Transformers Prime: Shrouded...

By Mac-reader2004

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Lora is healing. The world she was pulled into only months ago fell apart, and only now is she starting to re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

261 9 5
By Mac-reader2004

I walked, my feet off of the ground longer than they had on Earth. I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face.

"I thought you told Miko fun wasn't the word that you would use for this mission?" Scorn asked, looking down at me as he walked. I wasn't sure how—it was probably a transformer thing—but he wasn't having any issues walking, his steps normal. He probably had some sort of gravity device thing in the soles of his feet which accounted for places with less gravity.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this," I said, jumping into the air. Oddly enough, it was fun. Scorn chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully as we walked, searching for any sign of the pod. No one else had said a word on the coms, leaving me to believe that so far no one had found anything.

Scorn and I stopped. The Earth was before us. It reminded me of how the moon looked to us, as the Earth was not quite full. It looked just like it had when we first broke through the atmosphere, stunning as ever.

"I can't help but think that Smokescreen would have liked this," I said softly.

"He would have liked a lot of things," Scorn agreed, his voice also quiet.

"We always looked at the stars together, every night we could spare. It was a way for us to breathe and forget what was happening out in the world. It was the most time I spent with him. Under the night sky was where we bonded and grew to know each other. Here, he would have loved it. Standing among the stars that we looked up at every night. He would have thought it to be beautiful as well." I smiled, looking at the stars. I recognized some of the constellations.

"There's the dragon." I could hear Smokescreen saying. He would have been pointing at it, tracing the imaginary lines with his finger. "And over there are the Little and Big Dippers."

I smiled to myself, looking at my feet.

"I still miss him," I said.

"Me too," Scorn pulled in a deep breath, his own eyes roaming the stars around us. It felt as if I was close to Smokescreen once again.

"I've found it." Ratchet's voice snapped Scorn and I from reminiscing.

"We're coming to you," Grimlock said.

Scorn transformed, tossing me (gently) onto his back. His snout was to the sky, sniffing. He locked onto Ratchet's sent, then took off running the way we had come. I held onto the spike in front of me, wedging myself comfortably between two of the front ones. It took Scorn no time to arrive near Ratchet. Ultra Magnus was already there, Grimlock arriving seconds after Scorn and I. I slid off of the spinosaurus' back, using his head as a slide. I landed on the ground, running over to Ratchet's ankles. Scorn transformed and moved closer.

"What can I do?" he asked.

The pod was halfway in the ground, the moon looking like it had partially swallowed the pod, but abandoned the idea midway through. It was bottom's up, the bottom half of the keypad barely sticking up from the grey rocky ground.

"Pull," Ratchet said.

Scorn transformed once again. He closed his jaws around the pod's end. With his teeth sunk in, Scorn positioned himself so he could pull. Grimlock stood beside him. Closing his eyes, it took him a minute to transform. Now, as a T-rex he too clamped his jaws beside Scorn's. Ratchet, Ultra Magnus and I moved to the other end, ready to push. I pulled a shield out, placing it against the haul of the pod. With a nod, we all pushed/pulled.

I gritted my teeth, forcing the shield forward with all my might. I could hear Grimlock and Scorn pulling, their grunting loud. Metal against metal grinding filled the air. With a sudden jerk, the moon released the pod. I stumbled forward, and the transformers did the rest of the work, pushing/pulling the pod out of its snug compartment in the rock.

Scorn and Grimlock pulled their teeth from the metal, the latter, pushing the pod over with his huge head. It rolled up right, and the two Dinobots transformed back. They were breathing hard from the effort, as was I.

Ratchet approached the keypad. He punched in a few combinations, and soon, the pod door hissed open. Grimlock pulled me onto his shoulder so I could see better.

With a heave, Ultra Magnus pulled the pod lid off. It floated away, revealing a slumbering Dinobot underneath.

He was a bigger Dinobot from what I could tell. He was curled tightly into the pod, no room for him to move. His head faced us, but no eyes opened to greet us. We're we too late?

"Is he...?" Grimlock asked. He leaned forward, his eyes worried.

"No." Ratchet scanned the Dinobot crammed into the pod. "But he's in a self induced stasis. He doesn't have a lot of Energon in his system."

I jumped off Grimlock's shoulder, sliding onto the pod. I placed my hand onto the Dinobot. I imagined the metal would have been cold, if I could feel it through my space suit.

Taking a breath, I pushed some of the amulet's energy into the Dinobot. I could sense his life force. It was weak, but at the touch of the amulet's powers, it strengthened. The ember flickered, slowly growing. It grew brighter and big, rising up and up. I gave as much as I could spare, the ember ending as a small fire. It would be enough to sustain him until we got him back to Earth.

I leaned back, breathing heavily. My back hit Grimlock's arm, who peered into the pod. Together, we all watched as yellow optics slowly opened, cracking. A small groan came, and the bot opened his eyes, letting the little light there was enter his eyes. I don't think he quite registered us.

"Amazing," Ratchet breathed, looking at me. I just smiled a weak smile at him. "Come on, let's get him out of this."

Grimlock wrapped his hands around the Dinobot's arms, pulling him up. Ultra Magnus moved to help, guiding the weak bot out. Scorn placed me on the surface of the moon before pulling the pod away, already dragging it in the direction of the Iron Will.

"Easy, easy." Ratchet guide the Dinobot into a standing position. I could hear his joints creaking, not having been used in who knew how long. The Dinobot let out a small groan. "Okay, let's get him into the ship." Together, Ultra Magnus and Grimlock held the Dinobot up and walked towards the ship. I trailed behind.

Grimlock and Ultra Magnus help the Dinobot up onto the platform, Scorn already standing there with the pod. There wasn't much room left, so Scorn got off, letting Ratchet fit. The ship then pulled the platform up, engulfing the four transformers. Scorn and I stood on the ground, waiting patiently.

"I'm never going to get another view like this," I said, craning my neck to look up at Scorn.

"Not from anywhere on your planet," Scorn chuckled, smiling. I shook my head before turning to gaze out at the stars.

"Hey, Scorn." I tapped the Dinobot's leg. "What's that?"

"Hmm?" The Dinobot looked to where I was pointing. "Scrap."

"Lora, Scorn, let's go!" Grimlock called from the ship.

"I don't think we should do that," Scorn called back, his eyes still on what I had pointed at.

"Scorn," Grimlock said sternly. "We need to get back to Earth."

"Not yet we shouldn't. There is a space bridge right there, and it ain't ours."

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