
By demonlover07

6.5K 235 21

The war with Gaea has just ended and everyone is content. There are no new prophecies or anything other than... More

New Moon
1. Arriving
2. First Day of School
3. Bella's Missing?
4. Laurent
5. The Wolf's Out of the Bag
6. Treaty
7. How Stupid is She?
1. Back to 'normal'
2. Break in
3. Bondfire
4. Graduation
5. Training
6. Day Before the Fight
7. The Newborn Army
8. Going Home
Breaking Dawn
1. Going back
2. The Wedding
3. What the Hell is Wrong with Her?
4. Before the Birth
4. The Birth
Breaking Dawn Part II
1. Why do I Keep Coming Back?
2. Nico Arrives in Forks
3. The Battle
4. Aftermath

8. Meeting the Cullens

262 9 1
By demonlover07

From there the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Jacob looked between the girls wondering what was going on. He looked to me for an answer. I just shrugged my shoulders. I don't really care if he's trying to kill himself. Bella made the first move she pushed past me and stormed upstairs to her room.

I sat down in the living room. It's been a long day. "What the hell is going on?" Jake asks.

"Edward's trying to kill himself because he thinks Bella's dead." I reply in an obvious tone. "Didn't you hear Alice?"

"I did," He answers, annoyed. What? He's the one who asked. "I mean, what's The Volturi?"

"The Volturi is a coven of vampires that enforces the rules they made for the vampire community. Such as no immortal children, you're responsible for those you turn, and no revealing their secret to mortals. They're the reason we don't get involved with vampire's often because they take care of them for us." I explained. I just wanted to go to bed. I don't have the energy to deal with this drama.

"Alice," Bella cried as she came down the stairs. Great more shit. "I'm ready, let's go."

Alice rushed Bella to her car. Jake and I ran after them. She can't be that stupid, they'll kill her. "He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember that?" Jacob asks her.

Bella ignored him as she continued to make her way to the car. "I'm not letting him kill himself out of guilt," She tells him sadly.

"What about Charlie? You're just going to disappear after he just lost one of his best friends?" I scoff. "Some daughter you are. Leaving him for someone who doesn't want you, someone who should've been dead long ago." I sneer. How selfish is she? Let him die, he's supposed to be dead anyway.

"Look, I'm sorry Natalia, but I have to go save him." She says acknowledging me for the first time. She gets in the car as they drive off.

"You should tell Sam that the Cullens might be back," I say to Jake.

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"In the wise words my brother once said, with great power comes great need to take a nap. Plus, I'm still in my wet clothes after almost drowning earlier." I turn and head back inside. If she wants to be dumb then go ahead. I sigh, I'm going to have to explain this to Charlie.


I hear the kitchen door slam open and Charlie's shoes hit the wooden floor. I guess it's time to tell him. I roll out of bed and head downstairs. "Hey Nat, have you seen Bella?"

"Yeah, she's in Italy." I tell him bluntly. His eyes widened dramatically.


"She went to rescue Edward, who's trying to kill himself, since he thought she was dead. He went to the Volturi to ask to kill him."

"Why did he think she was dead?" He asks, concerned.

I hesitate before answering. "She jumped off a cliff a couple hours ago, I jumped after her, and Jacob saved us both."

"Why would she do that?" He exclaims. "Why would you do that? You know Posiden hates you." He sits down running his hands through his hair.

"Victoria was there, I got rid of her, but... almost drowned. The others from camp called me panicked 'cause Nico said I was dying. Also, I wouldn't say he hates me, he just has a very strong dislike." I replied. "I'm sorry about Harry." I tell him sadly. I really was sorry, even though you know they're going to a place where they can be at peace it still hurts to lose them.

He rubs his hands down his face while shaking his head. "I feel sorry for his kids, his youngest is 14." I look down, knowing how hard it is to lose someone that young is something I hope most kids never experience.


It's been three days since Bella left. Three days since Harry Clearwater died. Charlie has been going over to their house a lot because he's going crazy over Bella. I didn't tell him about the Volturi or anything, but I'm going to have to tell him if Bella doesn't come back soon. I wanted to go with him to see if there was anything I could do to help, but I doubt they want a random girl showing up to their house. They don't need someone new coming in and giving them pity.

Today the whole pack and most of the tribe is showing up to pay their respects at his funeral. I mostly own black so finding something to wear wasn't that hard. I picked one of the only dresses I own, something that Piper got me to wear on a date with Leo. I go down stairs to find Charlie fumbling with his tie in the mirror.

"Do you need some help?" I ask. He sighs before nodding letting me take over. I tie it before straightening out his jacket. "There, now we're ready to go." He just keeps looking at the mirror. I put my hand on his arm. "It's okay to cry, I thought you would've learned this by now. You lost a friend too, your daughter ran away. It's okay to show some emotion."

"You're too kind, kid." He smiles. "You and your brother may have this tough act going, but you're really sweet when you want to be." I smile at him too, before it turns into a smirk.

"Key phrase there being when I want to be." I laugh and he laughs along with me. "Now, we should really go, it looks bad to show up late to a funeral." I suddenly laugh, making Charlie look at me funny. I sheepishly smile at him. "Just reminds me of the time I pregamed a funeral."

He arches his eyebrow and crosses his arms, giving me a look. "You pregamed a funeral?" I nod my head. He shakes his head. "Why am I not surprised right now?"

We both then get into his car and drive to the reservation. A lot of people are already there including the pack and the elders. Charlie and I take our seats as the service starts. It's a beautiful memorial with a ton of nice words said about Harry. He was seen as one of the leaders in the community that practically everyone knew.

After the memorial everyone heads to the wake while I quietly slip away from the crowd. There were a lot of people there and I was starting to get a little claustrophobic. I go around the building and hear crying. I follow it until I reach a boy. This must be Seth, although he doesn't look fourteen. I've seen him in pictures, but he now looks taller and bulkier. He's either already shifted or going to soon.

I quietly go and sit next to him. "You don't have to be ashamed, you know?" He jumps looking over at me.


"You don't have to be ashamed to cry in front of people. It's hard to lose someone you love, believe me I know, but it's easier when you have people to help you." I tell him, softly.

"Who are you?" He asks, wiping the tears from his face.

"Natalia Di Angelo." I hold my hand out. He shakes it.

"Seth Clearwater, but you probably already knew that." He looks down, most likely embarrassed. "So, you're the demi-god the pack was talking about." He states awkwardly.

"Oh, so you have shifted, I didn't know if you had or were going to." I admit.

He nods. "It happened the night h-h-he d-d-died." He stutters, new tears coming to his eyes. "It's weird, you know. One day he's here and the next he's gone, my sister shifts from the shock of it, then I shift because of the shock of her shifting." My eyes widened when he said his sister shifted. I know in some packs it isn't common for girls to shift. I move over and put my arm around him.

"My mother died when I was ten." I confessed to him. He looked over to me, shocked. "She was murdered in front of my siblings and I."

"I'm sorry," He apologizes.

"I'm sorry about you dad."

He laughs bitterly. "Look at us, each with only one parent left. At least you have Charlie."

"Oh, Charlie's not my dad." I told him.

He looks confused before remembering "Right, the godly parent. Who is he by the way? No one would tell me."

I look around, being funny. "Okay, don't tell Paul, but it's Hades." His eyes widened in excitement.

"You mean like the god of the Underworld?"

"Yep, the very one." I confirm.

"That is so cool. Do you have any powers? Can you show me?" He asks with his puppy eyes. He looks so adorable.

"I do have powers, I can summon ghosts, I'm called the Ghost queen, I can raise the dead, I can conjure shadows, and shadow travel." I explain. "I can't show you right now, but maybe one day." He nods. "Think we should go, your mom's probably looking for you." I stand up and hold out a hand for him to grab.

He takes it and l lifts him off the ground and leads him back to the memorial.


We headed home after the funeral in complete silence. There was nothing either of us could really say. As soon as we got home I said goodnight to Charlie, as it was dark, and headed up to my room.

'Hey' I text Percy.

'Hey, how's forks?' He replies.

'It's okay, I had to attend a funeral today.'

'Oh, so you were finally able to fit in today?' He jokes. I smile and shake my head.

'It was one of the Elders of La Push, Harry Clearwater, and both of his kids ended up shifting a few days ago.'

'Dang, how old were they?'

'One was in her twenties and had already graduated high-school, the other was 14.' I type.

'Wow, I'm sorry for the kid.'

'Yeah, I am too,' As I'm typing I hear the front door slam shut. 'I have to go, tell the others I love them.'

'Will do, Love you. Talk to you soon.'

'Love you too.' I then put my phone down and head to the doorway. I could hear Charlie ripping into Bella about leaving. She takes all of it without a word and starts up the stairs.

"I'm assuming you saved him," I said slowly from where I was, making her jump

She nodded, not answering her.

I rolled my eyes before heading back to my room. An hour or two later I hear someone sneaking out of the house. Is she crazy? She just got back from Italy and now she's sneaking out? Oh well might as well follow her.

I quietly put my shoes on, grabbed my leather jacket and my earrings. The only jewelry I don't keep on me at all times. I saw her truck pull out of the driveway and knew there was only one place she would be going now that the leeches were back. To see her boyfriend...

I shadow travel to the Cullen's house. I know where it is because the pack showed me the treaty line and the Cullen's house the day after we all signed the new treaty. I patiently wait outside for Bella to drive up, and of course barely a few minutes later there's her truck.

She walks up the stairs and meets her boyfriend at the door where they walk in together. I blend into the shadows and appear inside their house. I'll stay hidden for now. Inside I see the short pixie girl, Alice. Three blondes, one girl that is very pretty, a young boy that looks about 19, and the 'father'. There is also a burly muscular one and an older woman who still looks pretty young.

With them and Bella's boyfriend there are 7 vampires in this room, nothing I couldn't handle. I listen to what they're saying. "I already consider you a part of the family. Yes." She decides. What are they voting on? Her becoming a vampire? I laugh in my head.

The 'father' steps forward, looking to Edward.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asks. "You know what this means."

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son." Oh my gods, they are.

I decide then to come out of the shadows. "That's up for debate." I tell them. They all jump looking over to me. "Don't worry I'm not here to pick a fight, just yet." I say slowly. I love being dramatic.

"Who are you?" The 'mother' asks.

"Oh how rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Natalia Di Angelo, Bella's cousin." I sneer in Edward's direction. I can feel him trying to break into my mind and I smirk at his failure. "Now why don't you guys introduce yourselves, I don't know your names."

"Wait, your Bella's cousin? Did she tell you?" The blonde girl asks.

"No," Bella denies. "I would never. I don't know how she knows."

"No, she didn't tell me, blonde girl. I already knew." I smirk.

"My name is Rosalie." She growls.

"Well I asked for your names, didn't I?" I arch an eyebrow.

The father steps forward. "My name is Carlisle, this is my wife Esme, and our children Alice," Pixie "her mate Jasper," Pointing to the curly blonde who has his arms around Alice. "Rosalie and her mate Emmet." He finishes. Emmet smiles at me. He reminds me of the over active kids at camp. "May I ask how you know of us."

"No," I tell him bluntly. "I can't tell you what I am either. As I've already told Alice." I say glancing in her direction.

"I can't read your mind." All of them look at Edward then back at me.

"That's correct, mental barricades." I nod, smiling. "Now, I already know of your diet and I don't care about your species as long as you're not hurting anyone" I don't think they know of the Greek world, "but I don't think I can forgive immortality. I hate people who cheat death." I say, faking being sad.

"What do you want?" Carlisle asks.

"Nothing," I say simply. "Except you dead." They all look ready to pounce.

"I thought you said you weren't here to pick a fight?" Esme says.

"I'm not, I'm here to warn you. I'm not going to kill you as long as no one gets hurt, it's bound to happen and if I hear of it, well let's just say it won't be pretty." Carlisle nods at my words.

"We promise nothing will happen."

I sigh "You can't promise anything, one day someone will slip. However, I do know of something that is coming and frankly I don't feel like putting anyone I like in danger." Other than the wolves of course. "So, here's how it'll go, the thing that's coming we all help kill, then we all go our separate ways. If I hear of anything, I won't hesitate. I don't like any of you. Even if you don't deserve to die, you aren't meant to be alive right now anyway."

"Seems like a fair enough deal." Carlisle agrees, the others look at him slightly surprised. He just keeps looking at me, he knows who the most powerful here is. "Does the pack know of your existence?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes, they do. I've already spoken to the elders. Now, if that's all, I'm going to leave. Unlike you undead people, I sleep." I turn to Bella. "I'm expecting you home tonight, and if you even think of bringing your boyfriend into the house. Don't expect him to leave in one piece."

I then melt into the shadows leaving them all there and reappearing in my bedroom.


That's a wrap for New Moon. I will hopefully be posting the first chapter of Eclipse next week. I have really enjoyed writing this series. At first I wasn't that into it, it was only because I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Now, I have a ton of ideas for it and I can't wait for the next part. 

I will be taking a break from posting though. I want to catch up on writing for some of my other books first. I'm also going on vacation most of next week. Then school starts up again in a few weeks, so I will be cutting back on writing a fair amount. 

I don't own Twilight or Percy Jackson.

Have a lovely day! Signing off until next time....

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