Moonlight Tempest (Completed)

By DrWhomever101

307 11 2

Kari was a soldier. She was a fighter, and she was pretty good too. She has won many battles. She's strong... More

When The Light Was Taken Away...
The Start
The Rehersal Dinner
The Intruders
The BadLands
The Counterpart
The Boy Who Waited
The Long Walk
Some New Friends And Some Old Friends
The Reunion
Back To The 'Normal' Rhythm
To Be Or Not To Be?
If You Wanna Call This A Date, Be My Guest
Unexpected Enemy
First Encounter
She's Baaaack
Am I Strong Enough?
The Message
The Report
The First Mission
The Casualty
The Choice
The Prisoner
Surprise, Surprise
The Reality
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Boss
The Duel
Emotionally Unstable
His First Kill
The Assassination Attempt
The Help
The Rescue
Burnin' Up
The Invasion
The Serenity Castle
The Plan
A Day In The Life...
The Search
The Kids Are Alright
Together Again
Live Bait
Fight, If You Can
The Truth Often Hurts
The End...
...And Also The Beginning

A Rush of Adventure

12 1 0
By DrWhomever101

Chapter 5

"Housecleaning." Franz answered. "That I need help with."

"Ohhhhhhh." Kari and Billy said at the same time.

"Wait, you're fighting something in there." Billy said.

"No shit Sherlock." Kari said. Billy gave her a look.

"What I meant was, how do you have room to do that in this small cabin?" He finished.

"I don't. If you look closely, half the cabin is gone." Franz walked them around to the other side of the cabin and they saw the desolation and a few large green figures.

"Damn! Your house!" Kari was astonished.

"Yep. That's why I need to clean house. You see those uglies there?" He pointed at the green figures. "They are Demons. There are way too many for me to deal with myself. That's where you come in. Kill all of them then help me fix my place."

"Demons...? Those exist here too?" Billy said.

"And we're back to, no shit Sherlock." Kari said. "Demons can exist here. They can exist anywhere."

"How do we fight them? The usual way?" Sam said.

"Decapitation." Franz said throwing the machete at Kari. She caught it effortlessly.

"Of course, it always gotta be the usual way! Ugg." Billy said grossed out.

"Alright! Let's do this Sam." Kari said.

"What about the other guy?" Franz said.

"I'm a Lover, not a Fighter." Billy said proudly.

"Alright, then you can concentrate on fixing my house." Franz said. "Okay, get to it." He went to go sit a few feet away. He took off his dirty apron and sat on a chair. He brought out a newspaper.

"Wow, he's prepared." Billy said.

"Don't forget to kill them all. If you let any of them go, they will come back with more. So, do it." Franz sat and started to read the paper.

"Okay, I've been dying for some action." Kari stretched, took off her heels and got into her battle stance. 'I've never used a machete before.' She said testing its weight in her hand. 'I normally fight with my bare hands. But I'm sure that I'll get used to it soon enough.' She charged at the first Demon.

She jumped high and caught that Demon by surprise. She let out a cry swinging the machete at its neck.

The machete got stuck and the Demon thrashed wildly. Kari was still holding on to the weapon and was gripping tightly onto the wild creature.

'Damn it! I need to use more force with this thing.' She pulled the machete out and jumped off the Demon.

'Lets try it again.' She ran at the Demon and swung harder at the neck. This time she sliced it the rest if the way off. 'Yes.'

Billy was casting his spells loudly and slowly while fixing the cabin.

She looked over to Sam and he already had 5 bodies around his feet. Kari shook her head. She was really out of practice. Demons yelled and started for her.

Kari had to admit, she had missed fighting. Ever since she left the Marines, she had been living a pretty docile life. She wanted to practice her skills more. She decided to try a skill that took her forever to learn. Blind Detection.

She closed her eyes. If she could still sense enemies without sight, then that means her skills aren't as dull as she first thought.

She could feel the Demons presence. They were slowly going out, one by one as Sam killed more. She was happy to find out that she could sense the dark aura radiating from them. She smiled and started swinging.


Kari and Sam finished all the Demons and disposed of the bodies using a disintegration spell.

"Thanks kids. You did a great job." Franz said. "Especially you, in the dress. Sorry about the damage to it though." Kari looked down at her gown. It was torn in places and had a large slit going up the side. She shook her head signaling that it wasn't a big deal.

Billy was still finishing up with fixing the house. "Not you though. You suck." Franz gestured to Billy.

"Hey! I am trying my best here! Your house is seriously messed up. And I have an injury!" Billy whined. One of the Demons jumped on him and cracked a few ribs. Sam threw it off Billy and Kari healed him as best as she could. They intended to find a healer after the went back to Earth.

"Dude, I would have been finished by now if I was you. Even with an injury." Kari joked.

"Well, you're not me now are you?" Billy retorted. Kari chuckled. He finished with the last if his spells. "Done! Now we can leave."

"Yes, thanks again for your help. Send Tom my regards. Tell him to visit once in a while." Franz sat down in his now fixed living room.

"Hey, maybe I should put a spell on the house to deter the Demons from you?" Kari asked.

"No need. They'll be too scared to come here now. As much as they like to destroy things, they like their lives much more." Franz said confidently. The kids nodded an bid the old Dwarf farewell.

They were walking away from the newly rebuild cabin when Kari spoke.

"So, where do you live? I'll Transport you back."

"In a city called Fox Falls." Sam replied.

"Minnesota?" Kari asked.

"Yeah." Sam replied.

"I live 2 hours from there in Sacred Heart. I can get you home no problem." Kari said.

"Weird. Another coincidence. You live in Minnesota too. Either that or I'm way better at Transport Magic than you give me credit for." Billy said. The other two laughed at that.

Kari was on the verge of tears she was laughing so hard. Billy must have felt really insulted by that. "Hey! I am a great Wizard! Watch!" He casted his spell.

"I cast! Transport Spell: Trannastomos!"

A bright orange light engulfed the three kids. Soon they were thrown-literally thrown- by Billy's transport.

Kari felt weightless for a moment, then she felt strong arms around her. Sam had caught her. They were in a woodsy area. Kari saw the familiar skyline of Sacred Heart in the distance.

"What kind of Transporting is that?! We were basically thrown here!" Sam was holding Kari bridal style. She nudged him to put her down. "Thanks. How come you're still standing?"

"I am used to being thrown around by Billy's Magic, so I just learned to catch myself." Sam said shrugging. "Billy, however, is still not used to it." Sam pointed at his brother, who was upside down and desperately clinging into a tree branch.

"Yeah, instead of talking about it, how 'bout helping me?!" Billy said. Sam went under where Billy was hanging. Sam went to the tree and touched it's trunk. There was a faint dark blue light and suddenly the tree's branch slowly lowered Billy. Once on the ground, Billy wiped off his clothes.

"How did you do that?" Kari asked Sam.

"He's always had the ability to 'talk' to trees. We don't know why though. It's strange, but it's cool too." Billy responded. Kari nodded. 'Some type of Plant Magic? Perhaps, a Curse? Strange...'

"Besides, we should concentrate on the fact that I got us here!" Billy bragged.

"Yeah, but badly." Kari said.

"It doesn't matter how we got here, it matters that we are here." Billy said crossing his arms.

Kari had to hand it to him. They were here. Well, two hours away, but close enough. "Yeah, even though we're in Sacred Heart, but good job anyway kid."

"I'm pretty sure I'm older than you." Billy said.

"I doubt it." Kari replied.

"I'm 17. How old are you, 13?" Billy said.

"15, but I'm way more mature than you are." Kari said. Billy grimaced at her. She didn't notice him holding his torso and wincing in pain.

"15?" Sam said. "You do act more mature than Billy. You seem older."

"How old are you? 20?" Kari asked.

"18." Sam said.

"Oh, adult. That's why you seem so cool. You're old!" Kari meant that as a compliment, but Sam looked as if he felt a bit insulted anyway.

"Ugg, let's just go home. I feel... I feel..." Billy walked to a tree to support himself.

"Billy? Are you okay?" Sam went towards his brother. Billy waved him back.

"Yeah, I'm as right as... " Billy put a hand over his mouth and puked up blood and it got all over his shirt. "...Rain... " He fell backwards. Sam caught him before he hit the ground.

"Billy! Billy!" Sam tried to get his brother to respond, but Billy was out.

"OhmyGod! I- This is all my fault! I didn't heal him properly!" Kari said.

"It's not your fault. You even said that you were only good at healing superficial wounds. I can tell that this is more than just superficial. Don't blame-" Sam suddenly turned his head and looked behind Kari. His eyes turned yellow. His teeth grew sharp. And his voice deepened. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

There was a rustling noise and Kari heard a familiar voice.

"Its alright. We can help you." Sam's eyes widened and he turned to Kari. She couldn't read his expression. She decided to turn around and look for herself.

She couldn't believe who was in front of her.




So, who's behind her??? Someone she knows obviously, but is it an enemy? Or a friend?

And what the heck is with Sam's ability?? He can 'talk' to trees? What's with that?

Will Billy be alright? He puked up blood all over his cool shirt for cripes sake!!

Okay, now that I've totally ruined your day with these insane questions, I can take my leave!

Oh, please leave a comment, or vote! I appreciate you taking the time to do it!

Ciao for now.

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