The Walking Dead

Oleh WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... Lebih Banyak

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes


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Oleh WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 7

Episode 2


Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“Find a place” Frances says, as the group trudges along. “What’s wrong?” William asks, as Molly kisses him, and says “Never mention Frances to me” Molly says, as Anthony says “We found a power plant.” The group runs down a hill, as Anthony says “We kill anyone.” “We can still find them” Anthony says, as the group kicks a door down. “It’s a real home” says Vince, as Anthony holds a gun to his head and says “Put your guns on the floor and kneel.”



        Molly had her arms around Frances, as the two kissed each other. “Wait” Molly said, pulling away. “What is it?” Francis asked, looking at her with concern on his face. “We can’t keep this up” said Molly. “You have to tell Jenny about us, and then I can do this.” “Okay” said Frances, kissing Molly’s lips. She smiled, before he said “I’ll tell her about us.” “Thank you” Molly said, as the two walked off.


       Molly took a weapon from the dark skinned man as Anthony paced in front of the large group. “There’s no need for this” said Vince. “Anthony” said Ted. “He’s right. They didn’t hurt us.” Anthony looked at Ted with fury in his eyes, before Vince said “Let us go, please.”

         Anthony faced him, before he cocked his gun and aimed it at his head. Vince had tears fall down his face, as Gwen said “Anthony, stop.” Anthony looked down at Vince’s pathetic face, before he took the gun off of his head. He faced the others, as Gwen said “Can we talk?”

         Todd and Hector had their guns on the men as the rest of the group stood across the room. “What do you propose we do?” Anthony asked. “I don’t know” said Gwen. “But, killing them is not an option.” “It is if they’re a threat” said William. “But, they’re not” said Ted. “These people are good. They don’t pose a threat.” Anthony stared at him, and then at Gwen, before saying “We can’t take anymore risks. We can’t let these people join.”

            “Then, we can send them out on the road” said Jason. “No” said Anthony. “Why?” Jason asked. “Because” Anthony said, not looking at Jason. “We can’t let them fight the walkers” said Adam. “They said they’ve been here since this started. They won’t survive.” “We can’t let them join us” said Molly. “They could be killers, for all we know.” “Well, we’re not going to kill them in cold blood” said Gwen.

                 “Then, we’re letting them go” said Terry. “They won’t survive” said Ted. “Well, we’re not letting them join us” said Vivian. “Why?” Ted asked. “Why?” Carly’s voice asked, as Anthony looked at them all. There words were all over the place. They were talking, screaming, arguing.

                   “ANTHONY.” Anthony opened his eyes. Suddenly, he was across the room, with his gun raised at Vince, who was crying. “Please, sir, please” Vince begged. “Anthony” Gwen said, running over. “Stop. Don’t shoot.” Anthony looked at her, and asked “What do you want to do?” Gwen sighed and said “We can’t kill them.” Anthony looked at her, before he looked at them, and said “Untie them.”

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                    The door banged opened, as Terry and William stabbed the two walkers at the door. Anthony, Hector, Molly, and Adam pushed the men out of the door. “Go” Anthony said, his gun on them. “Okay” said the black man. “Nobody has to get shot.” “We’ll be the judge of that” said William, aiming his gun at a blond man’s head. The men looked at them all, as Anthony said “Go.”

                      Soon they were outside, and the group still had their guns on them. There were a few walkers at the gate, and Anthony said “Good.” Terry ran forward and opened the gate, before running back. Anthony handed the men knives, before saying “Go out there and kill those walkers, and we’ll decide if we should let you back in.”

                       The men looked at him, before the black man said “Okay.” They walked out of the gate and ran to the walkers. Vince sent his knife through a walkers chin, as the blond man sent his knife through the walker’s eye. The Asian man, who didn’t seem to know what to do with his knife, so he kicked a walker to the ground and stomped on its head. The black man stabbed the next walker, as the blonde man stabbed his in the neck. It grabbed him and began to fight him, but he pushed it away. Vince ran over and stabbed the walker, as the black man shouted “CONNOR.” The blond man turned, and a walker grabbed him and bit into his throat. “NO” shouted Vince, as he picked up a pipe and hit the walker with it. Suddenly, three walkers grabbed the Asian man and began ripping into him. “COME ON” Ted shouted, opening the gate, and Vince and the black man ran in. They began to cry, as they saw their friends being ripped apart.

                         “YOU KILLED THEM” the black man shouted, turning and pushing Anthony to the ground. Anthony fell, as the black man got on top of him. “HEY” William shouted, tackling the man. Vince hit William with his pipe, as Sam kicked him in the groin. “FRANCES” Vince shouted, as Sam hit him.

                          The black man got up, as Molly asked “Is your name Francis?” “Yes” said Frances, staring at her. Molly stared at him, before she punched him in the gut. She then kicked him in the head as Anthony shouted “MOLLY, STOP.” He aimed his gun at her, as she stared at him. “You wouldn’t dare” she said, before she walked off.

                            Vince and Francis crawled to each other, as Anthony looked at them. “I’m sorry” said Anthony. “But, you should have told us you couldn’t deal with walkers.” Francis stared at him, and said “You still shouldn’t have sent us out there. We’re human beings, and we wouldn’t have tried to hurt you. But, now, you just killed our friends.” Anthony stared at him, and said “I know, and I’m sorry. You can stay here.”

                              The group sat in the cafeteria in front of a makeshift fire. Vince and Francis were across the room with another fire, just staring into it. William looked at them, before he looked back at Anthony, who was standing at the door. He stood up and walked over, and stood next to him.

                                “They’re broken” he said. “I don’t think they’ll be able to forgive you, after those two died.” William went quiet, as he saw Anthony staring at them intently. “We can never let our guard down” he said. “Sure, they could be good, but after what happened, I don’t think so. They could want revenge, and they could try something. If you think they’ll do anything, put a bullet in their brain.” William looked at him, startled. Anthony looked at him, and simply said “We don’t take risks anymore.”

                                 Anthony stood at the gates of the power plant, staring at the bodies of the two men. Walkers were around, and they were staring at him. “Dad” a voice said, and Sam walked over. Anthony smiled down at him, as he saw the rest of the group walking around or eating. He saw Gwen, and she waved. “What is it?” Anthony asked.

                                   Sam sighed, as he looked up at his father. “What?” Antony asked. Sam sighed again, and said “I think you should kill those men.” Anthony looked down, and asked “Why?” Sam sighed, before hen looked over at them. They were staring at the walkers at the gates, as Sam said “They’ll bring us down, Dad. They don’t know how to survive.” “I know they don’t” said Anthony. “But, I’ll only kill them if they’re a real threat. I might kick them out, but I need to see if they can fight walkers.”

“How?” Sam asked.

                                 Anthony looked at them, before he looked at a few group members. “I’ll take you, Gwen, Molly, William, Carly, Hannah, Jason, and the other two on a run tomorrow. We need some supplies anyway, and they can lead us to a town. I’ll see if they can fight then.” “Are you sure this is the right choice, Dad?” Sam asked. “Risking some of our lives, some of our best assets, just to see if they’re worthy.” Anthony looked down at him, and said “I’m risking our best assets lives, because I know they’ll survive.” He looked down at Sam, who said “Okay.”

                                  The next morning, Anthony finished loading a gun. “Are you sure you don’t want more of us to come?” Todd asked, staring at him. “The town could be crawling with walkers.” “I’m sure” said Anthony. “Really?” Terry asked. “I’ll be willing to come.” “Its best if you stay here” said William. “We don’t want anymore of you to fall.” “Okay” said Terry. “Take this walkie-talkie though, in case things get hairy. We’ll come after you.”

                                   “This way” Vince said, as he led the group down the road. “There was an automobile shop” he said. “We should be able to get a car and get to town and back quickly.” “We want this to be quick” said Anthony. “Yeah” said Vince. “Before this thing started, I always made things quick. Stopping at stores or playing with my children. There was never enough time for all of it.” “Just keep walking” said Anthony, turning around and looking back.

                                        William held his gun up, as Carly stood next to him. She looked at his tired face, and then looked back t Molly, who looked downcast. “Are you alright?” she asked, looking up at William. “Yeah” said William. “Something weird happened though.” “What?” Carly asked. “Two nights ago” he said. “I saw Molly, crying in the woods. She had a knife, but I stopped her from doing anything, and she kissed me. I asked her if her crying was about Francis, and she got mad at me. She didn’t want me mentioning him.” “Did you talk to her again?” she asked. “No” said William. “Well, you should” said Carly. “Try to find out what’s going on.” William nodded.

                                          The group soon walked towards an automobile shop, and Anthony said “Get ready. There could still be walkers inside.” The group got their weapons ready, as Anthony wrenched the door opened and raised his gun. He banged it on the door, but there was no noise of walkers. “Come on” said Anthony, turning his flashlight on.

                                            The group walked in, and heard movement. One walker emerged, and Anthony said “Frances, take it down.” Frances drew a hatchet, walked forward, and sent into the walkers face. “Nice” Anthony said, before he opened a door, and they saw two cars. “Carly, Molly get the first car. William Hannah, get the second.”

                                             Carly looked through the first cars window, and saw a walker looking up at her. “We should stick with van” she said. “There’s a walker in here.” “Okay” said Anthony. “Jason, Carly, open the doors. The rest of you, get in the van.” The doors opened, as William finished hotwiring the van, and they all jumped in.

                                                The group drove down the road, as Frances said “The town’s up ahead.” “Thank you” said Anthony, as William pulled over. They walked into the town, as Jason approached Anthony. “What do we need to grab?” Anthony looked at him and said “We’ll split off. Frances, Vince, Gwen, Sam, and I will head to that pharmacy. The rest of you, go to that super market and get some food. After, we’ll meet at that gun store.” He pointed at a bricked building, and Jason said “Okay. Team, let’s go now.” Jason and his group split off, as Anthony looked at Vince and Frances. “Lead the way” he said.

                                                 William opened the door to the super market, whistled, before he held his hand up to make the others stop moving. Suddenly, they heard several footsteps, but the walkers didn’t seem like they were heading towards them. “Come on” William said. “And, watch out.” He led the group inside, as there was growling. Suddenly, a shelf fell. “Hannah” William said. “Go check it out.” Hannah nodded and said “I got it”, before drawing her sword and walking towards the fallen shelf.

                                                   She saw several bags and boxes on the ground, as she saw a walker coming towards her. She sliced its head off, as she saw shelves that seemed to be positioned to entrap something. She stared at the shelves, when, suddenly, there was a crash. She looked behind her and saw that another shelf had fallen, and two walkers emerged. William stabbed one with his knife, as Molly stabbed the next.

                                                  Molly crouched down and looked at the walker, and saw that it was a store worker. She spotted the name tag, and saw a name that she didn’t want to see: Munroe. She stared at it with horror, as she began to breath heavily. “Molly” William asked. “Are you okay?” She looked up, as Jason shouted “WATCH OUT.”

                                                 Another shelf came down, and a dozen walkers shuffled out. William stabbed the nearest one, as Hannah began to come over, but another shelf fell, and she dived out of the way, as the shelf fell against the wall. “HANNAH” William shouted, as he shot a walker. “I see her” Jason said, as he lied on the ground looking over. “She’s not moving.”

                                               “We can circle around the store” William said. “Then we can get her.” Jason and Carly began to run off, as William saw a walker heading towards Molly, who was crying. “No” he said, shooting the walker, before grabbing her and dragging her off. Suddenly, another shelf came down, as more walkers came out. William kicked one against a wall, before he stabbed it. He then pulled the managers door opened and tossed Molly in. He then kicked two walkers away, before running in and slamming the door.

                                                   Anthony filled his bag with meds, as they suddenly heard a gun go off. Anthony looked up, as Sam said “Dad.” “It’s okay” he said. “You and Gwen should stay here. Frances, Vince, come with me.” The two nodded, before drawing guns and following Anthony out the door. Gwen looked at them run off, before she asked “Do we have everything?” “Yeah, why?” “Because” she said, loading her gun. “We’ve got to help them, too.” “My dad told us to stay here” said Sam. “I know” said Gwen. “But, I’m telling us that we have to go.” She loaded her gun, before throwing her bag on and saying “Come on. We can get the rest later.” Sam sighed, before loading his gun and following Gwen out the door.

                                                       Anthony opened the super market door and sot a walker down, as Frances and Vince missed a few times, before shooting two. “Good job” he said, shooting another walker. “ANTHONY” Carly’s distance voice shouted. “CARLY” Anthony bellowed, when there was another gun that went off. Anthony then spotted Hannah standing up and swinging her sword, but she missed the walker. It lunged at her, but Frances fired, and the walker fell. Hannah looked over, with blood going down her head, but smiled, before slicing a walkers head off. William heard Anthony, and smiled. He shot the window opened before shooting at walkers. “Molly, come on” he said, but Molly was sobbing. “Come on” he said, when a walker grabbed him and tugged. He fell, and hit his head on the table he was standing on. However, Anthony shot the walker, and saw William unconscious.

                                                        Suddenly, out of nowhere, there were automatic rifles being shot. “Frances, help William” he said, before running off. He saw Gwen and Sam, but there were other people, too. “Well, what do you know?” said the front man, who was tall with black hair. “They’re alive.” Anthony looked at him, with anger on his face.

WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead…

“We can’t stay here” Anthony’s voice says, as the group drives in black vans. “These people, they’re not good” he says, as Jason looks at something with anger. “They will kill us.” Greg shoots his gun, as Hannah slices a walkers head off, as Gwen fires her gun. “Where’s your leader?” Anthony asks, blood going down his lip. “Right here” says a cold calm voice.

Find Out What Happens On Episode 3 Of The Walking Dead.

For More, Check Out Talking Stories.

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