His Scarred Beauty (Complete)

By suzangill98

1.5M 84.3K 21.9K

"Skin once broken ,can never be the same. Just like hearts once betrayed, struggle to beat again." ... More

Chapter 1: The acquaintance
Chapter 2:Hatred
Introduction 1. Welcome readers!
Chapter 3: Ugly
Chapter 4 The repulsion
Chapter 5: Saving her.
Chapter 6 The fall
Chapter 7 The first time
Chapter 8 The shoot
Chapter 9 The replacement
Chapter 10 The lost love
Chapter 11 The third heart
Chapter 12 The hero/ Villain
Chapter 13 The proposal?
Chapter 14 Accepted?
Chapter 15 The villain
Chapter 16 The surprise
Chapter 17 The memories
Chapter 19 The first night
Chapter 20 The attack
Chapter 21 Jealousy
Chapter 22 Broken or not?
Chapter 23 The offer?
Chapter 24 Persuasion
Chapter 25 The Plantiff
Ch 26 The Hero
Chapter 27 Finding her.
Chapter 28 The dream
Chapter 29 The Scars
Chapter 30 The Game
Chapter 31 The Beginning
Chapter 32 Unveiled
Chapter 33 The Secrets
Chapter 34 Faking / Caring?
Chapter 35 The murderer
Chapter 36 Face off
Chapter 37 The welcome
Chapter 38 Mending hearts
Chapter 39 The delimma
Chapter 40 The island
Chapter 41 Let go
Chapter 42 The sparks
Chapter 43 Captive
Chapter 44 Shattering restraints
Chapter 45 The limit
Chapter 46 Trust
Chapter 47 Burning Rage
Chapter 48 The Beginning of a War
Chapter 49 The intrusion
Chapter 50 The Impact
Chapter 51 The Choice
Chapter 52 Reunions and heartbreaks
Chapter 53 The face off
Chapter 54 The best friend.
Chapter 55 Coming back
Chapter 56 The Phoenix
Chapter 57 Her typhoons
Chapter 58 The d day
Chapter 59 The Ace
Ch 60 Her Secrets
Ch 61 The Truth of that night
Chapter 62 Vengeance
Chapter 63 Epilogue (1)
Chapter 64 Epilogue ( 2)
Chapter 65 Bonus (1)
Chapter 66 Bonus ( The Final)

Chapter 18 The Wedding(this)

21.6K 1.3K 706
By suzangill98

"The more good you are, the more evil people are attracted to your light.

Trying to snatch your soul ,and infiltrate it with darkness from the inside.

You may flicker, struggle to survive but remember.

That no matter how dark the night is.

"The Sun will always rise."

- Suzangill©


She walks down the alter in a beautiful white dress, a bouquet of flowers held in her hands.

Her long hair elegantly styles in a royal bun, and her face veiled by a transparent net curtain.

Claps echo around her as everyone gets up to welcome her , making the nervousness in the pit of her stomach to worsen.

Not daring to look up at so many eyes fixed at her, she proceeds forward following the red carpet below.

A hand is placed on her shoulder and she almost cringed at the contact.

Looking up she saw her father smiling at her and she could tell without the blink of an eye, that the bast*** was really good in faking it.

She couldn't do it though, she couldn't smile when she felt like crying from the inside.

Lowering her gaze back on her feet, she no longer bothers when he interlocks her arm with his and walks down towards the alter.

Towards him.

Making her stand right in front of him, her father holds her right hand and offers it to Ethan.
Who gently holds it, making her heart to thud rapidly in her chest .

Her fingers lay on his palms and he encloses it in his.Moving closer to her.

She didn't dared to look up. Too anxious.

The clicking of pictures and presence of media, making her hands to sweat and she closes her eyes.

Calm down Vivian. We can do this. Come on!

Encouraging herself. The priest spoke next and she was thankful for it.

Finally everyone's attention shifts from her to the old man carrying out the ceremony.

And she sighs.

Unaware of that one stare still remaining at her.

Oblivious of everyone's presence,he just stared at those lowered eyes veiled behind the curtain.

The beautiful green eyes of his future wife.

Which he was desperate to see right now.

"I welcome you all on this auspicious day."

" Now that our bride and groom are here, let's begin with the Sermon."

The priest says and the ceremony begins from 1 Corinthians 13 .


"Love is patient"

"Love is kind."

"It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

"It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking."

Her grip on his hand tightens on this line and he couldn't help agree more.
He has dishonoured Vivian...but then he didn't love her.

" it is not easily angered"

Yet he was angered. At her , at himself. Then it is not love.

"It keeps no record of wrongs"

He did keep record. Full fledged record and he made her pay as well. He made her suffer for killing his best friend. It's not love...it can't be.

"Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth."

"It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

He never protected Vivian, he hurted her. There is no hope, his heart died with Soph. He only destroys, he doesn't preserve.

"Love never fails. "

Yet he failed. He failed in saving her.

He didn't realise that his grip on her hand was tightening, only when she tried pulling it back did he came to his senses.

Loosening his grip, he saw her breathing heavily.
This time those beautiful green eyes,stared back at him.

And he stills.

She looked breathtaking today. The most beautiful he has ever seen her.


"now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face."

They continue to stare at each other. Trying to see the reality behind masks and veils.

" Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

If only they both knew how true these words were going to be in the future.

If only Ethan knew that he was yet to discover and fully know himself.

If only he knew that the heart for which his own heart has beated forever.

Was not the one laying in the depths of the sea, dead. But instead the very one he could feel under the wrist of the hand he held.

" Do you Ethan Lockwood, take thee, Vivian Klein, to be your wedded wife, "

"to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health"

"to love and to cherish, till death do us part,"

" according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge thee your faith [or] pledge yourself to her."

His grip on her hand tighten as he realised that there was no coming back from this day hence.

After today he will belong to her in eyes of God.

Even if he himself may never accept her from within.

The vows in front of God were not going to be a lie as unknown to her, he does plans to fulfill them.

To be there for her in sickness, to take care of her poverty, to cherish her, and to take care of her.

He was going to fulfill every said promise , except for one.

The promise of love.

"I do"

He declares, loudly. His eyes taking in the girl that stood in front of him, not willing to even look up at him.

"Do you Vivian Klein, take thee, Ethan Lockwood, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part"

" according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge thee your faith [or] pledge yourself to him?"

Silence stretches in the packed halls as everyone stared at the beauty in veils.
Her hands ice cold,held in his grasp and heart audible to her ears.

A tear rolls down her eyes, hidden behind the veil. Yet his brown eyes trail their exit on her chin.
With eyes lowered and body trembling a bit, she looked like a sheep ready to be slaughtered to be any second.

Her fear of him not settling well with him.

Is it how much she hates the idea of marrying him?

When he was offering a fair deal to her by helping her by taking away her life in poverty.

When he offers her a life of luxury, the title of the wife of the most eligible bachelor in the country?

"Ms Klein?"

The minister/ priest calls for her attention ,but the girl seemed too lost in her own world.

Eyes lowered, oblivious of the ceremony going around her.

The guests waited in anticipation and whispers ignite, when he has had enough of her sulking right in front of everyone's eyes.

Tightening his grip on her right hand that was held in his and coiling the other one on her waist, he pulls her petite body to him.

The jerk made her dive out of her reverie to only look up at him in surprise.

Gulping she looks around to see everyone's gaze fixed on her, expecting something from her and that's when she knew it was time.

She has to do it.

"I do."

She lowly whispers closing her eyes. Making Ethan's grip on her waist to tighten.

He wanted to look at those orbs boring into his , not lowered in fuc**** submission.

He wanted her fierce and confident like the Vivian he has known all his life.

Not a scared little girl , cursing her destiny.

"I now pronounce you husband abd wife."

Clapping and chatter emerges in the hall. As everyone congratulates each other.
The media men click countless photos as voices of shutters echoes.

But she looked unaffected by all the excitement, waves of sadness emerge from her to only hit him with its coldness.

"Mr Ethan...."

"Now you may kiss your bride."

The priest says,yet he didn't knew how to fulfill it.
How to kiss the doll which looked broken before he has even touched it.

Has he finally broken her completely by marrying her?

She deserves it after what she did to Sophie.

We are doing a favour by marrying her.

No one would marry a girl convicted of murder in his sane mind anyways.

His conscience mocked his thought and he couldn't help move his face to closer to her.

If this was it, then why was he marrying her?

Is it truly for business, for a simple deal with her or much more.
Was he trying to deceive himself by believing this lie as well?

Lifting up the veil,he sees her clearly now.

The most beautiful girl he has ever seen, those flushed cheeks and red nose making her look like an angel fallen from heaven.

Who was going to dragged into his world of hell for this day henceforth

"Look at me."

He speaks coldly, wishing to see her green eyes fixed at him as he claimed her lips.
But she refuses, busy staring at the carpet beneath their feet.

He doesn't take her disrespect lightly.

Moving his face closer to her, he looks at those tempting lips he has not kissed in a while.

The feeling of them under his, nibbling on them...claiming them...a memory of the distant past now.

The past which is his future now.

"I won't kiss you if you don't want me to."

He says , moving his face closer to her ear. His subtle beard hitting her cheek making a shiver to run down her spine.

Surprised, her widened eyes lift up from the floor to meet his finally and he smirks at this.

Pulling her more closer to him if possible.

"Wasn't this what you wished for your sweet lover to say to you?"

He taunts, a mischievous glint in those brown orbs mocking her of believing what he said earlier was true.

Mocking her stupid brain to think that for once, he will be considerate to her.

Suddenly his gaze hardens and his grip on her waist tightens. Moving his free hand up to her face. He rubs his thumb on the trail of tears lining her cheek.

"But I am afraid I am not a lover nor the man of your dreams Vivian"

She knew where this was going, lowering her eyes she was again going to turn herself numb to his words when he grips her chin instead.

Pushing it up to make her eyes stare back at him.

"I am a beast of your worst nightmare."

"And I don't ask permission to claim what now belongs to me."

His lips crash on her the very instant. Making her widened green eyes to look back at his narrowed brown ones.


How much he missed this. These innocent soft lips under his claim, welcoming him home like all those years ago.

He has kissed countless women in his life after her, yet her kisses were always so different.The only benchmark he set to compare others.

Yet after all endeavours.

He was not able to find someone like her.

So innocent.

So tempting.

And so damn addicting.

She doesn't kiss him back , just laying still making him do all that he wished.

A small smile lingers on his lips as her naivety to still not know how to kiss back strikes.

The very naivety he mocked back then , considering it to be stupid.
Addicted him like a drug now.

From the journey of being a hormonal boy to a calm controlled man has made him realise.

That true beauty actually lies in the innocence of a women like her and not in the mastery of those others sinners he has fuc***.

He doesn't stop till he has devoured her completely, depriving them of the very oxygen to breathe.

With chests flushed against each other and his firm grip behind her neck pulling her closer, he was giving a show to cheer.

He finally pulls back , breathing heavily.
His eyes shifting between her eyes to her lips which were slightly swollen now.

Such a tempting sin it is, yet he was a sinner himself.

Almost touching his nose to her, he presses their forehead together.
Her breath on his lips making him softly smile at her.

"Welcome to family Mrs Vivian Lockwood."

She feels her heart skip a beat at his words. Family?

The word foreign to her yet coming from his lips makes nostalgia to hit again.
The very man who threw her out of his life, saying he didn't love her.

Was calling her family now?

The dreams she once had of marrying him became a reality now.

Yet something is void now.

Feeling it to be the very hollow in chest where nothing is left.

The place where once her heart beated for him.

"I promise to make sure the journey is memorable."

Placing a small peck on her lips, he moves back from her.
Turning his back and leaving her alone at the alter.

Without his arms holding her she felt weak again.
Without his bodily warmness, she shuddered a bit with coldness.

Hugging herself, she just stares at the back of the man who is going to be her future.

When everything related to him has been nothing but a nightmare in the past.

And that's when she remembers the night after her breakup.

The day he left her to pick up the pieces that have fallen apart.


He walks out of the door slamming it shut , making her body to lean down the wall.

Her hands trembling as she breaks down completely.

The very thing she feared all her life has become a reality.

Her mother's words once said to her echo in her mind and she curses herself. Hitting her palms on her face, punishing her.... hurting herself.

"What we fear, we become Vivian. So remember to always be fearless in this world."

Her mother's exact words .

" I am sorry mamma. I am so sorry!!"

"I should have never loved a man ....when I feared he would leave me one day...!!"

"I feared I will be broken in the end....and see here I am."

"Broken....just like you."

"I feared you will leave me one day and you did.....I feared he will leave me just like you....and see....he left me as well."

Am I so hateful mamma? Am I so cursed?

Will no one ever love me?

Tears stream down her eyes and I fees dead from the inside.
There is nothing left now.....

Except for the miracle.

The miracle that still makes me hope that he will accept me once I tell him.

A miracle just like me.

I couldn't help it anymore, leaning back my head on the wall I let out the sobs, loudly this time.

Letting myself bleed in this agony

Cursing my fate and that of the miracle which was forming inside.

Irony of my life, looks back at hme

"I became just like you mother...I became just like you when I promised you I wouldn't."

A bastard's child.

That's what I was called all my life by my step father.

The word by which the miracle are called by this cruel world.

What the miracle......I have in me will be called if I fail to make him love me back.

Cleaning my tears ,I pick myself up.

"No! I will not be like you mother! I will not let an innocent suffer!"

"I wil not let anyone be Vivian again...I will fight till my last breath till I get his love."

"I will fight till my child has a father."


She couldn't help move her hand down to her stomach, where the scar lay's hidden under her wedding dress.

She has nothing to fight for?

The reason of her fight...the very basis of her fight no longer there.

She tried so hard..... coming too far from where she started.

Yet it all ended where it began.

Leaving her with nothing except this long scar.

The scar worse than the one on her face.

The scar that did what no other scar could.

The scar that ended Vivian Klein completely to leave a broken shell.

The scar that is nothing but a painful memory now.

The memory of a lost miracle.

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