Hidden Memories - A Steve Rog...

By immichelleracine

4.2K 83 0

As a self-protection, from the traumatic experiences of her past, Amilia has locked out her past. In fact, sh... More

What do you want fury?
Meet the Avengers
An instruction from Fury
See what I really am
Movie night
The historical dance
Hey trouble
Amilia's first mission
Tell Bucky the truth
Hey captain
A day at the beach
Let's go out
Memories of Steve
Mystic Falls
The letter
First day in mystic falls
Meanwhile with the Avengers
The "Undertaker"
Back home
Moment of truth
Fuck! I forgot about Peter.
Amilia's pancakes
The Date
Welcome back party
Truth or dare
Why doesn't it work?
I can't lose him again
Is it really just because of the little blood?
Can you say that again?
Bed rest and naming
The baby is coming
Family life and other troubles
The fight
Steve's POV
Am I dead?
The third chance
Will you.....?
The first night as an engaged couple
Show me the ring
Yours forever


73 1 0
By immichelleracine

I slowly step away from the group and walk over to the large window front that adorns the living room. I look out the window and take a deep breath before turning to face them. Everyone looks at me curiously and waiting. I don't know when I was ever so nervous. What if they are afraid of me afterwards? What if I can't control myself while I switch back and forth between the three beings in me. I take one last look at Steve, who gives me an encouraging smile before concentrating entirely on the werewolf in me. In all the years of my existence, I have largely perfected the transformation so that it is painless. I can't imagine how scared they would be if I kept screaming in pain. I put my head back as the transformation hits me and sink to the ground. Seconds later, everyone is staring at me with their mouths open. I know exactly what they see in front of them. A muscular yet slender white wolf with glowing yellow eyes. My hearing is so sensitive that I can even hear their hair stand up on the back of their neck. With a blink of an eye I am standing in front of them again as Amilia. A few years ago I would have stood naked in front of them. At that time, my clothes did not change with me. But a few years ago I met a very wise witch who taught me a spell that ensures that my clothes are also transformed. I look around uncertainly, but to my relief everyone is still looking at me with the same curious look. "Ok, um ... that was my werewolf me. Next, I'll let you see the witch in me." I straighten my shoulders and begin casting a simple levitation spell. As soon as I started, all the furniture in the living room rose up into the air. "That's so cool" I hear Peter whisper and I have to smile. For the demonstration I speak a few more simple spells - spells that let you see what I want you to see and one that, despite the closed window, creates a small whirlwind in the living room. Now comes the part I'm most afraid of. The vampire in me. Hesitantly, I turn away from them and look out the window. I can feel Steve behind me even before he puts his hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable," he whispers so softly that only I can hear. "No ... I want to do it. I'm just afraid of their reaction, your reaction." Instead of saying something, he turns me around and kisses me tenderly on the lips. I give him a weak smile before he goes back to the others. I close my eyes and concentrate on the rush of blood from the people around me. I feel the tingling around my eyes and in my fangs as they start to grow. When I open my eyes I hear some of them take a sharp breath. Except for Bucky, he's seen this before, everyone looks shocked. The sight of my, now red, eyes, the fangs and the fine translucent veins around my eyes also shocked me at the beginning. I'm surprised how quickly their shock subsides. Contrary to my habit, I allow myself to read their minds. Peter just thinks it's absolutely cool. Bucky and Steve are proud that I revealed myself to everyone. Steve also admires how beautiful I am as a vampire. Tony and Bruce are fascinated and incredulous that my existence is even possible. And everyone else is positively amazed. It takes some effort to resist all the blood in the room. But I would never forgive myself if I hurt any of them. When I stand in front of them again, as a supposed person, I suddenly feel shy and exposed. "This is what I am" I mumble and look at the floor, embarrassed. "You are truly unique" is what Vision expresses what everyone thinks now. "If you want to see it that way," I say and can hardly believe that they react so positively. So far, when I've revealed the real me to someone human, it never ended well. "To get back to your question, Bruce. I can eat normal human food. But it doesn't work completely without blood. Most of the time I use the blood reserves in hospitals. Even if fresh blood is much more effective. But I am under control. I am not a threat to you." I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince them or myself. I just stand there while the others are deep in conversation about what they have just seen. I sneak away from them unnoticed, back to my room. Even if the whole thing went better than expected, I would like to be alone somehow. When I get to my room, I put on my sleeping clothes and snuggle up in bed before turning on the TV. After a few minutes there is a knock on the door and when I look over, Steve is standing in the door. "Mind if I keep you company?" "I think that would be nice" I slide a little to the side so that he also has room in the bed. "Great. I brought you something too." From behind his back he pulls out a tray containing marshmallows, melted chocolate and biscuits - everything you need to make smores without having a campfire on hand. I can't believe he remembered it. I have loved Smores since I was a little kid. That was pretty much the only reason I always begged my parents to go camping. After he has made himself comfortable in bed next to me, I kiss him shyly. "I hope you still like this." I kiss him again before I look at him sensually. "Was my answer clear enough?" With a laugh he puts his arm around me and I snuggle up to him. We spend the rest of the day eating smores, talking about the past and watching TV. I haven't felt so loved and satisfied in a long time.

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