Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

130K 3.4K 4.9K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 61

1.1K 30 57
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

Even though the Festival was over, everyone was still talking about it. I heard that the other departments received good deals and positive feedback from professionals for whatever they did.

Poor Hatsume didn't shower for all the time preparing for the festival... It wasn't a problem to her; she loved working on her 'babies,' but the people around her were starting to have a problem. Of course, she got the best results, and I'm a client of hers, so I know how good her stuff is!

I mean, I didn't pay her, but she didn't ask for payment either.

The day after the festival, we were back in classes and waiting on Aizawa-Sensei to show up. During the festival, I told everyone how I caught a glimpse of Aizawa-Sensei smiling when I created his hologram during the song. They all wanted to tease him and have him tell us his thoughts about our performance.

They didn't waste any time the second he entered the class.

"Aizawa-Sensei! Did you watch our performance?

"Did you like it?"

"A little birdie told us you were there!"

They all started to throw comments and questions at him; I was surprised he didn't explode or use his quirk to settle us down.

"Enough. Yes, I was there, and yes, I enjoyed your performance." he said, and everyone cheered. "Is that why no teacher was allowed to watch you practice?" he asked.

"Well, we couldn't ruin the surprise!" Mina spoke up.

"Exactly! It was a last-minute addition, but we felt it was important to add." Kirishima joined. "(Y/N) made it happen with the help of her quirk, even if she struggled with it at first." he laughed.

"What's a little suffering compared to seeing my favorite teacher smile from the bottom of his heart." I gave him a knowing look.

"So you saw." he chuckled and shook his head. "I will say this only once, so listen carefully." he warned us. "Thank you, all of you. Maybe you're not so bad after all." he smirked.

The class exploded in cheers again; that was the closest thing we would get to an 'I love you' from Aizawa-Sensei. We all stood up and screamed, "WE LOVE YOU TOO, AIZAWA-SENSEI!"

We caught the small blush on his cheeks, but he directly cleared his throat and started class like he wasn't affected by our love confession.

I think that was the best day we've all had since we entered school. We all know that Aizawa-Sensei cares about us, but he doesn't show it. That's just the kind of person he is, but that day we all saw it as clear as day.

The school days continued, as usual, studying and training. Our winter break is coming up soon, but Katuski's and Prince Charming's provisional license exam was first. Most of us were worried about that the most.

We believed that they could pass, but we can't help but worry that the reasons for their first failure might cause them to fail again...

After all, the guy who kept picking a fight with Todoroki is still there, and Katsuki's aggression didn't just go away.

"Hey (Y/N), I want to try something else during our training today." Katsuki tells me after we're done with our warm-up.

"Sure! I'm up for anything."

"I feel like I need to work on my dodging. I have a feeling I've slowed down lately." he explains.

"I can help with that." she says.

I look at Katsuki, knowing he doesn't get along very well with her, but I'm sure he won't mind if she is helping.

"The demon- I mean Kijo says she can help." I share.

"Her? How? By killing me?" he mocks.

"No, Hot Sauce. I would never do that." I give her control. It can get pretty annoying when they both start arguing with each other.

"Can you stop with these nicknames! His name is Bakugo to you!" I explain for the millionth time.

She, of course, ignores me. "I control my daggers. I control their projectile and their speed. I'll just aim them at you, and you just need to dodge. If it's too slow, I'll speed them up; if it's too easy for you, I'll add more targets for you to dodge." she explains her training exercise.

Katsuki thinks it over and eventually agrees. I don't mind them working together. Lately, she has been a big help in my training. She watches over my movements and corrects them to be more efficient in a fight.

Even though she has no control over my quirk, she does have some understanding of how to help me use it in a better way during fights. She finally agreed not to forcefully take control during fights or training; she understood that I want to improve and get stronger with my own power. So, she decided to help me from the inside with talking strategies or even giving me some of her strength.

It's still a working progress. Sharing her strength with me. We still train on it from time to time, but it is exhausting on my body. After all, I'm using a strength my body is not built for. She told Katsuki to train my body up, and I can barely keep up between her and Devil Coach...

I watch over Katsuki's and Kijo's training. She is enjoying herself as she sends a few of her daggers at him. Katsuki was doing fine at first, but she is a demon deep down, so she leveled up the training, and he is struggling to keep up and avoid getting stabbed.

"How about you slow down a bit?" I suggest.

"Hey, Delicious! Your girlfriend is saying you can't handle this level, should I take it easy on you?" that is not what I said! She loves taunting him.

"Fuck no! (Y/N) I'm fine, this is perfect." he yells back.

"You did that on purpose. You know he doesn't know how to take it easy; he will push himself till he breaks!" I lecture her.

"Stop your whining. I know you're not a fan of me being with you, but you need to start trusting me." her voice took a serious tone.

"... I trust you."

"No, you don't. I know what goes on in your head. You are still scared I will go rouge and hurt all your friends, especially Hot Sauce over there. I trust you enough to give you my powers; you need to do the same." she lectures me back.

"What do you mean?"

"Trust me with your friends. If I wanted to hurt them, I would have done it already. I can still forcefully take control and make you blind to what I'm doing. This is my way of gaining your trust; by not doing that." she explains.

I sigh and nod. "Okay, I get it. Just concentrate on helping him now."

The rest of the training goes by without a problem. Katsuki, thankfully, didn't request for a higher level, but he didn't stop until his legs couldn't carry him anymore. Kijo's daggers nicked him a few times, but nothing serious.

"You okay?" I walk up to him and help him up.

"Ya." he breathes out as he continues to catch his breath. "This was a great idea; I want to face her on a serious level." he chuckles.

"Not yet, Delicious. You aren't ready. I could still easily pin you to the wall with my daggers." she laughs at his confidence.

"Ya, how about we slow down for now. If she says you aren't ready, then you are seriously not ready. I'll let you guys train more often, and you will continue to improve bit by bit." I calm him down from his suicidal thoughts.

I decide to trust her and let her decide when he's ready to face her head-on. She will know better.

A couple of weeks pass by, and his exam is tomorrow. He doesn't want to admit it, but he is nervous. "Kats, you will do just fine." I get in bed with him and play with his hair to calm him down.

"I'm fine. I'll fucking control myself so they won't tell me shit about my behavior." he admits.

"Good. Other than that, you have more than enough skills and talent to ace that exam. Trust me on that." I plant a kiss on his forehead.

He pulls me closer to him and hugs me tighter. "I wish you could come with me." he whispers.

"I wish that too. I want to see you kick ass over there." I chuckle and hear him do the same. "But don't worry, I'll be here waiting to see that license." I ruffle his hair. "Plus," I pull away from him. "I have a surprise for you, but you will have to pass for it to work." I smile.

He rolls his eyes, but he had a smile on. "I'll only accept it because I love you. Otherwise, it's lame."

"Ya ya, everything is lame to you." I rub my nose on his and kiss him. "Sleep. You need to be in full energy tomorrow." he kisses me again, and we both go to sleep.

The next day, while Katsuki and Todoroki were away, I speak to Kirishima about my plan. I didn't tell anyone since I wasn't sure if it was possible or good enough. But since winter break starts tomorrow, it's now or never.

"Ooh! That sounds nice! But are you sure it's possible?" he asks me.

"No, that's why I haven't told anyone." I explain. "My parents told me it's okay; I was sure that we would need them, so I had to let them know beforehand."

"Your parents must be really cool to accept it right away." he laughs.

"I didn't ask for much growing up, so they are excited now when I ask for things, especially if it involves friends." we laugh again.

"Well, count me in. My mom would definitely agree; I'll ask her now just to be sure." he smiles and goes to text his mom.

Now that Kirishima is on board, Katsuki would be more willing to come, plus he would have fun with his best friend around and not be a naggy baby all the time.

I asked Aizawa-Sensei about it, and he told me as long as the parents are fine, he doesn't care. He didn't have plans for us during winter break, so we were free to do whatever we wanted.

Just as the sun had set and night had fallen, Katsuki and Todoroki come back to the dorms. We surprise both of them with a cake, thanks to Sato, and a small gathering to celebrate their success.

We didn't need to confirm it. Of course, they would pass. But it would have been awkward if the both of them or even one of them failed...

"Congrats Kacchan! Now we can do hero work together!" Izuku says excitedly, but Kacchan almost chokes on the cake he was eating.

I laugh as he continues to yell at Izuku for no reason.

"Hey, guys! How about we all go on a trip for our winter break? To really celebrate Katsuki and Prince Charming joining us into the hero world?" I suggest my plan to everyone.

"A trip? To where?" Izuku asks.

"Well, I thought a change of scenery would be nice. Go somewhere really cold, with snow and winter activities we could actually do." I explain. "My parents are willing to chaperone." I add.

"My mom is on board. She says I can go!" Kirishima jumps in.

"I'm sure my mom would be okay with it."

"My parents wouldn't mind either, as long as it's not too expensive." both Izuku and Uraraka were on board as well.

"Sign me in! That's going to be a wild and fun trip!"

"Oh ya! Away from school and training, I'm in!" Kaminari and Sero join! That's the Baku-Squad all in!

"You are right. That could be fun, and even if your parents are chaperoning (Y/N), you all still need someone to make sure you are not causing too much trouble. I'll be more than happy to come." Tenya joins in his special way with his special mission.

"That's great, guys! That's nine people already, with Katsuki and Todo over here." I laugh and get excited.

"You didn't ask me, though." Todoroki says.

"Oh, I wanted it to be a surprise for the both of you, so I kind of already asked your parents..." I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"You spoke to my father...?" Todoroki asks, almost in a dark voice.

"No! I spoke to your sister, Fuyumi? She said she would love to see you have fun with your friends." I explain. "I know I might have overstepped my boundaries, but I really wanted this to work." I apologize to him.

"It's okay. I'd love to go." he gives me a small smile.

"And don't worry. As if I'd have the nerve to call up the Endeavor! To ask him something like this. He probably would have hung up in my face." I laugh sheepishly.

"Ya, he probably would have." he answers me, but I didn't actually think his father would do that...

"Anyway... How about you guys?" I look to the others.

They all looked at me sadly, and one by one, told me they couldn't... "Sorry (Y/N), when my parents found out I have my winter break free, they booked a trip overseas." Momo says.

"Family members are coming over, so I can't leave." Mina says.

They all apologized and wished they could join if circumstances were different. "It's okay, guys. Next time I'll let you know beforehand, and we can plan it together!" I reassure them.

"Oi..." Katsuki finally speaks up. "I let you all babble as you want. But who told you I'm on board?" he starts complaining.

"I did! That's why it's a surprise. It will be fun!" I tell him.

"You know I hate the cold." he grunts.

"I'll make sure to keep you warm when we aren't outside playing and enjoying all sorts of activities." I smirk at him, and the whole room starts making noise and cheers.

Katsuki didn't have a single complaint after that! He will bite my head off, though, when he finds out his parents are going to chaperone as well...

We enjoy the rest of the night with everyone before our trip tomorrow! I text my parents the update about the trip and who is coming to arrange our transport and everything else.

This is going to be a fun trip!

The next day, we all meet up at my house. The plan was to rent out a mini-van or two to all fit with the parents driving. However, it turns out Endeavor did find out about the trip since Fuyumi decided to tell him, and he wanted nothing but the best for his son and his friends.

I got a feeling that somehow something changed about Endeavor; even Todoroki doesn't seem as angry with him as he was at the beginning of the year. But I wasn't about to go and ask him about it.

If things are somehow getting better between them, then I'm happy for them.

He provided us with a small but luxurious-looking bus so we can all fit, plus a driver so the parents wouldn't have to drive us there and back. He also left a note for them with the driver, thanking them for doing this and to contact him if anything is needed up there.

"You could have fucking told me the old hag and her husband were coming!" Katsuki hisses at me as we are sitting in the back.

"First of all, they are called your parents." I scold him. "Second of all, if I told you they were coming, you would have definitely not come, and that's not an option!" I cross my arms.

He grunts and sighs. "Why are they even here? Your parents are enough to chaperone us." he continues.

"My parents told them it would be fun, plus they get to know each other that way. What's the harm?" I ask.

"They are annoying; that's the harm." he crosses his arms as well. "Not only do you take me to a freezing ass place, but you also bring my parents along. Just great." he complains.

I get that Katsuki hates the cold, but if he is going to complain the entire way and all week, I would rather stay home and do nothing.

"If I hear you complain one more time, I'm stopping this bus and turning us around. If you are that unhappy about it, I won't actually force you. I just thought you might enjoy a little getaway from school and everything similar." my voice comes out a little rougher than I wanted it, but I was getting upset and annoyed.

He looks at me, and I only side glance at him. "Shut up." he finally says; before I could yell at him some more, he grabs my head and rests it on his shoulder.

Bakugo Katsuki's language translation to "It's fine, and I'm sorry."

A couple of hours later, we arrive at the resort surrounded by snow! Everyone was excited when they stepped off the bus; I had to stop Kirishima from taking off his jacket and shirt...

As usual, Tenya tries to organize us and lead us to the lobby in a fashionable manner, but almost everyone ignored him. The parents did thank him for trying, though.

"Reservations for (L/N)?" my dad asks the lady sitting behind the desk.

"Ah, you must be the group with Todoroki Shoto! We upgraded all your rooms and provided VIP passes for everyone." she says excitedly.

We all look back at Prince Charming, and he had his palm on his forehead and was shaking his head. "I'm sorry. This must be my father's work." he explains.

"Yes!" the girl exclaims. "The number one hero, Endeavor, told us to give you our best services, and everything is already taken care of and paid for. You all just need to enjoy your stay!" she says with a huge smile on her face.

My parents didn't know how to react or what to say. I mean, thank you would be the first thought since everything is already paid for, but Endeavor didn't need to do all that.

"Again, I'm sorry. I will speak to him when I get back home." Prince Charming says again.

"Don't worry about it, Todoroki. I'm sure your dad just wanted to do something nice for you and your friends." my mom tries to explain. "Please don't say anything to him, just thank him for us." she smiles and takes the keys to the rooms.

Six rooms were rented out.

"Each room will have its own private little heated pool for you to enjoy. Breakfast will start at 7 and end at 10, all you can eat with no charge of course. And all activities are open for you, and your VIP passes will allow you to skip the line-ups. Of course, free of charge as well." the lady explains as she calls someone to take our bags.

Thank you, Endeavor!

The parents split us up into pairs for the rooms. The parents each get a room, so that's two rooms. Katsuki's with Kirishima, of course. Kaminari and Sero. Uraraka and I. And so no one gets left alone, Izuku, Tenya, and Todoroki would share a room.

The lady was more than happy to bring in a bed for the boys, even if it was technically not allowed in normal circumstances...

As much as my parents wanted to do or accept anything I ask of them lately, my father would rather die than allow me to be in a room alone with Katsuki... in a resort, on our winter break.

Let's keep all the dorm activities and the fact that we practically always sleep together a secret for now... Or I fear he might have a heart attack.

"Ha! I guess you two will have to sleep separately-"

I punch Kaminari on the head harder than I wanted out of fear of him finishing that sentence!

I laugh nervously, "Kaminari, you really are a funny one! You and your jokes!" I glare at him when I finish my sentence, silently telling him to SHUT. IT!

The rest of the group laughs and gets the message loud and clear. Dorm life stays a secret!

"I would kill to see your dad's reaction." Kijo comments as she laughs.

"I would kill NOT to." I warn her.

Just before we go our separate ways to our rooms, Katsuki pulls me aside and rests his hands on both sides on my head on the wall behind me. I know from the smirk on his face! He's about to tease me...

"Does this mean we are to stay apart for a whole week?"

"Of course not! We just can't sleep in the same room." I lightly glare at him. "Outside the bedroom," I put my arms around his neck. " You are all mine! I will hug you, flirt with you and even kiss you in the open. No matter who is looking." I smirk back at him.

He chuckles and leans closer to me, his lips almost touching my ear. His breath sending shivers down my spine. "Are you sure daddy's little girl can do that in front of him?" he mocks.

I know where he's going with this, but he won't win. I turn my head slightly and get my lips close to his ear. "Keep testing me," I lick his earlobe in between my teeth and bite it before lightly sucking on it. "I'll do even more than that." I blow on his ear for the final effect.

He lets out a shuddered breath, and his arms flex on the wall. "You-"

"(Y/N), come on! The sun won't wait forever!" Uraraka calls me.

I look back at Katsuki and smirk at his heated, hungry face. "Sorry, Kats. They seem to be calling me." I give his lips a small lick and duck under his arm to go meet up with the rest.

Leaving him stuck in place, all hot and bothered.

We all put our stuff away and get dressed for a day filled with cold activities and craziness. When we all meet up outside, with our VIP passes around our necks, of course, I couldn't help but giggle at how Katsuki looks.

"You look adorable!" I tell him as I give him a hug. He looks like he has so many layers on and probably two scarfs around his neck. He really does hate the cold.

Apparently, it makes it harder for him to use his quirk, which he then has to put in double the effort into releasing it.

"You will pay for what you did in there. You wait for it." he growls, but there was no aggression to it, or maybe there was but for a different purpose.

I wink at him and run ahead of everyone towards the place where we rent snowboards and skis. Once we had our equipment, we all head to the biggest slope the resort had.

Go big or go home, right?

Todoroki wanted to use his quirk instead of the equipment, but we insisted he did things like all of us.

We spent the entire day playing outside and coming up with challenges everywhere we went. From who could reach down the slope the fastest to who could do more tricks on their snowboard/skis.

I'm surprised no one got hurt!

Katsuki tried all day to pay me back the tease I caused him in the hallway. Some worked, which made me return the favor again. We spent the entire day testing each other while playing around with the rest.

As the sun began to set and everyone was heading back, "Are you and Bakugo okay?" Kirishima asks.

"Ya, we're perfect. Why?" I ask back.

"He seems to be growling a lot more than usual today. I thought maybe you argued." he explains.

I laugh and pat his shoulder. "Don't worry, we didn't. He just hates to lose." I wink at him and get inside.

Everyone meets up in a sitting room, like a room to hang out with everyone. Usually, these rooms are open to the public, and anyone can enter and just hang out, but this one was exclusively only for us this time.

We all had our dinner together, and it was delicious! We were all sitting and chatting. The parents asked about our day; of course, the Bakugos argued loudly for a bit, but everything was going great.

Until Katsuki clears his throat and gives me a look.

Oh, God... He's going to do something here!? In front of everyone?!

He starts taking off the layers he's been wearing all day. Now the room was closed and heated, so no one thought it was weird, and no one paid him any attention. But I know my boyfriend's eyes; I know his looks.

He was testing me again.

He takes off sweater after sweater as he keeps his eyes on me, and he is taking them off excruciatingly slow. I lick my lips a few times as his waist begins to show when he takes off more layers.

He stops when he is left with one white shirt on, and he smirks at me. I purse my lips and give him an unbothered look.

He looks around and sees his next plan. "Hey, Round face." he calls Uraraka; he better not flirt with her; that is crossing the line! "Pass me your water bottle."

Everyone looks at him, confused.

"Uh, sure?" she was confused the most.

"It's hot in here, and I'm thirsty; I left mine in the room." he explains and takes the bottle from her.

Everyone wanted to question why he asked Uraraka instead of Kirishima or Kaminari since I also left mine in the room. But I knew the reason, it wouldn't have bothered me if it was the others, but it does bother me that he is drinking from Uraraka's!

I don't care how stupid it seems.

"Don't worry," he eyes me, but he wasn't talking to me. "I won't suck on it." he... did... not!

Even if they were the type of bottles that needed suction to let out water, he did not need to word it like that!

He opens the lid and lifts his arm to spill water in his mouth to drink. I observe him, and his eyes were still on me. I know he knows I saw that little tilt of the hand, and that is what he wanted!

Water spilled on his shirt, but he acted like he didn't know.

"Ah, Bakugo. Your shirt got wet." Uraraka tells him. I wanted to tell her to shut up.

"Oh well." he looks down, and through his lashes, he looks at me. He grabs his shirt and takes it off. "It's a good thing it's so hot in here." he flexes his back and shoulder, knowing I'm in love with his muscles when they are on display.

I bite my lower lip as my upper lip twitches at his actions. Now that drove me wild, but I can't react. Not in front of everyone, and that is what he wanted... He succeeded.

I bit the side of my finger and try to control myself, or else I'm going to say things my parents would not like to hear.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Tenya asks.

"Ya, I'm fine." I look at Katsuki as he is smirking at me. "Just hot... and it's bothering me." I make sure my boyfriend understood my meaning, and if his chuckles are any indication, I'd say he did.

That's when it hit me!

I look at Katsuki and smirk. His face changes directly, and he scowls. "Hey, Tenya. Can I have a sip, please?" he was the perfect target. Katsuki would never forget what happened during the summer camp or my comments.

It just worked in my favor since he was sitting next to me. Just like the little show, Katsuki pulled worked in his favor since he was sitting in front of me.

Tenya hands me his bottle, and I look at Katsuki. "Well, I don't want what happened to Katsuki to happen to me, so I hope you don't mind if I suck on it."

Before Tenya could answer, a loud bang sounds in the room.

"Katsuki!" his mom yells.

Katsuki had slammed both his hands on the table and stood up, glaring at me. I look at him innocently, but he just snarls. "I'm going to my fucking room."

"Wait, Bakugo!" Kirishima tries to stop him, not understanding what just happened.

I burst out laughing before I call out to him. "Katsuki! Come back."

"Shut up! This isn't over!" he doesn't even look back at me, but I can see his ears turn a little red. He slams the door behind him when he leaves.

I continue to laugh as everyone looks at me, confused.

"You two are just... bad!" Kaminari comments as he shakes his head disapprovingly. "Just bad."

I laugh again, knowing Kaminari caught everything that just happened between us and what our actions and comments really meant.

This is going to be an interesting week!




It's a long chapter, I know, but it was supposed to be longer... I decided to split it into two chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed it, though.

The trip will continue in the next chapter with maybe a little extra event.

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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