Moonlight Tempest (Completed)

By DrWhomever101

307 11 2

Kari was a soldier. She was a fighter, and she was pretty good too. She has won many battles. She's strong... More

When The Light Was Taken Away...
The Start
The Rehersal Dinner
The Intruders
The BadLands
A Rush of Adventure
The Counterpart
The Boy Who Waited
The Long Walk
Some New Friends And Some Old Friends
The Reunion
Back To The 'Normal' Rhythm
If You Wanna Call This A Date, Be My Guest
Unexpected Enemy
First Encounter
She's Baaaack
Am I Strong Enough?
The Message
The Report
The First Mission
The Casualty
The Choice
The Prisoner
Surprise, Surprise
The Reality
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Boss
The Duel
Emotionally Unstable
His First Kill
The Assassination Attempt
The Help
The Rescue
Burnin' Up
The Invasion
The Serenity Castle
The Plan
A Day In The Life...
The Search
The Kids Are Alright
Together Again
Live Bait
Fight, If You Can
The Truth Often Hurts
The End...
...And Also The Beginning

To Be Or Not To Be?

2 0 0
By DrWhomever101

Dedicated to blue_jay cause Jay gots awesome stories. Check Jay out sometime y'all!

Chapter 12

"No way. Absolutely no way." Kari said to her now fiancé. They were in the school and were standing in front of a class room.

"Come on Kari! The principal let you skip the 10th grade shit so you could take 11th grade classes!" Zing said.

"So what?!" She said very annoyed with him.

"So, that means you need to take 4 courses and 1 elective. You're already in RM4, AP English Literature, AP Global History, and AP Biology!"


"So, you need to take an elective anyway, so... Why not take this elective with me?"

"No way! This is a class only you would like!"

"That's not true! You would like it too! You just have minor stage fright."

"I ain't afraid of no stage. I just don't like people looking at me." She crossed her arms.

"Please Kari? Please...!" Zing pulled out his puppy look, Kari wasn't fast enough to dodge it. She tried to be strong, but cracked a few seconds later.

"Fine! But I will only go to check it out! If I see one thing I don't like, I will flip everyone off and just leave. This is the last class of the day anyway." Zing kissed her and then opened the door.

Their classroom was situated in the schools auditorium, so that made Kari a little nervous. Zing took her hand and walked her down the isle to the stage where there was a blond guy standing and a few other people sitting on the ground.

"Ah, Zing! Who have you brought here today?" The guy standing said.

"That's-! Thats Kari Miller! The girl who was went missing last year!" A few students whispered. The guy standing shushed them.

"This is, uh, Kari Miller..." Zing let go of Kari's hand. She knew he was remembering when she was gone. She sighed and stepped forward.

"Yeah, I'm Kari Miller. I was missing, but now I'm back so don't mention it again or else, okay?" She narrowed her
eyes at the students.

"Ah, okay... Not a big fan of threats but... I am Derrick Steele. Call me Derrick. I am your instructor for this class, Musical Theater!"

"Musical Theater?" Derrick nodded. "Okay, but Mr. Steele, why have Musical Theater class when there are Music and Theater classes already?" Kari asked.

"Call me Derrick."

"Mr. Steele, why-."

"Derrick. Call me Derrick."

"Answer the damn question Mr. Steele." Zing chuckled.

"Alright fine! Teenagers..." He sighed. "Anyway, Musical Theater is for those actors who want to sing as well. In Music class, all you do is sing and its similar in Theater. In this class, you get the best of both! Isn't that fun?"

"Sounds like a new form of torture." Kari said.

"Great! Then go ahead!" Derrick said.

"Go ahead...?" Kari asked.

"Sing something! It can be anything!" Derrick had a crazy gleam in his eye. Kari thought he was the definition of that word, 'gleek'. She internally shuddered.

"I don't think-"

~I got my eyes on you.~

Kari stopped. She recognized that singing voice. Zing grabbed her hand.

"Lets sing together." He said looking into her eyes. He had a similar gleam in his eyes as Derrick. 'Oh my god, my boyfriends a gleek. What have I agreed to??'

~You're everything that I see. You got that hot love and emotion, endlessly.~

He sang slowly and beautifully. 'Drake got nothin' on Zing.' She thought. She rolled her eyes and started harmonizing with him.

~I can't get over you. You left your mark on me. I want that hot love and emotion, endlessly.~

He sang. ~Cause your a good girl and you know it.~

She sang. ~You act so different around me.~

Him. ~Cause your a good girl and you know it.~

Her. ~I know exactly who you could be.~

Both. ~Just hold on, we're going home. Just hold on, we're going home. Its hard to do these things alone, Just hold on were going home. Home.~

The sudden sound of clapping snapped Kari out of her zone. She had basically forgot about the small audience that was in the auditorium. Including the janitors. Kari blushed. 'Zing's singing distracted me from these peering eyes!'

"Wow! Like... I'm speechless! That was amazing!" Derrick said. "Perfect, in fact! And I know, since I went to Juliard." He smirked. Kari rolled her eyes. 'Brag much?'

"Really??" Zing said. "You never mentioned that!" Zing had always wanted to go to Juliard for Music. He wanted to become a rapper or singer when he grew up. "You think that I might be Juliard material??"

"You just might!" Zing lit up. Derrick smiled.

"Kari! You hear that?" He beamed, so Kari had to smile back. "Will you stay in this class with me? Clearly, you belong."

She sighed. "If I say yes, will you leave me alone about it?" He nodded repeatedly. "Fine."

"Great! Now for our first assignment-"

"Hold up! There was no mention of homework!" Kari said. The class laughed.

'What have I gotten into??'


"Sam, seriously. Where are we going?" Milo asked. Sam had taken Milo into a dark alley. It was Friday night and Sam's turn to pick where to go for their walk.

Yesterday, Milo took Sam to a restaurant where they had the best steak Sam had ever had. He tried to ask the chef how he made it, but the chef just laughed and said it was a family recipe. Sam was impressed by the fact that he couldn't decipher what was in the steak at all. The flavors all perfectly blended together. He definitely wanted to go back.

"Why do you keep asking? Afraid I'll rape you?" Sam mused as he kept walking. Sam could tell by Milo's silence that he was probably blushing. 'Why does he blush so much around me if he doesn't want to be with me? If he likes me, he should just say it. I really dislike suspense.'

"Sam! Seriously!" Milo finally said.

Sam chuckled. "Trust me, okay?" Sam looked back at Milo and he nodded.

They walked in the alley until a dead end. Sam knocked in the wall, twice, three times then once. The wall faded away to reveal a door. Sam opened it and motioned for an intrigued Milo to go first.

There was blaring music and dancing bodies. People of all shapes and sizes were on a larger-than-possible dance floor. There was green and yellow strobe lights and a bar near the back.

"Well then. This is... Wow!" Milo looked around excitedly. "How did you know about this place?" They walked towards the bar and sat on two stools.

"There was once a Demon attack here and Billy and I took care of it." Sam said.

"Oh, yeah? You guys are Demon hunters?"

"Not professionally. We just do it because people ask us to."

"So they just come up to you and just ask, 'hey, can you come and kill all these Demons for me? Thanks.'"

"That's actually how we got started. This one old woman asked us out of nowhere to take care of these Demons for her. So we did. It took a few hours, cause I didn't know you have to chop its head off to kill it, but that was about it." Sam said. "Oh, she didn't thank us though. She just left."

"Wow. That's either really insane or really incredible. I'm gunna go with both."

They smiled and then a man interrupted them.

"Hey, can I get you guys something?" The big blue guy behind the counter said. "Blood perhaps?" The bartender looked at Sam and Sam turned to Milo. Sam noticed that there was something wrong about the bartender's voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I speak Common, not Elfish! Can you repeat?" Milo said with a similar, yet different vocal problem. The bartender repeated exactly what he had said before but with the same problem Milo had. 'What? The bartender wasn't speaking English? How come I can understand it? What was with their voices? How come before he repeated I still understood? And Milo wasn't speaking English either... What?...'

"What do you want Sam?" Milo asked.

Sam blinked, trying to stay in the moment. "Um, what is good tonight?"

The bartender's voice didn't have the problem. He probably spoke in English. "We have a new special tonight, Goblin Blood. Want to try that? First shot's free."

Milo nodded and asked for 2 shots. Sam was wondering still about their voices. 'Their voices didn't change drastically... Yet it did change enough for me to notice. I wonder what that was about?'

Milo gave one of the newly poured Goblin Blood shots to Sam.

"Bottoms up!" Milo said excitedly.

"You seem excited."

"Yeah! I'm a Vampire, any opportunity for me to drink blood is happy-making. Especially free blood." Milo smiled. "Kanpai!" Sam tapped their glasses together and they downed their drinks.

Sam cringed. The blood burned down his throat. It tasted sour--and not the good kind of sour. He coughed a bit. He looked at Milo.

"How is it? Good right?" Milo said as he ordered more blood. Sam smiled.

"I'm not a fan." He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet.

"What are you reaching for?"

"My wallet." Sam showed Milo his old leather wallet.

"Oh don't do that." Milo motioned him to put it back.

"How else will I pay for this?"

"You won't."

"I don't think the bartender will appreciate that we drank and didn't pay."

"Oh, I'll pay. No problem."


"Yeah! I guess I didn't tell you that my family is, to quote Cam, 'hella rich'." Sam shook his head. "My friends know me as Milo Daniels, but my actual name is Milos Hiroyuki. My father owns HTech, or Hiroyuki Tech. He makes shit loads of money off of selling computers, smartphones and the like.."

"Milos huh? Thats nice. Did your mother name you?"

"Yes! Actually its a funny story. She was on a boat once and she fell off. She couldn't swim at the time, so she nearly drowned. But these two guys saved her. One pulled her out of the water and the other gave her CPR. She thanked them and she was so grateful that she promised to name her children after them. And my mother always kept her word no matter how ridiculous, hence our names. Milos and Cameron." Sam laughed. Milo smiled at the pleasant memory of his mother.

"Is Daniels your mother's maiden name?" Milo nodded. "You took it after she died." Sam said. Milo smiled sadly. "Hey," Sam switched the subject. "Isn't HTech the company that bought Apple 20 or so years ago?" Milo nodded.

"Yep! And by doing that, they bought all the customers too."


"Yeah." Milo sighed. "So, now you know! From now on, I will be paying for everything."

"No. I can do it."

"I think I should."

"I will."

"Not if I do." Sam raised his eyebrow. "We could go all day with this or we could settle this with rock, paper, scissors." Sam nodded.

After 3 rounds, Milo emerged victorious. "And I didn't read your mind. Not like I can anyway." He called the bartender over. "Here," Milo reached into his pocket to get his wallet. "Do you take debit?" The bartender said yes. "Okay, Charge me anything you want. Oh! Why don't you make the next few rounds on me? Like the whole bar."

"Really??" The bartender said stunned that Milo made such an offer. Sam was flabbergasted too.

"Yeah, why not? Its only a few hundred. Right?" Milo said.

"Yes s-sir... Ar-are you sure...?" The bartender asked.

"Yes! Please do it! Oh, and more of that Goblin Blood please!" The bartender nodded and walked away from them.

"You're that rich huh? You just gave your debit card to a random guy."

"Yes. Anyway, moneys not that important. It's just paper." Sam nodded. "Come on, lets drink!" The bartender came back with the debit card and the blood.


"Sam... Did I tell you that I like you? Like, a lot." Milo said as he sat on Sam. His legs were wrapped around Sam's waist. Sam was sitting on a couch in a private VIP room.

"Milo. You're drunk. How strong is that Goblin Blood? You only had 1 bottle plus that shot." Sam said. Milo giggled.

"Wow, only 1! I thought my alcohol tolerance was so high!"

"What you drank was not alcohol, it was blood. Milo. It probably had some strong Magic in it or something." Sam said to Milo, whose eyes were wondering the red colored room. Sam made a point not to look around. 'If it was my choice, I wouldn't have sat on the couch in the first place. Who knows what happened here?' Sam shuddered internally. "I think we should go to my place."

"No. I want to take you to my place. My house is big so no one will hear us having sex." Sam's eyes widened. Then he blushed. "I'm a screamer!" Milo looked lustfully at Sam.

'Holy shit.' Was all that Sam could think.

"I think-" Sam cleared his throat. "Th-th-that we should go to my place. It's closer." Sam felt a little warm.

"Why don't we stay here?"

"Why do you want to stay here?"

"So I can make out with you! Duh!" Milo put his hands on Sam's chest and leaned in close. Sam felt way more warm.

Milo's lips brushed Sam's. Soon, their lips met, softly fitting together. Sam felt his senses heighten. He could feel every inch of Milo's body. Sam whimpered when Milo started to pull away.

"You want more?" Sam nodded (against his better judgement). "Okay."

Milo's lips were more urgent than before. Sam kissed him right back with the same urgency. Milo was rubbing Sam in ways and in areas he was never rubbed before. It could have been classified under sexual harassment had Sam not wanted Milo to keep touching him that way. Like, a lot. Sam felt Milo's hands rubbing his crotch. He felt himself get hard as Milo fiddled with his zipper.

Milo chuckled. "I won't go that far yet. However," Milo started to kissing Sam's neck. "I hope you don't mind." Milo's fangs came out and before Sam could respond, Milo bit into his neck.

There was pain at first, but then Sam felt waves of pleasure roll over him. He moaned loudly at this sudden feeling. Milo drank for only a minute or so, but to Sam, it was 1000 minutes in heaven.

Milo licked Sam's neck and pulled back. Sam, breathless, looked him right in the eyes. He saw that Milo still desired him. 'Does he want me or my blood?'

"We should go... You were moaning way too loudly. Turns out you might be a screamer also." He had a devilish smile on his face.

Sam nodded still trying to regain his breath.

They left the bar and Sam, while shouldering Milo, brought him all the way to Sam's house and then straight to his room.

Milo was already mostly passed out by the time they reached his room. Sam laid him down in his bed but Milo grabbed Sam's shirt.

"No. I want you to sleep with me... I'm too tired to fuck you now, but at least sleep with me..." He said in a soft voice. Sam blushed and (against his better judgement (Sam really wondered if he would ever listen to his better judgement, cause he seemed to be doing a really great job at ignoring it)) nodded getting into bed with him.

This time, Milo didn't touch Sam sexually (Sam couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed about this) and fell straight asleep. Sam took Milo's glasses off and put them on the night stand next to his bed. Sam watched him breath for a moment.

"Why did you touch me like that? And the way you kissed me... You said you wanted to stay friends... I know you were drunk as shit but... How can I resist you now? I want you more then ever. Milo..." Sam whispered this to himself.

He closed his eyes. The morning should be very interesting.


Sam woke up to a ringing sound. He heard the sound coming from Milo's pocket. 'It must be Cam calling. Milo didn't go home last night.'

Milo started moving under Sam's arm.

"Is that yours?" He said with a yawn. He looked up at Sam. "When did we get here?" Sam shrugged not wanting to talk about last night. Upon remembering it, Sam blushed. "Um, Sam? Is everything alright? What happened last night?" Milo moved Sam's arm and sat up. "I can't seem to recall... Wait... Where are my glasses!" Sam pointed at the table and Milo sighed in relief.

"Why do you wear those? Vampires have excellent eyesight."

"Um..." Milo grabbed the glasses, putting them on and looked down at his hands. "The day my mother was killed was my birthday..." Milo sighed. Sam was confused. "My mother had taken me to a ballroom where the birthday party was held. All the clients who work with my father brought their kids to celebrate. And of course, Cam was with my father on their way to the party. They were caught in some traffic jam. We were in Fox Falls actually. Father was trying to make a new office here... The party went on and my mother decided to call my father to see when they would get there. She went by the window and... As she was calling... Someone... Someone pushed her." Milo held back tears. Sam sat up. "I saw it. I saw it happen. I even saw the person who did it. But I can't remember their face. I guess the trauma of seeing my mother fall out a 7 story window does that to you. And can you believe? What I saw was nothing compared to what my father and Cam saw." Milo wiped his tear streaked face. "My mother fell out the window and she landed right on some poor man's car, the impact killing them both... Just as Cam got out onto the street, she landed. He had so many cuts and bruises from the debris that flew everywhere... And the blood... Cam was covered in my mother's blood. Can you believe that? Imagine turning around and seeing your mothers carcass on the roof of a car you were standing next to during a traffic jam? Hell I'm almost positive that Cam could see the man that my mother had crushed... His body too." Milo shook his head. "I cried so much after that. I would cry to Cam so much. He never cried once. Not once, even till today."

Sam wiped his face. He was surprised to find that he was crying.

Mili chuckled. "You asked me why I wear my glasses even though I'm a Vampire? Because... It was the last gift my mother gave me before she died. A few weeks before I had broken my glasses and my father thought it was a good punishment to make me go without then for a while." Milo laughed. "Man, was that a funny punishment! I ran into so many poles and walls I probably set a world record!"

After a long pause, Sam spoke. "I have another question, actually." Sam said remembering last night. "What were you speaking when the bartender first came up to us?"

"Oh yes. I'm sure you were wondering about that. The bartender was speaking Elfish at first. Its a very widely used language. It's often used in spells and Runes. I don't speak it fluently, so I started to use the most common language in all the Realms, Magical and non-Magical called Common. I'm not sure how it started and who came up with it exactly, but it's a mixture of many languages from many Realms. It's a very useful language to know. Kind of like English, which, by the way, after Common and Elfish is the third most widely used language. Don't ask me why, cause I'm not sure."

Milo's phone went off again.

"Oh, that must be Cam." He took his phone and texted his brother. "How long have I been here? And what happened last night? All I can recall is ordering more Goblin Blood and then... Nothing." Milo looked at Sam. Sam unintentionally turned away. "Sam? Answer me." Milo said sternly. Sam cursed himself for turning away.

"Nothing happened."

"Why don't I believe you?" Sam flinched. His voice must have given it away.

'Shit. What am I going to tell him?'





Drunk Milo is very touchy, now isn't he???

If this doesn't complicate their already unsure relationship, I don't know what will.

Now we know how Milo's mom died, but why?

So in conclusion, please comment, vote, say hi, anything you want!

Thank you so much!!

Ciao for now.

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