The Fallen Hero (completed)

By _KingAzrael

589K 16.3K 7.4K

Why... why was he stupid enough to let his guard down, he should have known he would be betrayed by his so-ca... More

Game announcement and a little help
Prep day 1
Prep day 2
Prep day 3: Lucifer
Prep day 4: Waking nightmare
Lair and concerns
War day 1 (morning)
War day 1 (Day)
War day 1 (night)
Teachers Pov (day 1 morning)
Teachers Pov ( war day 1, day)
Teachers Pov (War day 1 night)
war day 2 (morning)
war day 2 (day)
War day 2 (night) pt.1
War day 2 (night) pt.2
Teachers pov (day 2 morning)
Teachers Pov (war day 2 [day])
Teacher's Pov (war day 2 night pt.1)
Teacher's Pov (War day 2 night pt.2)
War day 3 (morning)
War day 3 (day)
War day 3 (Night)
War day 3-4 (Intermission)
Teacher's PoV (War Day 3 Morning)
Teacher's PoV (War day 3 {day})
Teacher's PoV (war day 3 {Night})
War day 4 (morning)
War day 4 (Day)
War Day 4 (Night)
Teachers' Pov (Day 4 {morning})
Teacher's Pov (War day 4 {DAY})
Teachers' Pov (War Day 4 {Night})
War Day 5 (morning)
War Day 5 (Day)
War Day 5 (A Fallen Hero's Revenge)
Teachers' PoV (War Day 5 {Morning})
Teacher's PoV war day 5 (Day)
Teacher's Pov War day 5 (The Visage of Blood)
Hero or Devil?
Vulpes Pilum Mutat, Non Mores
To Rid Thy Hands of Blood
Fragments of the past
A Wolf that lies among Sheep
Where does your Loyalty belong?
The True King
A mutual Solution to A mutual Problem
Hallucinations of the Broken
The Fallen Hero: Cursed Power
The Fallen Hero: Resurgence
The Fallen Hero: Preparation of the Devil
The Fallen Hero: Last Baptism
Epilogue: Lazarus
Spring Cleaning

Prep day 5: Final preparations and confessions

14.3K 372 91
By _KingAzrael

Yawning I got up from my bed, the nightmares didn't affect me like they used to, so I had no issues. Grabbing a painkiller I swallowed it taking a drink of a water bottle taking it before I would need to later in the day. Getting up I got dressed looking at the time seeing that it was 7:00 am. I didn't have to meet up with the teachers until 8 pm so I had about 13 hours to make sure I was completely ready. Grabbing my hero analysis journal I read through them again and that took about an hour before I finally finished, I had a plan for almost everyone made.

With it being 8 am there wasn't any way the class wasn't awake and I really didn't want to see them especially not before the game so putting away my notebook underneath my desk and grabbing everything I needed I walked over to the balcony. Scaling down the other balconies before landing on the ground, brushing myself off I walked into the forest planning on training with black whip before checking the camera footage that had been collecting for the past few days.

Using black whip I practiced swinging in the trees of the forest memorizing how Sero and Aizawa used their quirk and scarf. Having a greater range of mobility would be essential for moving throughout the city and escaping situations that I could find myself in. Practicing for what seemed like hours I could gladly say I learned how to sufficiently move with black whip but it wasn't the best, if someone like Sero pursued me there is a chance he could catch up. Taking a break I got a text from Mei on my phone, reading it I saw that she wanted to meet up in the development studio at 6:00, texting back I told her I would be there. With that taken care of, I got back to the main purpose of today and that was checking the camera footage.

Footage of day 3 common room:

Pulling up the footage I skipped to the third day having already watched the second day. Scrolling through my gallery I clicked on the common room footage of the second day. Watching I was already seeing what I expected to.

Many of the students were lounging around in the common room, but a few of the 1-b students and my classmates walked up to Bakugou.

A silver-haired spiky teeth guy who I remembered as Tetsutetsu spoke to Bakugou, "Hey Bakugou do you have a plan to capture Midoryia?"

Bakugou hearing this got red with angry glaring straight at the boy while everyone in the common room heard him yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU TAKE ME FOR YOU EXTRA!? I DON'T NEED A PLAN FOR THAT FUCKING DEKU SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!" pushing past TetsuTetsu Bakugou walked up the stairs presumably to his dorm room.

The students he yelled at simply scowled at their leader's attitude before they left doing their own things.

'No plan, no collaborating and he didn't tell them the rules, this is perfect.'

Gym gamma footage

Watching the gym footage I saw Aizawa and Shinso practicing their hero gear, with Aizawa making sure Shinso's moves were solid and moveable. Seeing this I was frustrated that Shinso was the only one doing any type of training. No one other than him was training in the gym.

Outside dorm footage

Absolutely desolate no one was training there weren't even any marks that would signify light training.

'They must think I'm a fucking joke this is the third day and there wasn't any training happening and Bakugou didn't even order light training just to stay loose.' sighing I shook my head before switching to the next day.

Day 4 common room footage:

Bakugou was nowhere to be found, and unlike the previous day, fewer students were in the common room. There was however still a few that refused to move watching Tv or making conversation. No strategy meeting nothing about the game just casual conversation.

Gym gamma

Like day 3 Shinso was once again practicing in the gym with Aizawa, along with him a few students were doing light gym training in groups presumably making their own plans to catch me, and from what I saw it wasn't bad, there were always at least one capture or speed hero on the team, but without real training, they wouldn't even touch me.

Outside dorm

On the outside, Bakugou was training alone, and unlike the students in Gym Gamma Bakugou was doing heavier training but nothing strategic or planning he was only doing pure strength training. It seems that he was trying to live up to the promise of hurting me. But his strength training will only get him so far if he doesn't have a plan then ill be the winner of every scenario.

Day 5 common room

Checking the time it was barely 4 pm so I still had time to watch the last footage of today's training before meeting with Mei. So switching to the live feed of the common room I heard a conversation between almost the whole class of both 1-a and 1-b with Bakugou, Shinso, and Todoroki seemingly having come back from training which from what I saw were individual and grouped.

The first voice I heard was Yoayarozu, "Alright everyone this was our last day to train, now I know Bakugou said we didn't need to discuss a plan but I still think it would be beneficial for us to at least speak about if we have any idea of what Midoryia intends to do. Uraraka do you know anything?"

Being put on the spot Uraraka quickly thought if she knew anything but she only shook her head, "Sorry yoamomo but I don't know anything, I haven't seen Iz-Deku since yesterday, and I-umm was distracted when I saw him."

Teasing Uraraka Ashido jumped in, "Was it because he grabbed you by your chin romantically~"

"W-w-what!! You know about that?!" blushing heavily Uraraka folded in on herself as Mina started poking her. Realizing the conversation was off-topic Sero cut in.

"Well despite the love-Dovey stuff I honestly think that Midoryia can't do anything, I mean he is not only facing us his classmates but also all of 1-b by himself." nodding their heads in agreement many of the students thought it was too much of a stretch. Iida stepping in gave his account of the situation.

"Now hold Midoryia is a very smart student he certainly has a plan for the game."

Kirishima also joined in, "Yeah Midoribro definitely has a plan we should be at least a little careful."

Monoma however just put his feet on the coffee table of the common room, "Oh cmon do you really think that he would have a plan for everyone in every class, not only has he not been here if he was spying on us we would have noticed by now, he can't do anything, he's useless!" relaxing Monoma grinned as he put in his opinion and everyone who had agreed with Sero also agreed with him.

"Well I think Monoma might be right, so how about this we go easy on Deku and capture him without too much of a fight?" looking around Uraraka got many nods from the class.

"Sorry, Uraraka but I disagree, Midoryia had asked for a proper challenge and it wouldn't be very heroic to not give him our best."

"I agree with Iida *Ribbit* Midoryia can surprise us like he has before so it's better if we give 100% because we all know what Midoryia can do *ribbit*"

Reluctantly the classes all agreed, Tsu and Iida did make some good points so why not? maybe they will end the game early.

After watching

Exiting the camera footage I was grinning, I easily have the advantage in my palms, 'They have no idea what's coming do they?' getting off the ground I saw that the time was nearing 6 pm so hurrying I still had to meet up with Mei before I left with the teachers. Running to the development studio I made it right on the designated time, opening the door I saw Mei working on something looking extremely nervous which was odd for her. "Hey, Mei I'm here whats up? I have to go pretty soon."

I guess seeing me surprised her because her head snapped up as a blush covered her face, fixing herself quickly she ran up to me, "I-Izuku! you're here!" Smiling Mei grabbed my hand pulling me to the work table.

"Uhhh yeah you asked to come."

"Oh right well t-there's be-been something I want to tell y-you and with you about to go and leave for the game I thought it would be good to do this now." Watching her my heart started beating faster as her golden eyes stared into my eyes. "I-Izuku after spending so much time together, my heart started beating faster around you and I've never felt this feeling before so I didn't understand but I do now. Izuku I-I- I love you!"

Hearing this I couldn't help myself pulling Mei close to me I kissed her on the lips.


Mei feeling Izuku's lips on her own went wide-eyed as she slowly returned the kiss, her heart and mind racing in happiness as her feeling were accepted. Her stomach had fireworks inside, she had been wanting to do this for a while, at first she ignored this feeling but over these last few days she had couldn't hide it and now she was happy she told him. Running out of air the pair pulled away blushes on their faces.

"Mei, I love you too, ever since I was betrayed and accused of being a traitor you were the only one who took the time to listen, to hang out with me and I couldn't help but love you for it." Smiling Izuku pulled Mei into another kiss as she was crying from his words of love.

"Izuku." pulling off Mei snuggled into Izuku's chest as he hugged her close to his body, embracing the warmth Mei and Izuku stayed for a long time before Izuku spoke out.

"Mei I have to tell you something." hearing her name she looked up to see Izuku with a conflicted face and wondering what was wrong she placed her hand on his cheek.

"What is it."

Sighing Izuku told Mei a part of his plan, "Mei, Uraraka has a crush on me, I overheard her talk about her love for me in the forest and I planned to use it against her and the hero team, but with this, I don't want to go through with it if you're not ok." Looking into Mei's eyes Izuku said nothing but the truth, as much as it was an advantage he wouldn't be willing to lose Mei over it, he can plan around this.

Mei was deep in thought about the situation, 'I love Izuku, and I want him to win, and he loves me so I should trust him that he won't do anything with Uraraka.' "Izuku?"


"I-I will allow you to do what you need to but there are some rules." looking straight into Izuku's eyes Mei narrowed hers. "First no kissing Uraraka at all, no saying you love her, and you can't be too intimate. I'll be watching the entire thing so ill know." crossing her arms under her bust Mei looked at Izuku seriously.

"Mei I swear I'll follow these rules to the absolute letter, but Mei are you sure you want to watch? I might do things you won't like." worried Izuku asked the most important question on his mind.

Mei simply smiled pulling herself up kissing Izuku on the lips and holding it there for a few seconds, "Izuku this is just a game, I know who you are, and no matter what I will always love you."

"Mei..." grabbing the girl Izuku put her on the work table kissing her deeply not wanting to leave his new girlfriend. and Mei felt the same not wanting to leave the embrace of her boyfriend, in fact, Mei was toying with joining the game just so they could have a date in the city.

For about two hours the couple couldn't let go of each other and while they stopped kissing they held each other speaking to each other while Izuku told Mei some of his plans she even adding on to them, admitting that she didn't really like the heroics class that much and after what they did to him she disliked them even more. Eventually, Izuku saw the time reading 7:45 pm so although he didn't want to he had to leave Mei giving her a goodbye kiss as he activated OFA running back to the dorms as that was where Aizawa was gonna pick him up to take him to the mock city.

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