What if I ain't no violinist?

By rin_rin40

33.3K 1.9K 1.8K

A collection of one-shot and short stories of parallel worlds about Twoset Violinists Brett and Eddy. What if... More

2. Twoset Chemistry
4. Twoset Hotline
8. Twoset Football Talent
9. Twoset Football Talent II
10. Twoset Football Talent III
11. Twoset Snowboarders
12. Twoset Snowboarders II
14. Author's note 20210109
15. Twoset Science
19. Twoset First Aiders
20. Twoset First Aiders II
21. Twoset Anthropologists
22. Twoset Anthropologists II
23. Twoset Mash-up Reunion!
24. Twoset Tutoring
27. Twoset Ultimate Questions
28. Twoset Blind Dating Musicians: Edwina Edition
29. Twoset Fan Girls
30. Twoset Skaters
31. Twoset Skaters II
1. Twoset MMA
32. Twoset MMA II
36. Swipe top right, swipe bottom right
6. Twoset Daddy
17. Twoset Daddy II
43. Twoset Daddy III
49. Twoset Accountants
50. Twoset Accountants II
54. Author's Note - the mathematics of fanfic
52. Twoset Geologists
53. Twoset Geologists II
55. Twoset Geologists III
33. Twoset Sky-divers
35. Twoset Sky-divers II
61. Twoset Twins
62. Twoset Twins II
63. Twoset Boyband
64. Twoset Boyband II
65. Twoset Boyband III
51. Twoset Dancers
71. Twoset Dancers II
66. Twoset Clairvoyants
67. Twoset Clairvoyants II
68. Twoset Fortune Teller
70. Twoset Fortune Teller II
69. Twoset Wizard
72. Twoset Wizard II
39. Twoset Pest Controllers
47. Twoset Pest Controllers II
76. Twoset Pest Controllers III
77. Twoset Teaser
82. You can see me?
83. Twoset Peas
88. Twoset Peas II
89. Twoset Peas III
92. Twoset Handbells
96. Twoset Cleaner
97. Twoset Cleaner II
99. Twoset Cleaner III
38. Twoset Singers
40. Twoset Singers II
46. Twoset Singers III
93. Twoset Singers IV
100. Twoset Singers V
105. Twoset Bartender
95. Twoset Window Cleaner
98. Twoset Window Cleaner II
106. Twoset Window Cleaner III
107. Twoset Window Cleaner IV
26. Twoset Grapefruit Boys
34. Twoset Grapefruit Boys II
48. Twoset Grapefruit Boys III
80. Twoset Grapefruit Boys IV
109. Twoset Grapefruit Boys V
108. Twoset Travellers
110. Twoset Travellers II
111. Twoset Travellers III
112. The Haircuts by Butcher
18. Twoset Firefighters
58. Twoset Zookeeper
75. Twoset Zookeeper II
94. Twoset Zookeeper III
115. Twoset Zookeeper IV
116. Twoset Firefighters II & Zookeeper V Mashup
117. Twoset Firefighters III/Zookeeper VI Mashup II
118. Twoset Firefighters IV/Zookeeper VII Mashup III
119. Twoset Firefighters V/Zookeeper VIII Mashup IV
41. Twoset Competitors
42. Twoset Competitors II
44. Twoset Competitors III
120. Twoset Firefighters VI / Competitors IV Mashup
121. Twoset Firefighters VII / Competitors V Mashup II
122. Twoset Firefighters VIII / Competitors VI Mashup III
123. Twoset Firefighters IX / Competitors VII Mashup IV
124. Twoset Firefighters X / Competitors VIII Mashup V
125. Twoset Firefighters XI / Competitors IX Mashup VI
126. Twoset Firefighters XII / Competitors X Mashup VII
56. Twoset Daycare
57. Twoset Daycare II
59. Twoset Daycare III
60. Twoset Daycare IV
127. Twoset Pre-school
129. Twoset Pre-school II
130. Twoset Pre-school III
86. Twoset Dentist
131. Twoset Dentist II
132. Twoset Doctor and IT security engineer
133. Twoset Doctor and IT security engineer II
138. Twoset Kidneys
139. Twoset Oompa-Loompas (writing challenge)
140. Twoset Tweeter
142. Twoset Gen β
143. Twoset Gen β II
144. Twoset Gen β III
145. Twoset Gen β IV
3. Twoset Teachers
5. Twoset Teachers II
13. Twoset Teachers III
16. Twoset Teachers IV (Viola Vexation 1)
25. Twoset Teachers V (Viola Vexation 2)
37. Twoset Teachers VI
45. Twoset Teachers VII
85. Twoset Teachers VIII (Luscious Lashes 1)
91. Twoset Teachers IX (Luscious Lashes 2)
102. Twoset Teachers X (Paparazzi 1)
103. Twoset Teachers XI (Paparazzi 2)
104. Twoset Teachers XII
128. Twoset Teachers XIII (special episode - writing challenge)
141. Twoset Teachers XIV
148. Twoset Teachers XV
149. Twoset Removalists
150. Twoset Timetravellers
151. Twoset Inventor
154. Twoset Timetravellers II
7. Twoset Manga-ka
79. Twoset Manga-ka II
81. Twoset Manga-ka III
84. Twoset Manga-ka IV
101. Twoset Manga-ka V
152. Twoset Manga-ka VI
153. Twoset Manga-ka VII
156. Twoset Manga-ka VIII
157. Twoset Vampire
166. Twoset Hairdresser
167. Twoset Gen α
168. Twoset Artist
169. Twoset Bedtime Story
170. Twoset Bedtime Story II
171. Twoset Secrets
158. Twoset La Mort
159. Twoset Guardian
160. La Mort meets Guardian
161. La Mort meets Guardian II
162. La Mort meets Guardian III
163. La Mort meets Guardian IV
164. La Mort meets Guardian V
172. La Mort meets Guardian VI
179. The 4 levels of Twoset Violin-chan
73. Twoset Veterinarian
74. Twoset Veterinarian II
78. Twoset Veterinarian III
90. Twoset Veterinarian IV
134. Twoset Veterinarian V (Blink for benevolence 1)
135. Twoset Veterinarian VI (Blink for benevolence 2)
136. Twoset Veterinarian VII (Blink for benevolence 3)
137. Twoset Veterinarian VIII (Blink for benevolence 4)
146. Twoset Veterinarian IX (In the name of science 1)
147. Twoset Veterinarian X (In the name of science 2)
173. Twoset Veterinarian XI (Liszt's curse 1)
174. Twoset Veterinarian XII (Liszt's curse 2)
175. Twoset Veterinarian XIII (Liszt's curse 3)
176. Twoset Veterinarian XIV (Liszt's curse 4)
177. Twoset Veterinarian XV (Liszt's curse 5)
178. Twoset Veterinarian XVI (Liszt's curse 6)
182. The art class - injured
183. The art class II - portrait
184. Twoset Devil
185. Twoset Diary (Eddy's)
189. Twoset Sleeptalkers
190. Twoset Barista
191. Twoset Barista II
192. Twoset Barista III
193. Twoset Traceurs
194. Twoset Traceurs II
195. Twoset Traceurs III
196. Twoset Detectives
197. Twoset Detectives II
155. Twoset Psychic
186. Twoset Psychic II
187. Twoset Psychic III
188. Twoset Psychic IV
198. Twoset Psychic V
87. Twoset Searchers
113. Twoset Searcher II
114. Twoset Searcher III
165. Twoset Searcher IV
181. Twoset Searchers V
199. Twoset Searchers VI
200. Twoset Searchers VII

180. Twoset Veterinarian XVII

85 9 13
By rin_rin40

13 years ago

16 year old Brett arrived at his best friend's house. He tapped on the door which was shortly answered.

"Hey Brett, welcome.  How's it going. C'mon in."

"Thanks Eddy. So how is she?"

"We just picked her up from the shelter. She's super cute."

Brett entered the house, removed his shoes and followed 15 year old Eddy into the living room.

"Brett's here."

"Hello Aunty Chen.  Yes my parents' are well, thank you. Hi Belle."

Eddy's older sister Belle excitedly called out to Brett;

"Hey Brett, come and check her out.  She is sooooo cuuuuuute  OW!!"

"Hi Belle.  Woo, she's a bit feisty. Oh wow, she is so cute. What's her name?"

"We haven't named her yet.  Eddy and I were saying she's too agitated to show her true self to us yet so we'll wait till she settles to work out her personality before we give her a name. "

"Yeah Brett.  She is very feisty!  Have a look at our hands.. they've been shredded.."

Eddy held up his hands in front of his best friend.  Brett took the opportunity to take them into his own hands, wearing his deadpan, as if it was the most natural thing to ever do.  His heart rate secretly doubled.  He carefully held each hand of Eddy's in his as he gently turned them over to inspect both sides.

"Oh no Eddy, man you're right, she must be one bloody vicious little kitten!"

There was one particularly large gash on the back of Eddy's left hand.  Brett gently traced along its side with his thumb.

"This one looks quite deep.  You should give it a good wash with some antibacterial soap."

"Yeah probably not a bad idea, thanks."

Brett looked up at his friend.  Eddy was smiling, was that a tinge of rose colour in his cheeks?

He's probably just excited about the kitten, the new addition to the family, not because I'm holding his hands..

Brett let Eddy pull his hands away as he dashed to the bathroom to wash his hands.  When Eddy returned, his bangs were wet as if he had splashed water onto his face.

"Ok, ready to practice?"

Brett cast his eyes back over his shoulder to indicate that he had his violin case on his back.

"Always.  Let's go."

The boys went upstairs to Eddy's room.

The boys had met at maths tutoring a couple of years prior and had become best friends after learning they both played the violin.

An hour of practice later the boys descended the stairs together, chatting about a joke their conductor had said at orchestra practise that neither of them could understand.

"It was probably not quite PG ya know.."

"Yeah I think so, too."

"Hey Belle, how's she going?"

"Hey Brett, she's hidden under the couch and won't come out.  I think I'll just let her hide and feel safe.  Can you boys also try to ignore her and give her space for a while?"

"Okay, sure thing. Brett, Mario Kart?"

"Yeah sure.  Can we still sit on the couch?"

"Maybe we'll just sit in front of it on the floor. Cos I know we're gonna end up bouncing around when we get excited, she might not appreciate that if she's under the couch."

"Sure Eddy, that's good thinking."

So the boys initially sat side by side, but gradually Eddy shuffled his way closer to the TV screen as he sat cross-legged as became more and more engaged in the game. Brett also cross-legged but chose to stay put to lean back against the couch.

Eddy noticed by their 2nd lap of their 2nd game of MarioKart, Brett had gone rather quiet. 

Eddy turned around to check on Brett.  He widened his eyes in surprise.

The kitten had emerged from underneath the couch and was sitting right next to Brett.

"Eddy, Eddy!! I'm right behind you, you're gonna crash..!!"

Eddy quickly turned back towards the TV screen.

"Oh damn.  Brett.. you realise the kitten is sitting next to you?"

"Yeah, I saw her in my peripheral vision.  I thought she was unfriendly and scared."

Eddy kept his eyes on the TV screen, faced away from Brett as he smiled.

"Well, she seems to like you."

"Humph.  Jealous?"

"...Just a bit."

"Fair enough."

"....Is it?"

"Yeah, she's your cat.  You've always said you wanted to become a vet.  It's natural to feel jealous if you think you're more entitled to something, in this case, your kitten's attention, than I am.  That's what jealousy is."

"Humph.  Is that so."

"Yeah.  If you feel threatened that someone else will claim what you believe is rightfully yours, that's jealousy.  If it's something you want knowing it's not rightfully yours, it's envy."

"Hmm.. so I guess I am jealous, Brett."

It was the first time Eddy had ever admitted to feeling jealous.

There have been other times when they've gone out with a group of friends and Eddy had witnessed Brett's charm captivate girls and boys alike, where if the literal words rang true, Eddy would've been glowing toxic waste green with jealousy.  It pained his poor little heart but the 15 year old couldn't quite work out why.

Like I don't feel jealous of Brett's musical talent.. I'm envious of it I suppose, but I do understand he deserves it because I know how much he practices.

Now I know Brett's my best friend and that he thinks the same of me.  So why should I feel jealous when we're with other people?

According to what Eddy just said, because I think... Brett is rightfully mine..?


Eddy's cart almost skidded off the road. After letting out a shriek, Eddy managed to get it back on track. Cart back on track but his thoughts were all over the place, out of control.

I think it's because I want more.

..But I don't know what that actually entails.

I mean, where do you even take it from where we are now?  What's the next level after being best friends?

Eddy was way too distracted by his thoughts and his cart skidded off the track and fell down a chasm.

Behind him, he heard Brett roar with laughter.

"Eddy, what were you thinking?! That was the stupidest place to fall off!!"

Eddy shrugged and turned around. This time Eddy gave out a little yelp in surprise. And it gave him great comfort to openly admit it;

"OMG.. Brett..I'm so frickin' jealous."

Brett beamed with his sweetest smile.

The kitten had turned herself into a little fluff ball on Brett's lap, tiny enough to perch herself on the surface of his thigh.

The thing was, Eddy wasn't sure who he was jealous of.

Brett winning the affection of the kitten.


The kitten, that sat on Brett's lap.

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