Never Forget (a Niall Horan f...

By Ultra_Niall

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Niall and Allison have been friends since literally forever. They did everything together, and they've always... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Disaster
Chapter 3 - Starting All Over
Chapter 4 - The Big Decision
Chapter 5 - Introductions
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Revealed
Chapter 8 - My mind didn't remember him, but my heart did...
Chapter 9 - SURPRISE!!!
Chapter 10 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 11 - New friends call for new adventures...
Chapter 12 - You can't expect the unexpected
Chapter 13 - Planning and Awaiting
Chapter 14 - A Perfect Birthday
Chapter 15 - Hospital for Nialler
Chapter 16 - Mysterious signs...
Chapter 17 - "You're beautiful, don't you dare forget that"
Chapter 18 - Happy Never After?
Chapter 19 - Head over heels
Chapter 20 - "We need to talk..."
Chapter 21 - Back together, but not for long...
Chapter 22 - Touring
Chapter 23 - All's Well That Ends Well
Chapter 24 - Are You Ready?
Chapter 25 - The Start of a New Chapter
Chapter 27 - Baby Steps
Chapter 28 - Surprises Aren't Always A Good Idea
Chapter 29 - The First Concert
Chapter 30 - Louis
Chapter 31 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 32 - Gone Missing
Chapter 33 - Ready When You Are!
Chapter 34 - One Year
Chapter 35 - Be Mine?

Chapter 26 - The First Memory

718 14 1
By Ultra_Niall

Allie’s POV:

I walked around the tour bus, looking around at all the bits and pieces the boys left lying around. Something told me that they didn’t like having it all cleaned up and tidy, that a tour bus would feel closer to home if it was messy, like their own room.

It was half past eleven at night, and I was waiting for them to come out from the arena after their concert. Two weeks had passed since we arrived in the USA, and I think I was settling in pretty well to life on tour. I used to wait up for the boys at the hotel, but since that got pretty boring, I’d either stay in the tour bus, reading or whatever, or sometimes if I was extra bored I’d go backstage and help out with the crew and stuff.

But tomorrow all that would change, since Daniela would come and join us! I was really looking forward to having a girlfriend to talk to face to face. Don’t get me wrong, me and Jeantide are pretty close, but something about me and Daniela just clicks, we completely understand each other. Loud, excited screams interrupted my train of thought.

I went to look out a window and saw the boys, surrounded by security guards, who looked like they were having a hard time from keeping about a hundred girls off the boys. They were literally swarming around them, I could barely see their faces! Although they had told me that sometimes the fans found out where the tour bus was parked and waited for them there, and then caused a hectic scene when the lads appeared, I had never imagined it to be anything like this.

Eventually, the security guards convinced the girls that they would all get autographs and pictures if they would back off and give the boys a bit of space. With that promise, the boys opened the door so that they could first change and then go out again. I was surprised at how all the girls had quietened down and just sat down patiently.

As the boys entered the bus one by one, I was about to ask them about the performance when I noticed how pale Niall looked. I grabbed his arm, slightly panicked, “Niall? You ok?”

I shook his arm gently when he didn’t reply, “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head slowly as he sat down, “Nothing, nothing. It’s know, crowds. I’m not good in crowds. Can you get me a cup of water please?”

Something suddenly flashed in my mind, and for a second, it was like I saw a vision...of me and Niall, but a younger version of us. We were in the school playground, and Niall had a new car model of some sort, and loads of kids were swarming around him to see it, and I had to drag him out of the crowd, because...

“You’re claustrophobic,” I whispered, my eyes widening as I handed him a glass of water. He gulped it down quickly, then after realising what I had said, he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, but you knew that Allie...wait...did you, did you forget that, you know, because of the accident?”

I nodded and looked down, then frowned, “It’s like, I don’t know. What just happened, I guess it triggered the memory? Up till now I had completely forgotten about you being claustrophobic, but then it was like I saw a, I don’t know, a flashback? And there were you and me on a playground, and I pulled you out because there was a whole crowd of kids around us-”

“-because my mum had just bought me a new car model,” he finished for me, his eyes widening too. His cheeks were slowly gaining back their red flush, I guess this time his claustrophobia wasn’t that strong because the crowd wasn’t too big.

Louis bounced on the bed next to us, “Are you two lovers gonna sit here and talk, or is Niall going to be kind enough to be separated for a few more minutes from his lovely girlfriend and come sign a few photos?”

Niall nodded and practically pushed Lou off, “I’ll be there in a second, honest. Don’t wait up, Lou,” he told him before turning to me, “We’ll...we’ll talk about this later, ok? I just, I need to go for the fans for a few minutes.”

I nodded and smiled, “Have fun,” I gave him a quick peck on the cheeks before he stood up and walked out, a smile forming on his face, and I didn’t know if it was because of the fans, or because this was the first thing I had remembered about Niall since the accident. Probably, it was because of both. I crossed my legs on the bed, and tried to sort through all the thoughts that were pushing themselves about in my head.

First, I had, for the first time ever, remembered a memory of me and Niall. How awesome is that? Second, I think that I unlocked the secret (if you want to call it that) to remembering my past. I just had to find something that would trigger that memory, right? But what kept bothering me was this: I had remembered a lot of stuff about my family, things about their character, my relationship with them, some odd memories we had made together...why was Niall different? What was it about him that kept me from knowing more about our friendship before the accident?

I stuck my hand in a packet of sweets I hadn’t even realised I’d grabbed from God knows where. I couldn’t figure this one out on my own, maybe later I’d talk to the boys about it. Or I could discuss it tomorrow with Daniela! Niall’s loud laugh interrupted my train of thoughts, and I looked around, thinking that they had come into the tour bus and I hadn’t even realised, but the sound of his bubbly laughter was coming in from outside.

I sighed and lay down on the bed, I couldn’t wait till Niall came in so that maybe we could talk...unless the boys were in one of their moods were they found everything silly and funny. I heard Louis shouting a loud goodnight to the fans as he opened the bus’s door, and I quickly perked up. I swung my legs out from the bed and was about to go talk to Niall when I noticed how down Liam looked.

“Hey, I’m...I’m gonna talk to Liam and then we’ll talk later, ok?” I whispered to Niall, looking over to Liam who had gone to the other side of the tour bus and just sat down on the floor, staring. He nodded and went to sit down next to the others to play some Fifa.

I sat down next to Liam, “What’s wrong, Li?”

He gave me a small smile and shook his head, “Nothing.”

“Mhm, I believe you,” I told him sarcastically. He just looked down, and I nudged him gently, “Come on, tell me. How am I supposed to believe that when you’re sitting here, on the floor, alone, whilst the boys are watching Fifa? You didn’t argue with Daniela, did you?”

“No no, it’’s just that, Paul said that we might go to the airport to pick her up, and just now he told me that we can’t ‘cos tomorrow we need to wake up early for rehearsals. I don’t give a shit about rehearsals we know the stuff by heart, I haven’t seen her in two weeks and we only had less than one week together after the UK tour because she had exams coming up and I rarely ask for anything, you know that, but then I ask for this one simple thing to pick my girlfriend up from the airport and he’s all like as if. That’s just fucked up,” he finished his rant, looking down.

I nodded, “Well you’re not gonna get what you want if you just sit there you know!”

“I already tried talking him into it but he just walked away!” he told me, a little louder this time.

I nodded, and smiled, “Maybe, but I can be very convincing when I want to be, trust me,” I said, standing up and handing him my hand to pull him up. He smiled slightly and shook his head, “If this works...”

I grinned, “It will. Hey guys, we’re going out for a sec we’ll be back soon ok?” I called out to the boys, slipping out before they could reply. I crossed my fingers as I walked to the road where the crew had parked their cars, hoping that Paul would be there. Luckily he was, and I didn’t waste time beating around the bush.

“Why can’t we go to the airport for Daniela?” I asked politely, hoping that that way he wouldn’t get pissed at me.

He groaned, “Because tomorrow the boys will have rehearsals, and if we go pick her up we’ll arrive at the hotel at around three in the morning. Then it’s me who gets in trouble!”

“But...they can sleep in the tour bus! I’ll make sure of that, honest! And I’ll only wake Liam up when she arrives, and they can say hello and good night and go straight to sleep till we arrive at the hotel! How’s that?”

“Ok, so say we’re doing that, and I’m not saying that we are! But say we might, who’s gonna go in the airport to pick her up? Liam sure can’t cos he’ll get bombarded! And we don’t know what she looks so we can’t go! And what about the taxi?”

“Cancel the taxi and let me go in for her? I don’t have to be up early? Please?” I pleaded, desperate not to let Liam down. Paul was about to protest so I talked before he could, “Look, imagine it’s your wife, wouldn’t you wanna go welcome her? Just this once? Please?”

He sighed and shook his head, “Sorry, guys, it’s just not gonna happen,” he said as he turned away to talk to someone else.

I bit my lip and turned to Liam, who looked even sadder than before, “Li, I’m so sorry, I thought that maybe I could-”

“Just forget about it, let’s go inside, ok?” he mumbled, turning round and walking towards the tour bus. I was about to walk behind him when Paul stopped me and whispered, “If we do this, you’re in charge of waking them up tomorrow morning. I know the boys, they’re not gonna sleep unless they’re in the hotel. No way they’re gonna sleep in the tour bus. So you’re in charge?”

I grinned and nodded, then ran off to catch up with Liam. I told him the news and he grinned and hugged me tight, “Oh my God I can’t thank you enough, seriously! This is great, I’m gonna go tell the boys! Thanks Allie,” he said with a final hug and ran into the tour bus. I grinned and followed him inside.

yaaaaaay allie's remembering something, how happy are you? well idk about you im really happy for her awwww and like liam and daniela they're too cute omg :3

IN OTHER NEWS TODAY, I just got an idea for my second fanfic, and it's gonna be with louis so if you're a louis girl, look forward to that, ok? :) im not gonna spill any beans about it as of yet though cos like even im not sure about the plot yet, i just know a few main pointers but that's just about it, im letting the story slowly form itself in my brain

AS USUAL, please tell me what you think of this chapter, either by:

a) being an angel and commenting

b) being an angel sent from heaven and voting

and/or c) being MY angel and fanning me omg i love fans i love you all the few i have haha thank you bye bye for nowxxxxx

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