For the Record// H.S.

By tpwkhann

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I turn to face the sunrise and continue talking, "Both of them are so in love with each other, they put their... More



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By tpwkhann

I had come home from Mitchie's at the perfect time.

For the Record was closing within the hour and Sarah had left as soon as I got there, but she hadn't walked out before yelling to me that we were having our normal weekly hang out at my flat this Saturday.

I'm glad things are going back to normal.

Harry and Milo had talked things out and finally settled their little bitch boy version of an argument with each other. Harry pulled me into the back office as soon as I got there, Milo was distracted with a customer as he explained to me how it went down.

What I hadn't expected was for him to tell me that Milo was having some family issues, that Harry and Sarah were going to help him with, on top of his wary feelings towards mine and Harry's relationship.

Harry explained that Milo was glad that he had talked everything out, but it did take a good bit to finally crack him.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

Once Harry let me leave the office, Milo had grabbed my arm before I could walk out from behind the counter and pulled me into such a tight hug. It caught me off guard, but I returned it just as eagerly nonetheless.

"I love you, Willy. Thank you for being my best friend," was what Milo whispered into my ear as he hugged me, which only made me squeeze him back tighter and mumble back another 'I love you'.

Life should be full of love.

Love for everything. Love for the world, for yourself, for your friends.

Love for your boyfriend who doesn't know.

I helped the boys close up the store and make sure everything was locked up correctly, helping Milo do a quick inventory of all the newly displayed records.

Having three people made the process go by quicker, so the store had closed within thirty minutes- Milo riding away on his bike and Harry following me up the stairs.

I had flung open my door, slinging my tote towards my beloved sofa and trudging to the kitchen, in hopes to find a snack.

Out of habit, I turn to check the microwave as I shuffle towards my pantry.

4:00 P.M.

"Britain, are you hungry?" I ask Harry from over the bar as I watch him sit down on my couch, moving my bag over a tiny bit to give himself more space.

"A snack would be nice, so get your ass over here." Harry snickers as he begins to play with the strap of my bag in between his fingers.

"Shut up." I denied Harry while I kept searching my pantry, finally landing on a bag of chips to snack on.

I grab the bag, throw them under my arm and also grab a pack of gummy snacks that Harry had picked out in the grocery store when we went yesterday before going into the living room.

He had carried the box of gummies around the store the whole time, even took pictures with some fans with them, all because I told him I had to think about buying them.

Once we made it up to the register, I caved in and bought him the fucking gummies.

His argument was that I always bought blueberries for Milo, so why couldn't he get some gummy snacks?

"Here." I throw them at Harry's chest before I plop down on the couch next to him, sitting criss cross with the bag of chips in my lap. My attention turned to the television when I noticed Harry turned it on during the little period of time that I was in the kitchen.

"Oh, thanks Artist." Harry says as he tears open the pack of gummies I gave him and pops some into his mouth all at once.

I nod and open the bag of chips, digging my hand in to grab a couple out and offering one to Harry, who's full attention was on the TV with an unsettled look on his face.

And then, the unsettling look spread across my face once I heard the sound of people talking coming from the TV.

"Oh, Ashleigh! Did you hear about the newest update on rising artist, Harry Styles?" A man's rough voice speaks up from the channel Harry had turned on: E!.

"No, actually. Now you have to fill me in?" The high-pitched voice, of who I presumed was Ashleigh, answers her friend that was sitting far away from her on the other side of their long oak table, which was placed in front of a fake view of Los Angeles.

"Apparently, he's going on a spiral and is almost thinking about giving up on music?" The man turns to look into the camera, dramatic music playing in the background, "At least that's what his former management team, Sony, had released."

His co-host gasps beside him, slapping her stack of papers down on the table in front of them, "Good Lord, Andre that is horrible!"

I reach forward towards the remote on Harry's lap and turn off the television without another glance at it. I couldn't stand listening to the pointless gossip and drama network ramble about invalid statements made about Harry, let alone other celebrities.

"I cannot believe Sony is still trying to fucking ruin my career." Harry sends out a humorless chuckle before eating the rest of his fruit snacks, like a child.

"Harry," I reach behind him and rest my arm on the back of the couch, tangling my fingers through his hair, "They're not going to ruin your career. You're so much better than they are, you're going to get through this. I'll be here every step of the way."

"It's so fucking frustrating, I do all this shit to get taken seriously in this industry all for what? For them to drag me because I was tired of getting treated like I meant nothing? I brought so much money to them, so much revenue."

"I know, bug. But hey, people pretend you do bad things to make them feel better about themselves. Don't stoop down to their level. Let's hope things work out with Columbia and you'll be the biggest rockstar in the world."

"I wouldn't say world." Harry blushes, moving his hand to steal some more chips out of the bag from my lap.

"Well, in my world you already are." I lean over to kiss his cheek. I can feel the way his jaw clicks every time he bites down on his food and I can see how prominent his facial structure becomes, as well.

Harry's easy to admire when he's basically a walking greek statue.

Harry finishes chewing his last chip before speaking up, "Do you want to spend the night at my place? I feel like we're never there."

Harry's suggestion to go over to his house catches me off guard. I wasn't expecting him to invite me over after the last time with me storming out and saying I needed space.

Now that was another shitshow.

"Spend the night at your place?" I question him back.

Harry chuckles and stands up from the couch, swiping the chip bag from me and begins to roll it up as he walks into my orange cabinet covered kitchen. "Yes, Artist. Let's have a sleep over at my apartment, you haven't even seen the pink stairs in their full glory."

I jump up off the couch and run into my room, hair flowing behind me as I hurry down the hallway to pack a bag.

"I'm gonna pack a bag, then we can go!" I shout from my room to Harry, already having another big bag in my hand, stuffing things inside that I think I'll need.


The ride back to Harry's was quick after I had rushed to pack my bag- I threw in my laptop and it's charger, basically my whole shower, some clothes, my phone charger, hair products, some more clothes, a pair of sandals... it was like I was moving in almost.

Definitely not, though.

Harry insisted that we listen to his playlist that he had made for me on the ride over, which I couldn't find right away because he decided to change the name. Instead of it being called 'For the Record', he had changed the name to 'My Sunshine'.

I didn't make a big deal out of it, not wanting to embarrass him, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make my heart flutter with adornment.

"Artist, you wanna take a shower?" Harry called from inside of his walk-in closet.

His room was fucking huge. He had a king sized bed, low to the floor with a platform all around it. His walls were a plain gray with an accent wall of black behind his bed.

The only color in his room was his beautiful area rug that took up almost the whole floor.

His bedside tables were built into the wall, beautifully crafted out of some type of rustic wood. Gold accents ran throughout the room, from his lamps to the little details in the flower pot that had a fern in it.

On the far side of his room, cornered away, was a tiny loveseat paired with an ottoman. All black, but looked so comfortable. There was a book resting on the couch, almost seeming out of place.

Harry emerges from his closet after not hearing a response from me, folded clothes in his hand. "You okay?"

I turned my head from where I sat on the edge of his bed, with my bag in my lap and stared at Harry. I silently nod my head and fall back to sprawl out across his sheets. "Yeah, today was just tiring. It was a lot."

Harry came to sit down next to me, I felt how close he was with the way our legs brushed against each other and by how much the bed sunk in. "A shower would help you. Why don't you go get one?"

"Can you come with me?"

"In the shower?" Harry turns to plant his hand down on the bed next to me, turning his bed to stare down at me.

"In the shower. I just wanna be close, today was overwhelming, for the both of us... I, uh, don't want to do anything in the shower, though. I just want to be with each other." I sputtered out.

Harry moves up to stand, extending both of his hands out for me to grab and lift myself up with, "Then come on, my pretty little Artist. Let's go shower."

Harry drags me into his bathroom that was connected to his room, turning on the light. I was taken back and speechless at just how big and dark his shower was.

Everything about this man's interior design taste catches me off guard because he doesn't seem this dark or gloomy, but as soon as you step inside of his apartment it's like a miniscule modern portal.

"Holy shit, your shower is the size of my room!" I acknowledged as I walked over to the glass doors, swinging one open and walking inside to look over everything in fascination.

Two matte black shower heads hang from the ceiling. A long bench that went from wall to wall with a huge window behind it.

I turn around to look at Harry through the glass door, seeing him only standing in his boxers with two towels in his hands and my bag.

He must've gone back into the room while I was drooling over his shower.

I make my way out of the shower, undressing as I walk towards Harry. All my clothes but my undergarments make it off as I stand in front of him.

Silently, Harry placed everything in his hands on the counter and grabbed my shoulders to spin me around to where my back was facing his front.

His fingers crawl down my back to the clip of my bra and swiftly unclip it, gently pushing the straps down my arms and kissing each shoulder once they were bare.

"I'll get the water started, you come in once you're ready. " Harry whispers in my ear and pulls away from me.

I can hear him shuffle out of his boxers and make his way to the shower.

The water turns on as I slide out of my underwear and go to grab the shower essentials out of my bag; shampoo, conditioner, and body wash are all shoved into my arms as I make my way over to the shower.

My feet come to a stop as soon as I see Harry- full toned and tanned body wet, his head was thrown back under the water as his eyes were closed, basking in the feeling.

Mary, mother of Jesus.

I didn't notice how long I was standing there until Harry's eyes turned to meet mine, a smirk plastered across his lips.

"Come in, baby. I don't bite... unless you want me to."

I roll my eyes at Harry before clambering into the shower to stand next to him under one of the shower heads. The water splayed across my back, getting some of my hair wet as I waited for Harry's next move.

Harry looks down at me, then down at the soaps in my hands and then back up at me with a smile on his face.

"So, how'd your talk with Mitch go?" Harry jumps right into conversation as he grabs the shampoo from my hands and starts to lather it on his own.

We're doing this... okay then.

Do I tell him about Mitch talking about therapy?

That could be a lot to throw at someone who's just asking about your day. I don't want to trauma dump and make it overwhelming for him.

Then again, having Harry's opinion about it would be beneficial. Getting a different opinion would make things easier... maybe?

I placed the rest of the bottles down on the bench, "It was okay." I shrug and follow Harry's actions by washing my own hair.

"What did you guys talk about? Are you guys good now?"

My eyes close at the feeling of my nails scratching my scalp, the smell of vanilla honey flooding the shower just from the shampoo in both of our hair.

"Yup, we're great. Really, Britain, we're best friends and we fight 'n shit, but he couldn't get rid of me that easily." I open my eyes to watch Harry rinse his own shampoo out of his hair, the suds falling down his back and covering the drain.

"That's great, Artist. Did you guys work on music? Anything new pop up?"

I shove him lightly out of the way from underneath the showerhead, causing him to scoff and laugh through his nose. "Asshole." He mutters as he grabs my hips and spins us both around so we're both standing under the water.

"Greedy." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Harry tilts his head as he begins to use my conditioner.

"I said that we finished a song and we had a great conversation!" I fib and open one eye to peek at Harry, who was already smiling at me.

Therapy talk can come later.

I don't want to ruin this moment.

"Mmm, can I hear this said song?" Harry asks as he grabs my shoulders, spinning me around and flicking all my hair to my back. It's after he starts playing with it that I notice what he's doing.

He's putting conditioner in my hair for me.

"Maybe one day." I close my eyes again at the feeling of the warm water running down my front, "You've already read one line from it. It's the song you read in Sunny Side."

"Okay. Show me whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting." Harry whispers and then begins to rinse out my conditioner by spinning us to where half our bodies were under the stream.

I hum into the thick shower air, acknowledging his patience.

I planned on showing Harry the song. I want him to have it actually, I don't want it to go to waste and I know if it's in his hands then it'll turn out to be something great.

After he rinsed all of the product out of my hair and began to just run his hands through my freshly washed, soft hair, was the queue I took to spin myself around to help him rinse out his own before it gets gross.

I silently make Harry change places with me and stand on the balls of my feet to be able to reach his hair. My fingers scratch against his scalp, massaging it and hopefully easing any tension he has from today that's still lingering in him.

"Feels so good." Harry all but moans out, crouching down a tad bit to help give me more leverage.

"Yeah?" I drawled, finishing washing everything out before spinning him around again to meet his beautiful face.

The water from the shower clumped his eyelashes together, making them appear darker and contrasting against the green in his eyes making them so bright.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper, creeping my hands up his wet chest and wrapping around his neck.

"Right back at ya, Artist."

Harry yanks my body forward and almost makes me slip on the wet floor but, the force of his arms wrapping securely around my waist helped me steady myself. We both giggled out into the shower, the sounds echoing off the huge walls and the colors of the sunset shining through his window made this feeling like a movie.

Harry makes life feel like one endless movie.

Bloopers included.

"So glad I found you." Harry mumbles into the crook of my neck, his arms tightening around my back.

I kiss the side of his head and play with his wet hair by the back of his neck, needing to get impossibly closer to him. "So happy you're mine."

Harry pulls his head out from my neck and reaches up to take both sides of my face into his hands to guide my face straight to his, kissing my lips so meaningfully under the warm shower. My own hands find their home on the sides of his face to mimic his hold on me as we connect with each other in such an urgent way.

Urgent to feel each other in more ways than one.

Urgent to express feelings that I, personally, cannot say out loud.

Urgent to just connect with each other.

Our lips pull away from each other, making a popping sound, and our foreheads rest upon one another's. I don't dare open my eyes, not wanting to break this feeling.

I thought that I was popping Harry and I's bubble by talking to Mitch, but I think all I did was make it stronger. I haven't felt this safe and happy together in a long time.

Not since Jonah.

"We should finish up before the water runs cold." Harry whispers against my lips.

I nod my head, but don't make any move to lose the warmth he's created in between our bodies. "One more kiss?"

"One more, then I'm for real. I hate cold showers." Harry compromises before leaning in and catching my bottom lip between his two.

The way Harry mends our lips together is unlike any others. He's rough in the right moments, but always so tender. He knows how to get a rise out of me, but also knows how to care and take it slow.

It's the perfect melody.

Almost creates a feeling that I want to paint, to show people that I'm not making it up since I can't explain it.

"Here let's get washed up." Harry pulls away from our kiss a little breathless as he leans over me to grab the body wash from the bench.

"Gonna use all my soap now?" I joke as I hold my hands out for him to put some into my hands for me.

Harry shrugs his shoulders, squeezing soap into both our hands and begins washing down my body, "Eh, closest thing possible."

I roll my eyes and fit my arms in to press against his body to rinse the stress away. I knead my fingers throughout his arms and shoulders, taking my time on his chest and tracing his tattoos with the suds.

Both of our bodies quickly gained a layer of suds, along with the bubble covered floor by the way our hands were trailing and rubbing against each other.

Harry had made sure to 'extra clean' my boobs, massaging them in his hands.

"Aht, get off." I smack his hand and turn my back to him, stealing my boobs back. I quickly rinse off my soapy body and go to walk out of the shower, but not before Harry stops me.

"Oh wait! I think I missed a spot... right... about... HERE!" His hand comes swinging around and smacks the under part of my ass, making me leap forward towards the door and squeal.

"OW, YOU FUCKER!" I shout as I stomp out of the shower cubicle, hearing him snicker as he takes his time rinsing himself off.

I grab a towel off the counter and begin ringing my hair out and stopping it from dripping all over Harry's tiled floor. I watch Harry's silhouette, outlined by the sunset, as he walks around the shower to turn it off and then meet me outside of the fogged glass.

He snatches the towel off of the counter and ruffles it around his hair, drying it in a much quicker but more damaging way than I am.

I wrap myself in a towel and walk over towards Harry. I lean up and push his tiny wet curls out of his face and side-smile at him. "I just gotta comb through my hair and put some shit in it. I'll be right out, baby."

"Okay. You gotta get this under control anyway." Harry says before ruffling his hand over my hair, just like he had done with his towel on his own head, making mine all knotty.

I push his hands away from my head, along with his whole body as I guide him towards the bathroom door. "Sometimes, I wonder why I like you, Styles."

"Because I'm a catch, Davis." Harry winks at me over his shoulder before closing the door, leaving me alone in the bathroom by myself.

I grab my bag and start shuffling through it, snatching my serums and comb to untangle the mess Harry created.

After battling with my hair, I finally walked back out of the bathroom after finishing up my routine and instantly saw Harry laying down on the left side of the bed, scrolling through his phone as he was adjacent to the headboard and only adorned in his signature black boxers.

"What are you doing, Britain?" I ask as I chuck the wet towel into his hamper by the end of his bed.

Instead of answering, Harry just flicks his head back with a, "C'mere." He has one arm laid out towards his right, signalling for me to come hop into bed with him, which I don't waste another second in doing.

I crawl up the end of the bed and make my way towards Harry, who had pulled the beige designed comforter back for me to slip under.

"Kid just sent me the finalized version of Carolina. He was working on it on his own ever since the whole Sony situation." Harry said as he tried to fix his hair, but it only flops in front of his eyes.

"Can I hear it?" I ask as I make myself comfortable into his side, perching my chin on top of his bare chest as I lay half way on top of him. The smell of my body wash lingered off his warm skin. "You smell good."

Harry dug his phone out from his sweatpants pocket and placed it down on his chest right next to my face. "I have this amazing honey body wash, maybe you should try it sometime, stinky."

I roll my eyes at him. "Says the one that used my body wash."

"It's in my shower, doesn't that make it mine?"

"Only if I leave it here by accident, then it's finder keepers. As of now, it's still mine though."

Harry just hums and picks up his phone to quickly unlock it, but not quick enough. I got a glance at his lockscreen.

"Harrryyyy." I whine out in a complaint.

"What?" He asks back, still clicking over some voice memos and recordings to find the correct one that Kid had sent him of the finalized version of Carolina.

"Your lockscreen is awful. Change it."

The picture was of me, one that he had secretly taken on our first date to Sunny Side after I had pulled my hair back while we were eating. The sun was in my face, making my eyes squint shut and I wasn't even paying attention to him.

"Change it? What- Willow, what are you even talking about? You look beautiful." Harry argues with me, refusing to change it to a better photo.

"Then it's only fair that I choose the one for my phone. Even if you don't like it."

"You sayin' you got bad photos of me on your phone, Artist?" Harry looked down as best as he could at me as I stayed with my head pressed against his chest.

"Who knows. I take pictures all of the time. Never can have enough..." I pull my phone off of his night side table and begin scrolling through my flooded camera roll, trying to find a good picture.

I stop and click on one of the funniest pictures I think I've ever taken, one of Milo from his 'halloween costume' when he was unprepared and cut a piece of his own hair to use as a mustache.

I flip my phone around to show Harry the picture as an example, "See, I could use an embarrassing photo like this of you as my lock screen. How would you like it?"

Harry laughs at the picture and then finally clicks on the recording of the song, changing it to play on repeat and placing it down on his nightstand so he didn't have to keep messing with his phone.

"Try me, Artist. Show me your worst."

I take this as a challenge as I begin scrolling through my massive amount of photos, in search of a bad one of Harry just to prove a point, but I just can't find one.

I love every single photo that I come across.

He looks so fucking cute in all of them, even in the one's where he isn't looking or doesn't know that it was being taken.

Even unprepared, he's still beautiful.

"The only one that I think you wouldn't like is this one," I flipped my phone again to show him a picture of him screaming into a mic as he recorded one of his songs for the album during one of our studio sessions.

I took the picture when everyone was setting up their instruments and paying no attention to me. Harry looked too good and focused not to capture the moment.

Harry shakes his head in disapproval, "Yeah, not that one."

I quickly changed the photo to my lockscreen, personally loving this one and threw my phone over with his, that was on the table, before he could protest anymore.

As I leaned over him slightly to put my phone over there, his hand gravitated towards my hip and under his shirt to feel my bare skin.

Once he notices that I'm only wearing his shirt, I can feel his body stiffen as his hand moves further up my body.

"My filthy girl isn't wearing underwear?" Harry questions as his hand keeps running up my shirt.

Oh, I must've forgotten to put them on... oops!

"Mhm." Is all I say before moving up to lay more on top of him, bending down to pepper kisses all over his chest tattoos.

The sound of Carolina is still flowing throughout his room and the only light being from his dimmed circle ceiling lights above us really channel in the vibe of wanting to fuck him.

"Want you, H. Need you." I mutter in between every kiss placed delicately on his chest, lightly sucking a deep bruise on one of the swallows underneath his collarbone.

Harry's hand traced down my curves, lightly squeezing the flesh of my hips before he pulled me on top of him to straddle his hips. "Straddle my ferns, baby. That's right, let me see your pretty little hands cover my butterfly while you get tangled in the ferns. Make you mine, right here right now. Never lettin' you leave."

A sigh escapes from in between my lips over Harry's words and the feeling of my wet cunt meeting his bare skin, feeling his sparse hairs rub against me.

"Never wanna leave." I murmur back as I lean forward, crossing my hands over each other right on top of his butterfly, like he had asked. I trace his jaw with my tongue, lightly biting down on his ear lobe that had a random earring in it today.

I wrap the dangling cross in my mouth and lightly tug on it with my teeth, causing Harry to whimper from beneath me.

Just the sound of him had my hips squirming a tad bit as Harry's hands moved to grab either side of my waist, squeezing the soft flesh there.

"Is that right? Are you my little bitch, hm?"

My hips start to grind over his pelvic bone, my back arching with the help of my hands pushing down on his chest as I retrace my path down his jaw towards his mouth after letting go of the earring.

My hair created a curtain around our faces, blocking everything else out from around us as I looked down at him and smiled, biting on my bottom lip and nodding at him.

Usually, I would want to be a brat and go against him, but right now all I want is to relieve myself with him, to indulge with him and just feel close.

I want this so badly.

"Yes. I'm yours, only yours." I whisper and capture his lips- his sweet, pink tinted lips. Harry's mouth instantly opens up for my own, mending our lips together as he swallows my moans caused from the friction of his skin rubbing against mine.

I didn't notice just how worked up I had been up until now.

I'll have to hand it to him, Harry makes me one horny bitch.

One of his hands runs up my spine over my t-shirt ever so gently, before he's combing his hands through the ends of my hair. His fingers twirl them into spirals, wrapping them around his fingers and then pulling them through it, lightly tugging at my hair.

"Baby, please." I beg against his mouth, my hips moving faster now.

Harry pulls his mouth away from mine, which only makes mine move across the expansion of his face and towards his neck to kiss and tease him. I can't keep my mouth off of him.

Shit, I can't keep my mouth off of him. Can't keep him out of my head or away from me, always needs to have him close. He's embedded himself into every aspect of my well-being and I'm so confused as to how.

"What's wrong pretty girl? So frustrated, are we?" Harry asks as his hands push up the ends of my shirt, bunching them up to my armpits.

I bite down on his neck, leaving a mark before I'm pulling away and pushing my lip out to pout in front of his face. Hearing Harry suck in a harsh breath at my bite is making it hard to hide the satisfied smirk that's daring to cross my lips. "I jus' want you."

"Do you now?" Harry mocks me, making me huff out a breath and push myself up to sit up on his lap.

Once I'm sitting up straight, I tug my shirt off, throwing it above Harry's head and instantly cup my breasts.

My own nimble fingers pinch at my pebbled nipples, making me throw my head back in pleasure, allowing my hair to fan out across my back.

I can feel Harry's eyes on me as I massage my boobs in my hands, playing a dangerous game with him below me. I can feel my arousal making a mess on Harry's stomach, rubbing off all over the insides of my thighs, coating both of us, as my hips twitch every now and then.

"Willow." Harry groans as his bare hands pinch my waist so hard, I know there's going to be bruises.

"What is it, baby? Not so taunting now, seeing me all wrapped around the ferns and slowly getting myself off, hm?" I moan as my clit knocks against a ridge in his pelvic area, from the way he's flexing, and from the feeling of my right nipple getting flicked between my fingers.

I pull my head back down from staring at the ceiling to stare at Harry, who was so dumbfounded. His green eyes were trained on my body, taking me in like a piece of art straddled above him.

I am a work of art.

"Play with my clit. I know you want to." I demanded and surprisingly, Harry obliged without saying anything.

His eyes follow the path of his hands as they travel towards the inside of my thighs. One of his hands bounds it's way around my thigh, yanking it towards the side while the other weasels it's fingers through my folds to gather some of my wetness to help him play with my bundle of nerves.

"All for me." Harry says, more to himself than to me as he pinches my clit and gazes upwards to me to watch my reaction.

His pupils were blown out, full of lust and his mouth was agape with the corners of it twisted upward. His cheeks were a burnt rose color, making what was left of the green in his eyes look so fucking vibrant.

"All for you, mhm." I moan as he draws circles with his fingers, following such a precise pattern that he's figured would get me going just for him.

Sitting on top of him, watching him follow my demands and admiring me like I was the only woman he could see, was empowering. I never want to give up this feeling, Harry always makes me feel like this no matter what we're doing.

"Baby's too good for me." Harry alluded as he leans forward and nudges one of my hands with his nose, silently asking for me to move it.

I bring my hand up to his hair at the nape of his neck and grab it, running my fingers through the damp pieces and he envelopes my nipple in this mouth.

"Love it. Love the feeling, don't stop." I whimper right as his tongue swirls around and he lightly bites down on my nipple. His fingers never give up their movements, working my clit and making me impossibly wet.

Every now and then, Harry's hips will buck up in search of some relief or friction to search for his own pleasure and release.

I could feel how hard he was whenever he lifted his hips because he would poke into my ass, or my hips would grind so far back that I would nudge him and cause a hiss to pass his lips.

The feeling in the bottom of my stomach was knotting together, sending painful pleasure to course through me. I couldn't hold eye contact with Harry any longer, my eyes drifting shut with the pressure Harry was applying to my clit.

"Are you gon' come for me? All over the ferns, pretty?" Harry taunts, pinching my clit between his fingers and tugging on it.

My moans and the way my legs shook were enough of an answer for Harry to keep going, but that motherfucker pulled his fingers away.

"Har- NO, no, no. Please, don't sto-'' My words got caught in my throat when Harry sat up more and dribbled his spit down in between us, the ball of spit landing on my clit and dripping down on me.

"Now, stop complaining." Is all Harry said before he connected his fingers back to my clit to apply more pressure than last time, making me squirm all over him.

My body lurched forward from the way Harry was moving his fingers and the feeling in my stomach. Both of my hands ended up on Harry's shoulders, my head thrown in the crook of his neck. All my whimpers were muffled from his hot skin, both from the aftermath of our shower and from how turned on he is.

"Gonna- gonna-"

Harry chuckles and never let's up on playing with my throbbing clit, "That's it, for me. I got it, I got you, always."

His words were enough to make the orgasm rip through me and release all the heat from my stomach. My moans were so loud, I'm praying that none of Harry's neighbors can hear from his bedroom.

Then again, I don't really care because then maybe KC will get the fucking hint that she's not the one getting him like this.

Or in any way, he's my boyfriend.

"That's right, just like that." Harry groans over my shoulder as his fingers work me through the rest of my high and his other hand runs up and down my back.

Once my orgasm made its way through my body, my chest was heaving up and down and my fingers were mindlessly playing with Harry's earring. Harry eventually let up on his assault on my clit, but I still wanted more.

It's not that I wasn't satisfied, I cleary fucking was. Ijust wanted to feel him. I felt empty and I wanted him to fill me up with him, I wanted us to be so focused on pleasing each other that nothing else mattered.

"Baby." I croak into Harry's neck.

"Yeah, my beautiful darling?"

I lift my head up and stare down at him, lazily smiling at his hazed over eyes and his wild hair, "You want a round two?"

Harry's eyebrows raise in surprise and his hands squeeze my hips, "Round two?"

I lean forward and nip at his bottom lip then ease the pain with the tip of my tongue, "Yeah, I want you to fuck me."

"Is that right?" Harry's eye flick between mine, his pupils still very much blown out and full of desire.

"Yeah, baby. Need you to fuck me, want you closer."

That's all Harry needed to hear before he was connecting our swollen lips and blindly reaching to his side to scramble through his drawer for a condom

I grab his wrist, stopping him from grabbing one of the condoms from the pile out of his nightstand. Harry unconnects our lips to look at me, tilting it to the side with a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it, pretty girl?"

"I'm on the- uh- I'm on the shot." I quickly word vomit, embarrassment flooding my sudden ego boost.

I drop his wrist and stare down at his butterfly tattoo again. Eye contact was getting easier to hold with Harry, but in moments like these, it's hard to even look up towards his face.

"Are you clean?"

My wide eyes snap up to stare at Harry in shock. My mouth parted slightly as I stared at him smiling back at me.

"Yeah, 'course. I wouldn't put you at risk."

Something in Harry's eyes sparkles as he looks up at me, "I am too."

Harry leans forward slightly to pull his boxers down his legs, my body still over top of his as he curls into mine with the way we're positioned. His bare hands came to rest on my hips again after both of our bodies were bare against each other.

"Never done this before. Ever." Harry whispers as lays back down on the bed more comfortably after his legs are bare.

"We don't have to. I want you to be comfortable." I reassure him as I lean forward, ghosting my lips over his. I stick my tongue out to trace his bottom lip, lathering it in my saliva.

"I want to. I really want to. I'm so comfortable with you, want to fill you up, pretty girl." Harry mumbles before kissing my neck. His lips had a mind of their own, finding their home in the same spot every time.

My hips shuffled a little further down his body, enough for my wet slit to lay over his cock. As soon as I lowered myself, Harry's eyes pinched shut and a moan rattled his chest. I start to rock back and forth on top of him, never pushing him into me and torturing him just enough.

"Don't drag it out, please. I need you, Willow baby." Harry groans as he grabs at my hips and lifts my body up slightly.

I hum along to the song in the background as I grab Harry's hard dick and start tracing it against my arousal.

"She's a good girl."

Harry sings along with me, while I keep teasing him and tracing his tip up and down my wet slit. Whimpering passing my lips into his mouth every time he nudges my throbbing clit.

"C'mon, stop teas- fuck!" Harry stops his sentence mid-moan once I lower myself completely onto him, letting him bottom out inside of me.

The feeling of him completely in me, not stretched or prepared, has my eyes rolling into the back of my head and my pussy to clench around him to try and get adjusted to his size. Moans and whines fill the room, both falling from Harry and I from the feeling of each other.

"C-can you move? Are you good now, pretty girl?" Harry sputtered into my mouth, our lips not moving but just laying against the others.

"Mhm." Is all I say before leaning up on both of my hands, placed exactly where Harry wanted them, and flipping my hair over one shoulder as I begin to move my hips up and down on top of him at such a dramatic pace.

I watch as Harry's eyes gloss over as he clenches his jaw, making his neck veins pop, over the way I'm moving on top of him.

"Hell, you feel s' good. Never wearin' a rubber with you again." Harry grunts, sweat covering his freshly washed body already.

"Feels too good, baby." I whine.

His hands come to grab at my waist and help me move, "God, Willow. Work of fuckin' art. Never stop being mine baby. Never, please."

I move my hands a tiny bit off of his butterfly and lean forward to kiss it, never breaking eye contact with Harry while doing so. "I don't think I could."

Harry closes his eyes as he grabs the back of my head, burying it into the crook of his neck, and the other wraps around my waist as he plants both of his feet on the bed and bends his knees.

His hips begin to move relentlessly inside of me, our skin slapping against each other as Harry cages me against his body.

With every thrust, Harry's hips push me forward, making the whole bed move slightly back and forth from how much force he's using.

The perfect amount to make me a mess on top of him.

It's not until after my moans subside that I can hear the song again and figure out that he's thrusting into me to the fucking beat.

What the fuck is happening and why is this shit so hot?

"Have to make sure you won't leave. Gotta make you mine, all mine. Want me to fuckin' finish inside of you and make you mine? Let you have my kid, yeah?"

My body tenses and I groan into Harry's neck as tears slip down my cheeks from how pent up I feel and at how hard Harry's plowing into me. I wrap both of my arms under his neck, holding myself closer to his sweaty front.

We both know that won't actually happen, I have the birth control shot, but just the sound of that leaving his lips turns me on.

"Yeah. P-please, Harry. Fill me up." I moan and start peppering kisses as best as I can on his shoulder and across his jaw line.

"She's a good girl

Feels so good."

Harry groans the words to the finished version of Carolina while his hips still keep up with the rhythm. His hand that was wrapped around my waist squeezed my hip and rubbed up and down my side.

"My good girl, my very good girl. Soak my cock, let me feel you. Let me feel how good I make you feel."

"Okay, okay. I'm your good girl." I whimper back to him.

My clit was already swollen and my legs were already slightly shaking from my first orgasm, so working me close to my second one wasn't going to take Harry very long.

The only problem with that is that I need to make sure he finishes too.

I love watching his face scrunch and bliss take over his features as he let's go, it makes him have this special type of beauty.

The tension in my stomach snaps at the feeling of Harry raking his hands through my hair, petting the back of my head. My orgasm floods through me like a tsunami, not expecting it at all, leaving me a spasming moaning mess on top of Harry.

"That's it." Harry keeps thrusting into me, going deeper with slow long thrusts helping the orgasm spread through me. My legs squeeze together on either side of his body and my fingers grip into his hair.

"A-are you close?" I ask him.

"That eager for me..." Harry's words were interrupted with a guttural moan, I could feel his dick twitch inside of me, "... For me to fill you up, pretty girl? Can't get enough?"

I push my hips back to meet his own, having enough strength to help work him over the edge. "'Course, baby. Want to feel so full, please. I need you to."

"Fuck." Harry growls out.

His stomach is flexing so hard, I feel the way his abs are twitching every time he thrusts his hips and with every grunt he mewls out.

"Be my good boy and breed me, baby. Make me all yours." I whisper in his ear and drag my hand around from behind his head to grab the underside of his jaw.

"What. A. Whore." Harry snarls through his teeth and death grips my side, finally letting go.

I feel his cum shoot inside of me as his dick twitches and his thrusts slow down. My name along with a bunch of other mindless words flow out of his mouth as his orgasm takes over his mind.

"But I'm your whore." I retort back, pulling my head up from his neck and looking down at him.

Both of his hands materialize onto my hips and he sends me a lazy, freshly fucked smile. "My little, filled to the brim, whore."

I roll my eyes at him with my own smile gracing my lips as I lean down and rest my ear over his heart, listening to it slowly go back to it's normal beat.

We lay there for a couple of minutes to catch our breath, Harry resting inside of me still before he slowly moved his arms to pause Carolina and grab my shirt that was behind his head.

As he carefully pulls out of me, he replaces himself with my shirt, trying his best not to make me wince.

"Gotta get you cleaned up." Harry mumbles into my hair, before wrapping his arms around my body in a bear hug, lightly rocking us back and forth,

"Ugh, this is the worst part." I grumble and cling to Harry more. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and settled me in his arms, preparing to stand up.

Once Harry's feet were steadily planted on the floor, he stood up, my shirt underneath me to prevent our cum from dripping all over us as he carried me to the bathroom.

He held me up with one arm as he flicked the lights on and made his way to the toilet, placing me gently down on the seat. Not gently enough though, as soon as the cold lid hit my ass I winced at the contrast against my body and the soreness of my legs.

Harry bends down in front of me, placing his hands on my knees to speak softly to me. "I'm gonna go grab you a different shirt, I'll be right back baby. Don't go anywhere... not that I think you can."

I only chuckle at Harry's words and watch him saunter back out of the bathroom. I can hear him rustling through his closet as I finish cleaning myself up, and pulling myself up to stand in front of the mirror.

My eyes had this tiredness in them, a normal tiredness this time. Not the usual exhaustion I cause myself, this time it's normal.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Harry emerge through the doorway with two shirts and two pairs of boxers. I pushed myself off the counter to turn towards Harry, who was holding out the clothing pieces.

"Here, baby." He walks over to me and pulls the giant t-shirt over my body, then drops to his knees to help me step into his boxers.

I love when he gives me his clothes to sleep in, they create a perfect cocoon of him.

As Harry stands back up, his hands glide up my figure, outlining it against his fingers. "Beautiful. So beautiful that it's almost painful."

"Painful?" I raise my eyebrows at him, not expecting him to say that.

"Painful, yeah."

"Explain." Is all I say before I wobble out to the bedroom, hoping Harry follows behind me.

"You don't get an explanation right now. Let's lay down, you basically fucked me to sleep." Harry jumps onto the bed, holding his arms out for me again.

I walk around the bed and clamber into his side, his arms instantly wrapping around me and dragging me close to him.

"I think you're the one who fucked me to sleep." I yawn out and rub my eyes.

"Are you really going to try and sleep, or do you want me to turn the TV on?" Harry sweetly asks, drawing circles over my clothed stomach.

"Can I, uh, set my alarms. I'm too tired to... to uh force myself awake, but I need to at least wake up every couple of hours." I embarrassingly asked Harry, grasping onto his hand that was on my stomach.

"You don't have to ask, Artist. It's okay to do what you need to, I understand." Harry tiredly answers and kisses the back of my head.

I reach forward and begin setting all my alarms for the hours. I didn't have to create any new ones, they were all already made, so I only had to turn them on.

"I'll try not to wake you up."

"If there's a problem, please wake me up, darling."

I can hear the tiredness in his voice, by the way it's getting quicker but more graveley and by the way he's longating all his words.

"I promise. Pinky promise." I hold my pinky up and curl back into Harry, instantly feeling his chest vibrate in a hum and his warmth take over my body from the way my back is pressed to his front.

As soon as I had gotten comfortable again, I could feel Harry's body relax and basically could feel the sleep radiating off of his body by the way he went into dead weight.

"Sweet dreams, bug." I whisper and hold his hand by my head.

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