Part of The S.O.G and Part of...

By DragonCrystyGarmadon

6.9K 148 68

A child was born as both the S.O.G and the resistance. She had been living with one side a.k.a the dark side... More

The Beginning of The Rivals
The Baby
Evil or Good
Daughter of Green
You're Safe With Me
You're Safer With Me
New Member of S.O.G
The Walk
This Was Such a Bad Idea
Child's Power
The Deal
Sides Battle
A Mother's Sacrifise
Struggling Relationship
Untrust Worthy?!
Messed Up
Should I...?
Lloyd's Defending
Father to Father
Teaching a Child
Call Lloyd!
I Want to Call Harumi

I Hate You

187 4 2
By DragonCrystyGarmadon

After what happened, Lloyd and Harumi decided to just stay in their room. At least until Crystal calms down.

"Does Jay ever close his mouth?Or does he needs to be gagged?" Harumi asked in annoyance.

"He sometimes be quiet,just hardly knows when." Lloyd answered.

"I'm seriously going to beat him up.If he makes my baby girl cry again,I am going to beat him up 'till he can't move a muscle!" Harumi warned.

"Calm down,he'll know when to be quiet." Lloyd said.

"Crystal's crying shows otherwise." Harumi replied while rocking Crystal.

Crystal was still crying while Harumi was still rocking her and tried to calm her down.

"Mwawa." Crystal said while crying.

"Don't cry no more,Crystal.Everything is ok." Harumi said.

"Bwue." Crystal said.

"He's not in here,Crystal.Don't worry." Lloyd said as he placed his hand on Crystal's head.

"Dwawa." Crystal called after she stopped crying.

"Come here." Lloyd said and started cradling Crystal.

"Dwawa...mwawa...tway." Crystal said.

"We're not going anywhere,Crystal." Lloyd said.

"Except the S.O.G Basement.I still need to get my clothes and Crystal's things." Harumi added.

"We'll go after we eat.We haven't eaten anything and it's already 9 a.m." Lloyd said.

"I'll go alone." Harumi said.

"Mwawa!" Crystal shouted.

"She's not going to let you go alone,y'know." Lloyd smirked.

"Crystal,I won't be long.Besides,you'll be with your father,I'll be right back." Harumi said and Crystal started crying.

"Crystal.." Harumi sighed.

"Mwawa nwo weave dwawa!" Crystal cried.

"You heard her." Lloyd said.

Harumi sighed in annoyance. She turned to Lloyd and grabbed a bit of food then held it near his mouth.

"Just hurry up and get it over with." Harumi said.

"Alright." Lloyd replied and was about to eat the food, but Harumi pulled her hand away with a smirk.

"Mwawa?" Crystal asked.

Harumi started giggling and put the food in front of Lloyd's mouth again. When he was about to eat it, Harumi got her hand away again and giggled.

"Rumi..!" Lloyd giggled and put Crystal down on the bed.

Then he grabbed Harumi's wrist and gently pulled it towards him. He tried to eat it but Harumi dropped the food on the plate. They both laughed but Crystal looked at them in confusion.

"Mwawa?Dwawa?" Crystal asked.

"Alright,alright,for real this time." Harumi said and grabbed the bit of food again and held it near Lloyd's mouth, but he did not open his mouth.

Instead, he looked at Harumi with a smirk as if he was suspecting the same thing.

"I'm not going to do it again,Lloyd!Hurry up!" Harumi said, trying to sound annoyed, but she couldn't stop giggling.

Instead of Lloyd taking the food, he pushed it towards Harumi. She got so surprised that she opened her mouth in response because she didn't want to have food on her face.

"Crystal,look.Your mother just fed herself!" Lloyd whined jokingly.

"You shoved it in my mouth,Green Bean!" Harumi protested which came out as a bit of a muffle due to her mouth being full with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Lloyd said and Harumi threw a pillow at him, causing him to fall off the bed.

Crystal started laughing and tried to throw the food but ended up flipping it instead.

"Crystal,you just spilled the food!" Harumi laughed.

Crystal also laughed and started playing with the food on the bed, but Harumi picked her up.

"Don't play with the food,Crystal.It's dirty now." Harumi said.

"Mwawa." Crystal said.

"Wait here,I'll be right back." Harumi said and put Crystal down.

"Aren't you gonna eat?I can get you another-" Lloyd asked but Harumi cut him off.

"I'll be quick.Our basement is not far from one another anyway." Harumi said and was about to leave, but Crystal grabbed Harumi's hair.

"I'l just go with you,Crystal is not going to let any of us leave each other." Lloyd chuckled.

"Fine." Harumi replied and they went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked.

"Just to get Harumi's stuff." Lloyd answered.

"She's not gonna stay here,is she?!" Cole asked.

"She is." Lloyd answered.

"Are you cra-" Jay started protesting but Kai stopped him by covering his mouth with his hand.

"Jay,be quiet.Don't make the little girl cry again." Kai said.

"Skwy!" Crystal called after seeing Sky sleeping in Skylor's arms.

"You want to play with Sky?" Lloyd asked playfully.

Crystal giggled while trying to reach Sky.

"Can you guys look after her until we come back?" Lloyd asked.

"Sure.She'll be alright with us." Kai answered and Lloyd gave Crystal to Kai.

"Be a good girl,alright?" Lloyd asked.

Then Lloyd left with Harumi to the S.O.G Basement.

"You sure letting Harumi stay here is a good idea?" Jay asked.

"No.But Crystal needs both her parents so,..I don't think we have a choice." Cole answered.

"Mwawa?Dwawa?" Crystal asked, looking around.

"They'll be back soon,Crystal." Kai said to Crystal and Crystal started crying.

"Sky is still not awake,is he?" Kai asked.

"Nope.He's still sleeping." Skylor answered as Crystal started pulling Kai's hair.

"Ow,ow,ow,ow!" Kai winched.

Then Crystal started teleporting everywhere.

"Gah!!" Jay screamed as Crystal teleported to the top of his head.

"Come here,Crystal.It's alright." Nya said softly as she was about to take Crystal, but she teleported away to..


Dareth's head.

"Dareth,slow down!You might drop her!!" Zane shouted but Dareth didn't hear him and ran around the basement.

"Dareth,careful!!" Misako shouted.

But then, Dareth accidentally dropped Crystal from the second floor. Everyone panicked but luckily, Mystake caught the falling child. Everyone was relieved as Mystake gave Crystal to Misako.

"Thank you,Mystake." Misako thanked as she gently took Crystal from Mystake.

"It was my pleasure.Now perhaps I should arrange a meditating schedule for Dareth." Mystake said.

"Weidate?" Crystal asked.

""Weidate?"What's that?" Jay asked.

"I think she was trying to say "meditate".It's just too mouthfull for her." Misako answered.

"Oh." Jay replied.

"Mwawa!Dwawa!" Crystal called.

"They will be back soon,Crystal.You can play can play in your father's room." Misako said and took Crystal upstairs to Lloyd's room.

Once she entered her son's room, she was surprised to see that food that spilled on the bed.

"What have you done with your parents,huh?" Misako chuckled and put Crystal in her swing.

Then she went to the bed and started cleaning it up.

Meanwhile at the S.O.G Basement, Lloyd and Harumi were in Harumi's room.

"So,what do you need?" Lloyd asked.

"Just my clothes and some of Crystal's toys,especially the bunny." Harumi answered.

"Alright.I'll take Crystal's toys and you can take your clothes." Lloyd said and they started packing.

While they were packing, Harumi noticed the ring around Lloyd's finger. She looked at it in confusion.

"You still have that?" Harumi asked.

"Have what?" Lloyd asked and stopped packing.

"The ring.You're..still wearing it?" Harumi asked and Lloyd looked at the ring he wore around his finger.

"Yeah." Lloyd answered.

"I thought you broke it.Like...I broke mine.." Harumi said.

"I never want to.It has a special memory." Lloyd said.

"It was unforgettable." Harumi said with a smile.

"Quiet One?!Are you in there?!" UV's voice was heard.

"Lloyd,you need to hide!" Harumi whispered.

Lloyd jumped to the ceiling and held on between two bars on the ceiling.

"You seriously can't find a better hiding spot?" Harumi asked in annoyance.

"Where else am I suppose to hide?!" Lloyd asked.

"I don't know!I've told you not to come with me but you were-" Harumi said but was cut off by..

"Who are you talking to?" 

Ultra Violet.

"No one,I was talking to myself.WHAT DO YOU WANT,ULTRA VIOLET?!" Harumi yelled.

"Well the S.O.G has been looking for you all morning but you weren't here.Where were you?" UV asked.

"I was just walking around with Crystal." Harumi lied.

"Where is your baby then?" UV asked, not being able to see Crystal anywhere.

"What do you mean where is my baby?!She's on the bed!" Harumi lied, acting like she didn't know anything.

"No,she is not." UV told her and Harumi looked back.

"What?!Where is she?!" Harumi "panicked".

"And what is with all these bags?" UV asked.

"Stop asking so many questions,UV!Go find my daughter!" Harumi shouted.

"Tell me why you have these bags first!" UV demanded and Harumi grabbed her collar.

"Listen here,Violet!You better not ask any more questions and get out of my hair or I will not only raise my daughter against that green blondie but AGAINST YOU TOO!!" Harumi warned and pushed Ultra Violet out of the room and slammed the door.

"I seriously want to beat her up." Harumi sighed in annoyance.

She turned from the door and leaned against it with a long sigh. Then she looked up and saw that Lloyd was still holding on to the two bars.

"Why are you still hanging?Get down!" Harumi said and Lloyd jumped down.

"Are you ok?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm fine!Let's just finish packing." Harumi said and continued packing her things.

Lloyd was concerned but decided to just stay quiet, knowing that Harumi wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened. He continued packing Crystal's toys.

"We're gonna have to go back and forth.Crystal's other toys are in another room." Harumi said.

"How many toys does Crystal have here?" Lloyd asked.

"More than you can count.The S.O.G gave her so many things." Harumi answered.

"We can just take them tomorrow then." Lloyd said.

"Let's go back." Harumi said and picked the bag up.

Then they left the S.O.G Base and went back to the Resistance Base.

"I hope everything goes well." Harumi said.

"It will.Trust me." Lloyd assured and held Harumi's hand while they were walking. 

Harumi blushed and tried to hide her face, but she failed.

"I can still see your blush." Lloyd teased.

"Who's blushing?I'm not blushing!" Harumi lied.

"Yeah right." Lloyd chuckled and Harumi punched his arm.

"I hate you."

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