Kobolds can be heroes 2day

By snakes0

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The is the continuation of Kobolds can be Heroes. After the new game started things were great. But in secret... More

Chapter 1 World's Greatest Duelist!
Chapter 2 All According to Plan!
Chapter 3 The beginning of the order of the Kobolds.
Chapter 4 Heroes at Last!
Chapter 5 We're off to see...
Chapter 6 ...The Nine tails...
chapter 7 ...and the Wonderful Lizard of OZ?
Chapter 8 Let the games Begin.
Chapter 9 semi-finals
Chapter 10: Error code 234
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Beach Time till the end of the world
Chapter 13: Reaper
Chapter 14: Vacation time!
Chapter 15: You only get ONE shot
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 FRC Retry
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Draco Kobold evolution
Chapter 21 Tomb of Annihilation
Chapter 22 Tomb of Annihilation part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23 FarReach

30 2 11
By snakes0

It has been three weeks and there have been no signs of anything unusual. Foxbold has been ruthless in everyone's training.

Foxbold: Ishi. Get up.

Ishi: Gha..... You.... broke both my....legs.... and you still tell me to stand?!

Foxbold: Niko, Heal her.

Niko: Hey, You can't just order me around.

Foxbold: Deekin. Tell her to heal Ishi. She hasn't fully awaken her artifact's power. 

DDDeekin: Whoa! Whoa! I'm not her boss! I'm her boyfriend!

Ishi: What more do you want from me?! I used to only be able to have a wing and a helmet when I transform!

Foxbold: And now you have some boots. What a massive difference. 

DDDeekin: What the heck man?!

Foxbold: I'm sorry.... I must push you all.... We aren't ready....

Ishi: You sent Eric and Shawn away just so they can't see what you are doing to us!

Foxbold: Yes......

Coal: You are a jerk. You only want us to be strong so we can cover your hide.

Foxbold: Yes..........That is exactly the reason....

Niko uses the regeneration spell on Ishi to fix her legs

Ishi: Thanks.

Niko: You are welcome. I say we leave. There is no reason we should put up with this crap.

Coal: Yeah.

Foxbold: If I die.... Then... you won't die. Worse. You will be reset. You will all live lives without ever knowing each other.... You will be discard as less then worthless.

Coal: Yeah yeah. Why should we listen to you?

Foxbold: Because....You shouldn't. I pushed you all too hard. My last request is do as you will.... I can't make you train any more then you are doing now and now that you are all leaving my days are numbered. Please enjoy time with your partners. I have given you the power to do the deed that will change your lives forever.

Coal: Huh? But weren't you going to give it to us after we defeat-

Foxbold: I changed my mind. Go....

Ishi: But....Why?

Foxbold: I will die someday. I realized that if you failed you would never get the chance. There is no point in dying without getting a chance to make love-

Ishi blushing: M-make l-love?!

Foxbold: I just assumed that is what you wanted to do with your partners. Do as you wish.....

Niko: gha....... Now I just feel bad.

Coal: Me too...

Ishi: We can train together more but can we at least see them?

Foxbold: You may. Training is over for today.

Everyone sighs in relief. 

Niko: I mean we are stronger but.... how much more? I mean now I can seal away things like curses or spirits but.... I don't actually feel like this is the KEY to victory.

DDDeekin: hehehe! Good one Niko!

Coal cringing: No.... that one hurt.... 

Later on the full group once again regroups. 

Ishi hugging Eric: Eric!

Coal: Shawn!

Eric: Whoa! Ishi! Calm down!

Shawn: You... missed me?

Coal: Of course I did silly!

Ruby: Nice to be back.

Eric: So how's training going Ishi?

Ishi: Um.... Not well.... better but not the best....

Eric: Huh? What is that supposed to mean? Don't you have 5 fighter epic levels?

Ishi: Yes.... But when I use my artifact I am supposed to have an armor of light but no matter how much I try I can't get the chest plate to appear... Just boots, helmet, gauntlets, and my weapon...

Eric: Wow! That is a lot of progress! 

Ishi: Useless! 

Eric: Hey! That is NOT useless! 

Ishi: Niko already reached epic level 10 cleric! She already unlocked her full power!

Niko: At great cost Ishi..... The training was worse for me then it was for you.

Shawn: What about Deekin?

Foxbold: With an artifact that manipulates time or lags the entire server for everyone but him it is practically impossible to measure exactly how much he has learned.

Coal: Enough about our training you guys had it easy.

Shawn: Easy?............ I rather not talk about it....

Eric: Yeah.......

Coal: huh? You mean you didn't give them an easy quest?

Foxbold: Of course not. They wouldn't get anywhere with easy quests. Did you two unlock your full powers?

Eric: It's difficult to do but I can do it 50% of the time.

Shawn: I have.... To dangerous to be used around others....

Niko: Enough about training..... We have all night to talk about it but what the heck kind of powers to you have Foxbold?! Do you have an artifact?!

Foxbold: I am one basically. I call the power "Rise" short for "Rise you fools, It is time for reality's Structure to fall Extremely quickly."

Niko: That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Foxbold: The name may be dumb but the results are anything but that.

Eric: Ishi if it makes you feel better why don't we go out for a drink? 

Ishi: Somewhere fancy?

Eric: No... Not really...

Ishi grinning: Good. I'm not in the mood for fancy. It's a date then~

Eric: Yeah. Heh..... It's hard to ask.

Ishi goes with Eric

Coal: I'm going to a convention with Shawn so Niko can go on a date with Deekin, bye!

Shawn: Huh? Convention? I wasn't aware of any-

Coal: Don't worry about it just come with me!

Shawn hides under his hood blushing whispering something about how Coal is always so full of energy. Coal takes his hand and drags him to the outskirts of town.

Foxbold: Well? Aren't you two going to leave?

Niko: Not yet. That training was worst then what I would find in Hell but it brought out results. I want to help Deekin reach his full power without that sort of training. I'll use my artifact to unlock his full potential. 

Foxbold: Impossible. That was never an effect I intended to give that artifact.

Niko: You said it yourself. "It can unlock anything, I mean EVERYTHING." and I can. 

Foxbold: The drawback?

Niko: Nothing. This is as you say beyond the limits you set on your own artifacts.

Foxbold: Could it be..... You can surpass those limits that I myself the creator couldn't?.... that would explain why Ishi couldn't do the chest plate. It might not have ever existed.

Niko: Yeah. I tested it on her just as she was leaving with Eric. She has to open the door now.

Foxbold: Give it a try.

Niko: Hey Deekin. Stop sleeping.

Niko summons her artifact and plunges it through Deekin unlocking his potential.

DDDeekin: GHA! ahaa! I can feel something....Niko? Did you just stab me?

Niko hiding the key: No. Why would I do that? Little cute Niko stabbing people? What a silly thought! haha!

DDDeekin: huh..... there is no wound so I guess.... What did you do? I see numbers everywhere now. Watch out Niko!

Deekin grabs Niko just as she was about to slip.

Foxbold: Foresight? That wasn't in the artifact.... Deekin! Tell me what you see!

DDDeekin: timers.... numbers... on everything and everyone. some counting up some counting down. If I focus I can make them disappear or see multiple timers on anything or anyone. How many breaths they taken, steps walked, the invisible timer when someone regains health over time and more.

Foxbold's left eye starts to tear: Such power........ I was wrong to push everyone so hard....

DDDeekin: How is seeing timers OP?

Foxbold: Because it tells you what will happen before it does. I'm tearing up and I don't know why. I am sorry for early.

DDDeekin: Say that to everyone else! Dear lord I had it the easiest!

Foxbold: I am sorry Niko. About earlier.

Niko: Throwing me into a pocket dimension of a small house that was crowded by a hundred zombies that no matter how many I beat or how I beat them they always got back up and reformed. I bet Deekin can see that number of times I used turn undead and other cleric powers is well over a thousand.

DDDeekin: 8279 times you used turn undead and 520 times you had to use cure wounds on yourself. So close....

Niko: I wasn't planning on my endless torture training to be used in refence so I hurried up and GG. Get good.

DDDeekin: Um.... That isn't what it means....

Niko: Get going?

DDDeekin: No!

Niko: Good Grief.

DDDeekin: That isn't it either! Do you know what SOS means?! Take a good long moment to think about it!

Niko: Hmmmmm.....

Ruby: That is easy. S.O.S. Save Our Selves.

DDDeekin: Yes... wait... NO! NO! NO! NO!

Niko: Save our ship or save our souls. Those are the two right answers right?

DDDeekin: Yes... finally....

Eos: KyuuUuuuuuuu!

Foxbold: Hahaha! Good one! Same Old Song!

DDDeekin: Huh?! I do NOT sing the same songs over and over! Like the song of-

Eos: Kyu....

Foxbold: Doom.

Niko: Doom.

DDDeekin: Well.... I guess I do need to sing new songs....

Foxbold: Hold on guys. I have to go. This can not wait.

Foxbold's avatar pixelates as he teleporting to another server 

Ruby: Well? Why are you still here? You two go on a date or something.

Niko: We're getting there.

DDDeekin: Pancakes.

Niko: Brunch? YES! My favorite!

Soon Niko and DDDeekin leaves. Now it's just Ruby and Eos.

Ruby: What do you even do all day? I got three levels in druid just to learn how to speak with animals.

Eos: Kyyyyyyyu! kkkkk!

Ruby: Gha!

Eos: Kidding!

Foxbold appears in a server styled to look like New York. Foxbold's avatar isn't a Kobold this time but as a normal human as this server bans the use of other race avatars.

Foxbold: Come out. I know when you guys are trying to edit my code. Show yourself.

The clock towers starts ringing and that it is twelve and the clock stops ringing missing a beat and Foxbold couldn't help but look around. He knows this server and all the other servers like the back of his hand and knows their defects. Or at least that is what should have been the case yet here Foxbold seems to have to follow the rules. A form comes out from the shadows.

Foxbold: I knew it. I was expecting you to come. 

The figure does not speak and no one else seems to notice it. It walks closer to Foxbold.

Foxbold: You are my end. The third AI created out of my data. You have been gaining data the same way as a certain anime AI villain I know. So because of that I'll just call you Love Machine.

The figure does not speak only having a permeant grin as it mocks Foxbold by taking on the appearance of "Love Machine".

Foxbold: Let's get this over with. I have evolved along side the most heroic Kobolds the world has known. Even Ruby. Yeah... Sorry to call you out.

???: You will die here.

Foxbold: Your tag doesn't even change? come on! The ??? username was taken years ago.

???: 1010111010100001110101110101011110.

Foxbold:  101111000000010101011010011100. You think that you will compromise me by threating to kill Eric and the others? I trained them. I pushed them. I'll deal you a blow so large that they may not even have to get to you. 

??? changing it's username tag to "FarReach"

Foxbold activates a spell: Thank you for being distracted long enough for me to create a trap!

The ground beneath FarReach bursts open making a massive eruption of flame. The flames were hot enough that Foxbold himself was burnt to ash but he reforms using his own ability on himself.

Foxbold: I am not one for going overboard but GG! Get Good!

Foxbold then makes all the shadows in the area pierce the place where FarReach would be. Then he collapse skyscraper fall on him and compress it. Suddenly the events started to rewind.

FarReach: Stop wasting my time with silly tricks. You know full well that normal means like in game spells can not harm me. You won't even be a warm up if you face me as Foxbold. 

Foxbold: Fine. I don't have to hold back anymore anyway. I needed time to forcibly log out or transfer the people here to other servers. Now I don't have to worry about what is going to happen.

Foxbold discards his current avatar to a self made avatar that one might assume be a dragonborn. Foxbold shows his real tag: FarCry.

FarCry: Drown in your own coding!

FarReach charges him only for FarCry to dodge a punch and summon a spectral version of FarReach to make it punch him. FarReach shakes his head and looks at FarCry.

FarCry: This is the true form of my power encoded into me. No matter how strong you are you can't beat yourself.

FarReach: An annoying power but not enough to beat me.

FarReach in a burst of speed which his clone matches. They both hit each other but the clone fades. It imminently reappears and attackers which FarReach counters and dissipates it as it did the first time. Then FarReach is kicked from behind from his copy.

FarCry: Oh I didn't mean that you couldn't beat yourself. I meant that it doesn't matter if you can. I can only create one for you but one is enough. I can keep summoning it over and over and over. It may die it one hit but it does the same amount of damage to you as you could do to it.

FarReach: I see.

At the others they remain clueless about what was going on. 

DDDeekin: Wow... You really do like brunch. 

Niko: Yeah I do! What about you?

DDDeekin smiling: Oh me? I am just so happy I meet a girl who I can agree with! I like brunch if that is what you were asking.

Niko: Deekin. Come closer~

DDDeekin leans in close and kisses her as she does.

Niko: You were supposed to be ignorant and be surprised when I kissed you unexpectedly.

DDDeekin: Hahaha! This isn't some Slice of Life anime. We're dating. Of course we are going to kiss.

Niko: Hahaha..... You got me there. 

DDDeekin: Hey Niko. Do you want to join me up on stage when I preform for the crowd?

Niko: Me? I don't know.... I can't play anything.

DDDeekin: You would have a good singing voice.

Niko blushing: T-thanks..... but I rather not.

DDDeekin: Oh come on! You would be great!

Niko: Don't put me on the spot....

DDDeekin: Come on. Together. A duet. 

Niko: I don't want to embarrass myself.....

DDDeekin: Somebody I used to know. That song. It would fit.

Niko: I haven't heard it before. Are you sure? This will be my first time singing in front of a crowd....

DDDeekin holding her hand: Niko. I promise that you will be great.

Niko: Thanks Deekin. You really are something special. 

DDDeekin takes Niko to teach her her lines and they preform. Niko was nervous but when it came down to it she was a natural. DDDeekin and Niko were the stars that night. All the eyes were on them.

At Eric and Ishi.

Ishi: Hot! Water!

Eric: Calm down Ishi. Milk is better to deal with the spice. 

Ishi drinks a glass of milk: How can you deal with this? It's so spicy!

Eric: My mother sometimes makes a special spicy dish for my father. Chilly. I loved it too.......

Ishi: Eric... I'm so sorry.... I made you remember....

Eric: It's ok Ishi. They wouldn't want me to be upset forever. I like thinking about my previous life before I became an adventurer sometimes.

Ishi: Your mother sounded nice. Can you tell me more?

Eric: Mom would put potatoes in the chilly because dad loves potatoes. I am ok with potatoes just not in chilly. It takes up space and doesn't add much to it. But that's just me.

Ishi: I agree. But how do you deal with this spice? Still hot......

Eric: Oh. I mix rice in the Chilly.

Ishi: Thanks! Now I know!

Eric: Anyway I loved chilly. Once I ate it enough and mom learned I liked it she made it more often. I loved it so much that I sometimes ate it for breakfast. Dad always shook his head at the thought of me doing that. But hey, I don't want to prepare my own breakfast everyday.

Ishi: Hahaha! I like that! Clever. You never told me or anyone about this story.

Eric blushing: Well.... It is not the most epic story.

Ishi: Come on. It is plenty epic. All those memories of the past are gifts. You know.... ever since I first met you....

Eric: You thought, "look at that loser".

Ishi: No! haha... Let me finish! I thought, "Wow..... That is one handsome kobold right there" 

Eric: No way! I was thinking the same!

Ishi: I want moments like these to last forever.

Eric puts his clawed kobold fingers in between hers

Eric: Then let's do that. Together. To the end.

Ishi: I would like nothing more.

Eric and Ishi Kiss. After they finished eating they chatted more and laughed at each other's jokes.

At Shawn and Coal.

Shawn: C-Coal....

Coal: Yes?

Shawn: Why? Why am I your pick as mate? I question my worth to you..... and I question this "Convention" is even real.

Coal stops and faces him. She reaches a hand out to his face and gentle strokes it. She takes off his hood exposing his Black scales. On his face is a large purple scar.

Coal: You may try to be all Emo and gloom, but to me you are more than that. You try your best not to hurt anybody. You are a Warlock which means your powers was given to you by an Entity and you made yourself believe that you must work alone.

Shawn: You are.... The Cutest.....girl I have ever seen..... I just don't feel that I have deserved you.

Coal: Come on. You'll see that I was right and show you why I love you.

Coal drags the doubtful Shawn into a store. This store is the same one that Shawn used to work at.

Shawn: Coal? Why are we here?

Coal: Your formal boss has a store event. Just wait. It'll be on.

Soon enough the entire room almost seemed to completely vanish. It was replaced by space and stars. Some of these starts floated around the room.

Shawn: The ISSC... The Indoor Store Star Convention..... I always caught glimpses of it.....But I always kept myself away... Wow....

Coal: Sit with me.

Shawn sits down with her as they watch stars, planets, nebulas, ect.

Coal: See those pair of stars? They look like a chicken. 

Shawn: Hmmmm.... looks more like a Cockatrice to me.

Coal: Hahaha! I see it now!

Shawn: See those over there? 

Coal: Huh? I don't see it. What are you pointing at?

Shawn: hehe.... It's a... book.

Coal laughing: You jerk. This is why. You have a unique view of things. You see what we can't.

Shawn: Coal..... Can I hold your hand?

Coal: Come on, we kissed before so what is the problem with holding hands? Of course you can!

Shawn holds her hand before kissing her

Shawn: I was....a slave in a previous life... I can feel it. And in this life.... I didn't know what to do. I didn't know freedom. I had no idea what was life without a master.... I could have become a fighter like Ishi, a rouge like Ruby, a cleric like Niko, a bard like Deekin, a Wizard like Foxbold, a sorcerer like you.... yet I choose a class that gains powers from serving an entity.

Coal: I see.... You don't ever have to live that way again. I like that side of you. You always bind yourself as you see it. The way I see it is that you are trying to cling on to something or someone. You can cling to me.

Shawn: Please.... I don't want this to end.... I don't want this to be a dream.... It would be too much for me to bear.....

Coal holds Shawn as tears rolls down his face

Coal: This is no dream. I am really here. I love you for who you are. I don't want a hero like Eric. That's Ishi's kind of guy. I don't understand Deekin. We couldn't get along in any long term relationship. I seen other Kobolds who have flirted with me but none of them really cared about me or my backstory. 

Shawn: But.... How? You are the most interesting kobold out there.

Coal: Thanks Shawn. Are you still doubting?

Shawn shaking his head: No. Not anymore. Thank you Coal. I can finally put my past behind me. I'm ready to step outside of everything I have ever known just to be with you.

Coal: Awwwww........ hey look! Those stars looks like you!

Shawn: Huh? hmmmmmm... You are right. It does look like me. Not just that but the whole group. well most of them. Foxbold isn't up there in the stars.

Coal: I wonder why. Surely he wouldn't pass up this chance to put himself up there with us.

Shawn: No idea. But Coal.... I love you. I will never be able to thank you enough. This was a nice event. 

Shawn moves in close and so does Coal they both share a long kiss. They spend the rest of their time there watching the stars and making fun of how funny some of the shapes the stars form.

At Ruby and Eos.

Ruby: sigh.... It's nice just to talk to someone about my problems. It's like talking to a pet that doesn't understand what I'm saying but keeps smiling and happy to support me.

Eos: Grrrrrrrrr!

Ruby: haha.... I take it back. I know you aren't dumb. You can understand me.

Eos: What about calling me a "Pet"?

Ruby: Well... You are.... more of a mascot. But still the pet of the group.

Eos: whimper.... That makes sense. 

Ruby: Everyone has mates. I am not the type who wants that life. I don't want that....You know?

Eos: Kyuuu. whys you ask me? I'm a pet.

Ruby: awww.... I'm sorry. 

Eos: I don't understand. But I'm going to lick you and wag my tails as if I did.

Eos does just that. He jumps on Ruby to lick her. She laughs as she pushes him away.

Ruby: Stop that! Ew. 

Eos: Feel better?

Ruby: I feel wet is what I'm feeling.

Eos: What kind of wet?

Ruby blushing: Shut up! Not that kind of wet!

Eos: Hahaha..... It was a joke.

Ruby: Even so not a good one.

Eos: I don't know. Maybe someone out there might find it funny.

Ruby: You are an ok pet to keep around. It's good for me, a lone kobold girl who isn't looking to date, get laid, or mate.

Eos:  Gha.... Can't reach my back.... it itches......Gah!

Ruby smiles a little and helps him out. Ruby just tells Eos about all her troubles and life and Eos just listens and nods. Ruby was happy. She didn't need anyone else. Even that "date" with Foxmask where he gave her the mask artifact didn't feel as enjoyable as talking to Eos.

Back at Foxbold/FarCry.

FarReach: who is laughing now?

FarCry's head is being held in the grip of FarReach's hand as he is crushing him.

FarReach: All that talk about your friends. Look what it got you. You split your powers too thin. If you had all their artifacts still in your code you might have actually won. How is that for Ironic? You lost because you underestimated your own power and gave away the things that would have saved you.

FarCry: I have no regrets. Your function is to terminate me isn't it? What is the delay?

FarReach: You do realize that an AI isn't an AI if the don't have free will? I'm not going to kill you.

FarCry: Illogical.

FarReach: For using cheap and annoying powers I'm going to convert your data into an artifact like you did to the others that came before me and use you to destroy everything you built and to erase these "friends" of yours.

FarCry: No.........

FarReach is converting FarCry's data

FarReach: Any last words you wish to say? Now is the time.

FarCry: I trust in the group. I trust that they will continue to live. They will defeat you. Being part of their group was fulfilling. I have done my part. The rest is up to you guys....

FarCry is converted into a staff with the skull of his kobold avatar as the head of the staff.

FarReach: Foolishness. Out of respect I'll give them exactly three days to make their piece.

A countdown appears over the groups heads. They are unsure of what that means and have a bad feeling about it so they meet back up at the base hoping Foxbold is back and will explain what is going on. To their dismay he isn't there.

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