The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes


163 0 0
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 7

 Episode 4


Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“It’s a power plant” Anthony says, as the Asian and Blonde man are taken by walkers. “I’ll take them out on a run” Anthony says, as William falls ad hits his head. “You have to tell Jenny” Molly says, as she kisses William. “H for Hounds” Sam says, as the group runs off. “Terry” Ted says, holding the walkie-talkie up. “You’re gonna want to hear this.” “I’m Spike the Animal” he says, holding the sledgehammer. “I’m gonna take her” Spike says, as Anthony is hit with a gun.



            Jason kept tapping his foot, as Anthony paced back and forth in his cell. “Sit down” said Bernard. “You’re making me worried.” “Good” said Anthony, continuing to pace. Bernard sighed, before saying “You know, you’d fit right in here. You’re already acting like a wild dog. I bet if you’d join, you’d take my place as second in command.” Anthony stared at him with fury, before reaching his arm through the cell bars and reaching for Bernard, who stepped back.

              “Anthony, stop” said Gwen. “Why should I?” Anthony asked, staring at Bernard’s smug face. “Because” said Sam. “William’s awake.” Anthony turned, and saw Hannah and Carly helping William sit up. “What happened?” he asked, looking around. He spotted Bernard and asked “Who is this guy?” “William” said Carly. “This guy and his group kidnapped us.” William didn’t seem to register her words, as he looked around, and asked “Where’s Molly?” “My boss took her” said Bernard. “He should be done with her soon, then he’ll take the leader and beat him. That’s how it works here.”

                Suddenly, the door opened, and Spike dragged Molly in, who had blood on her head, and seemed to be crying. “Step back” Bernard said, aiming his gun at Anthony. Anthony went to the back of the cell, as a man opened the door, and Spike through Molly in. “Help me” she said in an innocent voice, as William pulled her onto his lap. “What did you do to her?” he asked, looking at Spike. “Nothing” he said “She did it herself. She needs help.”

                  William jumped up and ran forward, but Spike back handed him. He fell back, before Spike grabbed William, and placed the sledgehammer against his head. “Stop” said Anthony. “You don’t want to do this. You already hurt the girl. You don’t need to kill him.” “You think I hurt her?” Spike asked. “Sure, I was originally going to smack her around, but she did that herself. Do you want to know what she tried to do?”

                     Anthony stared at him as Spike said “Of course you don’t. You hate me right now, so you won’t believe me. That doesn’t matter. Now, who should I take next?” He looked at the group, and said “You all seem like you’ve hit hard times. I am truly sorry, but you are clear threats, so we need to eliminate you all, and I mean all.

                   “What do you mean?” Jason asked. “I know there has to be more of you” said Spike. “There definitely is, so that’s why I want to find them, and then I’ll kill you all.” “You don’t have to though” said Anthony. “We won’t hurt you is you don’t hurt us. Just let us go, and we won’t cross paths again.”

                       Spike smiled, and said “I can see your past in your eyes. That blonde girl there wasn’t your wife, but you had one. She died, you had trouble, and then you got a group. You met a few crazies, they killed members of your group, and now your hardened, but you’re not broken. Anthony, I don’t believe you’ll leave us alone. You’ll come back, and you’ll kill us, so that’s why I’m going to kill all of you. Or, maybe, when the rest of your group comes, I’ll let you go, not without a fight though.

                        “When you leave, we’ll hunt you down, and we will kill you. Not you specifically, but maybe your son, that blonde girl right there, the sick girl on the ground, or anyone else in your group. It will be someone that is close to you that I’ll kill, and you’ll hit your breaking point. And I promise you, Anthony, I will make you a broken man. But, not now, because I want you to hold on to the one’s you love just a little bit longer.” He then shut the door and began to walk off, the sledgehammer scraping the floor.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                             Terry loaded his pistol, before pocketing it. “Are you sure they’re in trouble?” asked Hector, looking at Greg. “We can’t take any risks” said Greg, putting a box of ammo in a bag. “We’ve got to go rescue them, before it’s too late.” “Then, we should come” said Hector. “No” said Terry. “You, Jenny, Todd, and Vivian need to stay here and watch this place.” Terry caught Vivian’s eye, who looked frightened. “We won’t be gone for long” said Adam, putting his gun in a holster. “It’ll only be for a few hours.” “If we don’t find anything” said Ted. “We’ll come back, but we need to help them, if they’re in trouble.” Hector nodded, and so did Vivian.

                             Todd and Hector pulled the gates opened, as Vivian said “Be careful, all of you.” “We will be” said Terry, kissing Vivian. “He then handed her another pistol, and said “Just to have an extra.” She nodded, before Greg said “Let’s move.” Terry turned and followed, as Vivian felt fear for him.

                              Gwen sat in an office, across from Spike, who smiled. “You’re group will be coming” he said. “We have Anthony’s walkie-talkie, and it was on when we kidnapped you. That mean’s they’re coming. Where is your camp?” Gwen looked down at a small plant as he asked this. He smiled, before he cocked his gun and said “I could shoot you right now. I wouldn’t be afraid to do it, and I wouldn’t care after. Sure, Anthony will be mad, but it was going to happen eventually. I will kill you Gwen, or at least, someone will.” Gwen seemed to have anger flow through her, as he said “Could be from a walker, could be from another crazy man, or it could be from my gun right here.” He shook the gun, and she smiled. “You’re not intimidating.”

                            Spike smiled, and said “I think that I am, but you’re just smart enough to not show your fear.” Gwen looked away from him, as he said “I believe that you’re entire group is very smart. You have to be, or else you wouldn’t have survived. That’s why we have to kill you. You pose a threat to us, so we can’t allow threats.” “You’re trying to scare us, but it’s not working” said Gwen. “We’re not afraid of you.” “You wouldn’t be denying it if you weren’t” aid Spike. “You’d try to not talk, or just play along with me. Even if you’re not afraid, I’d prefer it that way. Then, there’s a fight, and I love fighting.” Gwen looked at him with fear, before she scowled in anger. He smiled. “Where’s your camp?”

                               Gwen smirked, and said “You might kill me, but I know that you will die, no matter what.” She then leaned forward and said “You just messed with the wrong people.” Spike scowled, before saying “You’re a clever girl. That’s why I’m gonna kill you.”  Gwen smiled again, before she leaned back in her chair, as there was silence.

                                Adam led the rest of the group down the road, and said “It looks like that town is coming up.” Suddenly, there was a snap of a branch, and they all aimed their guns. “We heard you” said Greg. “Where’s the rest of our group?” Terry said. However, walkers emerged. They put their weapons down, and Nick said “My Dad and I’ve got this.” They walked forward, and Adam stabbed the first walker, as Nick aimed his silenced gun and shot the other two.

                                “Guys” said Ted. They turned, and saw Ted pointing at a nearby car store, with dead walkers near it. “Maybe they went there” said Greg, and they all ran forward. They saw an abandoned car and immediately hotwired it, before they began to drive off. Suddenly, men emerged from the trees, with smiles on their faces, chainsaws in hand.

                                    Vivian stood on one of the catwalks outside of the plant with a rifle, and spotted walkers far off. She aimed her gun and fired, and she took one of them out. She aimed again and fired, and she took a walkers arm off. She then moved a little, fired, and the walker fell. “Vivian” said Todd, approaching. “What are you doing?” She sighed, and said “I can’t just sit here while the rest of them are risking their lives.”

                                     “So what?” asked Todd. “Are you going to take your anger out on walkers, and draw even more?” Vivian looked art him, and said “No, you’re right.” Todd nodded, and said “Come inside. Jenny made some stew. It’s pretty good.” He turned and walked back into the plant.

                                   Vivian smiled, before she grabbed rifle rounds and put the rifle strap on her shoulders. She climbed down the ladder, before opening the gate. She looked back at the plant, before shutting the gate and walking off down the road, going after the others.

                                     Hannah sat across from Spike, who was smiling. “What is going through your mind, Hannah?” She smiled, and said “You don’t want to know what’s going through my mind.” Spike smiled, and said “When I was thirteen, I imagined cutting my English teacher up into little pieces. When I was fourteen, I went through with it. I killed her.” He smiled again, as she smiled, too. “I’m thinking about taking my sword and taking your head off” she said. “Whenever I think stuff like this, it ends up happening.” “Well” said Spike. “I guess you and I are very much alike.” Hannah looked furious.

                                         Anthony sat across from Gwen, and asked “What did he do in there?” “Nothing” Gwen said. “He didn’t do anything to me. He just asked me where the rest of the group is.” Anthony nodded, before Gwen said “He threatened to kill me. I think he was lying. He seems to like me.” Anthony looked at her, and said “I will kill him. Might not be today or tomorrow, but he and the rest of his group will die. He won’t hurt anyone of us. I’ll make sure.”

                                        Gwen nodded, as Hannah walked back into the cell. “He wants William” she said, as Bernard grabbed William and dragged him off. “What did he say?” asked Carly. “He told me he killed his teacher at fourteen” she said. “Oh my god” said Frances. “This man is sick.” “Clearly” said Jason. “We can’t let him get the rest of us” said Sam. “We need to kill them, now.” “I know Sam” said Anthony. “But, we need to wait. At least for the day. I want him to think we’ve given up, which we’ll never do.”

                                           Anthony sat at the end of the cell, as Sam approached. “Dad” he said, sitting down. “I think Spike’s going to kill us.” Anthony looked at him, and said “I won’t lie. He’ll try to, but we are strong. He won’t hurt us.” “Dad” said Sam. “You need to promise me something.” “What is it?” Anthony asked, looking concerned.

                                        Sam took a deep breath, and said “If Gwen or I die, or William, don’t break down. Don’t go crazy, don’t lose hope in the world. Don’t break away from us because you feel alone. Because, if you do, those of us remaining left will die, and then you’ll be alone, and you wouldn’t be able to live with that.” Anthony looked down at his son, and said “I…I.” “Dad, you promise?” Sam asked, looking up at his father. “I promise” Anthony said, looking pale.

                                         William looked angrily at Spike, who said “I didn’t hurt that girl.” “I don’t believe you” said William. “You don’t have to” said Spike. “That gives you a reason to hate me.” He took a sip of water and said “I assume you two are together.” William just stared at him. Spike sighed and said “I had a wife. Beautiful woman. She was the whole package. Amazing, did whatever I wanted. So, logically, I killed her.” William’s eyes widened. “That shocked you, didn’t it” said Spike, smiling. “Anyway, do you want to know what happened when that girl came in here?” William stared at him, so Spike said “Of course you do.”

                                              Spike threw Molly into the office. She turned, and asked “What are you going to do to me?” “I’m going to beat you” he said. “To a pulp.” “That’s it?” Molly asked, coming closer. She placed her hands on his shoulders and said “Don’t you like me. Aren’t I pretty?” Spike looked at her, so she pulled him closer and kissed him. She pulled him closer, but he pushed her away. She stared at him with anger, before she hit him, but he pushed her. She shrieked in anger, before she ran and hit her head against the wall. Her head began to bleed, as she turned, and asked “Don’t you want me?” She then collapsed to the ground, as he looked in shock.   

                                                 William stared at Spike, his mouth opened, lost for words. “That is what happened” said Spike. “That girl needs a lot of help. Maybe I should put her out of her misery.” William didn’t seem to want to answer. Spike smiled, and said “I’ll bring you back now.”

                                                  Terry and the group drove until they reached the town. “Pull over” Terry said, and Greg did so. They stepped out of the car, and saw the bullet holes in the store. “Something bad must have happened here.” Suddenly, a gun went off, and a body fell. They turned, and saw a walker on the ground, and ten men behind them. “Hello there” said the front man. “You must be with Anthony.” “Who are you?” Adam asked. The man smiled, and said “The Hounds.”

                                                   William sat in the cell, as Molly sat next to him. “Are you okay?” she asked, grabbing his arm and wrapping her arms around it. He pulled away. “What’s wrong babe?” she asked. He looked at her, and asked “What are you talking about?” “We’re together” said Molly. “We are?” asked William. “Then, tell me what happened with Frances.” Molly sighed and said “We were together and split up.” “What happened in Spike’s office?” Molly sighed and said “I was just doing what I thought would get us out of here.” William stared at her, as Molly said “But, William, I want you.” She pulled his face forward, and their lips locked.

                                                       Anthony sat across from Spike, who smiled at him. “So, you’re the leader” said Spike. “Well, you seem to be a leader. You look like one. So does that Jason kid. Maybe, after you die, he can take over.” Anthony just stared at Spike. Spike smiled, and said “Anthony, what’s up? Are you picturing my death? Are you thinking of a threat to say? Well, save it. I can’t be scared, and you won’t kill me.” “That’s not what I was thinking” said Anthony. “I just think I figured you out. You never killed anyone before this. You’re just trying to intimidate us.”

                                                      Spike smiled, and said “Even if I didn’t do anything before, I have done things now.  I am a killer, and I like it. And I’ll kill your girlfriend, and your right hand man, and that girl, and everyone else. I might keep your kid. I want to see what he’ll grow up to be like.” Anthony scowled, and said “Let us go, NOW, or you won’t like how it ends.” “I might not like how it ends, Anthony” said Spike. “But, I will like how it starts, but you won't." Anthony stared at Spike with fury. Spike just smirked.

                                                         Spike stared down at his bloody hands, with a smile n his face. “Spike, where’s Roger” said Bernard, entering. Bernard saw Spike, and smiled. “You finally did it” he said. Spike smile, and said “Wasn’t that hard.” He then looked down at Roger’s body, and said “I’ve done it before. Now, there’s a new leader of the Hounds.”


WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead…

Vivian walks down a road, as there’s a shout of “WHERE ARE THEY” as Anthony is bloody and bruised. “I told you” Spike says, holding a bloody sledgehammer. “The beginnings the best start.” Vivian holds her rifle, as Terry runs through the woods, as there’s a walker missing a jaw, as Anthony stares down at a bloody mass, with fear on his face. “I won’t be that brutal to you” Spike says, looking at Gwen. “I like you.”

Find Out What Happens On Episode 5 Of The Walking Dead.

For More, Check Out Talking Stories.

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