Brettsey One Shots

By photofrnd54

95.9K 1.6K 354

Here will be a bunch of One Shots of Brettsey. Some of them might look familiar as i took my Rheese one shots... More

Authors Notes
That One Night
Why me
Taylor Elizabeth Brett
Hospital Stay
Almost Lost Him
The Shirt
Why Me. Part 2
Five Days To Long
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 2
She's Your Wife?
Jealous Fight
She's Your Wife? Part 2
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
I Can't Marry You
Why Me. Part 3
Auction Night
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 3
Will you stay with me?
Bring Him Back
Bring Him Back (Part 2 The Boat)
The Flu
An Early Surprise
I'm Scared
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 4
First Child
Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.
I never got to tell her
What do you mean she's not here?
Tired of Hiding
A Morning Surprise
The Flowers
My Girl
Should have done this sooner
Locker Room Chat
A Night in Paris (Locker Room Chat Part 2)
Casey's Quarters
Got Stood up
Casey's Quarters Part 2
Casey's Quarters Part 3
Casey's Quarters Part 4
What am I to you?
Girlfriend in Fowlerton part 1
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 2
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 3
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 4
It's okay It's okay
Accidently Double Date
I need him
Get Off Her
We need to talk
Anyone seen Brett?
Secret Promotion
Will you Stay
She's Gone
The Thanksgiving Rolls
Christmas Tree
Ice Skating Date
Meeting the Family
Secret Santa Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Secret Santa Part 3
Christmas Windows
Getting The Christmas Tree
New Years Eve Kiss
Late Night Phone Call (New Years Eve Kiss Part 2)
Surprise Visit (New Years Eve Kiss Part 3)
Meeting Parents Part 2
Some Unexpected Great News
The Flash Over
In Shock
What's That Smell?
It's Hard
Someone's Missing
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 1)
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 2)
Fowlerton Fair Part 3
Birthday Dinner
The Collapse
She was attacked
He Promised
Memory Loss
That Night Against River
A Shift on 61
That Night Outside Molly's
Dance With Me
Will You...
Somethings off
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 2)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 3)
Stayed All Night
Jace Matthew Casey
Get To The Hospital
Call it - TOD 4:38am
Wedding Day
Where is she
Where is She (Part 2)
Paradoxical Reaction
Play Nice Now
Our Boy (Part 1)
Our Boy (Part 2)
Chicago to Portland
Sylvie's Secret Santa
Sylvie's Secret Santa (Part 2)
New Years Eve Hospital
Did I wake you
She Said No

Missing you

342 11 0
By photofrnd54

Caseys pov

I had just pulled up to the fire house when my phone goes off. I pull it out of the charger and take a look at it. "keep your badge off the wall. I love you. Have a good day." Sylvie says in a text massage to me. Sylvie was left at home due to her accident she had. She is not allowed to work for a month and a half. I told her I'd call and check in on her during the day to see how she was doing. Man does it feel nice to be back at work. I've really missed it. I've stayed home a few shift to help her out. "Hey how is our girl Sylvie doing?' Severide ask. "She's doing great. She's out of work for a while but she's great." I say with a smile. After talking with Severide I go head to the locker room and change out. "Hey Herrmann hope you kept our men in good shape while I was off for a few shifts." I say as he enters the locker room. "Yes I did, trained them hard just like you would." He says "Yeah a bit too hard" Otis chimes in as he puts his bag away. "It's what you all need. Herrmann was in charge and he made me proud." I say "well thanks lieutenant" Herrmann says. After a quick chat with the guys I head to my office and work on some paperwork. After an hour of working on paperwork I decide to get a cup of coffee. Chief was in the common room when I walked in "glad to have you back Casey" Chief says to me "Thanks Chief it means a lot that I was able to have the time off. And I know Sylvie appreciated it too." I say "we take care of family around here" he says as he walks back to his office. Just as I'm about to sit down and enjoy my coffee the Alarm goes off. So off I run to the rig.

Ambulance 61 Truck 81 squad 3 Car accident Clark Ave.

Back at the Firehouse

Caseys pov

I decided to give the guys a break on drills today. I need to catch up on paperwork from all the calls. The week I was out with Sylvie the paperwork added up. I sat in my office till I was done. Luckily we didn't get any calls. It was nice to not have interruptions while working. The rest afternoon we only got two more calls before dinner. I walk into the common room and sit down at my spot. I look over at the empty seat next to mine making a mental note to call Sylvie and check up on how she's doing. Dinner smells amazing. "Chows up" Burke says "what's for dinner?"Mouch says from the couch. "Whatever it is it better be good I'm hungry." I say. "Yes we are having Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread" she says "yummy a good meal. I say as I get up from my seat to grab a plate. "Food delicious" Herrmann says as he takes a bite. "Yeah this is amazing you should cook more often for the house. I might even be better than my girlfriends. Just don't tell Sylvie I said anything." I say "ha-ha good luck with that one. You know Kidd is in the room right?" Severide says. "Yeah I tell Sylvie everything. You should know that by now." Kidd says with a laugh. "Yeah I guess I should have know better." I say with a huff. Half way through dinner the alarm goes off

Ambulance 61 man down 662north Lincoln Ave I'm about to get up but then I hear that it's not for me. "Be safe out there guys" I say as they rush out the door. It didn't take long for the girls to return. They were gone no more than two hours. I was out in the apparatus bay talking to Severide about rescheduling dinner with him and Kidd when the girls get back. "Oh man what reeks" I say as they step out. "I got puked on. The guy woke up and vomited all over me. Kidd says "Babe go get cleaned up" Severide says with a little bit of a laugh. I turn and head to my office as it was getting late and I wanted to call Sylvie.

M-hey babe how are you feeling

S- I'm doing well it was a long day I was board without you. I can't wait for you to come home tomorrow. How was work for you?

M- Its going good so far not too busy which is what I like. I also got all my paper work done. But I can't wait to get home to you tomorrow. Oh Kidd got thrown up on at a call today it was funny.

S- Hey that could have been me. It has been me in the past it happens to everyone at last once. I guess I'm gonna owe her something since she's graciously subbing for me.

M- What's up for the rest of the night?

S- I'm so tired theses darn meds are making me drowsy. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

M - Why don't you go to bed early? I plan on going to bed soon myself soon. You can even wear one of my t-shirts so it's like I'm there, you know I always keep a few extras at your place.

S - bed does sound nice and that shirt would help sleep. I miss you so much right now.

M - I miss you too. Go get to some sleep I'll see you tomorrow. I love you always and forever

S - Love you too always and forever. 

AN: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one shot. I will have Another one next weekend for you. So excited that season 10 is almost here. Can't wait for more brettsey. As always feel free to vote comment and leave suggestions. 

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