A Chance to Love

By Annie_anewbee

96 13 8

It's not easy to express love, but it's not even as hard as he made it... Meet Prem, a simple yet successful... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 37

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By Annie_anewbee


Last couple of months were the most quiet months we've had in a while. With the final year starting for Preeti and Bitto taking demo classes for various subjects to choose her major, things has been busy but without any excitement. We decided to move Bitto back home from the hostel as after everything we all needed to stay close to family and also with Preeti's regular visits home, she wanted to stay there to plan our coming out to her parents occasion.

Now Bitto has chosen her major in Business Laws. She said she wants to help me in business.*eye roll* As if! I'm never going to have her and Suraj together in the same space as me. It will be inviting chaos, as they will be fighting over my attention instead of working. However, I hope they both sort their differences soon as Suraj is getting impatient and I'm thinking of sending her to work with him in their business to learn so they can bond before we roll the ball for their marriage.

The summer vacations started yesterday and since Aman's music classes were interrupted during Ms. Chaudhary's incident, his classes are going to continue for a couple more weeks even after all the extra classes he has been taking. Somehow, Kiran and Preeti managed convince Preeti's parents to let Preeti and Aman stay with us for these couple weeks using these extra classes and Preeti's last summer vacations as an excuse. So tomorrow, I'm picking them up along with Bitto and Anand. Bitto didn't get a chance to vacate her room at the hostel so she went there today to pack everything and say her goodbyes to her roommate and friends.


Last few days were all fun and joy. I had my whole family with me and it felt like I couldn't ask for more. However, there's something I need to ask for and that is not going to easy because it's not in front of God that I am going to ask, but in front of Preeti's parents. I'm going to ask a girl's parents for her hand in marriage, asking them to give her away and this time not for a few days but forever. I just hope things turn out to be well.

Ms. Chaudhary came back a few days ago and has been busy with clearing her house, as she no longer wants to stay there. She is staying at the Banquet Hall only as she feels comfortable there and is planning sell her house through the same trust that was created for her father's property. She suggested that this marriage proposal should come as a regular one as it would not be good for the trust Preeti's parents share with their kids if they know that we have been lying to them. Therefore, Kiran said that she would go with the proposal along with Anand, tell them that it is their wish and I have agreed as I like, and respect Preeti. Preeti and Aman also agreed with the same and Aman also said that he is scared that their parents will get angry and now that Preeti is going to leave the house he doesn't want to have them angry while being left alone behind. This is something I didn't like to hear. I know their parents are good people and love their kids a lot, but I also know that Aman is not really close to them, as they never really shared the bond between kids and parents, as they do with Preeti. I've noticed that they are not as caring towards Aman as they are with Preeti. With Aman it's more they are controlling instead of caring. I'll have to think of something to resolve this fear that Aman has. It is not just about lack of love, it's like it's the fear of abandonment. I couldn't digest this fact.



I'm so nervous today and the worst part is that I can't even show it. Jiji is here with me and we have told Maa-Papa that Kiran has asked us to meet her here as she has something to ask. They know how close I am to her and how Jiji has come close to all of us, so they didn't ask many questions. Maa is even cooking lunch for Kiran and Jiji and Ammu is with Papa trying to occupy him with his vacation's homework to hide my nervousness.

I am glad that my absence during the evenings has given Ammu a chance to bond with Papa, however, the difference between Maa and him is still as it has always been. I am also worried how he fears my absence in his life. I can't understand how we can get married with one of our kid having fear of abandonment. But I didn't get any chance to discuss this with him. Moreover, now that Bitto and Devarji are coming over with this wedding alliance, I'm not sure how to take things.

I am in my room with Jiji. Aman joined us a few minutes back after Papa asked him to take a break from homework, as he needed to help Maa in the Kitchen. I tried to go and help, but as usual, she did not let me. She is always like this. With me, she has always been the best mother, it's just when it comes to Ammu that she is just indifferent. It's like she just can't bring herself to love him like a child. I don't know how to deal with this. Papa always tries to work on their bond. Even when he is occupied with Maa's health and his work, he still make efforts to spent time with Ammu so he can have his presence. He is not worried about him getting a mother's love as I have been doing that job well. I don't know how my baby will manage after my marriage.

I heard the doorbell indicating that Bitto and Devarji have arrived. Since we didn't want to make anything obvious, we waited for Maa or Papa to call for us. Once we heard Maa calling for me, we all went downstairs like it was just another normal day for us to meet. Nevertheless, it was evident that they were sceptical about having Devarji over. We went downstairs and Maa went to get us some snacks and drinks. Papa was also about to leave when Bitto asked him to stay.

"Uncle! Please wait, I am here to talk to you and Aunty actually."

Papa looked confused but took a seat. Bitto waited until Maa joined us again. Devarji was entertaining Ammu to improve his mood and Jiji and Bitto were talking about her studies, so Papa didn't get a chance to ask them anything until they were ready to speak. I was just trying to act as normal as I can to avoid raising any suspicions from Papa. After Maa took her seat and asked them to have some snacks was when Bitto started to talk.

"Uncle-Aunty, today I haven't come to see Di, but to ask something from you both. Will you please give it to me," she asked with her puppy dog eyes that no one could resist as was clear from the way Maa-Papa were having troubles responding to her. They could not say no to her puppy eyes and could not agree as well, since she has not made herself clear.

"Sure beta (child), but first tell us what do you need?" Papa asked.

"Umm... actually Uncle, I um I want uh I want Di!" she said hesitantly. Her hesitation made it sound too ambiguous and Devarji face palmed hearing her, while Jiji and I tried to hide our smile. Ammu was not so diligent and started giggling which made Maa-Papa even more confused.

"Beta what do you mean, please be clear," Papa said.

"Uncle, let me make things clear." Devarji decided to take over. "Actually we have come to ask Ms. Preeti's hand in marriage for our elder brother Prem" Devarji said it so casually that I didn't even get a chance to school my reaction and a gasp left me.

Every eye in the room came to rest on my face and I turned red from embarrassment. Not able to take it anymore, I left from there and came back to my room. I didn't leave my room until Jiji came to call me. She said that Devarji told Maa-Papa that ever since coming back from the Banquet Hall Bitto is always complaining that she misses living together with me and when they tried to broach the subject with him, they realised that he did too. So apparently, it was Bitto's wish and idea and when she asked Devarji to confirm from their brother, he found the response positive. Thus, they were here with the alliance.

Jiji told me that I am called to give my answer now and I didn't know how to react. I didn't want to go down right now so I told Jiji to give them my positive answer. She left and after some time came Ammu to call me saying that, his Jiju has suggested something to which my opinion is required. I didn't have a choice so I decided to just go with the flow and face the weather.


I should have known that he will take care of everything and would find a solution to my worries and Ammu's fears. Everything went smoothly with the alliance. Maa-Papa agreed for our marriage and since they know there is no way for someone else to agree to my conditions and even take an initiative to make things easier for me and Ammu, they agreed with his ideas as well.

I still can't believe he suggested something like this. I mean, the whole reason we wanted to get married was because we wanted to stay together as a family and now he is suggesting this! I know what he decided is the best way to resolve all our worries around Ammu but still I don't understand how it will solve our situation. If we are still going to stay apart after marriage, then what's the point of getting married so early on. Why not just wait!

Yes; He has sent this message with his siblings that he wants to get married soon since the kids wants that but he has noticed Ammu's proximity with me and thus understands that it may not be easy for him o let go of me. Thus, he thinks it will be better if we wait to make our marriage public and keep things as they are for the time being. That being said, he has suggested that even though we'll be married, I'll still stay at home whenever Ammu needs me to. He even suggested that I can partially move in with them at home and spend my day there, but if Ammu needs me to return then return here at night to stay with Ammu. In any case, I cannot return, he said Ammu is welcome to join me at home. Devarji even told Maa-Papa that he would visit to stay the nights when Ammu will stay over so Ammu can get used to other people. Although he made it clear that we won't be hiding our marriage, just not make it apparent that we've married, however, we will also not lie about it if it ever came to someone's knowledge as we are not hiding our marriage, just keeping it intimate and private.


After that day, Bitto and Devarji have gone insane with excitement. They even dragged Jiji and Ammu with them for the wedding planning. First, we thought we'll get married in some temple, but then thought otherwise when we realised that with all the excitement the kids and siblings are showing, it will be impossible not to attract attention somewhere outside. Therefore, now we are getting married at the Banquet Hall, and then going to visit the temple afterwards for God's blessings.

Since the vacations were about to end and we didn't want the wedding to interrupt kids studies, parents found an auspicious day a week before school and colleges restarts. Devarji and his team along with Bitto took all the responsibilities for the preparations. Jiji wanted to help as well, but the doctor advised her to rest, as her body was still weak to take much stress. Since she was staying at the Banquet Hall already, we let her make suggestions on whatever is being done to appease her.

There were only a couple weeks time for preparations and everything else was going smooth except for the dresses. Kids wanted proper lavish bridal attires, but we didn't and thus, the arguments started. Finally, it was decided that we would wear their choice of attires for the initial rituals and photos but for the final ceremony, we will wear comfortable traditional. Therefore, kids took the charge of choosing their choice of attires and Devarji and Jiji decided to choose our choice of clothes. Technically, Devarji arranged for options and Jiji made the decisions comfortably sitting in her room. Since, wedding was happening in the Banquet Hall, Devarji had to tell his team everything and we also informed Mother Stacy and obviously our close friends like Suraj from his office, Inspector Singh and Her. Everyone is coming except for her. She said something about coming for reception with some big surprise. I mean what is this. Is there something more important than my wedding for her? I told Maa-Papa to not let her go abroad for further studies, but they didn't listen to me. Now she is not willing to come back, even for my special day. I really do miss her. It's been years since she left and for the past couple years, even her calls have been limited. Most of the times, we just communicate through emails as if we are colleagues and not family.


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