Kobolds can be heroes 2day

Von snakes0

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The is the continuation of Kobolds can be Heroes. After the new game started things were great. But in secret... Mehr

Chapter 1 World's Greatest Duelist!
Chapter 2 All According to Plan!
Chapter 3 The beginning of the order of the Kobolds.
Chapter 4 Heroes at Last!
Chapter 5 We're off to see...
Chapter 6 ...The Nine tails...
chapter 7 ...and the Wonderful Lizard of OZ?
Chapter 8 Let the games Begin.
Chapter 9 semi-finals
Chapter 10: Error code 234
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Beach Time till the end of the world
Chapter 13: Reaper
Chapter 14: Vacation time!
Chapter 15: You only get ONE shot
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 FRC Retry
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Draco Kobold evolution
Chapter 21 Tomb of Annihilation
Chapter 22 Tomb of Annihilation part 2
Chapter 23 FarReach
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

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Von snakes0

The group finally makes it back into their world after the kobold hunting event ends.

Shawn: Guys..... I know we all agreed that we would share artifacts and we would all try each of them out but..... I really don't think it's a good idea for anyone to try out my Crown of Madness.

Niko: Give. Give it here.

Shawn: Noooooooo!

Coal: Please?

Shawn: I REALLY don't want you to put it on Coal.....

Coal: Look. I didn't want everyone else wearing my kimono but that didn't stop everyone.

DDDeekin: Just give it here. What's the worse that could happen?

Shawn: I shudder to think of that possibility... 

Eric: Come on. We already learned that Ishi was already the best choice for her own artifact and that Deekin's clock is better used by Niko.

DDDeekin: That was depressing.... so of course I got the short end of the stick.... Please.... can we try artifact combinations?

Niko: That...actually sounds like a great idea.

Ishi: Yeah! So good that you can go first.

Eric: That sounds fair.

Coal: So which combination are you going to use?

DDDeekin: These! 

DDDeekin grabs Shawn's Crown from his hands and then the Clock from Niko's hands, the kimono from Coal and Niko's key.

Shawn: Guys.... I think it is a very bad idea to let our bard have this much power.... and we don't even have a target to use this on.

DDDeekin: Activate all Artifacts! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAH!!!!!!

The key shakes and the artifacts change appearance to suit his theme. The Crown transforms into skeleton looking headphones. The Kimono now looks more like a Rock Star's jacket. The Clock and Key seem to fuse into an electric guitar.

Niko: Um....guys....What are we looking at?


As he plays the group's falls into a trance and starts dancing as if they were being puppeted. The area around them starts to shift and change the ground turns into a wooden floor and rises like a stage. Suddenly DDDeekin plays a certain note that rings out and the sun was plucked out of the sky and turned into a stage light and as a result it became night.

DDDeekin: YES! DANCE! DANCE! HAHAHA!! Green, blue, red, red, red, blue, green, yellow, Green...no wait blue! wait! Damn it! I missed it!

The group awakens from their trance and were in shock from the result. They are still dancing as DDDeekin is trying to regain control of his melody.

Niko: DEEKIN!!!! STOP!!!!!! PLEASE!!!

DDDeekin starts to undo everything he did and then the artifacts reverted back to their formal forms.

Shawn: What horrifying power.... He turned the sun into his personal lighting.... reality reconstruction... and mass hypnosis... Hypnosis exists in this world but that's a very high level ability and only a very specific and specialized class gets to use it. Even then it has limits....This blows that power out of the water...

DDDeekin: No joke.... That crown is something... If I hadn't messed up I would have kept going. And I was holding back.

Shawn: I'm guessing you couldn't even hear us.

DDDeekin: Yeah... Your cries did not even reach me. I just saw the panic in Niko's eyes and that snapped me out of it. But I feel that was a success.

Shawn: I wonder.... would the same thing happen if I were to use the same artifacts?

Coal: Hehe....If you do that we'll all be about a mile away....

Shawn: Fair. I was going to suggest that before..... That performance.

So the group backs away Shawn tries the same artifacts as DDDeekin yet it did not work. He calls the group to tell them they can come back.

Shawn: Only certain combinations works for each person. In this case I was unable to have the same artifact synergy as DDDeekin. 

Ruby: But hey. Now that we know that DDDeekin becomes Sound: the new fifth horseman of the apocalypse.

DDDeekin: Hey! My music was epic. 

Ruby: The point is with this share inventory system we can transfer our artifacts to each other instantly.

Ishi: So we should each find a combination?

Eric: That sounds like a good idea. 

Shawn: Ok. You're next.

Ishi: Ok. Still want mine, and I feel the key might be the key to all of this so I'll take that. lets see...Eric. Your bow. And Ruby your mask.

They hand over their artifacts.

Ishi: I feel like I'm going to need a target for this but ok....Here we go..... Activate artifacts!

Ishi's form changes in a flash of light. Ishi is no longer a kobold let alone small like one. She stands about 10'7" and she is hard to look at as her form seems to be an armor made completely of light. She is holding a massive lance of light in one hand and a bow on her back. She has four angelic wings.

Eric: Whoa.....Ishi?

Ishi kneels down so they don't have to look almost straight up to see her face.

Eric: Wow....

Shawn: And no madding effects.

Ishi lays a hand on Eric's head and then Ishi and the artifacts changed back.

Ishi: Man I am tired.....Eric want to give it a try?

Eric: Ummm..... Sure. Key, Kimono, and my own bow.

Eric tries it but isn't able to get a full artifact synergy.

Eric: I feel close but there is something missing...

Niko: that's an easy problem to fix. You just need to try every other artifact.

Eric: Aw Man.... This is like putting on clothes, stripping, then putting on a new set.

Eric tries everything and then he tries the crown and something happens. The Kimono turns into a clock and turned green. The crown turns into a green hat with a feather.

Ruby: Look at you Mr. Robin Hood.

Eric: Ha Ha Ruby.

Shawn: Intriguing. Eric. Do you feel normal? Any sudden desires?

Eric: No. Not really. 

Shawn: Even with the crown you aren't suffering from it's effect... *mumbles* I'm kind of jealous.

Eric: Now that you mention it...

Shawn: Eeeek! I might have spoken too soon!

Eric: Hey! It's isn't really all bad. I just now know what is my madness. I just now realize that you are all animals.

DDDeekin: I mean we all kind of are in a way. Kobolds. Lizards.

Ruby: Deekin that is the dumbest......Damn I hate you...

DDDeekin: Heh! You can't argue against something you find true!

Eric: Not quite Coal. I see you as a Cat.

DDDeekin: Um... I'm not Coal. I'm Deekin.

Eric: Oh.... 

Ruby: I'm Ruby.

Eric: Ruby the cat got it.

Ruby: I'm going to punch you if you say that again.

Coal: I'm coal.

Eric: A black cat got it.

Shawn: I'm-

Eric: Shawn. You have a scar on your cat form's eye.

Shawn: Guess some things never change.

Ishi: I'm a cat too aren't I?

Eric: Yeah Ishi. A White one. And Niko. You're a cat.

Niko: FUC....Damn it! I am NOT a cat!

Eric: I'm just joking.... You look like a female human being.

Niko: I- I do? Please tell me you can draw well.

Eric: Well I'll draw it for you.

Eric and the Artifacts go back to normal. Eric sketches a drawing of Niko as he saw her.

Niko: I..... This.... That's a nice picture. Can I have this?

Eric: Yeah. Sure.

Ruby: GUYS!!!! HELP! EOS JUST.... Oh God......

The group rushes over and Eos is wearing Ruby's mask, Shawn's Crown and Niko's Key in his mouth.

Ruby: Eos.... Put down our Artifacts.... You are just-

Eos's form changes into a more human like posture. Eos now looks more like a Kitsune.

Ishi: Huh? Eos you weren't supposed to... never mind...

Eric: Foxmask...

Eos: kyu... Who is Foxmask? 

Ruby jumps: You can talk?!

Eos: So this is talking! Exciting!

Niko: I thought you talk all the time but we can't understand you.

Eos: I used to talk? Clearly not. I was a fox. What would a fox even have to say?

Ruby: Bull!

Eos: Please don't be mad..... Instead you can pat my head. I really liked that! Now I get to eat at the diner table! Oh yeah..... The base is gone. Why are you all looking at me like that? 

Niko: We were in the middle of trying out artifacts. Could you please give them back?

Eos: Oh. Sure. Here have them.... ABSOULTLY NOT! I don't want to go back to a semi-sentient fox! I can talk, I can walk, and I can do magic! 

Niko: Hehe.....Eos... You're not supposed to say no.

Eos: Um... I'm not very comfortable with that laugh... You are planning on stabbing me or something and taking the artifacts out of me by force....

Niko putting a knife behind her back: No.... Why would I do that? Don't be silly!


DDDeekin: Whoa! Calm down! Niko does not want to kill you! Right NIKO?

Niko sweating putting down the knife: Yeah.... sure....

Eric: Please Eos. We are still training. We promise once we are done we'll let you wear the artifacts until we need them again.

Eos: Eoric....

Eric: Eric.... not Eoric....

Eos: Sorry... thank you....

Eos turns back to normal and so does the artifacts. Eos is waging his tails and pounces on Ruby licking her face.

Ruby: Aah! Not now! Back! Back with you!

Coal: So the only ones who haven't done it are Me, Niko, and Shawn.

Niko: I guess I'll go.

Niko takes her key, Deekin's clock and Ruby's mask. Niko grows a foot but that's the only change. Niko changes back.

Niko: Hm.... Ok. your turn Coal.

Coal: Ok... That was fast. My kimono, the key, Ruby's mask and Deekin's clock.

Niko: Ok. There. Go ahead.

Coal joking: And Eos.

Ruby: Stop. Foxbold's joke that Eos is basically an artifact is dumb.

Eos walks up to coal and licks her face just as she activates the items and freaks out. For a moment Coal and Eos's form freezes and when Shawn tried to shake Coal he only passes through her as if she wasn't there. Then suddenly from the air is a massive dragon and Coal and Eos are gone.

Shawn: Guys! We need to get ready to fight!

Ishi: Fine.

Ishi activates her artifact and manifests a full set of armor made of light and her weapon becomes a lance of light. Eric holds his hand in the air and a bow of energy appears. Shawn puts on the crown. Shawn makes a storm appear and black tendrils move to the dragon to bind it. Ishi throws her lance and Eric fires a thousand arrows. The dragon roars and the lance falls short and the arrows break. Suddenly the storm clears much to Shawn's shock. Then Suddenly the dragon disappears and Eos and Coal reappears. Coal is furious.

Eric: Wait..... That was YOU?! I'm so-

Coal Punches him in the face.

Ishi: Yikes-

Coal punches Ishi in the face.

Shawn: Punch me. I should have know better.

Coal kisses him then breaks the kiss and slaps him.

Niko: Yikes..... Remind me to not get on her backside.

DDDeekin: Don't get on her bad side.

Niko: Thank you Deekin. I had ALREADY forgotten. Note the sarcasm in my voice.

DDDeekin kisses Niko and she kisses back

Niko: H-hey! You can't weasel out of this with a kiss.....

DDDeekin: Hug?

Niko: Fine.... BUT no head pats! I am NOT a cat!

DDDeekin: I know. Don't touch your hat, tail, head, and rear.

Niko blushing: You don't need to list it outload!

Eric: Ow..... Niko... Your business with Deekin is yours. We don't care. Me and Ishi have....well you know.

Ishi: But it isn't a topic we ladies like to publicly talk about.

Eric: Oh. Sorry about that....

Coal: Next you Shawn. You are the last.

Shawn: I fear this.... My crown is part of my synergy....Next the key, then the clock, then the mask.

Ruby: Guys... I too got a bad feeling because of this....

Niko: Oh? I already gave him all the items.

Shawn activates the artifacts and his body becomes like a kaleidoscope and the landscape gets deleted and then restored twisted. The sky is now just black and the sun a deep red. The group loses consciousness which was for the best before their forms were warped. Shawn eventually regains control and reconstructs them piece by piece and then sets everything back to normal the best he can. Shawn recreated the guild building but a tenth is made of bone or flesh and a fourth is made of crystal the rest is normal.

Coal: Ow..... My head......


Niko: No..... I feel my brains was used for a jump rope.

Shawn: ...

Niko: I was joking... please tell me that is not what happened.


Ruby: Ok. Shawn can't have nice things now or it all goes to Mr. Cthulhu.

Shawn glares at Ruby

Niko: I think we will win. The bad guy would need to have plot armor on his plot armor to beat us now that we got our combinations. 

Meanwhile FarReach chuckles.

FarReach: Well looks like I better start packing. I only have plot armor not plot armor to my plot armor. They will need that strength to kill me. Isn't that right FarCry?

FarReach holds up a staff of swirling data that uses FarCry's data is used to create the staff.

FarReach: Oh don't talk me out of it now FarCry. Let's see what your team can come up with to beat me.

FarCry: Y0u 5h0u1d j01n th3m.....Y0u Ar3NT 50 D1ff3r3nt fr0m th3m.

FarReach: Hush now. Your data is being converted and scanned. I used to wish join them but we both know that can't happen. Out of respect I have decided to give them an extra day.


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