The Cursed Chronicles: Year 6

By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

20.7K 377 400

Our heroes return to Hogwarts for what's certain to be an eventful sixth year. Their fifth year tied up all l... More

Prologue/ NEW CAST
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 51

115 2 3
By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

A/N I've been working on this update for a while! This chapter has always been my endgame. Hope you enjoy it, more updates soon!
The first thing that Albus felt was an unfortunate familiar feeling that reminded him why he hated portkeys. The second thing was a harsh pain all over his body as he collided with the ground. The grass was soaking wet from the rain earlier, and now his jaw ached from making contact with the ground. He heard Sabrina collapse next to him and was snapped back to reality. Ignoring the pain, he scrambled to his feet, and took in his surroundings. Emiliya and Nicole stood with their backs to each other and their wands drawn. They looked uneasy, nervous. Albus turned around and saw that the magical barrier from the beginning was still in place. They were alone within it, and on the outside lay a peculiar scene: the entire crowd frozen in time. They didn't look frightened or scared, it looked as if they had been caught mid-festivities. He spotted Scorpius, James and the girls off to the left. Parisa was blushing and James was grinning which meant he had probably just said something flirty and knowing James, most likely mildly inappropriate. Scorpius was standing on his tiptoes with his binoculars, trying to catch a glimpse of the action, and Bella looked like she was choking on her popcorn. All were still as a paused movie, mid action. Albus felt very, very, uneasy.
"What's going on?" He asked, simply to break the silence, since he knew exactly what the answer would be
"We have no idea," Nicole breathed, her eyes darting anxiously over the frozen crowd, as if searching for any movement to answer her doubt. In the time they had been standing there, Albus realized, the sky had grown dim and the space had slowly filled with fog. A very specific feeling settled on his shoulders and seeped down his spine.
"She's here," he said.
"Thanks Sherlock," Emiliya muttered, but her heart wasn't in the insult. Wordlessly, Sabrina and Albus backed up to join the other two, slowly drawing their wands. They stood with their backs to each other, waiting pensive for the threat they knew was coming.
"Like cornered animals." Her voice echoed in the space, coming vaguely from above, and Albus could feel his companions shudder in sync.
"Cut the chit chat, Delphi!" Albus called, sounding a lot braver than he felt.
"Tsk, tsk. Always in such a rush. Perhaps you should take notes, dearest. The best things come with time. Take this little project of mine, for example. You've let me play you like pieces on a chess board." With every second, the air chilled and her voice resonated a little more in the space.
"We are stronger than you!" Albus countered. "We've proven that before, and we'll prove it again!" The bad feeling from earlier had taken hold in his heart. It beat hard, and he could hear it pounding in his brain. Something very bad was about to happen. There was a poignant silence as they waited for Delphi's response. She was baiting them, he knew it. Toying with them like a cat and mice.
"Even if that were true," Albus could just about hear her cruel smile. "I have a few queens of my own." Another silence settled over the space.
"What is she talking about?" Sabrina asked urgently. She was limping heavily, and in no shape for the battle that was certainly imminent. " "A few queens of her own"? What does that mean?" No one answered her question. No one dared to guess.
"I have a bad feeling," is all Emiliya said, which felt pretty universal.
Suddenly, the fog began to stir violently, circling the champions like waiting sharks. They pressed their backs against each other tighter, firming their grips on their wands.
"If this goes bad," Nicole whispered timidly. "It was an honor to be in this tournament with all of you."
A light shone above them, dropping violently. They scattered, disappearing into the fog momentarily. The fog flew to where they had been standing like they had been on top of a vacuum. It crashed into the light and together they billowed into a tremendous column. With a final sort of explosion, the light blinded the champions. The fog dissipated violently, settling back on the ground, and the force blew them back, knocking them off their feet.
In its place stood Delphi, a cruel smile already fixed on her face. She laughed triumphantly as she glanced over the champions, knocked on their backs.
"This is how it was always mean to be." She waved her hand and outside of the magical barrier, time flung forward. All around them, the repurposed quidditch pitch was burning. People were running and screaming, chased by vague shadows and violent birds. Near the bubble, Rose, Scorpius, and Bella stood in the stands, fighting off their oppressors with great success. Parisa was knocked out at their feet and James was tending to her, every once in a while contributing an offensive spell of his own. They all seemed to be keeping an eye on the progress within the bubble, and Albus made eye contact with Scorpius.
"Wizarding students!" Delphi bellowed, spreading her arms and lifting off her feet. "Witness the fall of your ideals! Here at my feet are your champions, pathetic and useless! Watch them burn with your precious school!"
Albus scrambled to his feet.
"We won't go down without a fight." The other champions mumbled their agreement and hurried to stand beside him. Sabrina couldn't make it off the ground but she managed a withering glare.
"Oh Im sure you won't. There was never any doubt about that." She chuckled.
"Then let's cut the chit chat and get to it," Emiliya snapped, grabbing her wand from the grass and pointing it at Delphi, who roared with laughter. The worst chills yet ran right down Albus' spine. This was about to be very bad.
"I think there's been a misunderstanding." She paced calmly through the fog. "You won't be dueling me."
"Enough of the games, witch," Nicole spat, clearly fed up.
"No, I think it's only fair," Delphi continued, altogether ignoring Nicole. "Your queens-" she paused, gesturing to the champions. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "-versus mine." She flicked her wrist, and three columns of smoke landed in a line beside her. With each collision, the existing fog billowed more, gathering around Delphi until it dispersed and she was gone. There beside where she had been were three figures, struggling against heavy bonds. Sandy, Thomas, and.....Katrina.
"Oh no," Nicole whispered, her face going sheet white.
"Imperio." Sandy instantly stopped struggling and sat straight up, stiff as a board. Thomas next to her struggled harder. "Imperio." Thomas stopped and straightened as well. For only a brief second, Albus and Katrina's eyes met. Her eyes were filled with desperation and fear. "Imperio."
The bonds fell apart around them. In unison, the three fallen champions rose to their feet, and calmly drew their wands. Their eyes had gotten this glazed over look. Around them, the magical barrier dissolved.
"Check. Your move, Potter."

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