Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

110K 3K 4.3K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 60

948 32 19
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

The festival is today, and everyone is excited to see everything and do all sorts of activities around the school. I was hoping we would be able to wear our casual clothes, but we still have to wear the school uniform unless we have a performance.

Speaking of which, we are so going to kill it! Everyone has been practicing like crazy all this time. Mina went full-on boss mode making sure everyone memorized their dance steps perfectly and are performance-ready.

The effects team and I made sure everything will go according to plan, and it will all look amazing during the performance. Jiro practiced really hard as well. She was pretty shy at first, but surprisingly Kaminari encouraged her enough to stand up in front of everyone and perform.

One of the days we were practicing, Kaminari was trying to perform a chord, but his fingers couldn't hold the strings properly, so the sound wasn't coming out right. Tokoyami was trying to help him, and I was just sitting next to him, laughing every time he failed.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jiro and Katsuki talking together. That's when the idea hit me! That was the perfect opportunity to get my Pikachu and Jiro together!

I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Hey Kam, why don't you ask Jiro for help?"

"W-What? Why would I do that?" he blushed.

"This is a great opportunity for you to get closer to her." I explained, but he was still hesitant. I looked back at them and saw her with a big blush on her face. Did she hear us...? No way. Katsuki was rolling his eyes and looked back at us.

With a single look in his eyes, I knew he caught on to what was going on between the two. Jiro obviously had a thing for Kaminari. It was no surprise that Kaminari felt the same way, but they were both too shy to talk to each other about it.

"Trust me on his Denki! You will thank me for this later!" I got up and called Jiro over. "Kaminari is having trouble with this chord thing." I made her sit in my place next to him and told him to show her.

"(Y/N)!" he tried getting away, but I just walked back to Katsuki, and we were both smirking at the two of them blushing and getting all flustered with each other.

For the rest of the practicing days, I kept seeing Kaminari and Jiro together, either practicing the guitar or listening to Jiro singing. And Kaminari would always compliment her, of course, so she felt a lot better about the song she wrote and her voice.

I feel like this festival will help both of them finally get together. Hopefully, the Perverted Mineta would not get involved...

As much as I want to keep a watch on Kaminari and his love life, I actually want to go around the festival with my own boyfriend and try all sorts of things. Even if my boyfriend swore that all of this is beyond lame and stupid.

The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is watching Katsuki perform on his drums. I've obviously seen him practice, but the performance will definitely be different. He is set on blowing everyone's minds away, and I'm sure our performance will do just that!

I remember when he was practicing, he would stay hours in the room repeating his part over and over again even if he made no mistakes. He wanted the part and the movements engraved into his head and muscles. He wanted to leave nothing to chance.

One day, I walked into the room after he had already started. I was with the effects team finalizing everything and decided to join him. He was already in the middle of practice, and he was sweating like crazy. The room was so hot, he even took off his shirt.

I think that day was my favorite practice!

He stopped after finishing his part and picked up his water bottle. I leaned back on the door after closing it. "You know, I thought Kaminari looked good with a guitar, and I knew that you would look cooler with it. But now that I'm looking at you," I pushed off the door and walked up to him. "The drums are definitely your thing. Nothing beats the drums." I smirked as I checked him out.

"What?" he was huffing, not in the mood for me.

"I'm complementing my boyfriend. He looks hot playing the drums, especially shirtless." I leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Oi! Can't you see how sweaty I am?" he pushed me away and wiped the sweat away.

"I don't care; it adds to the look." I smirk again.

"You're disgusting and weird." he grabbed his shirt from the floor and wiped his sweat again.

"You still love me." I laughed and looked around. "This room needs a window; it's like a sauna in here."

He scoffed and shook his head. "That would defeat the purpose of the room, stupid. It wouldn't be soundproof anymore, which would ruin the sound coming off the drums." he explains.

"Excuse my ignorance." I gave him a deadpan look. "How about an AC then? Does that ruin your music too?"

"This isn't a room for hanging out; it's only to practice music, so nothing else is needed but you and the instrument." he cut the subject and prepared to start up again.

I sat in the room with him for another round of practice, and just like every time, I was captivated by his talent and playing. "You're seriously awesome. I don't think anyone can show me someone better than you."

I got a laugh and a smile from him. He likes it when I compliment him like this. But of course, he would never admit it.

"Hey, can you do the drum roll thing?" I mimicked the noise with my mouth and moved my hands in a drumming motion.

He laughed again and called me over. "Come here."

I shook my head. "No, you're practicing."

"Shut up and get your ass here." he got off his seat and made me sit in his place. He went behind me and grabbed my hands after giving me the drumsticks. "One thing everyone gets wrong is the way to hold the sticks." he started explaining.

As much as I wanted to concentrate on what he was saying, I couldn't help but feel his sweaty chest touching my back and his breath on my ear. "So, basically all you have to do is this." he takes control of my hands and moves them accordingly to play the drum roll.

I gasped and looked up at him. "That was cool! Although I did nothing." I laugh and get off the chair. "Show me how it's really done."

He took the sticks from me, flipping one of them a few times, and did the drum roll so perfectly, I wanted something to happen to add to the effect. He finished and looked at me with a smirk; he already knew I was impressed. "Maybe I'll give you lessons after the festival."

"No thanks. I prefer sitting here and just watching you do all that." I walked up to him and stole a kiss from him before jumping away!

We spent another hour in the practice room before he decided it was enough for today. He went to shower with the promise to smother me with kisses after he was clean for all the ones I stole from him.

So, I know for a fact that today is going to go perfectly and everyone is going to love it.

As we were preparing, Aoyama realized that the rope he will be hanging from wore out from the amount of practice, and Izuku went to get a new one. However, it's been some time now, and he hasn't come back yet.

Jiro and mina were starting to worry and panic that he might not make it on time. "Relax, guys. We all know Izuku; he will make it." I try to calm them down. "Look, even Katsuki isn't swearing at him for being late, which means he knows he will make it on time." Katsuki looked at me funny.

"No? I just don't fucking care. All that matters are the band members. One less crappy dancer won't ruin us." he shrugs.

I hit him from the back of the head and glare at him. "Izuku isn't... such a crappy dancer! And we all need to be here for this." I look back at the again worried girls. "Trust me, whatever is keeping Izuku away is probably important, and he will make sure to make it on time."

I distract them with another short round of practice and checkup for all the instruments. When it was close to our performance time, I ask Aoyama to go around the school gate to see if Izuku is anywhere near.

"Come on, guys. Let's get everything set up; once Izuku shows up, we will only have to perform and not waste more time." I instruct them and help out the band first with their instruments before going to my place.

Izuku literally made it a few seconds before we had to go on, everyone went crazy on him, but he managed to make it on time with a new rope as well.

I look at Katuski as he was stretching his arms before going onto the stage. "Hey," I call out to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "You are going to rock this! And I'm going to enjoy watching you from right up there." I point to where I'll be standing for my holographic effects.

"Damn right I am. They won't know what hit them!" he smirks and pulls me in for a deep kiss.

"Katsuki!" I pull away at the end, feeling a bit embarrassed with everyone looking at us; even some people who aren't in our class who were working backstage were looking.

"For good luck, not that we need it." he smirks and shrugs as he takes his seat behind the drums.

Kirishima calls me, and we both hurry to our places. I found it so cool that he will use his quirk to shred some ice from Todoroki. Now, we could easily make some shaved ice! All we need is some syrup.

But let's leave that idea until summer comes back. Katsuki will kill me if I suggest it now, with winter being around the corner.

Students from all departments started piling into the stadium. Some were excited; others were skeptical about what class 1A would do other than cause trouble. From my position, I could see Aizawa-Sensei with Present Mic and All Might standing in the back.

I wonder what their reaction would be.

Then, "Let's do this shit!" Katsuki screams as he raises his sticks in the air. "We're going to murder all U.A students with our music!" he lets out a huge explosion that sends out hot air to all the crowds, and the music starts.

The dancers were at the front clapping and dancing, and the band was on fire! I knew the performance, and I wanted to be one with the crowd!

"Thanks for coming out today!" Jiro screams and directly starts singing right after.

When she was writing the song, I was surprised at first that it was in English. But she had a perfect accent, and it sounded amazing. Even the meaning behind the words was very inspiring. It was the perfect song for the perfect event.

As the chorus came around, the crowd went crazy. It looks like everyone's having a lot of fun and rocking to the song from up here. And just as Izuku took Aoyama and threw him in the air for his laser effect, they all cheered again.

It's different than when we practiced it. It looks so much cooler live in the stadium with the music being played.

Kaminari manages to get the chord correctly! The one he was having issues with! I look over Katsuki, and he had the biggest smile I've ever seen on him. He was actually having fun! He looks up and sees me.

I give him a thumbs-up, and he smirks and goes back to concentrating on his drums.

"(Y/N), you ready? The second chorus is coming up; that's when we go all out." Kirishima shouts to me.

I barely heard what he said, but I give him a thumbs up and light up my hands to show him I'm ready.

The first thing I need to do is give out all sorts of fireworks. Big, and small and all shapes too. That will work with the confetti and the ice that Todoroki will shoot out.

When my signal came, I warmed up my hands and shot all sorts of fireworks. I remembered when I first met Katsuki and everyone, I showed him tiny little fireworks in my palms, and that's how I came up with the nickname he hates so much, 'Firecracker!'

The crowd goes wild at the added effect, and the band gets even more excited. The song slows down, and I take a deep breath. The next holograms will be even bigger than the fireworks, and I actually had to train to make sure they take form long enough.

Just when Jiro screamed out, and the song picks up again, I start with holograms of all the Hero's and teachers in U.A! I thought about it when they kept trying to figure how to get everyone to have fun. I told them we should do something to thank the teachers and Heroes for putting up with us.

We decided on my holograms to showcase all our teachers. But of course, we needed to thank the two most important ones.

"This is for you, Aizawa-Sensei!" I say before I show an even bigger image of Pro-Hero Eraser Head. I look over to the back of the stadium and see him with an actual smile on his face! He liked it! Aizawa-Sensei liked our tribute of thanks!

For the last giant hologram, just before the song ended, I project a giant All Might in his famous Hero stand. That obviously got a bigger reaction than Aizawa-Sensei, but it was normal since he was the number one Hero.

Although I did not expect him to cry. I giggle as I look at him and show 'U.A Class 1A' right behind the band where everyone can see as they finished the song.

The performance was perfect! Not a single mistake was made, and the feedback we got from the crowd was so much better than we anticipated.

The effects team was the first to get out of the stadium. I see ahead of me a big redhead. "Kiri!" I yell and run to him! I hug him, and he laughs at the strength of the hug. "How amazing were we!? We were perfect!" I tell him.

"We were! Everyone did great, and the students loved our song and performance." he joins my excitement.

"Oi!" I turn around to see my little drummer!

"Katsuki!" I jump up into his arms, and we spin from the force. "You were amazing! I loved how you started the show; you didn't tell me that was part of the plan." I laugh.

"Had to leave something for a little surprise." he smirks.

Everyone was out now and happy about their performance. "You guys did great! I don't think anyone can say anything bad about us now." I give them a big grin, and they all laugh.

As we are cleaning up our area, all the students that watched up would praise us and compliment us as they walked by. Katsuki wanted to rub it in their faces, but I held him back... Jiro is probably the happiest out of all of us that the people loved her song.

"I told you, you would be great." I hear Kaminari saying, and I see him super close to Jiro, looking down at her with a smile.

She blushes and nods. "We were all great. You were able to play that chord correctly; it was perfect." she compliments him back.

"Only thanks to you. You're really awesome, Jiro." he says and plants a kiss on her cheek.

I slap Katsuki on the arm a few times without removing my eyes from the couple. "OI! What's your problem!?" he shouts.

"Shh! Look! I think the ship is sailing!" I whisper to him.

He looks at our two classmates and rolls his eyes. "About time. Watching them flirt with each other during practice was disturbing." he sticks out his tongue and walks away.

"What?" I run after him. "I didn't see no flirting during practice!"

"They would stop when you would come. Apparently, they didn't want you making those knowing eyes at them." he laughs.

"... That's just rude! I basically set them up!" I cross my arms. "I swear, ungrateful kids! You raise them only for them to throw you away." I scoff.

"Stop being dramatic. Let's finish packing up so we can walk around like you want." he kisses me to shut me up and walks away again.

At least he agreed to walk around! After a few minutes, I put the last box away in the storage room and walk back to the stadium to meet up with Katsuki. On my way there, I see a familiar head, so I walk up to him.

"Mirio-Senpai!" I call out to him. When he turns around, I see a little girl in his arms.

"Ah, (Y/N)-Chan!" he greets me.

"I told you not to add the -chan..."

"It's cute. Anyway, we passed by to congratulate you guys on an amazing performance, but you weren't around." he tells me.

"I was putting away some boxes. Now, who is this cutie?" I give the little girl a big smile, but she just pulls away and hides her face in Mirio's shoulder. "I can't even be upset about that! This is too adorable!" I scrunch up my face from how cute she is.

Mirio laughs at me. "This is Eri-Chan. It's her first festival, so she's a bit shy, especially around new people." he informs me.

"Hi, Eri-Chan. I'm (Y/N), I'm the one who made the fireworks during the song. Do you want to see them again?" I ask her in a gentle voice.

She peeks out one eye and looks at me. I'll take that as a yes. "I guess I'll just show you Mirio-Senpai." I wink at him, and he chuckles.

I create small fireworks in my hands and wait for her to lift her head completely. When she doesn't, I try another thing. "Mirio-Senpai, what animal would you like?"

"Mmm." he thinks, and then, "A bunny!" he says excitedly.

Again, I show a bunny jumping around, making it get closer to Eri's face. She gasps and tries to touch it.

"Sorry, it's only a hologram." I smile.

"Holo...?" she tries to repeat after me.

"It means it's only an image made of light. (Y/N)'s quirk is Neon lights, but she can also create imagines like this." Mirio explains.

"Pretty." she comments, and I see a small smile on her face.

"Ah, Eri-Chan! You are adorable! You are the pretty one, a lovely girl!" I comment and make funny faces.

She laughs, and Mirio laughs with her. Mirio was already a good-looking guy on his own, and when his mouth is closed... He turns into a good looking silly guy when he speaks. With Eri in his arms, he looks even better, especially when he smiles at her and laughs with her.

They aren't related, but he looks like a doting older brother.

"Hey, where have you been?" Katsuki walks towards us with his loud voice.

"Don't be scared of him, Eri-Chan. He is loud and maybe looks scary, but he is like a puppy." I giggle as I explain to her.

"I think only you see him that way (Y/N)-Chan..." Mirio chuckles awkwardly.

"Katsuki! Look at this adorable little girl! Isn't she cute?" I ask him.

"Ya, very. Can we go now?" okay, Katsuki might not like kids.

"You know, Eri-Chan, this is the guy I love. His name is Bakugo Katsuki." I introduce him to her. "He's going to be the number one Hero one day! Right?" I turn to him.

"Damn right!" he raises his head smugly.

"Hero? Like Deku and Mirio?" she asks.

"Ha! Even better than both of them." he tells her.

Her eyes got big, and she looks back at Mirio. "Mirio is stronger, right?" she asks him.

I stop Katsuki before he could answer her. "They are both strong, Eri-Chan. Mirio is your hero, right?" she nods. I remember Izuku and Kirishima mentioning a little girl they had to save. "Katsuki is mine. I was also taken by bad guys when I was little, but now thanks to my hero Katsuki, I'm okay." I give her a big smile and hug Katsuki.

She was shocked. "Will I?" she looks back to Mirio.

"Of course, you will be okay, and you will grow up to be very happy and strong. Just like (Y/N) did." Mirio smiles fondly at her. She smiles and hugs him.

Katsuki wanted to leave, so I blow her a kiss and wave Mirio goodbye before we leave them and roam around the school. I drag him all over the school, probably twice. He wanted to complain, and he did!

But not once did he stop me or leave me. He kept following me around and trying everything I did, except the sweet stuff... No power in the world would make him try that stuff.

The festival was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed every second of our mini-date together. His test for the provisional license is soon, so we are back to training for it. I know he will pass it this time around with flying colors!

Maybe I'll plan a little something for him to celebrate! Let's think outside the box!




This was a cute chapter. Just a couple more fun chapters and the story will come to an end.

I hope you guys are enjoying it!

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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