Moonlight Tempest (Completed)

By DrWhomever101

307 11 2

Kari was a soldier. She was a fighter, and she was pretty good too. She has won many battles. She's strong... More

When The Light Was Taken Away...
The Start
The Rehersal Dinner
The Intruders
The BadLands
A Rush of Adventure
The Counterpart
The Boy Who Waited
The Long Walk
Some New Friends And Some Old Friends
The Reunion
Back To The 'Normal' Rhythm
To Be Or Not To Be?
If You Wanna Call This A Date, Be My Guest
Unexpected Enemy
First Encounter
She's Baaaack
Am I Strong Enough?
The Message
The Report
The First Mission
The Casualty
The Choice
Surprise, Surprise
The Reality
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Boss
The Duel
Emotionally Unstable
His First Kill
The Assassination Attempt
The Help
The Rescue
Burnin' Up
The Invasion
The Serenity Castle
The Plan
A Day In The Life...
The Search
The Kids Are Alright
Together Again
Live Bait
Fight, If You Can
The Truth Often Hurts
The End...
...And Also The Beginning

The Prisoner

2 0 0
By DrWhomever101

Chapter 24

Leon walked down the corridor leading to the prisoner arrival bay. Anya had told him to wait there for her since she had to sign papers for the arrival.

Leon breathed deeply. The air was damp and chilly. He pulled his green sweater tighter around his body.

He was walking with his sword strapped to his waist. He still wasn't used to the awkward way it felt.

'Normal people don't carry swords like this.'

Leon sighed. 'Oh, yeah. I'm not normal.'

Leon was also still trying to come to terms with the fact that he wasn't human... Along with many other things.

'I'm a Wizard... My father's a Wizard... My best friend is a Vampire... My girlfriend is working for the enemy, which includes my mother... This whole thing is messed up. Very far from normal.'

Leon had tried to practice his Magic while he was alone (because if he had done it in front of anyone, they'd arrest him) but he couldn't get more than a spark of green light to appear on his fingers.

'A Wizard! How preposterous! I couldn't do Magic even if my life depended on it.'

Leon waited by the arrival bay as told. He saw massive trucks leaving and arriving into the large garage like room.

'Are they filled with prisoners?' Leon thought as he saw a smaller truck arrive.

The small truck stopped just on front of Leon.

"You here for the prisoner?" A rough looking man with a bald head, sloppy beard and green jumpsuit said from the trucks front seat. He was leaning out the window and talking to Leon.

"Yes. What's the prisoner number?" Leon asked as per Anya's instructions.

"Prisoner Lima-Juliet-Alpha-2-6-5."

Leon knew that meant prisoner number LJA265.

He nodded, remembering the number that Anya had told him. The man nodded and gestured to the back of the truck.

He got out and followed Leon there. He was at least a head shorter than Leon.

The man opened the truck up, revealing a young blond girl.

She was small. But mostly, the girl was dirty. Her pale yellow flowered dress was ripped in many places and her hands were cuffed with glowing blue handcuffs.

She looked up innocently with her icy blue eyes, right at Leon. They pierced through him, causing him to have a familiar feeling wash over.

'Why does this girl look familiar? I know I have never seen her in my life.' He wondered.

"Is this the prisoner?" Anya asked as she walked over. She had her clipboard in hand. She gave the girl one look and started to scowl. "It's always a shame to see such an innocent face on top of such a vicious monster." The girl looked hurt by the comment.

Leon just sighed. He had grown accustom to hearing Anya's harsh words about NH's. She claimed to hated them more than anything. And she wasn't afraid to verbally express it.

'Would she hate me if she knew what I really was?' Leon wondered.

He shook his head. 'It's fine though, because I know... I know that her hatred is caused by the black mass being absorbed into her and not because it's her true self.' He looked at his girlfriend as she continued to scowl at the girl. 'I hope...'

Anya scribbled something down on her clipboard and told the man to take the girl to prison cell 778. The man nodded and did as he was told.

"Can we go see?" Leon asked. Anya nodded.

"Go ahead. I have to do more work around here. I will see you at lunch for training." Anya kissed Leon and waved as she left. He watched her go before following.

Leon followed the man down a flight of steps leading far down under the arrival bay.

The girl was struggling to keep up. Leon saw the heavy looking chains the man had attached to her feet.

'Why does she need so may chains? Is she really that dangerous?' He thought as they walked passed a long hall full of prison cells.

Most were empty, but he did see the occasional prisoner in the corners of the cells. They all looked vicious and massive. Some were green and slimy, while others were blue and hairy. Some of them looked human, but were impossibly muscly and large. They all had one thing in common however.

The look of absolute hatred as they walked by.

"Get used to it kid." The man said. Leon looked at him. "Those scum will always hate us. They are nothing but heartless monsters."

Leon furrowed his brow. 'How does he know? He is just taking one look at them and assuming that they are monsters. Does he understand why they are looking at us that way? We imprisoned them! Of course they hate us!' Leon wanted to say this out loud but stopped himself.

"Here we are. Prison cell 778." The man opened the iron bars of the gate and basically threw the girl inside. "Enjoy the rest of your life you little cunt." Leon and the girl flinched at his language. The man closed the iron bars and gave Leon the keys. "Have fun taking care of her." The man winked. "Feel free to 'relieve' yourself on her whenever you want."

Leon was stunned. "Ar-are you suggesting I rape a little girl?!" He said incredulously.

"They are nothing but dirt for us to step on. And anyway, you shouldn't see her as a little girl. See her for the monster she truly is." The man spat at her. Leon had to hold himself back from punching the man. "This fucker killed a mall full of unsuspecting people. They didn't even know what was happening until it was too late." The man shook his head. "Don't ever think of her that way. It could spell the end of you if you do." The man walked away leaving Leon speechless.

'This guy... He's mental!' Leon frowned. 'Even if she did-'

"I didn't kill anyone."

Leon's thoughts were interrupted by the girl. He gazed at the girl. Her small voice shook as she was crying. She was on the floor of her cell.

"All I was doing was going shopping with my mom. She was in shock because of what happened with my sister. I suggested we go to the mall to blow off some steam. I had no clue that someone would come in and shoot everyone to death. My mom... She died too. Can you believe that that was only a few hours ago? I can't." She wiped her tears off her dirty face. She hiccuped as her crying increased.

Leon crouched down to her level. He put his hands on the bars. "What happened to your sister?"

"The same thing probably. She was accused of eating someone alive." The girl kept wiping her face even though the tears just kept coming. "They claim she is an NH. I don't know if she is."

"Are you an NH?"

"No!" She said crying more. "I am human! I can just do things other humans can't!"

"Wh-what can you do?"

"I can use this type of Magic called Runes. I write something in the air and I can make things, or destroy them or fix them. I learned from this woman I knew after school everyday. I didn't know.... That I would be called a monster because of it!" The girl sobbed louder. Her crying became hysterical as she called for her mother. "Mommy! Please come back! I'm scared!"

Leon bit his lip. His heart wretched. He wanted to sit down and cry with the girl.

But he couldn't.

He had to help her somehow. She wasn't the only one that was suffering because of the Hunters. He remembered what Kari had said.

They needed to stop these people.

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