
stylesdelirious tarafından

137K 5.5K 1.7K

**PREVIOUSLY TITLED ABORTION** Niall Horan AU It's hard enough being pregnant, but it's even more difficult w... Daha Fazla

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Nine
Private Chapter
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight

Forty Eight

1.6K 76 38
stylesdelirious tarafından

I posted a picture of some cute kid, who I'm using as Rory. Aww. 45+ comments for next update

Shay's POV

Insistent pounding on a hard surface was what eventually roused me from my deep slumber. I blinked one eye open, and then the other, letting out a loud yawn as I stretched my arms and rolled over on the bed.

I really had to pee.

The pounding continued and I rolled my eyes, wondering what the heck Niall was doing this early in the morning, but as I rolled over again my gaze found the fluorescent alarm clock and I realized it wasn't early at all.

My eyes peeled wide as I stared at the time; 11:38am. Shit. I had overslept, and what if Niall hadn't fed Rory? Or changed him?

I jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, tying my hair up in the process. When I reached Rory's room, I quietly opened the door and sighed as I tiptoed over to his crib. It shocked me when I reached over and bent down to pick him up, noticing that he wasn't there.

Panic begin to arise within my chest immediately and I feared the absolute worst. I bolted out of his room like a horse from the starting gates, checking every inch of the apartment. Niall's keys were gone, as was my son and his diaper bag.

When I made it into the kitchen, I sighed in exasperation upon noticing a bright pink piece of paper held to the fridge door with a shiny "Cooper's Cars" magnet. I picked up the loose paper and read Niall's neat handwriting, that he had taken Rory out for a bit to spend some time together and that they would be home soon.

Gosh, how ridiculous of me to overreact and assume the worst. I thought that because of what I had done, that Niall would have no problem doing the same to me. Of course, he wasn't actually like that, and after our bonding moments last night hopefully he saw that I had changed and was ready to be committed and mature. I could only hope he felt the same way.

The pounding once again returned and I tiredly frowned, spinning to glance out of the kitchen doorway. I realized then that it was someone at the door, yet I was so out of it when I woke up that I hadn't put two and two together. Rushing over, I yanked a bright green sweater of Niall's off of the coat rack and slipped it on, zipping it up over my shirt. I unlocked the chain on the door and opened it slowly, peering out. Rachel crushed herself into my arms and I gasped, eyes wide in utter surprise. She squeezed me tightly, burying her tear soaked face into my shoulder. I had no idea what was wrong, so I just patted in between her shoulder blades gently and hugged her back.

"I missed you so much Shay, you asshole." She sobbed, frail arms squeezing around me tighter. I was slightly confused at her confession, furrowing my brow as she stuffed herself even closer to me. Rachel and I were friends but I hadn't deemed us close enough that she would be sobbing in my arms after my return from a long departure.

"I would've called...But, yeah..." I cleared my throat awkwardly, biting my lip. She sniffled back more tears and took her arms off of me. When she stepped back she looked exhaustingly unwell, the bags under her eyes so prominent I automatically assumed that she wasn't sleeping much.

"Are you okay?" I blurted, feeling suddenly tense. It was quite obvious that she wasn't well, she looked sickly almost, and I had a gut feeling that her emotional display of tears was not solely based upon her missing me.

"No." She whispered, her lip quivering. I immediately sympathized her, though I didn't know what had her so hysterically upset. I had never seen Rachel such an emotional wreck before, but then again we never were extremely close friends.

"Come in" I gestured, closing the door behind her. I felt underdressed just looking her up and down.

Even when she was quite literally in an emotional crisis, she still looked utterly flawless. Her light brown hair was straightened perfectly, and she wore a light grey knit sweater and dark skinny jeans. She hesitantly stepped into the apartment, her eyes wandering around, fingers nervously twisted together.

I had her seated on the couch while I went and made some tea, and as the water boiled I rushed to Niall's room and quickly threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. The shirt clearly displayed that I had a little tummy growing, but I couldn't exactly hide my pregnancy forever. I still had my family to inform on that.

After using the washroom, I braided my hair and went back into the kitchen to make our teas. I was planning on taking a shower, but clearly that was getting postponed. Rachel was curled up on the couch, her slender legs tucked elegantly beneath her.

I set the mug in front of her on the table and she seemed to snap from a trance, her eyes darting to me, her smile warm but very forced.

As I moved to sit down, sipping my tea, I noticed her gaze lock on the slight bulge of my stomach but she didn't say anything. As I sat beside her, I knew she wanted to say something so I decided I might as well get it out myself.

"Yes," I laughed, placing my palm over my stomach. "I'm pregnant. Again."

"Wow." She smiled at me, her previous depressing posture changing. "That..that's wonderful. Congratulations."

"Thanks. I was nervous at first, but I'm doing good now. September baby this time." I smiled, rubbing my tummy lightly.

She smiled sadly, eyes still trained below. I frowned when more tears began to leak down her cheeks, and hesitantly took her hand in mine.

"Rachel, what's going on?" I asked her quietly, squeezing her fingers as she began to sob all over again.

"I made a mistake...I'm such an idiot Shay, so fucking stupid..." She half sobbed, half screamed, and I didn't know what to do. I knew I needed to comfort her, so I pulled her into my arms again and let her cry against my chest.

"I'm so stupid... Why am I so dumb, I never make good decisions..." The rest of her words were mumbled and undetectable behind all of her tears and hysterical sobs.

"Tell me what's going on Rachel, it's okay..." I encouraged, having no idea what she was rambling about. She sat back up, her entire face soaked and red from crying. I yanked a couple of Kleenex from the box behind me on the table and she nodded gratefully, blowing her nose into them. I cringed at the noise but stayed quiet.

"It's about your brother...and my boyfriend." She finally whispered, dark eyes watching her fingers as they twisted together.


She seemed to read my thoughts and slowly nodded her head. "I started dating someone my age a couple of months ago...but I, god, I kept seeing Lucas. I'm such a slut, but I just liked spending time with him and we promised to just be friends after I started dating somebody but friends led to kissing again and kissing led to us sleeping together again...I hate myself. Shay, I hate myself so damn much."

Her teary eyes seemingly pleaded with mine, encouraging me to understand. I did in a sense...I knew how Rachel was though and she was a young, party girl. She was fun and outgoing, and sleeping with my brother. Still.

I wanted to tell her that she never should of got into a relationship if she intended on continuing to see my older brother. But I kept my mouth shut, assuming she already knew this much.

"There's something else Shay..."

I locked eyes with her and held my breath, knowing this wasn't going to be good by the devastated look on her tired face. The bags under her eyes seemed more prominent then, darker.

She laced her fingers between mine and squeezed them tightly.

"I'm 4 weeks pregnant. And.." She let out a yelping sob and covered her mouth with the palm of her hand. "I don't know who's baby it is.. Lucas's or my boyfriend's."

I let out a gasp and tensed, nearly spilling my tea all over the floor. Her sad eyes watered and she yelped fearfully, wrapping her arms around herself in a self-blanket.

"I'm not ready to be a mom.." She cried, tucking her worry ridden face into her knees in embarrassment. "I've just turned 20. I'm too young. I know that you could do it but I'm just not like you, I'm not ready, and I don't know who to tell because I don't know who the father is and--"

"Rachel, calm down." I instructed firmly. I lifted her mug to her and encouraged it to her lips. She drank steadily, and I hoped the green camomile tea with honey helped calm her nerves.

"I'm so scared Shay. I've never been so--"

The front door burst open suddenly, and the both of our attention locked behind us.

Niall walked in with Rory's car seat in his hands, the blanket pulled closed over the front of it. He seemed completely oblivious to our presence on the couch. I let out a breath as I watched him saunter in, a windbreaker jacket stretched across his broad shoulders. He still looked thin though, his jeans hanging off of him more than before and his cheeks thinner. I had yet to discuss with him exactly what it was that caused his weight loss.

I expected him to close the door behind him, but instead he just slipped his sneakers off and walked in. My eyes widened to saucers when I saw my brother walk in behind him, closing the door. He didn't notice Rachel on the couch beside me, but she sure noticed him.

I had never seen her move so fast. She leapt up to her feet, backing straight into the table behind her. Yet another mug of tea was sacrificed as it smashed down to the ground, causing me to jump in fright at the noise. The liquid spread quickly across the hardwood floor, and as I went to stand, Niall rushed over to me and urged me to stay sitting by the shoulders.

"I don't want you cutting yourself again." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes at him but didn't argue, I was too focused on Rachel and Lucas as they silently stared at each other.

Niall set Rory's seat on the couch beside me, and I was surprised the noise didn't wake him right away. Niall went to go get paper towels and a broom as I pulled the blankets free from the car seat and peered inside. I undid the clips holding my baby inside and gently removed them from his shoulders, thankful when he didn't wake.

"What's going on in here?" Lucas asked, but I quickly hushed him, not wanting him to wake Rory. Niall came back and cleared up the mess quickly, leaving a still stunned Rachel with her back flat against the wall.

I hugged my brother the moment I could stand on the floor again, engulfing myself in his familiar arms. After everything, he was the one I definitely missed the most. I should have called him as soon as I got home, but I wasn't exactly the queen of excellent decisions lately.

"Congrats on baby number two. Can't say this is the direction I imagined my little sister to be going, but I love you, I'm proud of you, and I missed you." He whispered into my ear, the meaningful words only being heard by me. Niall must have told him. I squeezed him tighter, standing tall on my tip toes so I could have my face against his shoulder. It felt amazing to have a Lucas hug again after all of this time away. And I knew that he was proud of me even though I had made some stupid decisions. I was only 21 and pregnant with my second baby, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I hear Rory begin to fuss in his seat, the sound immediately perking my senses. I pulled away from my brother's protective arms, and it was clear he was hesitant to let me go. After everything we had been through, I didn't blame him. Lucas didn't trust anyone around me anymore, not after what happened with Julien; and I was surprised my brother felt safe with me dating anyone.

I meet Rory's fussy eyes and he frowns, my voice cooing to him as I lift him from his seat and have him rest against my shoulder. He buries himself in my neck and twists his fingers around my braid.

My lips leave leisurely kisses to his cheek, upper body bouncing up and down to help calm him. I glance silently around the room, watching the tension unfold between my brother and Rachel. It seems to hit me at that moment that it's very possible that my brother has a baby on the way as well. My parents were going to have a fit, as they were quite possibly about to go from 1 grandchild to 3.

"Would you guys like to go in our room and...talk?" I suggested, praying they would say yes. Lucas had a look of confusion on his face, frowning unsurely at me like he didn't know what I was talking about. Great. He was in for quite the surprise.

"I think it would be a really good idea." I nodded, tapping my foot repetitively to the sound of the clock ticking on the wall. I could feel Niall behind me, though he hadn't said much, and as I glanced over my shoulder his eyes immediately shot to the floor. What the hell was that about?

"Yeah...uhm, I guess so?" Lucas muttered, walking past Rachel towards Niall's room. Rachel gave me a look of fear, her whole body stiffening. "You have to tell him." I whispered once my brother was gone, and she sighed deeply, nervously chewing on her thumb nail.

"Rach." I hummed, patting Rory's bum in quick motions as he fussed some more. He wasn't quite over his sickness yet and it was making both him and I cranky.

"I know." She sighed, rubbing her hands over her tired face. She took a deep breath, turned on her heel, and walked down the hallway.

"What does she need to tell him? What is she even doing here?" Niall snippily remarked.

I frowned at Niall as I turned around, switching Rory simultaneously to my other shoulder. "She's my friend?" I stated, frowning as Niall rolled his eyes.

"She's a slut."

"Niall!" I gasped, completely taken aback by his cruel words and miserable mood. He walked away from me as I tried to question him on why the hell he would say something like that. I stopped in my tracks, flabbergasted. We were back to this already? I had been home for 2 days.

Usually I would follow after him, and push, and push, and push, until I got information out of him or I got him more angry than he already was and screaming at me. But instead, I decided to put on my big girl pants, take a deep breath, and just leave him be. I would not get into a pointless argument with him simply because he's in a sour mood; for whatever reason.

The apartment was completely silent besides Rory's insistent whimpers against my shoulder, his fingers hitting my chest lightly or pinching me. God, he was just as cranky as his father was. I sat on the couch and cradled him in my arms, fluttering my fingertips across his warm cheek. I frowned upon feeling his temperature, he was clammy.

Wrapping him in a light blanket, I cradled my baby protectively to my chest and rocked my arms slightly. He whimpered "ma ma" a few times, rubbing a closed fist over his eye.

I let him be until he began to rub his skin raw, but when I pulled his arm down he let out a wail of a cry and I swear the scream nearly shattered every window in the place.

"Rory...shh shh...baby, you're okay, it's okay...." I hummed, getting to my feet again, swaying my body from side to side. Niall emerged from the kitchen with a glass of half empty water, frowning as he approached.

"What's the matter?" He asked with concern, pulling some of the blanket away from Rory to see his face. He was crying consistently now, his red face reddening further, fist still trying to rub at his eyes.

"I-I don't know... He just started doing this."

Niall lightly took his tiny fist between his fingers and pressed soft kisses to his fragile baby skin, stroking his arm gently as I rocked him. The fussing only continued and he wouldn't stop crying, to the point where he was screaming so loudly my ears rung.

I thought that maybe it was because he wasn't over his cold/flu, and that maybe he just was feeling ill, but I had been giving him the medicine he was prescribed on time like I was supposed to. I didn't know what else to do.

Rachel and Lucas appeared from the room, both of them looking concerned as they approached.

"Is he okay?" Rachel asked, arms crossed in front of her.

I had no time to answer as Rory began to couch violently, his cries diminishing as he began to gasp harder than necessary to take in breaths between sobs.

"Niall.." I breathed in panic, pulling the blanket and his onesie away from his neck just to be sure it wasn't hurting him. I gasped upon pulling the hemline down, noticing red blotches lining his delicate flesh.

"Oh my god, Niall" I mumbled, his hands shaking slightly as they pulled the onesie down further to examine Rory's skin.

"I'm scared." I blurted, frantic eyes meeting Niall's. He immediately took him from my arms, and told me to get his keys. I couldn't even pay attention to my brother or Rachel's questions as I rushed to get my shoes on and grab the car keys. They followed us as we ran from the apartment, and declared that they would follow us to the hospital.

I pressed the elevator button but it wasn't coming, so in a rush I ran to the stairs with Niall right behind me.

I've never seen him run so fast, he was down multiple flights of stairs ridiculously quick and I found myself panting to keep up.

When we finally got to the car I took Rory again and sat in the passenger seat with him in my arms.

Niall sped towards the hospital, and I could feel the terrified tears slipping down my cheeks. Rory was still gasping slightly and whimpering, but he wasn't crying anymore and I had a feeling it was because he didn't have enough air to do so. My arms that held my tiny son protectively shook in fright, I was so scared and I didn't care about anything or anyone but him in this moment.

Niall parked the car in an emergency spot and we both ran full tilt into the hospital.

"Help us!" Niall yelled across the lobby, two nurses rushing to us immediately. "He's gasping...I-I don't think he can breathe well and he has red splotches all over his chest." I rushed out, handing my entire world over to one of the women. They ran into the emergency department towards a doctor, who immediately picked him up and placed him on a small wheeled bed.

Rory's blanket and clothing was stripped away, and a horrified gasp left my mouth upon seeing the awful red patches covering his skin. His chest, his legs....god, it was everywhere. My hand covered my mouth as I cried and Niall's arm gently wrapped around my shoulders, his fingers squeezing.

"Is he allergic to anything?" The doctor asked me, his eyes pleading with mine to get the information out quickly.

"I don't know." I rushed as Rory gasped for another breath, my chin quivering. "He's only 10 months old. Nothing like this has happened before. His name is Rory." I whimpered, lightly touching my fingers to my child's limp fist.

It felt like seconds later the nurses were physically pushing us out of the room, closing the door and blocking us out. I sobbed, my legs collapsing beneath my weight as I crippled to the floor. Niall knelt beside me, his hand on my back. I rested my forehead against the wall, unable to stop the petrified tears from falling.

Moments later I was sitting between Niall's legs, his back to the wall. My hands were taken in his and brought to my chest as his arms hugged me from behind.

"He'll be okay." Niall tried to assure me, but I could hear his nerves in his voice, and I was terrified that it wouldn't be okay. We were blessed that we had Rory in the first place, I just couldn't lose him now.

"What happened?" I sobbed, rocking back and fourth in Niall's arms.

"H-He was fine...w-what
h-happened-d." I shook in his arms, visions completely obscured by vicious tears. Niall shushed me quietly, his lips pressed against the back of my skull. People stared at us as they walked by but I didn't care, I just needed my sweet little boy to be okay.

"The doctors will help him Shay. I don't know what happened but they'll fix it."

He sounded like he was trying desperately to convince himself of this, too.

It felt like hours later, and maybe it was, but I couldn't move from outside of that door. My head was throbbing and my nose was plugged, my body trembling from the cold feeling I had seeping in my bones. Niall had held me the entire time. He wanted me to get up, saying I was pregnant and should be in a proper chair but I couldn't move. My legs were like jelly, and I feared that if I stood I would only fall back down.

The door finally opened and Niall's body jumped. With his arms around me he stood and lifted us both up, my hands becoming free. I wiped at my face to rid of the tears and stared expectantly at the doctor.

"Rory is stable, he's doing okay." The doctor smiled calmly, both Niall and I letting out the biggest breaths possible.

"He had a very very severe allergic reaction, but thankfully we were able to narrow it down and figured out that your son is allergic to nuts. Specifically almonds."

I frowned deeply, staring at the doctor in utter bemusement and confusion. I hadn't and wouldn't give him nuts, not at this age.

"But I didn't--"


I looked over at Niall suddenly at the sound of his anxious voice, noticing his eyes were extremely wide.

"I wouldn't suggest feeding a child of his age any form of nuts as they are an extreme choking hazard." The doctor criticized, and though I was grateful for him helping my son I didn't need him looking at us the way he was like we were complete idiots.

"Yeah, thanks." I muttered, dismissing him immediately as I turned to Niall. He had a look of guilt all over his face and I crossed my arms, glaring strongly at him.

"What happened? Tell me right now, Niall." I demanded fiercely.

"I...I was at Tina's and I hadn't brought any of his food and only one bottle of milk. He was fussing so Tina offered to give him some of this almond milk stuff she had for her diet, fuck, she said he would absolutely love it and I--"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I all but growled, my teeth grit together tightly.

Just as Niall opened his mouth my brother ran up to us, without Rachel.

"I drove her home first, she wasn't feeling well." Lucas muttered as he looked at my angered and tear stained face. "Is he okay?" He looked just as terrified as Niall and I had been.

"He's stable now. Had an allergic reaction. I'll explain later, I need to talk to Niall right now."

Lucas glanced between us but then nodded, and slowly walked back out the way he came to the waiting room.

I turned to Niall again but he interrupted me, saying "What did Rachel have to tell him?"

"That she's pregnant." I spat, wanting to dismiss the topic immediately so that we could move on to more important things. Instead, Niall gasped and began asking a million fucking questions.

"With Lucas's baby? Is she sure? Oh fuck, I need to call Tina...." He reached for his phone, but I yanked it from his hands before he could dial.

"The only god damn reason you need to call Tina is to scream at her for nearly killing my child." I spat, whipping my arm behind my back as he reached for his phone.

"That's not fair Shay. She didn't know."

"I don't care!" I scream, taking a step towards him. "She had no right to give that to him! None! It wasn't anything that he ever drinks, she should of never gave my baby something like that! She could have killed him!" I was fuming, absolutely enraged that he was defending her after she gave our son something he never should have had.

"Shay, I'm serious. Give me my phone. She deserves to know about Lucas and Rachel, she's in love with him and you fucking know it."

"Enough about Tina!" I screamed, earning the stares of multiple nurses walking by us. "What the fuck is the matter with you? Who cares about her fucking feelings right now you asshole!" I slammed his phone against his chest, giving him what he wanted.

"Why don't you try caring about your family instead of focusing all of your undivided attention on her and her 'feelings'. Lucas and Rachel's situation is not her concern,"

I turned away from him, too angry to even look at him any longer. Everyone was staring at us but I didn't care. I just needed to see my baby, so that's exactly what I was going to do.

A/N: don't get pregnant. Use protection.

Happy St. Patty's day, anyone else pasty and Irish like me? Hahah

Updating early because I had motivation to write so weoooh. It's decently long. Tell me what you think seeing as it took me practically all day to write and edit!!

45+ comments for next update?

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