang up the phone from chatting with Sylvie. I'm so excited she's coming in today. I miss her like crazy. I hear a ding and see a picture of Sylvie standing by the airport window. She looks so cute. So I snap a quick self of myself making breakfast and send it back to her. "Boys come on you'll be late for the bus" I yell from the kitchen. "Coming." Griffin says. "hey you seen my science book. I can't find it anywhere." Ben says. "Yeah you left it on the couch last night. I put it on the side table." I say. "Thanks Matt." He says  "So you guys have everything you need for this weekend's trip right. I'm a phone call away if you need anything." I say. "Matt will be fine we have everything we need." The boys say. "Okay behave  listen to your teachers. You guys have been doing well. I want you to keep that up." I say "We will. Stop worrying and have fun with your girlfriend this weekend. We will be okay. We promise" Griffin says. "I will. Here eat before it gets cold." I say handing them breakfast. After the boys head off to school with all they need for their trip. I start to tidy up the place. We had a fun night last night and it got a bit messy. I then go and tidy up my bedroom where I am staying. I wanna make it extra nice for Sylvie. Once that's done I head to the food store and get some groceries we will need while she is here. I also stop by the flower shop in town. "What can I get for you" the lady behind the counter asks me. "hi yes do you have any purple stronghearts hydrangeas and white roses." I ask her. "That's an unusual combination. I think we have some let me look. I know they lady who owns the place only keeps a few in stock." the lady says to me. "Thanks" I say "Ah here we go. Oh I'm sorry they say for someone named Matt." She says sadly. "Oh That would be me. Gloria only has a few so she usually marks one of them with my name. When I might be needing them. They are my girlfriends favorite. She's flying into town today. I haven't seen her in about 5 months. I wanna make it special" I say with a smile. "she must be one lucky lady." she says to me. "Oh I think I'm the lucky one for being hers." I say as the lady gets to work on making up the flowers. If you don't mind me ask you go a picture of her." She says while she works away. "Yeah this was us the the last time I visited her." I say showing her a picture of us at 51. "Oh she's a first responder" she says. "yeah we both are. We use to work at the same firehouse but I got called away to take care of some friends kids here. So we are trying our hardest to make long distance work." I say as I pay for the flowers. "Well best for luck to the both of you." She says. "Thanks and tell Gloria thanks for saving the flowers." I say as I walk out the door. I head back to the house and put everything away. I look at my watch and see I have exactly 2 hours left till Sylvie's plane gets in. So I decided to take a quick nap then shower before I head off to get her.

Sylvie's pov
"This is your captain speaking. We will be landing in about 5 minutes. The weather in Portland is Sunny and 63 degrees out." The Captain says over the intercom. The landing is so smooth. The whole flight was great. We taxi to our gate and get off.  I head towards the signs that say baggage claim. I'm way to excited. I can't stop smiling. I'm just about to the exit when I pull out my phone and call Matt. "hey I've landed if you wanna lea....." I start to say but stop talking when I see him standing there at the exit. I run straight to him drop my bag and run into his arms. I kiss him so tight. He spins me around and I let out a laugh. "Oh babe I've miss you so so much" I say on the edge of happy tears. "I've missed you too. Come on let's go get your bags." He says. Once my bag is collected we head the 15 minutes to the house. I walk in to find my favorite flowers sitting on the kitchen table. "awe Matt they are gorgeous. Thanks for the flowers" I say as I go to smell them. "welcome my love. I know how much you love them." he says to me as I notice the how empty the house is. "So where are the boys?" I ask as Matt wraps his arms around my waist. "well that's the surprise" he says. "Matt you didn't get rid of them so we could have the weekend to ourselves did you." I say. "No no not at all. It just so happens the boys had a school weekend science trip that coincided with your trip. You will see them later In the week don't worry. So surprise we have the house to ourselves for close to 72 hours.  I'm all yours no boys or work to get in the way. We can do what ever you want." He says with a huge smile. "well I know exactly what we can start with" I say kissing him and pulling him towards his bedroom. "I think that's a great place to start" he says kissing me back as he closes the door to the bedroom for endless fun.

AN: Hey guys I found some motivation to write a one shot this week. I might do a part two of this where Sylvie is hanging with the boys while Matt is on shift. As always fee free to vote comment and leave a suggestion.

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