Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

Por AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... Mais

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

The Test

638 34 3
Por AshleyH713


Content contains dark themes. Might be triggering to some.

Standing at the entrance of the mansion, the three remained in absolute silence as Hawks glanced over to his sister and Dabi. It was obvious there was some tension between the two of him.

Hell, they weren't even looking at each other which was strange, usually the villains loved to play around and tease one another every second they got.

But now, they were just quiet, stewing in their own thoughts as the two purposely stood far apart from one another. He had never seen them before like this, so serious, so bothered by something.

Alpha returned only twenty minutes later, stepping through the entryway before bowing towards his boss automatically. "I've gathered what you've requested, the location of the key and where to find them."

Blinking in surprise, the bird couldn't help but be slightly impressed. He thought it would've taken a lot longer to find this dude. "Whoa kid, that was really fast. How did you do that?"

The silver haired boy answered a moment later, straightforward and plain as always. "My quirk allows me to gather intel and gather information. If I think about a target then my quirk will tell me who they are connected to and who has the information I need. Using Valkyrie's followers as reference it only took a couple calls to find out where he was."

Hikari's brother felt himself gasp at that. No wonder why this kid was sold off because of his quirk. He could see how something like that would be very powerful in a villain's hands. This kid could see connections? That was crazy.

Yet Hiakri didn't seem to be as impressed, already knowing Alpha's talents before narrowing her eyes with unamusement.

Even her voice was short, the cold nature of it causing her brother to freeze. "We are wasting time. If you have it then let's go."

And as much as Hawks wanted to admire his sister's determination and new serious side, he couldn't help but feel slightly worried. She wasn't acting like herself at all. Even as a villain Hikari was still pretty playful.

But here she only seemed deadly serious, almost like the girl found no type of fun within this mission. He wondered why that was, why she was like a completely different person?

Watching her turn away, the bird then reached forward before grabbing onto her arm only for his sister to flinch at the surprise contract and pull away to meet his concerned face.

And now she was flinching again too? She really wasn't acting like herself.

So much so that Hawks put his hands up in defense in order to show that he meant no harm before calling back to her. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on Hikari. Don't think you can do this without me. I'm here to help, remember?"

He then gave a reassuring smile only for the girl to lower her eyes towards him with newfound shame, like she didn't really enjoy that idea all that much.

Reply back shortly, her serious nature returned, the business-like tone of her words ever present. "This isn't something you can help with. I'm sure Re-Destro has spies about the area so he would know if your stupid little wings got in the way."

And although her brother hated it, he knew somewhere she was right. That liberation guy was probably watching them somehow, and if he butted in then taking them down was going to be even harder.

So because of that, the hero bit his lip with conflict before allowing his shoulders to slump with defeat. "Fine. But if I can't help then I at least want to be there."

Just like before, Hikari's face seemed to fill with some kind of anxiety before realizing he wasn't going to back down and sigh. What do I care if he sees? It's not like it matters. Maybe it's better if he does.

Then he watched as she turned around towards the streets before muttering over her shoulder, almost like she wasn't very happy about the decision. "Suit yourself."

Pausing ever so slightly, the girl felt herself turn back to Dabi before speaking to him for the first time since their disagreement, her voice cold. "What about you Dabi? You gonna sulk here until I get back?"

Dabi seemed to register the words a moment later, his entire body turning towards her before a feral and angry growl appeared from his throat, far angrier than Hawks had ever seen before from the villain.

"Shut up."

However even though he said that, Hawks then watched as the villain slowly moved to follow Hikari with utter silence. It looks like he was joining them after after.

But that was strange. If Dabi really hated the idea of the mission then he could've stayed here, he could've not have been involved. And yet, here he was, following the blonde haired girl with strange conflict.

Hawks couldn't help but be confused, watching the villain's dark features as they followed Hikari out of the mansion, obviously unhappy with whatever they were about to encounter.

But as much as the hero had hoped, Hawks would soon realize that what he saw next, was something he couldn't have ever prepared for.


Alpha's directions seemed to lead the three to an old sleazy dance club at the edge of town, Hikari stopping by the entrance only to take in the flashing lights from underneath the door and a large neon sign hanging in the center.

The group then watched as she sucked in a heavy anxious breath before turning to the group with that same serious expression she displayed earlier. "Remember what I said, Hawks. You can't be my brother right now. You can't fuck this up, ya hear me?"

Feeling himself blink in confusion, Hawks then recalled the one rule his sister gave him back at that apartment, to not fuck anything up, to remain nueatral, to let whatever happens, happen.

But as he really thought about those words, Hawks couldn't help but feel a heavy lump of concern. Sure, the commission taught him to stay neutral, but what kinds of things was Hikari planning on doing in there. Why was she worried he was going to mess something up?

He felt the alarm bells start to ring in the back of his mind only to voice his concerns, looking at the neon sign as some kind of ominous warning. "What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

Yet Hikari didn't explain, her lips pushing together with conflict before just barely muttering back. "Just remember it."

Then she turned towards the club only for a stitched hand to reach out and be roughly pulled backwards a moment later, surprising Hikari as she felt the warmth of Dabi's quirk start to activate without permission.

And when he finally spoke, it was aggressive, demanding and low. "Rethink this. Just watching, I can tell you are forcing it."

Swallowing the anxiety down, Hikari then looked down at Dabi hand on her arm before speaking monotone and dark. "Dabi, I have a job to do. Let me go."

Yet the villain didn't make any move, his hand only tightening as she tried to reject him. It made him angry, furious even. "No."

Feeling her brow raise at his defiance, Hikari felt herself start to grow more fidgety, pulling against his tight grip with a bitter smirk. "No? You don't have any right to say that."

Yet Dabi seemed to find no amusement in the situation, his voice coated with heavy emotion as he spoke. "This is fucked up and you know it. I know you do. Look at you, you're already shaking just thinking about it. Screw that pointy nosed prick. You don't have to do shit like this, not anymore."

At his words Hikari's shoulders seemed to cave in on themselves before trying to hide her shaking hands in order for him not to see.

Maybe he was right, maybe she knew what she was about to do was fucked up, but it was what she was trained to do, what she knew best. It was what she was conditioned to learn at the age of sixteen, it was the only thing that was second nature.

So instead of listening, the girl forcibly shoved down her feelings before looking Dabi straight in the eye, her voice void of all emotions as she suppressed every thought and fear in her heart.

Just like she was conditioned to do long ago, just so she could cope. "Go back then, go back if that's what you want."

Yet her blank speech only seemed to make Dabi even more angry, his hands smoking with overwhelming emotion as he gritted his teeth so hard that it started to draw blood.

How dare she suggest him leaving. He couldn't even do that if he wanted to, not after already knowing what was going to transpire in that club tonight.

And because of that, his next words came out rather mixed, his own fear and anger for her so strong that he couldn't help but start to fall apart. "Want I want is for you to stop torturing yourself for some selfish fucks. They don't deserve it, they don't deserve you. No one does."

Hikari felt herself remain silent at that, his kind words only torture has she shook her head back. Why did he do this? Why couldn't he just let her go? Why was he pretending to care? She didn't like it, the push and pull of his ever confusing feelings.

So much so that the girl couldn't help but scoff, her tone mocking. "Careful Dabi, you're starting to act like you care again."

All at once, Dabi froze once again before words spilled out of his lips without thinking, like they were an automatic response for him. "I don't care. I just don't want to see it."

Feeling the rejection pour through her again, Hikari only felt numb, the suppression of her feelings leaving her with lowered eyes and a cold reply. "Then don't watch. It's as simple as that."

Then she turned back towards the club before letting something else spill from her lips, something that came out rather harsh considering how close she was to finally snapping her control. "In fact, why don't you go fuck someone else while I'm gone? You seem to be good at that."

Watching her walk towards the club, Hawks couldn't help but chase after her with confusion only to find Dabi unmoving, standing in the middle of the road as he took in Hikari's cruel words.

And in all the years Hawks knew Dabi, he had never seen him look like that. Rejected, conflicted and stunned. They were all wrapped up into one and the bird couldn't help but wonder if her last words really meant something to him.

If they stabbed his heart in some kind of unknown way.


Entering the sleazy dance club, the four of them were immediately hit with the scent of alcohol, drugs and sex as they mingled through the bodies in order to follow Hikari who had stopped at the bar before ordering a shot from the man in front.

Then as he slid the substance over, she poured down the alcohol in one go before Alpha glanced at a very particular VIP table just a couple feet away. "That's him, the current head of the Daisuki group. He should have the key around his neck."

Nodding to herself, Hikari then moved her gaze towards the business man before narrowing them with serious intent. "Easy enough."

Alpha then lowered his voice before replying. "From the information I received it seems like he favors blonde haired college or same age type females that are naive and innocent."

Humming to herself, Hikari then cataloged everything within her mind before already seeing the vague sliver of a gold colored chain across his neck. The key must be attached to that.

Tapping her fingers onto the table, Hikari paused as she felt her heart start to pick up before shoving it down the best she could, her brother watching the motion with interest. Why did she seem so nervous?

Then he noticed as she took one look at Dabi who was facing the complete opposite direction, purposely avoiding the situation as he stared into a glass of alcohol of his own.

And this time, he didn't move to stop her, his stitched hands tightened into a ball as he watched from the corner of his vision, seeing her disappear through the crowds and away from them.

Once she was gone, Hawks then took the opportunity before scooting closer to Dabi in question, hoping he would shed some light on this whole thing since it seemed like he knew what was going on. "What is she talking about, what is she going to do?"

Yet Dabi's back only remained turned, his teeth gritting together in order to hold in his overwhelming emotions. "Fuck if I care. I'm not her keeper."

His tone betrayed his words though, his raspy and short reply causing the villain's palms to shake as he slammed his hands down on the bar to demand another glass of alcohol.

Not understanding, Hawks then looked back to find Hikari moving over the bathroom at the same time that the business man seemed to get up, her eyes fixated in determination as she tightened the hold on her glass.

Then as he turned the corner, Hikari purposely moved forward before pushing herself into him and throwing the gold colored liquid down his shirt as a stain appeared immediately.

Lighting up with pure embarrassment, the blonde haired girl then gasped to herself before frantically reaching her hands out with a quick stutter. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?! I didn't mean for that to happen. I was just looking for my friend and..."

Yet the brown haired business man seemed to take one look at Hikari before his lips twisted into a smile, obviously liking what he saw as he hummed. "That's quite alright Miss..."

All at once, Hikari pushed her lips together with embarrassment before answering quietly, almost like she was shy to tell him. "Mia, Mia Standson. I'm on an abroad semester with my college and.."

Just then, she stopped before placing her hands to her head in order to fake a headache to fool this guy into thinking that she had already been drinking. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. My head really hurts. I was looking for my friends but I think they left already, and now I spilled that alcohol on your shirt. I feel just awful."

And as she purposely checked every box from the information Alpha gave her, she watched as the business man grew closer. A pretty girl alone at the club, slightly drunk and in debt to a stranger?

It was perfect in all the wrong ways.

So much so, the man chuckled to himself before lowering his eyes with predatory behavior. "It's not a problem, Standson-san. Lucky for you I'm a pretty understanding guy."

Pretending not to notice his lower tone, Hikari then allowed her eyes to light up before seeming grateful for his words. "Really? Oh thank you so much. I'm really sorry again. I can pay for dry cleaning if you'd like."

Yet that's when the guy snickled, pointing to the expensive label of his suit with a reply. "Oh sweetheart, I don't know if you could do that. Drycleaning for this shirt would be about 2,000 dollars. Do you think you can afford that?"

Already expecting him to say something like that, Hikari widened her eyes anyway before shaking her head in defeat. He already knew she couldn't afford something like that, just another check in the boxes for him for sure.

"I guess you're right. But how else will I be able to make it up to you?"

And that was the phrase, the phrase that caused the brown haired man's face to dark with newfound intent before leaning closer towards her eyes as he hummed. "How about this? I'll pay for the drycleaning if you do me one favor sweetheart."

Pretending to be stupid, the girl turned her head. "What's that?"

The man couldn't help but chuckle at her fake innocent demainer though, taking the bait immediately as he replied. "Spend some time with me. I'd love to see how a beautiful lady such as yourself moves."

That was it, that was the exact thing Hikari was looking for.

Knowing she had finally interested him, the girl knew she couldn't be too excited, forcing her voice to stutter as she rubbed the back of her neck with nerves. "O-Oh, uhh thank you but I'm not much of a dancer. I'm pretty shy, I wouldn't know what to do."

Just as expected, the business man didn't really take no for an answer, reaching forward before wrapping both his hands on either side of her hips before pushing himself closer.

It was a very "Dabi" type move, one that the stitched man had done thousands of times and yet this time it felt so different, her mind wanting to run away as he leaned closer into her ear.

His voice was an octave lower now, dripping with intent. "That's alright sweetheart, let me take control. I'll help you out and loosen that body of yours. What do you say?"

Feeling her skin crawl at the contact, Hikari forced herself not to linger on it before turning her gaze to her dancefloor, her nerves coming out honestly for once. "A-Alright, but not for too long though. My friends, they..."

Yet the man had already taken her yes, pulling her into him as they made their way to the dance floor, filled with sweat and corruption galore. "Say no more baby, just let a man like me take care of you."

Speaking those words into her ears, Hikari then allowed this stranger to sway her hips back and forth to the music, his body pressed against hers as she pushed down every single feeling of touch and emotion she could muster.

Hot breath coursed through her ear as the man seemed to moan with pleasure and need as he grinded on her without a care in the world, hands tracing the entirety of her body as if he owned her.

And as his hands started to roam and wander, Hikari simply chose not to notice, chose not to feel. Shoving down everything inside herself the girl only compiled, not even flinching when he turned her around so her back was pressed against him.

Feeling him grow even more heated from the intimacy, Hikari only stared forward, his touches and distance feeling nothing but numbness inside her mind, her emotions void of anything as she simply let him do as he pleased.

That's right, this was just a job. She just had to get it done. That's all.

Although as Hawks watched the exchange, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, seeing this man put his hands on his little sister in order to corrupt her like that. It almost made him sick, his feathers twitching with anxiety. "What is she doing? Don't let him touch you like that.."

Sure, seduction wasn't anything too out of the ordinary but the way he watched his kid sister do it, he couldn't help but feel bothered by it, especially when this business guy so clearly had bad intentions.

Yet that's when a low raspy voice echoed from behind him, far too emotional for his own good as Dabi seethed back. "She won't stop it."

Turning away from his sister, Hawks then turned towards the villain only to see that he still hadn't looked up from his drink and yet he was still growing far more unhinged by the second.

It was almost like he knew what she was doing without actually seeing it. "Huh?"

Lifting the alcohol up to his lips, Dabi then pushed his gaze down into a murderous glare as the bird saw heavy smoke pouring from his palms. Even his hands were shaking from rage. "Just look at her face. She's doing it again."

Twisting his eyes down with concern, the bird replied. "Doing what?"

Yet on command, the bird then glanced back to his sister, except this time only focusing on her face and not the invasive acts that guy was doing while dancing only for Hikari's brother to gasp.

He didn't notice before because he was focusing on the whole picture but now that Dabi mentioned it, Hikari's face didn't seem to match the rest of her body.

While she was dancing as normal, the entirety of her eyes remained calm, almost like she was dead. They had no emotion, no fear, no anger, no joy, no anything. No, they were only blank, almost like her mind wasn't attached to her body at that moment.

Sure, the rest of her body was doing what it was supposed to do, moving against the business man's hands as the rest of herself seemed alive.

But not her eyes, her eyes still remained completely dead.

Dabi seemed to know this without even looking though, his voice playing with disgust before small streaks of blood started to pour from under his eyes. "Disassociating."

The words slammed into Hawks' mind immediately before turning back to the stitched man only to find him holding his glass so tightly that a small crack had appeared. What did he mean, she was disassociating?

All at once, Dabi's sour attitude towards her decision seemed to make sense. Why he was so unhinged and passionate about her backing out, why Hikari seemed so scared of this simple mission.

It was because she was disassociating.

That meant she was forcing herself and her emotions down for this to happen. That meant that she didn't really want to do what she was doing, that meant she wasn't giving mental consent.

And as much as it made his stomach turn, the hero made another sick discovery, she was really good at it.

So much so that she wasn't even flinching or shaking from that man's touch. No, she wasn't even reacting, almost like she had conditioned her own mind to shut down from the trauma.

Almost like she was used to this, like she had done it before.

But if that was the case then that meant Hikari was forced to do these things before, she was forced to do this so much that she had to disassociate to protect her own sanity. He didn't want to think of that possibility though, knowing the horror in it.

A mix of emotions entered his chest then, fear, anxiety, shame, confusion and mostly fury, wondering what the hell happened to her when he wasn't around, what did she have to go through? What did she suffer through to be used to something like this?!

Widening his eyes, at the information, Hawks then pushed himself off the stool before feeling a hand reach out in front of him, Alpha's narrowed eyes glued to the two on the dance floor. "I was instructed for you to not interfere."

Yet the hero was way past the point of listening, his mind screaming at him to protect his little sister from everything and anything. "What?! That's my little sister out there. I'm not going to let her do this!"

Alpha only narrowed his eyes though, seriousness in his blunt tone. "Yes you are. You already promised that you would remain neutral."

Feeling his head start to spin, the bird then lifted his wings in fury at the idea. Sure, a couple of hours ago he agreed to that, but only because he didn't know what was about to happen. No, he couldn't let this happen, not to his sister.

"I'm not neutral to this!"

The silver haired boy still didn't react though, replying back with logic. "It doesn't matter. Re-Destro has a spy around here and if you interfere then your connections with the liberation will be destroyed. Think of the mission."

Feeling his words enter his mind, Hawks couldn't help but freeze, just as the commission president's voice entered through his mind like a constant reminder.

Whatever it takes Keigo. You have to do whatever it takes.

That's what he had always known, the very words making him sick just thinking about it. Whatever it took, whatever it took for the mission. That was always a priority. It didn't matter what his feelings were, he had to get the job done.

Yet that's when he turned back to his sister only to find the man kissing her.

Forcing her by the back of her head, her brother watched as the slimy businessman smashed his lips against hers with sloppy intent, tongue jammed down her throat as he roamed her body with unspeakable pleasure.

And Hikari, well she was just letting it happen.

She allowed this man to do as he pleased, her arms still remaining at her side with dead numb eyes as he completely touched and assaulted her without a care in the world.

The next thing he knew, Hawks' vision filled with overwhelming red fury.

Although as he tried to move over to her, his muscles started to tense automatically, like his mind wasn't going to let him interfere and break them apart.

Sure, mentally, he was screaming, all of his feathers sharpened and lethal and yet physically, his body stayed in one spot, recalling his training and all the other times he forced himself to stay still for a number of unspeakable crimes.

He had been conditioned after all, to just stand back and only watch, to think of the mission, just as Alpha had said before.

And yet his weak side couldn't help but scream at him at the same time, staring frozen at the man that was kissing and assaulting his sister before his very eyes.

No, what are you thinking?! This is your little sister!! Forget the mission, you need to save her!! Don't let her sacrifice herself like this!!

Just then a new voice entered his mind, his commissioned soldier side speaking the words he had always heard in the back of his head, the ones that always made him stop.

Don't worry about the means, only the outcome. Sacrifices have to be made.

Not like this, not this way! She's my family, the only family I have. So what if this will get us closer to the liberation? I don't care, I don't care about it.

Then you really are like your father, a weak little disappointment.

N-No, I'm not my dad!! I'm not, stop saying that!

Then let it happen, let her get the information for the case. She knows what must be done, what must be completed for her goals. She is not weak like you.

I-I know, okay?! I know I'm weak, I know I'm a coward and a horrible person but I can't ignore this, I can't ignore her. Not again. Damn legs, move already!! Why won't you move?!

If this was anyone else you would just let it happen. That's why you aren't moving, because you are ashamed to realize that.

Fuck, I know I would. I know I would've just ignored it if it was anyone else. I would've just turned away or walked away and pretended not to see but I c-can't, not to her....she's my sister...I love her...

Isn't that selfish Little Keigo? Loving someone you destroyed.

I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Hika-chan, I'm sorry you didn't have someone better, I'm sorry I'm a monster, I'm sorry you are related to someone like me. You deserved so much better, you deserved anyone other than me.

As his breaths grew short and panicked, his mind and body fought for control, taking everything within him to force his muscles to move over to her even though the commissioned soldier side of him refused to.

Feeling the absolutle torture of his thoughts, Keigo fought for control as his own body started to shake and tremble from the battle going on inside his own mind.

I can't do this, I can't be such a coward. Not for her, anyone but her...

Suddenly, a loud sound echoed behind him, Hawks unable to turn around from his own distress as the stranger stood up from their seat at the bar before walking away from the bird wordlessy.

Just then, all the hero could see was the faint glow of blue colored flames.


The moment Hikari felt the man clash his sweaty lips onto hers, her body froze for a millisecond before going back into autopilot and responding back with a hum as if she was enjoying herself.

But somewhere in the deep pits of her mind, the girl knew she wasn't, locking down her lingering feeling of disgust and distaste as Hikari robotically responded back before she felt his tongue shove itself down her throat with need.

Panic filled her chest at the action but frizzled away a moment later before the numb feeling in her body overtook her, the girl focusing in and out of reality to get the job done.

He pulled away after what seemed like an eternity, causing Hikari to gasp out a breath from the regained oxygen before her blurred eyes glanced around the room. "It's really loud here...everything is all fuzzy..I can't..."

And that seemed to be a sign for the businessman, his liping turning upwards with sickening desire before already pushing the girl towards the back rooms.

His breath then returned to her ear before giving her thighs a tight squeeze as he acted like he cared for her well being. "Don't worry baby, I got you. Let's go relax over there."

Seeing the back get closer and closer in her vision, Hikari focused her gaze to the chain around his neck before nodding her head, knowing everything was almost over.

Yes, that's right. Find us somewhere private so I can do this undetected.

He then led her into a small room, opening the door and allowing her to go inside first before immediately going back up to her again as his hands wrapped around her ass and pressed her against the cool surface. "Such a beautiful girl you are. Makes me want to see what else you're hiding under there."

Feeling his lips crash onto her again, the man moaned against the surface before his hands reached for the straps of her black dress without a second thought, pulling down the fabric so incredibly fast that it ripped the corner.

He hardly cared though, looking down at the girl with villainous intent before his slimy fingers working their way over her collarbone and down to her bra as he cupped her breasts and gave them a hard squeeze.

Hikari didn't flinch though, her eyes still stuck on the necklace under his shirt as her hands pulled at the collar, faking a voice to come out just as desperate as he was. "I-I want to see you too. Please.."

Hearing her plea seemed to bring music to his ears, the man chuckling before already moving to the bottom of his shirt in a playful tease. "Alright baby, I know what you want. You better prepare yourself. I don't take things slow."

Then he lifted the shirt off of his head, revealing a small silver key across his neck, the object now in plain sight for her to grab.. Just a little more, that's it.

Feeling herself squeak in surprise, Hikari then felt herself being pushed down onto the sofa before he climbed onto her with ease, staring down as the seemingly vulnerable girl with desire.

He chuckled at the very thought, leaning forward before working a series of kisses and bites to her neck and jaw as Hikari faked a moan before the clasp of the necklace was fully visible.

Reaching her hand upwards to seemingly wrap her arms around his neck and pull him closer, Hikari's fingers inches further to the clasp, not feeling his invasive touches in the slightest in order to focus on other things.

Sure, in reality this man was practically groping her, touching her thighs and waist and breasts, laying invasive kisses, bites and claims on her while he whispered disgusting dirty things along her skin.

But Hikari forced herself not to think about that, her body only numb to his touches as she acted like she liked them, her mind miles away from the place she was at in order not to break down and fully realize how scared and disgusted she was right now.

Closer and closer, her fingers crept closer to his neck, stopping just inches away from a gold neck as her lips curved into a smile of her own reward. Got it.

And as his hands started to reach closer and closer to her inner thigh, Hikari's fingers reached closer and closer to the clasp, the girl just milliseconds away from getting what she came here for.

Just a couple more seconds.

You're almost there, that's it.

You got him, you won.

Yet that's when a noise seemingly snapped her out of her own trance, both her and the man freezing as they heard distant screams from the other side of the door.

Not moving her hand, Hikari's head shot up with confusion only for the fire alarms to go off not even a second later, the loud noise and beeping shocking her own of her dissociation immediately.

What the hell?

Realizing something was wrong, the man then looked down at Hikari only for her eyes to grow large with newfound anxiety. She didn't know what had happened but it seemed like leaving undetected was now out of the cards.

So the girl took her chance, quickly reaching forward and grabbing the necklace around his throat before snapping it off with force and kicking him in the balls with her heels. "S-Shit, not really what I planned but it will have to do!"

Holding the area in pain, the business man slumped forward, allowing Hikari to crawl out from underneath him and fix her dress the best way she could. Sure, there was still that rip in one of the shoulders but it would have to do for now.

Then Hikari slammed open the door to the club only for her eyes to widen.

Mostly because the entire dance club was now covered with blue flames, coating the eternity of the ceiling and the floor as people were running in all sorts of directions in an attempt not to be burned alive.

Feeling her heart stop at the scene, she knew the owner of the fire immediately, her heart twisting with a first emotion since arriving at this club, her dissociation now completely gone as she only felt one single solitary emotion.


Turning her head around quickly, she found Hawks trying to help some of the bystanders get out before seeing Dabi in the center of the carnage, his entire body burning with blue unchanging fire.

Then her anger turned to unmatched fury, knowing that Dabi was the one that fucked everything up, that he was the one that made her fail this mission. It was his fault that made all of this worth nothing, and she was so incredibly pissed.

Hikari didn't have time to process it though as a part of the ceiling seemed to come down a moment later, the girl gasping as the fire filled plaster came full force at her.

That idiot, he wasn't even controlling himself right now, was he? He was usually better than this. But now it seemed like he didn't care what he destroyed. Why was he acting like this?!

Feeling a ring of terror in her throat at the sight, Hikari quickly rolled to the side only for the ceiling piece to just barely miss her before the girl took off running towards the exit.

Fuck, this place was coming down, wasn't it?

Her heart pounded in her chest at the idea, dodging new fire covered projectiles before even more ceiling pieces started to crash towards her, Hikari gasping as her fingers fiddled for her necklace to stop it.

Yet that's even three feathers latched onto her clothes before pulling her a couple inches to the left, missing another large piece of plaster only to feel warm arms around her a moment later. "Hika-chan! We gotta get out of here. Come on.."

Realizing the voice of her brother, Hikari then looked up only to see his distressed and anxious face, cursing under his breath. "What is Dabi even doing?"

At this words, Hikari couldn't help but turn back to the villain only to find him still standing in the center of the club as heavy massive waves of fire coursed from his entire body.

And on further inspection he looked like he wasn't actually aware of what he was doing, like he was letting his own emotions take over his quirk and burn him up completely.

But that wasn't normal. Usually Dabi knew exactly what he was doing. Something wasn't right here, something was off with him.

Twisting her eyes in concern, Hikari felt herself scramble out of her brother's arms only for him to pull her back, fear in his voice. "What are you doing? You can't go over there, he'll kill you.."

Yet she didn't seem scared in the slightest, staring at the unruly and out of control villain before locking eyes with her brother. "Something's wrong, he's not acting like himself. You know it too."

Hawks felt his stomach twist with anxiety as he realized that his sister was right. He had never seen Dabi act like this. Sure, he was angry and bash but this was something different. It was out of character for him to be so emotional and out of control of his quirk.

Doubts and fears still couldn't help but take over though, his mind in chaos at the situation. Sure, if anyone could help Dabi it would be Hikari, but then that meant putting her in danger again. He wasn't sure if he could stomach that.

Although that's when Hikari's voice softened, grabbing onto his jacket before speaking in a way he had never heard her speak before. "Kei-chan, Trust me. I have to."

Six words. They were only six words but those six words changed everything within Hawks, his eyes widening at the honest tone in which she uttered them.

She had never called him their childhood nickname like that before.

It certainly didn't seem fake either, in fact it seemed so incredibly genuine that Hawks couldn't help but melt. She was asking him to trust her, so he had no choice but to comply.

And it seemed like Hikari didn't realize it either, the phrase pouring out of her mouth before her own cheeks grew red from embarrassment. Why did I just call him that? I didn't mean to.

Reaching forward, Hawks then placed his hands on top of his sisters before gently taking them off his jacket so she could detach from him. "I know you do. I trust you sis. I just don't want to lose you again. Promise me you'll be okay."

Nodding her head once, Hikari then turned back to Dabi with newfound emotion, her past neglect and present acceptance ringing with clarity. "You can't get rid of me that easily Kei. I'm not going anywhere."

Then before he could interfere, the blonde haired girl took off into the flames before stopping a few feet away from the overheating and lost villain.

He didn't even notice her presence, stitches leaking with blood as the entire area smelled of burning flesh and ash. She had to get him out of this quickly, he was hurting himself without even knowing it.

Taking a step closer, the villain seemed to recognize the threat before throwing a wall of fire at the girl only for the to just barely dodge. "Dabi! What do you think you're doing, snap out of it!!"

The villain only seemed to growl though, throwing more flames in her direction as Hikari grew even closer to the overwhelming heat. "Don't think you can hide from me. Don't you dare think I'm going anywhere. It's like I said before, I'm not leaving you like this."

Hikari then recalled the last time she said those words, when Touya had burned her hand after his conversation with Endeavor all those years ago. And although they were older, Hikari knew that she still believed those words to her very core.

He was the boy she loved after all.

He was the one that was always by her side.

He was and would forever be her home.

Finally she found herself at the center, just inches away from Dabi before watching as his fingers turned blue with an outstretched hand in her direction, almost like he was going to try and kill her.

Yet Hikari wasn't afraid, moving closer to her friend before reaching forward and grabbing his wrist, forcing it to her chest as the blue sparks lingered.

Then she spoke, so serious that Dabi couldn't help but register it. "If you want to kill me, then fine. Do it. Kill me and be done with it. If that's what you really want.."

And as she held his arm to her chest, she watched as the villain's hands started to shake, the blue flames growing and shrinking as he battled with internal conflict unknown to her.

His once dead and uncaring expression seemed to change also, cloudy orbs now frazzled and anxious as tried to register what he was really about to do. But even still, he didn't move away, almost like he was at war with himself.

At war with Dabi and the other part of him, the part he always tried to ignore.

Hikari wasn't about to back down though, her gaze still as serious as ever. "What are you waiting for Dabi. If you don't care then get rid of me."

Ever so slightly, his entire body began to shake with conflict only for the flames covering his body to dissipate ever so slightly as he felt the warmth of Hikari's hand on his skin.

And although he was burning her palm from his quirk, she hardly cared, standing still as his shoulders began to cave in on themselves and the sparks died down.

Then, all that was left was the reality of the situation, Dabi blinking the madness out of his eyes only to realize that he was just mere seconds away from cremating his childhood friend.

All at once, fear and horror seemed to cross his expression before immediately ripping the hand that was holding him away only to stutter back. "H-Hikari, W-What, are you saying? What are you doing? You insane woman, I could've hurt you."

Yet Hikari didn't seem to share in his fear, dropping her hands to her sides silently as Dabi finally looked around at the burning blue room that he had caused.

Suddenly, his face began to drop, as if he didn't realize it had gotten that bad. He had let his overflowing emotions destroy everything again, just like when Touya died.

Yet as the building seemed to tumble around them, Hikari and Dabi still remained unmoving, staring at each other as the girl gazed towards the key in her hand and darkened.

So much for being quiet and undetected.


As Hikari, Hawks, Dabi and Alpha watched the burning building from a couple blocks away, all three of them couldn't help but remain silent. How did everything go so wrong so quickly? Everything they had come to do, it had failed miserably.

Hawks was the first to speak, his voice small. "What happened?"

Yet Hikari knew exactly where the blame lay, turning her body towards Dabi before undeniable rage filled her chest at what he did. "I know what happened. Dabi couldn't keep his jealous ass under control for five minutes and ruined everything."

The villain couldn't help but turn his head at that, immediately scoffing at the very idea. "Whoa whoa Princess. I was not jealous. You must think of yourself as pretty high and mighty to think I'd ever be jealous over a shitty bird like you."

Hikari was one hundred percent sure the villain was lying though, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff. "Right, so you didn't just burn down an entire building because you didn't like the idea of me being with someone else?"

The very words seemed to be comedic to him, Dabi finally turning around to meet her furious gaze with challenge. She was so wrong about everything and it was pissing him off.

How dare she call it that when they all knew what was going on.

Feeling his hands start to smoke once more, the villain shoved them into his pockets before getting in Hikari's face to show his distaste. "You being with someone else? Is that what we are going to call it? Why don't you say what it really was, how you were going to fuck some random bastard even though you didn't want to!"

She couldn't help but widen her eyes at the accusation, pointing a finger into his chest as she hissed back. "Oh my god, are you serious?! It doesn't matter if I didn't want to or not. It was a job, that's all!!"

The fact she believed those words so wholeheartedly only pissed the villain off even more though, slapping her finger away as a growl appeared in his throat. "Right, cause that's the excuse you always use, the excuse that you always tell yourself to make it more bearable. Don't pull that with me Princess. We both know it's utter bullshit.

And for the first time, Hikari paused, knowing that he was right.

It was true, deep down she knew what she had to do all those years ago wasn't because she wanted to, because she had a choice. It was because it was job, and if she didn't comply then she'd be dead on the street.

But even so, the girl found herself reasoning with the choices so that they didn't totally destroy her, so that they wouldn't break her entirely. It was a coping mechanism, something she got quite good at, just like with the disassociation.

It was something for her to ignore how she really felt about her freedom of choice being taken away, it was something that made everything far more bearable.

Although that was the case, Hikari never fully admitted it, knowing that if those feelings were ever voiced then she couldn't go back into the safe denial she had occupied for years.

So instead, she only grew more angry. "It's not bullshit. Why would my feelings even matter? They do nothing for the job, only limit it. It's not important, the only thing important is doing what needs to be done."

Yet Dabi saw through her denial instantly, chuckling through her delusions only to roll his eyes at what she was saying. "Fuck, your brain is so broken, isn't it? He really did a number on you, didn't he? Thinking that this is something you have to do, thinking that it's normal! News flash, it's not normal."

Just then, a flash of red appeared in her vision as Hikari pushed it down with a growl, not even wanting to think about him. Just the very idea of him made her want to go insane again, and Dabi knew it.

When she responded, it was dark and short, almost like she was trying to hold all of the anger she had in one single sentence. "Don't you dare bring that bastard into this. He can eat shit for all I care."

Dabi knew exactly what buttons to press though, his lips tightened with fury. "I'll bring him into it because you know it's true. You know he fucked you up."

Heavy shame appeared across HIkari's brow then, knowing he was right but choosing anger over actually confronting anything to do with him. "What do you want me to say Dabi?! I did what I had to do for the job. That's more than I can say for you, you ruined everything!"

At the same time, Hawks watched the argument with shock, standing towards the side as he witnessed the two supposed "best friends" tear each other apart like nothing. It was like they were breaking apart by the second and the bird didn't know what to do to stop it.

They were villains after all, and getting in the way of a villain fight was something the bird wasn't sure how to go about. "Uhh guys??"

Yet unlucky for him, neither chose to answer his question, Dabi immediately speaking over him with dark intent as he glared at Hikari and her words.

"I didn't ruin shit, you're the one that thinks you still have to do these things. It pisses me off. Thinking that anyone had the right to take something from you, thinking that anyone has the goddamn right to touch you or have you like that."

And although his words were quite sweet, Hikari couldn't help but scoff from who they were coming from. There he went again, confusing her with his wishy washy attitude. She couldn't take it anymore.

Laughing as if she just heard the funniest joke in the world, Hikari then took a threatening step closer before lowering her eyes. "Right, cause you didn't have a problem when you did those things yourself! That's really hypocritical of you Dabi, don't you think?"

This time, Dabi froze at the words, his eyes playing in unsaid conflict before turning his head away in order to avoid the conversation like he always did. "Shut the fuck up, you don't understand."

Hikari wasn't about to allow that though, all of her anger, frustration, confusion and rejection bubbling her into an explosive breaking point she couldn't control. No, she needed answers right now. He wasn't going to do this again.

"You're right, I don't understand! I don't fucking understand Dabi. I don't understand what you're trying to say! Ever since we met again you've been so damn confusing, caring for me and then pushing me away in the next minute. Saying that you don't care and then contradicting your actions. You wanna tell me what that's about?!"

And of course, Dabi didn't have an answer, choosing to remain silent as his smoking palms balled into a fist so hard that the knuckles turned white. She didn't know why but there was something about him, something he wasn't telling her.

After about a minute, the villain's gaze dropped to the floor before giving a halfhearted laugh, almost as if what she was saying was absurd. "You're delusional. You really think you're that special?"

Hikari didn't miss a beat though, narrowing her eyes before speaking plainly. "If I'm so delusional then make it clear. None of these mixed signals. Tell me right now how you really feel so we can move forward. I can't take this push and pull shit anymore Dabi! Prove to me you don't really care so I can move on!!"

And she meant it. If Dabi really didn't care then he could tell her to her face, if he really didn't want her around then he should've just said so, if he only thought of her as a hookup then that was fine. She just needed to know, she needed to know where they stood.

Because with every kind word or gesture it only brought more of the hope that maybe he felt the same way she did. Maybe his feelings were more then just sex or being stuck together.

But with every bit of rejection, Hikari was growing tired, now only wanting to know the truth so she could finally understand the mystery that was Dabi.

Dabi seemed to be conflicted about her statement as well, remaining silent for a few more seconds before dismissing her claims once more. "I thought I already made it clear.."

Nodding her head, Hikari had no problem laying their problems in the air though, not caring who around heard them. She was far too angry to understand that right now anyways.

"Oh you did, you made it really clear three years ago, when I confessed my feelings to you and then came back to you fucking another woman hours later. I got the message really clear alright!"

Widening his eyes, Hawks couldn't help but register the words, taking them in like a stab to his chest as he recalled the first conversations about Dabi they shared all those weeks ago.

Hikari told him that she had fallen in love before and it didn't work out. She said the reason she stopped trying was because she was heartbroken when she confessed her feelings and then found the guy sleeping with someone else.

The story she told and her words now, they were exactly the same.

But then, that could only mean one thing....

Dabi was the person Hikari fell in love with, he's the one that broke her heart all those years ago, wasn't he? He was the one that betrayed her by sleeping with someone else.

That's when something else rang in the back of his head, recalling his conversation with Alpha just hours before. He said Hikari and Dabi weren't together in the three years he was around.

Wait. Was that it, was that the reason why they separated, why they weren't as close?

The pieces started to fit together ever so quickly as Hawks felt his head start to spin. Everything lined up too perfectly, Hikari's story, her words now and Alpha's information. So much so that Hawks knew it had to be true.

Hikari on the other hand, couldn't help but be bitter at Dabi's lack of response once again, shaking her head with disbelief. She was going crazy because of this asshole and he didn't even care, did he?

"Is that what this is?! Are you making fun of me?! You have to know how I still feel about you. Are you torturing me because of it, because I just had to fall in love with a piece of shit like you?!"

That's when Hikari's brothers widened for the second time in the couple last seconds.


Hikari said she loved Dabi.

Not past tense, present tense.

Could that really be true? Is that how she always felt about him? Was she lying when she told him they were just casual then? Hawks couldn hardly believe it.

At the word love though, Dabi's mind seemed to grow frantic, not surprised with the words in the slightest but still hating the way she said them, his brow turning down in shame.

Shame for her loving him.

Then he reached forward before grabbing her arm, his own voice far too gentle for the villain facade he always liked to show. "I'm not making fun of you. Don't say shit like that, like it's true. I would never make fun of you for that.."

Wanting to melt at his new expected tone, Hikari felt herself suck in a breath before finding the courage to speak again, this time far more serious than before. "Then prove it. Tell me how you feel. Turn me away like three years ago so I can finally understand!"

Dabi felt his teeth grit together with overwhelming conflict, taking the silence after her words like torture before immeditly shutting down on her. "Fuck you, I don't have to do shit."

Knowing he was trying to mentally run away, Hikari pushed closer towards his face before her unhinged anger got the best of her as she shouted back. "Tell me!!"

The villain didn't cave though, shouting back in her face. "No, shut the fuck up!!"

He wasn't denying his care but that only seemed to make Hikari even more angry. Why was he being so stubborn, why didn't he just come out and say his feelings? If he wasn't ashamed then what was holding him back?!

Reaching forward to roughly grab onto his jacket, Hikari then growled before her next words spilled from her lips unexpectedly, almost like she couldn't help it.

She didn't even notice that she was saying it right in front of Hawks either.

"Stop lying to yourself and tell me, Touy-...!!"

Yet that's when Dabi's eyes widened at the sound of his old name, panic and fear clear across his face before he automatically reached his arm forward and wrapped a smoking strong hand around her throat in order to cut off her speech.

The action was so second nature that the villain himself didn't even notice it until it was too late, until he realized he was squeezing so tight that Hikari was gasping for air as her eyes grew wide with slight fear.

Quickly loosening his hold as fast as possible, Hikari then wheezed out a breath before holding her throat with a cough before Dabi noticed fingerprinted singe marks on her neck.

Her brother felt his body move towards her in an instant, leaning down with worry as she coughed from the lack of oxygen. "Hikari, are you okay?!"

And as much as Dabi hated to admit it, the villain only felt shame for his actions. He hadn't even meant to choke her like that. He just panicked when he heard that name, the name that Hawks couldn't hear yet.

She was going to ruin everything he planned without even realizing it.

What else could he do?

Reaching his hands forward to help her, Dabi felt his voice grow small, concern taking up the entire space as he tried to make sure she was okay. "S-Shit, why did you do that? Why did you have to say that?"

Yet he was only met with an angry glare as Hikari slapped his hand away a moment later, knowing that his act of violence was just an excuse not to tell her his feelings.

Then she righted herself before a new amount of clarity seemed to fill her eyes, her voice speaking so cold that everyone couldn't help but feel chills.

"You know what, I'm done."

Feeling himself freeze, Dabi's mouth couldn't help but open with surprise at her sudden defeat and rejection before she turned away and started to leave him alone.

Just like his father did. Voice void of emotion, void of care.

Like she had given up on him, just like everyone else in his life.

And as Hawks followed behind and asked if she was okay with the situation, the only thing she responded with stabbed Dabi's nonexistent heart completely.

"I don't care anymore. He can do what he wants."


When Hawks, Hikari and Alpha returned to the mansion without Dabi, both boys chose not to talk about it, knowing that the fight was still rather fresh in her mind. The last thing they wanted was for her to explode again.

Re-Destro seemed to be rather impressed with the key though, dangling it by the chain as he beamed. "I must say I'm rather surprised that you were able to get this so quickly. Although, didn't I say I wanted it done undetected, Miss?"

Hikari internally cringed at the question before answerly back shortly. "That wasn't because of me. My methods were far more quiet then Dabi's. Besides, what does it matter. You have the key, now you can stop bitching."

Uncrossing his legs from the sofa, Re-Destro then stood up before making his way over to the girl, staring at her with that same intimidating gaze as before. "Yes, my informant told me about Dabi's little stunt. No matter, you seemed to follow orders well enough. I suppose that means I shouldn't reject your application."

Then the villain stopped right in front of her before lowering his eyes in knowing intent. "Although, I must say, I already knew you would be successful, given the rumors."

Hikari couldn't help but scoff though, already knowing he was talking out of his ass. "What rumors? You don't know shit about me."

That's when Re-Destro let out a dark chuckle, his next words shocking her to her core.

"Well, I had to give you a job that fit your skill set, isn't that right, Takami Hikari?"

Feeling her entire heart stop, Hikari's eyes widened as everyone in the room couldn't help but silently gasp at his words. He just said her name, her real name.

Hawks then turned towards his sister only to find her hands starting to shake with every single implication, her voice slightly stuttered in fear. "W-What did you..?"

Yet the villain seemed happy to clarify, enjoying the lost and surprised look in her eyes. "Besides, I had to see for myself, if you were still a good little distraction as back then."

Then he leaned closer towards her ear only to speak once again, knowing that they would affect her in some kind of way. "I have to say, I'm just as impressed as I last saw you, Riku's little pet birdie."

Heavy realization then crossed Hiakri's face before immediately ripping off her pendant in the next second as five lethally sharpened feathers pushed the villain back so far that it pinned him against the wall.

Her head began to spin at the heavy reality all at once. She didn't know how or why but this guy knew who she was before, before Valkyrie.

He knew her when she worked with Riku.

He knew what she was forced to do and exploited it.

Obviously not bothered by the fact that she had given away her quirk, Hikari then stomped up to Re-Destro before another feather threatened to cut his throat, the sharp edge drawing a line of blood in warning.

And when she spoke, it was far more unhinged than her brother had ever seen before. "If you ever say that name again, I swear to god it will be the last thing you ever speak."

Re-Destro didn't seem intimidated though, putting his hands up in defense before speaking lightly. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, considering we are both on the same side now."

Just as he said that, she felt her brother's warm hand on her shoulder, coaxing her down. "He's right Hika-chan. We can't do this, not if we want to join. You know I'm right."

And even though she didn know, Hikari still didn't want to acknowledge it, she still felt her body relax a second later before her feathers returned to her wings silently.

Knowing he had won, Re-Destro then simply dusted off his jacket as Hikari turned around to leave only for his haunting voice to fill her ears once more.

Almost like he was mocking her.

"Welcome to the liberation, Takami Hikari."


The walk back to Hawks' apartment was the silent one, the bird having so many questions from the night and yet still receiving no answers. In fact, his sister had refused to speak ever since leaving the liberation mansion.

Her wordless steps made their way into the living room and the hero expected her to just go to her room and shut down completely like always. She was always such a closed book, especially to him.

Of course he understood why, knowing that she still didn't trust him from the past and that was valid enough. That's why he never pushed her anymore, why he just let her be.

So he certainly was surprised when Hikari instead chose to sit down on the sofa, her expression downwards in silent thought as the bird made his way over to the kitchen. Maybe she didn't want to talk about anything right now.

Pushing his wings out, Hawks then opened one of the cabinets before trying to make small talk with her. "Hey, you hungry? I can try and whip something up for ya, or we could order take out if you want.."

His happy demeanor was lost on her though, Hikari lifting her head up at his voice only to reply so incredibly soft and muttered that without his feathers, Hawks wouldn't have heard it. "Keigo.."

At the sound of his real name, the bird froze before she continued again, eyes playing in conflict. "Remember the game we played at the mall, the one where we asked each other questions...?"

Nodding his head once in reply, he then watched as Hikari pulled her arms around herself in an attempt of comfort before whispering. "Your last question, I didn't answer it, not fully.."

Hawks recalled the question immediately, at the time not knowing just how personal it was to her. He asked her when she started her manipulative fake personality, how she was so good at it.

Staying quiet for fear she'd shut down again, her brother then made his way over to the sofa before sitting on the other side, watching as she pulled her knees to her chest. "I told you it started as a coping mechanism and that wasn't a lie, but that's not everything.."

The girl then sucked in a heavy breath before closing her eyes in unsaid shame. "I didn't say it because I'm ashamed, ashamed of admitting it out loud, ashamed of it being a reality."

And even though the bird didn't know what she was talking about, he still scooted closer, placing a warm hand on her back lightly to show he wasn't going anywhere, no matter what she told him.

"Hika-chan, whatever it is, you know I'm here for you."

Silence entered the space, Hikari finally opening her eyes in order to look straight ahead at the kitchen instead of her brother's face. "Do you remember what my job in dad's gang was?"

Thinking for a moment, Hawks found the answer immediately. "Yeah, you were the distraction, right?"

Nodding back, Hawks then turned her lips in disgust at the very words, hugging her knees closer to her chest with a sigh. "Turns out innocence is the best cover. It's the best thing to exploit. That's why dad always picked me, why I was always the distraction...and when I went back...I was......"

Towards the end of her sentence, she felt her voice suddenly stop, the words lodged in her throat before tears lined the edges of her eyes. "And I...I just..."

The hero felt his heart break in two at the action, rubbing his hand in small circles on her back before his voice softened. "Shh, take your time."

Forcing herself to shove away the tears, Hikari then looked down at the floor in distant memory before finally finding the words to speak, knowing that Hawks needed to hear this.

"After tonight, you deserve to know, what happened back then."


Omg this was such a big boy. Not in terms of length but in terms of content.. Ooof lots of things going on. And next we have a past chapter explaining how the dissociation thing and Hiakri's fucked up mentally started.

And yes her logic is broken but that's kinda the point, she's been through some shit. So has Dabi so they both are a little messed up.

But damn, we really have Hawks trauma, Hikari trauma and Dabi trauma all wrapped into one in this one, don't we?

Also the reason Hikari removed her necklace in front of Re-Destro is because he knew her real name which meant he already knew about her wings. He's got some kind of connection to Riku so he's seen her before.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the pain! There is more coming!

Next Chapter: Past chapter where Hikari's messed up thinking comes from. Touya and Hikari's relationship grows closer and more feelings arise.

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