The Maid and the Maple Leaf (...

By keishirogane08

298K 8.7K 4K

A Kaguya-sama: Love is War fanfic. Ryota Kaedehara, son of Tatsuya Kaedehara and Koharu Kaedehara. A boy wi... More

Character Background
Chapter 1: Student and Personal Life
Chapter 2: Kaguya and Miyuki wants to know
Chapter 3: Under the Maple Tree
Chapter 4: Ai Hayasaka and the Lunch
Chapter 5: Past and Present
Chapter 6: Ai Hayasaka wants to ask
Chapter 7: Love Advice
Chapter 8: The Kaedehara Family
Chapter 9: Ai Hayasaka wants to hang out
Chapter 10: At the Kaedehara Residence (Part 1)
Chapter 11: At the Kaedehara Residence (Part 2)
Chapter 12: At the Kaedehara Residence (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Ryota Kaedehara wants to settle his past
Chapter 14: Hayasaka Ai wants to say it
Chapter 15: Plans for Summer Vacation
Chapter 16: "First Time"
Chapter 17: The Music Club of Shuchiin Academy
Chapter 18: Cat Ears
Chapter 19: The Student Council wants it to be said
Chapter 20: Ai Hayasaka wants to call
Chapter 21: Ryota Kaedehara wants to hang out
Chapter 22: The French Foreign Exchange Students Welcome Party
Chapter 23: Another Love Advice
Chapter 24: Chika Fujiwara wants him to remember
Chapter 25: Volleyball Training
Chapter 26: Under the Umbrella
Chapter 27: Yu Ishigami wants to live
Chapter 28: Chika Fujiwara wants to test them out
Chapter 29: Hayasaka wants to be noticed
Chapter 30: Holding Hands
Chapter 32: Ryota wants to visit
Chapter 33: The little sister
Chapter 34: Chika Fujiwara and Ryota Kaedehara
Chapter 35: Ryota Kaedehara wants to study
Chapter 36: Ryota and Kaguya want to prevent Ishigami from failing
Chapter 37: Hayasaka wants to take care of him
Chapter 38: Ryota Kaedehara wants to get better
Chapter 39: A Cake
Chapter 40: Where the leaves fall and gather
Chapter 41: Summer Vacation
Chapter 42: Ryota's Summer Trip
Chapter 43: Mid-August Summer Rush
Chapter 44: Fireworks
Chapter 45: Flaws, secrets and confrontation
Chapter 46: The Fall Music Festival
Chapter 47: Nirvana
Chapter 48: Happy Life Game
Chapter 49: Fortune Telling and Birthdays
Chapter 50: Buying the presents
Chapter 51: The Kaedehara Family wants to celebrate
Chapter 52: Moon viewing
Chapter 53: The 67th Student Council
Chapter 54: The Student Council Celebrates
Chapter 55: Kaguya wants to seduce Ryota
Chapter 56: The President's "confession"?
Chapter 57: The Campaign
Chapter 58: True Love
Chapter 59: The Avici Hell of Singing
Chapter 60: The Election
Chapter 61: Desiring to fall in love
Chapter 62: The Sports Festival
Chapter 63: The Key
Chapter 64: The Preparations
Chapter 65: The Crossroads
Chapter 66: Ryota's Cultural Festival
Chapter 67: Festival Concert
Chapter 68: Ryota Kaedehara's Answer
Chapter 69: Christmas
Chapter 70: Kaedehara Ryota's Daily Routine
Chapter 71: The Kyoto School Trip
Chapter 72: Hayasaka Ai & Kaedehara Ryota
Chapter 73: Ryota Kaedehara wants to protect
Chapter 74: Ryota and the Tsukiyomi Shrine
Chapter 75: Kaedehara Ryota has always been watching
Chapter 76: Valentine's Day
Chapter 77: A New Spring
Chapter 78: The Beginning of their Battles
Chapter 79: Birthday Date
Chapter 80: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 81: The End of an Era
Chapter 82: The Shinomiya Family
Chapter 83: The Relationship of Noble Families
Chapter 84: Preparations
Chapter 85: Curtains Fall
Chapter 86: The PRO of the Student Council
Chapter 87: To the Future

Chapter 31: Clubs

3.3K 110 72
By keishirogane08

Ryota's POV.

Ishigami: Club activities suck.

Miyuki: Wha.......

Ryota: *member of the music club*

Ryota: No, they're not.

Miyuki: *ehem*

Miyuki: Club activities are important.

Ryota: It can help us improve on the things we took interest in. In my case, music.

Miyuki: Though your family owns a cafe?

Ryota: Well, I consider music as my hobby and if I don't have anything to do, I'm just gonna listen to music or play my guitar.

Ishigami: No, I know why club activities are important.

Ishigami: Without them, student would have free time and go on a path delinquency.

He monotonously said while typing fast on the laptop.


shigami: Juvie, suspension, breakdown of the family.

Ishigami: In the end, they get pregnant and we do a fundraising campaign.

Ryota: Just how far Ishigami thinks about these things?

Ishigami: Club activities are also a keep mentally immature children isolated from all that.

Miyuki: I didn't say that.

Miyuki: I mean, yes, there's that aspect to it.

Ryota: If I remember correctly, there are two pyramids here in Shuchiin Academy.

Ryota: The first one is the Bloodline Pyramid and this refers to the 99% of students here at this academy coming from wealthy families.

Ryota: Well, it could be called as a "Social Standing Hierarchy."

Ryota: And then, the other pyramid. "The Club Caste."

Ryota: Well, they say that anyone affiliated from the sports club are totally famous, regardless of their performance.

Ryota: Which is kinda lame in my opinion.

Ryota: In the music club, we have high standards and we won't allow anyone from slacking off.

Miyuki: Wow, no wonder why you got a few members. You guys are strict as hell.

Ryota: No, not strict. It's because of the dedication our members must have. If they are not dedicated, then what else could they do besides being a deadweight to the club?

Ishigami: Those who are serious about it are okay in my book. Like Kaedehara-senpai and the music club.

Ishigami: But don't the majority put on "We're serious" faces while pretending to be best buddies?

Ishigami: That's a really cold thing.

Ishigami is making a scary face just now.

Ryota: Stop that will ya? I'm shivering from fear.

Ishigami: It's like, what's fun about that?

Ishigami: They should do it as if their lives depended on it!

Then he stood up from his seat, stood in front of the wall while his hand is on the wall having a depressed look on his face.

Ishigami: I wish they will all die.

Ryota: I-Ishigami?

Miyuki: Shoot. Ishigami is off on one of his anti-youth rants.

Ryota: *sigh*

Ryota: Well.........if there is something we could do for him.

Miyuki: We have to get him back on topic somehow.

Then the prez picks up on of the papers that indicates the budget reports of each club.

I also read it and I also compared them to the complaints I received from the other club.

Ryota: Well, as the PRO of the Student Council, I received reports from some of the other club members about the unfair distribution of the club budgets.

Ryota: Well, even I will complain about it because, yep. It's really unfair. Even Tohma-senpai is appealing to me about the club budgets to be revised and distributed properly.

Miyuki: *sigh*

Miyuki: So the papers you're working on just the other day, are those.......?

Ryota: The complaints about the club bidgets, yep. Those are the papers I've been working on.

Ryota: We gotta solve this matter as soon as possible, Kaichou.

Miyuki: I know.

Miyuki: Let's put a pin on that.

Miyuki: Ishigami, regarding the club budget draft.........

Ishigami sits back on his chair as the prez slids the club budget draft to Ishigami.

Miyuki: With the recent recession, contributions are down.

Miyuki: We'll have to cut club budgets wherever we can.

Ryota: And distribute the budget evenly among the clubs.

Miyuki: I definitely want to hear your opinion as treasurer.

Ishigami: Well, let's see.

Ishigami takes the report and reads it.

Ishigami: Going from my experience doing accounting for the family business, I have to say, there's a lot of waste in this proposed budget.

Ryota: Ah, you mean unnecessary money?

Ryota: Well, in my experience in our cafe, we would always plan on our expenses, then our goal profit for the month.

Ryota: If we manage to reach or exceed our goal profit, then we will plan ahead for buying of the ingredients and then the rest, for our daily needs and maintenance of the cafe.

Ryota: If there are some excess money from it, we will save it.

Miyuki: How much did your cafe earn last month?

Ryota: Let's see, the sales were totally high especially during the mid month sale, so our profit was around 3 million yen in that month alone.

Miyuki: And that is more than enough to cover everything you need for the ingredients, daily needs and maintenance of the cafe!

Ryota: And the rest of it goes to the bank and just saving it.

Miyuki: How much did you guys already saved up?

Ryota: The cafe has been around since my birth, let's say for 17 years, they already made around...........

Ryota: 38.7 million yen.

Miyuki: Woah!

Ryota: Not even counting Saya's inheritance money from her real parents which is 500 Billion yen.

Miyuki: And the money your parents saved up during those years.........

Ryota: Yep, from our profits in the cafe.

Miyuki: Damn.

Miyuki: You guys are totally rich now.

Ryota: Yeah but we wanted to keep our middle class way of living.

Ryota: Now getting back on topic, Ishigami, which club should we cut the budget?

Ishigami: The Soccer Club, probably.

Miyuki: Okay, why?

Ishigami: A lot of their members have girlfriends.

Ryota & Miyuki: That's your reason!?

Ishigami: For the same reason, let's reduce the budgets of the basketball club and the baseball club.

Ryota: Um........

Ryota: Looks like Ishigami hates the sports clubs.

Ishigami: How about 50,000 yen reduction per couple?

Miyuki: Taxing Couples!?

Ryota: Oi, oi, oi. Isn't that too much, Ishigami?

Ishigami: Shouldn't those who are happy be taxed the most? It's a happiness tax.

Ryota: Don't drag the happy people on this mess!

Miyuki: Even a tyrant wouldn't tax like that! That's just a total personal grudge!

Ryota: Um, Kaichou, a tyrant can probably tax happy people.

Miyuki: There is a possibility!?

Ryota: Yep. Well, a tyrant is a tyrant, after all.

Ryota: But still Ishigami, you really are holding personal grudges among the members of the sports clubs.

Ishigami: It is a personal grudge, but is that so bad?

Miyuki: It is bad! It's really bad!

Then Ishigami clenches his fist close to his heart.

Ishigami: You don't understand, Kaichou, Kaedehara-senpai.

Ishigami: You don't understand my feelings!

Then he bursted into tears.

Ryota: Ishigami!?

Miyuki: You burst into tears?

Ishigami: It's okay with me that they have girlfriends.

Ishigami: I'm so used to it that I don't feel anything at this point.

Ishigami: *sob*

Ishigami: *slams the table*

Ishigami: If you've got a girlfriend, go on a date!

Ishigami: Why are you even at practice?

Then he puts his face on the table.

Ishigami: If you got a precious girlfriend, what could be more important than her?

Then he sits up straight with tears flowing our from his eyes.

Ishigami: When I have nothing.........

The prez looked at me as if saying.

Miyuki: Hey, you got a girlfriend and you've been in one of the sports club before, right? So why don't you take the lead here?

I sighed.

Ryota: Listen up, Ishigami. Even if you're still in a relationship, you two still have your own lives.

Ryota: In my case, my ex-girlfriend, Yuki, was very supportive of me when I was still at the volleyball club during that time.

Ryota: She would always ask me if I have club practice or anything and whenever I have, she would watch the practice and wait for me and the two of us will go home or have a detour in walking the park or eating crepes.

Ishigami: That's nice having a supportive relationship partner.

Ryota: She completely understood my situation and she was never angry about it.

Ryota: She is still willing to support me all the way.

Ryota: I guess if someone is a member of the one of the sports club and they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, I believe they should support their lover.

Ryota: Well, I'm only speaking through experience here.

Ishigami: You're lucky you had an understanding girlfriend.

Ryota: But look, you can also join a club even though you're not a relationship.

Miyuki: Yeah. You know a lot about computers, right?

Ishigami: Everyone says the same thing to an otaku.

Ryota: Maybe you should join one of those clubs.

Ishigami: Is it possible to be in a club and also do student council.

Miyuki: Kaedehara is our PRO and a member of the music club.

Ryota: That's right.

Miyuki: Then, we also have Shinomiya and Fujiwara in their own clubs, too.

Miyuki: So it's not impossible.

Ishigami: I see. Since I know Kaedehara-senpai's club, what clubs are Shinomiya-senpai and Fujiwara-senpai are in?

Miyuki: Hm, let's see.........

Miyuki: I believe Fujiwara belongs to the tabletop game club.

Ishigami: I can imagine her doing that.

Miyuki: Shinomiya is in the Japanese archery club.

Ishigami: The Japanese archery club?

Then Ishigami had this weird smile on his face.

Ishigami: That really suits her.

Ryota: ???

Miyuki: What do you mean?

Then he mimics how to draw a bow on the Japanese archery as explains.

Ishigami: With Japanese archery, if you've got breasts, the bowstring rubs against them when you pull it back.

Then both the prez and I suddenly flinched when we saw Shinomiya-san standing behind the couch where Ishigami is seating.

Ryota: !!!

Miyuki: !!!

Ishigami: But with Shinomiya-senpai's size, there's no need to worry about that.

Ishigami: She's like this.

Ishigami: *proceeds to wave both his hands on his chest*

Ishigami: Just like this.

Then both the prez and I are trying to warn him quietly.

Miyuki: Ishigami!

Ryota: I-Ishigami!

Miyuki: Behind you! Behind you!

Shinomiya-san is sending death stares to Ishigami as if he is like a worm while Ishigami on the other hand is laughing.

Ryota: Ishigami!

Miyuki: Ishigami!

But he still went on.

Ishigami: But then I heard it's possible to bind your boobs with bandages up to D cup!

Ishigami: I'm sure Fujiwara-senpai is way bigger than that, so the day she tried Japanese archery, her chest will be knocked all over the place!

Ishigami: *imitates a bouncing movement with his hands in front of his chest*

Miyuki: *gulp*

Ryota: W-Where is the tea cup, I need to brew some tea! Where the heck is it!?

The prez and I then saw Fujiwara-san is now standing just beside Shinomiya-san with the same death stare towards Ishigami while Ishigami is still continuing making fun of her.

Ishigami: They'd be like this!

Ryota & Miyuki: Hit the brakes, Ishigami!

Chika: ............

Chika: Ishigami-kun.........

He turns around shocked as he finally noticed the other two.

While Fujiwara-san on the other hand...........


After a few seconds of watching Ishigami getting beaten into a pulp by Fujiwara-san, the prez and I just folded our hands in prayer as if someone just died.

Chika: *pant* *pant*

Kaguya: You're lucky Ishigami-kun.

Kaguya: Fujiwara-san is kind, so she'll forgive you.

Then she continued in a rather menacing tone.

Kaguya: She's probably the only one who'd forgive you.

Kaguya: I'm sure of it.

Ishigami: *terrified*

Then he stands up from his seat with a terrified expression on his face.

Ishigami: Kaichou, I'm going home to write my will.

Miyuki: S-Sure.

Miyuki: But don't die.

Then he immediately leaves the student council room.

After he left, the prez asked the both of them.

Miyuki: We're you two at your own clubs?

Kaguya: Yes.

Chika: Prez, please increase the budget of the tabletop gaming club.

Then she hands out a cola.


Miyuki: Don't give me such an obvious bribe.

Chika: *tries to whistle but she can't*

Chika: Then, Kaedehara-kun, be my boyfriend and I'll give you this cola.

Ryota: Sorry, not falling for that trick and my family owns a cafe, we have way more better drinks than a cola*

Chika: *heartbreak noises*

Miyuki: But I've never been in a club before, so I don't know what it's like.

Kaguya: Really?

Then the prez is just looking on the reports.

Kaguya: Kaedehara-kun, I heard that you're having another intense practice.

Kaguya: For the summer music fest?

Ryota: Yep. We're actually making preparations now, since we knew that it's going to be earlier than expected—

My phone rings as I grabbed it from my pocket and read a message in our group chat from Tohma-senpai.

Ryota: "I got the schedule and they say it's going to be around the end of August."

Kaguya: Oh, isn't that nice?

Miyuki: You've got time to prepare.

Ryota: And a lot of time for me to attend to some important matters, huh?

Ryota: Wait, Prez, you said you haven't join any clubs?

Chika: Then why don't you try joining my club?

Miyuki: Tabletop gaming club, huh?

Kaguya: President, the budgets for the cultural clubs haven't changed much. If you were to observe as a member of the student council, then logically, the sports clubs have had the major budget changes.

Ryota: Yeah, the complaints I received about the budgets are mostly from the cultural clubs.

Kaguya: Really?

Ryota: Yep. See for yourself.

I handed her some of the complaints.

Kaguya: Oh.......

She puts it down on the table as she said.

Kaguya: I see.

Chika: No, my club is special! We always buy new games, so it's like a money pit!

Miyuki: That doesn't endear me.

Ryota: I received the complaint but I dismissed it as something stupid.

Chika: Eh!?

Then Shinomiya-san and Fujiwara-san had a tug-o-war with the prez acting as the rope.

Ryota: *The Maple Leaf Prince of the Music Club*

Ryota: *Won't be able to focus if I have two clubs*

Chika: Then, Kaedehara-kun, join my club!

Ryota: No can do, Fujiwara-san.

Ryota: You know I'm in the music club.

Chika: Then I'll just join the music club instead!

Ryota: She helped us out last time.

Ryota: But you turned down the offer, don't you remember?

Chika: Did I?


Flashback. Ryota's POV.

After we finished the music video for the Spring Music Fest, Tohma-senpai asked Fujiwara-san.

Tohma: Fujiwara-san, I heard that you won several piano contests when you were young, am I right?

Chika: Yes.

Tohma: And you can also play other instruments, right?

Chika: Yep.

Tohma: Then why not join the music club?

Chika: I'm sorry but, music is only my hobby, I'm not as dedicated as you guys.

Tohma: I see.

Chika: But if you need help, you can ask me.

Tohma: You won't really join?

Chika: Nope.


Back to the present. Ryota's POV.

Ryota: You rejected Tohma-senpai's invitation.

Chika: ...............

Chika: *realized*

Chika: ..................



Meanwhile, Hayasaka's POV.

I've been listening all along to their conversation.

Hayasaka: The music club? Well, they are pretty close but........Tohma-senpai and Sora knew my feelings for Kaedehara-kun!

Hayasaka: If I were to join.............

Hayasaka: They will tease me nonstop!

Hayasaka: And.........I'm not good in playing instruments either.

Hayasaka: *sigh*


Today's match results:

Hayasaka's loss.

Due to her being unable to play instruments.

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