Blank Space

By alayners

60.6K 1.1K 658

*Story Line from KristinaOrtutova* *Olicity Fanfiction/Alternate Universe* Oliver Queen is set out for a voya... More

~Prologue, Part 1~
~Prologue, Part 2~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~
~ Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
~ Chapter 31 ~

~ Chapter 19 ~

1.4K 26 34
By alayners

Felicity just wanted to quit working.

She had been at it all day, and for the most part, had been completely infatuated with it this past week alone. Since the fight with Oliver and their permanent ending of things, she had been trying to keep herself busy, and was making up excuses not to be near him.

But, when she was near him, he barely looked at her. It was as if they were back to square one of their relationship, and even then, at least he would talk to her then. But now? He was avoiding her like the bubonic plague.

"You okay?"

Felicity looked up to see Ray standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the post just looking at her with worried eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just have a lot going on in here." She said, pointing to her head.

"With superb intelligence comes great responsibility." He smirked, trying to lighten up the mood.

She smiled at that, glad that someone could get her mind off of all the bad things. Ray knew how to make her forget, and it was nice. It was nice to know that someone actually cared about her, instead of trying to "protect her" all the freaking time.

I mean, the overprotective side of him got really old sometimes. She just wanted passion and love from him. And, he just didn't give it to her.

"I know I seem like I always point it out, but... your ring?" He asked, looking at my bare hand.

"It was time." Felicity responded coldly, not really wanting to say anymore about the subject.

"You sure?" He asked, surprised that Felicity has said that.

"I think so. The man I fell in love with is gone. It's time I accept that." Felicity shrugged, not technically lying.

Ray just nodded, and walked into her office further to where he was standing right in front of her desk. He just looked down at her and sadly smiled.

"If you want to take the day for yourself, then do it. I don't mind." Ray smiled down at her.

But, Felicity shook her head.

"No, keeping busy is the only thing keeping me sane right now." She laughed, folding her hands together and looking up at him.

He laughed along with her and nodded, "Okay, okay, Miss Smoak. I'll allow you to keep working this time, but only because I've grown to enjoy your company."

He then winked at her, laughing, and walked out.

Was he... Was he flirting with her?

It seemed innocent enough, but if it was flirting, she didn't know how to feel about it, really. Sure, she liked the attention, because God knows Oliver didn't give her any... But, from Ray? He was her boss... Was it right for him to be flirting with her?

Then, again... He might have just trying to lighten up the mood, without any intention of flirting with her.

Felicity just sat there, speechless, staring at her computer. She quickly shook her head, and just succombed back into the work pace. She soon realized that her hair was beginning to annoy her, so she gingerly pulled her hair back into a ponytail, and breathed in and out a long and needed sigh.

Today's work was so tedious, and with everything that she had to check, and double-check-- she was surely getting a headache.

And, then the phone started ringing.

"Palmer Industries, this is Felicity Smoak speaking." She answered, her voice monotone due to the routine of words.

"Felicity! Hi!" A mousy voice boomed from the other line, and Felicity instantly knew who it was, stifling back a laugh.

"Thea, hi. What are you up to?" She laughed into the phone.

"Well, you know that today is my birthday, right? Who am I kidding? Of course you know! Anyway, I'm having a party at the new club, Madness tonight... And you're gonna be there!" Thea squealed excitedly into the phone.

To be quite honest, Felicity had completely forgotten about Thea's birthday. But, in her defense, Oliver coming back in her life kind of made things more difficult. Especially things like remembering birthdays.

And also, especially talking to the Queens.

I mean... it was hard talking to them, knowing that Oliver was alive. She was keeping such a big secret from them, one that would change their lives forever, and for the better... It would make them so happy to know that Oliver is alive.

Maybe it would make him happier, too. And, maybe it would make him realize that he needs to be the man that he used to be. The one that was caring and passionate about the people he loved.

I mean, maybe he was still there somewhere, under all of the crap that he had been dealing since he'd been back... But who else... Other than his family could really bring him back.

She sure as hell wasn't doing anything right by him.

But, maybe they would.


Felicity pulled out of her thoughts quickly, and responded, "Yeah, yeah... Sorry, I'm here."

"You okay? You seem distant." Thea spoke into the phone.

"I took off my ring. For good." Felicity blurted out, tired of holding things back from her. They did used to be close at one time.

"What? Why?" Thea seemed shocked.

"I-I don't know. But, I think it was past time, Thea." Felicity sighed into the phone, leaning back in her chair.

"Well, that statement alone ensures me that you're going to be there tonight at my party. You need a distraction." Thea's voice filled with pure happiness on the other end.

"Are you sure that's what I need?" Felicity asked hesitantly, not knowing if drinks would make her suddenly feel better about Oliver being lost in his own pain.

She was lost in her own pain, too.

"I think it's exactly what you need." Thea said sternly.

Felicity just nodded to herself, and thought about it. Thea tended to get her into some sort of trouble whenever they went clubbing, but maybe she needed the trouble... To show Oliver that she needed him to keep her safe.

To remind Oliver that she was desperately in need for him. At every waking moment.

"Okay. I'll meet you at Madness. When does your party start?" Felicity asked into the phone, looking up to see Ray watching her.

She put her finger up, motioning to him that she'd just be a minute. He simply nodded in response.

"Eight. Dress slutty." Thea laughed before hanging up.

Felicity laughed a nervous laugh when she put the phone up. Dress slutty? That was so unlike her, but of course it was so like Thea. She didn't know whether to completely defy Thea and dress how she wanted, or if she would just do what Thea wanted since she was indeed the birthday girl.

"So, a party, huh?" Ray lifted his eyebrow at her.

"Thea's birthday party." Felicity laughed, shaking her head.

"Ahh. Sounds quite lovely." Ray smiled, walking in her office.

"We'll see about that." She responded, quickly shutting down her computer, and gathering her things to leave.

"Well, have fun tonight."

"Oh, did you need me?" Felicity asked, suddenly remembering that he had probably come in here for a reason.

"Not anymore. Goodnight, Felicity." Ray responded, nodding his head at her, and walking out without notice.

Felicity just stood there, speechless, looking at where Ray had just been. That was weird, and she didn't know why he had just suddenly clammed up, and walked out.


"Strengthen your stance, Diggle."

Diggle did as Oliver said, but he still fell when Oliver dealt the blow.

Oliver was huffing and puffing, and when Diggle fell to the ground, Oliver had the chance to recuperate as Diggle was on the ground, but when Diggle stood up, Oliver didn't expect what he did next.

"I'm done, man. I'm exhausted." Diggle breathed out.

Oliver just chuckled, and shook his head.

"You need to increase that stamina of yours, John." Oliver laughed.

"Oh, I have impeccable stamina, Oliver." Diggle challenged him.

Oliver soon caught at what Diggle said, and just burst out laughing even more.

"I may be your best friend, but I'm a little uncomfortable now." Oliver laughed out loud, shaking his head.

"Well, then don't question my stamina." Diggle raised an eyebrow at Oliver, but then went quiet, looking behind Oliver.

Oliver looked at Diggle, confused, but then turned around to see why he had suddenly stopped in his tracks when he had been talking. She was definitely a sight to see. God. Her hair was pulled back, and she was wearing a black dress that complimented her perfectly. A little too perfectly, if you asked him.

But, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, or speak for that matter. She was just... perfect.

Felicity cleared her throat, and shifted between her two feet nervously.

"Hi, um... sorry to just -- you know, barge in." She looked anywhere but at Oliver.

Oliver was about to answer her, but Diggle beat him to it.

"What's up?" Diggle asked, walking towards her.

"Well, I wanted to know, if you know, you could come with me to Thea's party. I just need some backup, especially now that I know, that you know, Oliver's um... not dead." Felicity shifted awkwardly, again, looking up at Diggle, and still not looking at Oliver.

"Oh, yeah sure. Let me just change into something a little more, party appropriate." Diggle smiled, looking down at his workout attire.

"Oh, yeah, um, okay. Sure." Felicity smiled as she watched Diggle walk away from her and Oliver towards the bathroom to change.

And, now they were alone. Great.

Oliver cleared his throat, and Felicity just looked at him, not knowing what to do or what to say. They had ended things, for real this time. She didn't have the ring on, and he hadn't said much to her since that argument, either.

Oliver didn't know what to say to her. She had called things off between them, but it really had been all his fault. She wanted him, and she made that clear, but he couldn't be the man she wanted without forgetting about the thing that he had to become to protect this city, and save it from itself.

"Felicity, I..." Oliver stated, but then clamped his mouth shut, unsure of what to tell her.

Felicity just looked up at him in response, waiting in agony for him to say something. Anything. But, he just stood there, looking at her with those eyes that could make her crumble. He had such a hold and pull over her, and it almost made her want to fall into him, and kiss him feverishly, taking him back, even though he wasn't being fair to her. So, she chose to just look down.

"You look... ahem, beautiful." Oliver said, his voice cracking, breaking the silence.

Felicity blushed, but she didn't show it. She had wanted him to tell her something about them, something that would make her know that she didn't have to have blind faith in him. Something that allowed her to know that the man that she was in love with, so in love with, was still there.

"It's not slutty?" She asked quietly, looking down at her shoes. She couldn't bear to look at him anymore.

Oliver blinked at her response, and furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"What? No, Felicity. Why would you think that? You're ravishing." He said, causing her to look up at him with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

"Thea told me to dress slutty." She shrugged at him.

Oliver absentmindedly stepped closer to her until he was in reaching distance. And, then before he could stop himself, he let his hand cup her cheek.

"I'm glad you didn't listen to her."

Felicity leaned into his touch, his softness of his touch and words taking her by surprise. He was the soft, and kind Oliver that she had fallen in love with. He was still there. He was still here, touching her. And, that's when she knew that she couldn't give up on him.

Not yet.

Felicity just blushed again, unable to speak, but only able to take him all in. She enjoyed this light conversation, or the beginning of it at least. It was nice not to argue with him all the time.

"Ready, Felicity?"

Felicity looked up to see John there, smiling at her, but it was one that didn't reach his eyes. And, she knew why. He wanted them to fix things, but even if John believed in her and Oliver, it wouldn't be enough, not if he didn't believe it as well.

She nodded in response, and he walked towards her, extending his arm out to her. She gingerly took it, and walked out with him, not looking over her shoulder at Oliver, even though every bone and muscle in her body was telling her to do just that.

"You need to talk to him." Diggle whispered in her ear as they were leaving.

"I've tried, John. He doesn't want to talk. Not about us at least. And, now neither do I. I don't have the heart for it anymore. At least not right now." Felicity mumbled, letting Diggle pull her out of the foundry and into the night.

Oliver just stared numbly at them as they walked out the door. His heart was shattering into pieces, well, what was left of it anyway. Felicity deserved someone who wasn't as screwed up and damaged as he was. She needed someone who could love her without the baggage. But, because of that damn island and what he had to do to survive on it, he had the baggage.

He quickly suited up, and drove out to a secluded rooftop. He needed to talk to someone, anyone. And, he knew just who to talk to.

"Well, you called. I'm here."

Oliver turned around, and pushed his voice manipulator before speaking to her.

"Hello, Laurel."

Haha, I left you guys on a cliffhanger. Oooohhhh. I'm bad.

I'm gonna write the next chapter quickly for you guys though, or try to. I have like three tests this week, yikes. :c

But, if I have time tomorrow, I can write it! I promise!

The picture is of Felicity and Thea in their dress attires. They're some hotties. Dat's for sure. :D

All you guys are hotties, though. ;)

Love you all.

-- Alayna <3

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