Moonlight Tempest (Completed)

By DrWhomever101

307 11 2

Kari was a soldier. She was a fighter, and she was pretty good too. She has won many battles. She's strong... More

When The Light Was Taken Away...
The Start
The Intruders
The BadLands
A Rush of Adventure
The Counterpart
The Boy Who Waited
The Long Walk
Some New Friends And Some Old Friends
The Reunion
Back To The 'Normal' Rhythm
To Be Or Not To Be?
If You Wanna Call This A Date, Be My Guest
Unexpected Enemy
First Encounter
She's Baaaack
Am I Strong Enough?
The Message
The Report
The First Mission
The Casualty
The Choice
The Prisoner
Surprise, Surprise
The Reality
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Boss
The Duel
Emotionally Unstable
His First Kill
The Assassination Attempt
The Help
The Rescue
Burnin' Up
The Invasion
The Serenity Castle
The Plan
A Day In The Life...
The Search
The Kids Are Alright
Together Again
Live Bait
Fight, If You Can
The Truth Often Hurts
The End...
...And Also The Beginning

The Rehersal Dinner

25 1 1
By DrWhomever101


Dedicated to Skitty-Writter108 cause you are actually reading this lololol thank you!!!


Chapter 2

Year: 2032

Kari pulled her jacket tightly against her shoulders. It was a brisk October morning with chilly winds. She had gone to the bus stop to wait for the bus, and it seemed to get colder as she waited.

It was only October, but the side walk around the bus stop were covered in ice. There were a group of three boys giggling their heads off right behind Kari. She had wondered why the ground was so icy, but the giggling told her what was going on. No doubt the side walk being icy was one of the three's pranks.

So far, no one had fallen for their prank (no pun intended). But there were only 4 kids at the stop (including Kari and the three giggle triplets).

Usually, there were 6 kids, but one was sent home the day before on account of her sickness (She threw up on the bus, and-- lucky for Kari-- she was sitting right beside the girl).

Since the kids at the stop were all careful, no one slipped. 'But there was still one more victim-- kid --left,' she thought.

Kari noticed the bus turning onto the street the stop was on and it was approaching fast. All Kari could think was, 'the kid lucked out by missing the bus today, and he saved himself a heck of an embarrassment'.

The bus stopped and the kids had gotten into a line to get onboard. Kari glanced down the street once more, just to make sure the last kid didn't come.

But, of course, as soon as she turned to look, she saw him running towards the bus. Kari opened her mouth to warn him to slow down and tell him about the  ice, but the poor kid ran too fast for Kari to speak in time. He ran to the bus only to slip and land right on his butt.

Everyone at the stop and on the bus (including the driver) laughed their heads off. Kari frowned, feeling bad for the kid sitting there and rubbing his bruised behind. Kari decided to walk up to him and help him up.

"Hey, let me help you." She said extending her hand to him.

They looked into each others eyes for a second. Everything went silent for just that moment. Kari gasped at his beautiful eyes. She had never seen eyes like his before. 'What a pretty shade of brown' Kari thought. 'It reminds me of chocolate!'

He grabbed her hand she helped him up. "I'm Kari. What's your name?"

"Zing, but my friends call me Z. Thanks." He said shaking her hand.

That was the beginning.


Year: 2038

Kari opened her eyes slowly. She blinked a few times and found herself staring at her white bedroom ceiling.

'Ah, that nap was good.' She sat up on her bed and stretched. 'That wasn't a dream though... It was a memory. Schneider does a good job at getting me to remember the past...' She sighed as she stood up.

'But at least it was about Zing this time...' Kari glanced at her alarm clock on her bedside table. 'Speaking of which, I should get ready.'


Kari smoothed down her hair. She had just finished getting ready for the dinner and was just fixing her hair. 'I should cut it...'

Her brown black hair was waist length and straight. It complemented her heart shaped face, and light brown skin. Her dress was a long pink gown. It had rhinestones along the sides and was strapless.

She didn't use make up but she did put a contact in her left eye an parted her hair to cover it. She had a scar running from her forehead, through her eyebrow. It wasn't a very noticeable scar, but Kari knew it was there.

Kari had gotten her eye injury a long time ago, she lost her eyesight in her left eye and while trying to fix it, the doctors made her eye grey colored instead if her normal purple color. She wasn't happy with the injury, and the lack of sight in her eye was hard to get used to, but thinking back, Kari wouldn't have had it any other way. 'I had a choice, either a kid got hurt or I got hurt. The choice was simple. I have dedicated myself to helping people, no matter the consequences. And I will.'

A knock on the front door reminded Kari of the present. She left the bathroom to grab her coat from her room. She turned to the stair case and went down to answer the door.

Zing was standing in a black tux. He had a black bow tie and his hair was slicked back as usual. Kari looked at the bow tie.

"What? Bow ties are cool."

Kari laughed. "Lets get going! We'll be late right? Lets go." Kari checked her coat for her phone and proceeded to walk past Zing. Zing grabbed her and pulled her closely in front of him. "Ziiing. I swear if we're late-" Kari paused. She looked at him. He had a very blissful look that he had on whenever he stared at her. "Zing?"





He laughed. "No, say my name! I really love it when you say my name. So, say it. Say my name, say my name." He started singing Destiny's Child. He had a nice voice.

Kari had to admit, she liked it when he said her name as well. She smiled. "Okay, get ready, I'mma say it."

"Yes! Go ahead. Go ahead." He nodded expectedly.

She took a breath. "Doofus..!" He groaned and she laughed.


"We are seriously going to be late."


She eyed him. He clearly wanted to say something. "Doofus, just say what you want to say and let's go. We will be late." He looked at her.

"I love you." He looked at her intensely.

She swallowed, suddenly nervous. "Um, ye-yeah, I know that. Y-You told me already, multiple times." She looked down at his chest, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Kari, I have loved you for so long. I just... I am so happy to be able to tell you like this. To hold you like this. I want to tell you every day, every hour. Kari." He took her chin and made her look at him. "Finally, I can call you mine... Mine... My Kari... I love you so much Kari Miller, please..." His voice was quiet. "Promise me that we will be together always." He said. "I-I know its a lot to ask, especially since we just started but-"

"Yes." She said immediately.

"Yes? Really?"

She smiled. She knew then that being with this doofus was the best decision she had ever made. "Yes! Of course! As long as you keep your promise to me."

"Always." He smiled and pulled her closer. She closed the small space between them and kissed him deeply. Her heart beated fast and she had massive butterflies in her stomach, but she enjoyed every second in his arms.

'Being with him is definitely the right decision. I can feel it in my heart.'


The Rehersal dinner was on a high floor in a fancy hotel. Kari liked the hotel, but hated the height. 'We are, like, 100 miles off the ground.' She thought stiffly in the elevator going up.

In reality, they were only going 10 stories up. The Hotel de Sacrè Coeur was one of the taller buildings in their city of Sacred Heart, Minnesota. The fanciest people in their fanciest clothes came here to wine and dine. But, for tonight, there were just going to be some normal people doing a normal rehersal.

Well, as normal as it can get with Zing's family.

"Kari." Zing noticed Kari's stiffness and squeezed her hand. "Hey, wanna know something?" He said in an effort to distract her from her acrophobia/claustrophobia. "The hotels name sounds fancy right?"

"Yes, it's all frenchy."

"Well, it may sound all fancy, but in reality, the name Hotel de Sacrè Coeur means 'Sacred Heart Hotel' in french. Stupid right?"

Kari laughed. "Why go through all that effort to make the name french if you're not gunna come up with something creative?" She sighed and immediately remembered she was in a metal deathtrap. "Shit. Next time, we are taking the stairs."

Zing frowned. His distraction plan wasn't working too well. Then he got an idea.

"Kari." She looked at him and he pulled her in for a kiss. Kari was quick to forget about her situation. She kissed him back gently.

The elevator dinged and opened the door to the rehersal set up. And to all (or most of) Zing's relatives taking pictures.

Upon noticing, Zing pulled back from Kari, who was slightly disappointed.

"You!" He said. "Why are you taking pictures!? And why are you near the elevator!?"

Kari almost laughed, but then she realized that instead of Zing being embarrassed alone, she too would be humiliated. Upon that realization, she mentally prepared herself for the mocking she will endure for possibly the rest of her life.

"I knew it! I knew you were together!" A woman in a fancy knee length white dress came toward Kari and Zing. She had a bob haircut and similar features as Zing, except the eyes. Her eyes were brown, but more of a coffee brown. She also had a diamond on her finger the size of Texas.

"Kimi! I didn't tell anyone about Kari and I yet! How could you know?" Zing said.

"You seemed happier than usual. So I thought of the possible things that could make you this happy and there was only one solution. So to see if I was correct I didn't invite Kari to see if you'd invite her as your date. And I got more than I bargained for." Kimi said slyly.

"I would have invited her anyway, duh." Zing crossed his arms.

"Hahaha. Finally!! Kimi, you don't mind sharing the aisle with YeYe and his fiancé, now do you?" A guy in a pink shirt and black bow tie said. With closer inspection, Kari recognized the guy as Mr.Lee.

"Dad! What have I told you about scaring her away?! Kari and I just started dating literally days ago!"

"Oh, well then we will simply wait a while until you're ready." Mrs.Lee said. She had on a purple gown with matching heels. "Does any one have a good picture of them?? I want to make that our Christmas card!" She went towards the others and inspected their pictures. They all roared with laughter.

"MOM WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE, WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU?" Zing walked over to the massive group of relatives and started trying to delete the photos. This was only met with more laughter.

"Kairi! How have you been?" Kimi said, referring to the way the Lee's pronounced her name in the past, and walking passed the group of people.

"Kimi. I have been just fine." Kimi hugged Kari and took her by the hand. "You are just... A unique type of evil, don't you know?" Kimi smiled.

"Evil backwards is Love! Now come and say hi to Steve." Kimi dragged Kari towards the Fiancé.

"Evil backwards is Live, crazy." Kari rolled her eyes.

"Not if you spell evil with an o. Then it's Love." Said the future husband, Steve Rogers. He was a tall lean guy with brunette hair cut short and fair skin with a freckle right above his lip.
He of course, was wearing a black tux and a bow tie.

"If it isn't Captain America in the flesh!" Kari hugged him.

"Long time short-stuff." He hugged her back and smiled expectantly at her.

Kari rolled her eyes. "Just say what you want to say. You too Kimi, just say it! All of you are the same."

Kimi squealed loudly. "I am so happy that you and Z are together!!! Finally!" She was practically jumping with joy.

"Kimi! Come see these pictures! they are all so good, I can't decide which will be the Christmas card!" Mrs.Lee called for Kimi, who immediately jumped towards her mother. Kari sighed.

"This family is insane." Steve said what Kari was thinking. She laughed.
"But I wouldn't have it any other way." Kari nodded. As much trouble as the Lee's bring, they also brought a lot of joy in her life. After all, they legally adopted her after--

"You know, we are lucky." Steve said interrupting her thoughts.

"Yeah," she said. "To have such amazing people love and take care of us makes us really lucky." She smiled.

"I never thought that I could find a place to belong. I never thought that I could have such a great family help me. You know, I think that my whole life, I have been waiting for this family. For this happiness. I'm so glad I have it now." Steve said. Kari always felt that she and Steve were the same kind of people. They both had suffered a lot, and they both found their way to this family.

Steve once told her about his past. He used to live with his abusive mother. He was so badly abused that he attempted suicide multiple times. In fact, the last time he attempted it, he met Kimi.

She saw that he was about to jump off of a bridge into a frozen lake and she convinced him that he should live. From there, the Lee's helped him find his father- who had been looking for his kidnapped son for years.

Apparently, Steve's mother had her rights to him stripped and had taken him against court orders. She took him from his father, who lived in Canada, to Minnesota. Steve reunited with his father (his mother is currently in jail on multiple charges (she was also a petty criminal)) and they decided to stay in Minnesota, so he could stay close to the family that saved his life. He fell for Kimi and the rest is history.

"I feel the exact same way." Kari saw Zing walk over to her.

"Don't expect this to die down. This is only the beginning if their craziness." Zing said. He turned to Steve and patted him on the shoulder. "It's not too late to run away, you know. The door is right there." He gestured to the elevator.

Steve laughed. "No thanks. I will take this insanity over my old life any day." His eyes softened. "Besides, I love Kimi way too much to not be with her. You understand, right?"

Zing blushed. "Yeah," He turned to Kari. "I do." Kari blushed.

"Stevey!! Come see these pictures! They are absolutely adorable!" Kimi said.

"Oh, thats my cue. Try not to give them more 'picture worthy' moments, okay?" Steve winked at Kari and nudged Zing. Effectively making them both blush.

"Just go." Zing said. Steve went over to his Fiancé an gave her a kiss. Then started laughing with the rest of the Lee clan. Zing looked at Kari. "I apologize for them."

"Don't start to apologize for them. Otherwise. you'll be apologizing for the rest of your life."

"I think thats exactly whats going to happen." They both laughed. A flash of light appeared.

"Yes!" A male voice said. "I got another one! This'll be the New Years Card!"

"Uncle Wong!!!! Don't take anymore pictures!" Zing said.

Kari laughed. 'I had better receive one of these cards!' She joked.

The rest of the night went something like this.


"Why does my family insist on being that way? Is it genetic? Steve's dad isn't that way." Zing said as he paced around Kari's front room. It was a few hours after the dinner. Kari and Zing had come back to Kari's place for the night. His expression became grim. "What if its genetic?"

"Its not genetic! Don't worry about that. You will be the perfect parent." Kari walked into the front room with hot chocolate for them. She handed him one.

"God I hope so. Our kids would be so traumatized if I became like that."

He sipped on his drink.

While Kari choked on hers.

"Our kids?!"

Zing turned to her. "Yes?" He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Now that we're together, there is no way in hell I'm gunna let you go. I'm gunna wife you and have shit loads of kids with you." He calmly sipped his drink.

Kari blushed. 'He really wants to marry me? Even now?!' She tried to keep her composure. "What, so was that like a proposal or something?"

"No, you'll know when I propose to you, cause it'll be awesome." Zing said with the cockiest smile she had ever seen. She squealed internally. 'Wow! He wants me to be his wife!' He came close to her and smiled. "I would propose now but, we're only 15. Although, my parents already consider us engaged. One day for sure though."

Kari started to giggle. He was something else entirely. He leaned in to kiss her, but stopped when they felt a strong wind and saw a blinding orange light. The floor shook, causing them both to drop their drinks onto the floor. "What the-?"

The wind, shaking and light died down to reveal 2 guys. The first one was tall, had short blond hair, brown sweater and his eyes were the darkest shade of blue Kari had ever seen. The other was slightly shorter and had long black hair in a loose ponytail. His eyes had a sort of orange tint to them. His shirt said, 'Pwn It', which Kari can admit brought a smile to her face.

They made eye contact with Kari and for a moment, she felt something stir in her heart. 'Who are these guys...?'

"Welp, this isn't where we need to be." The 2nd guy said breaking the silence and looking around.

"Way to go, Billy. Look, we've invaded someone's house." The first guy said gesturing to Kari and Zing. The 2nd guy, Billy, turned back to them and gave a weak smile.

"Oh," Billy laughed nervously. "Hello."




Yay! Chapter two. What an accomplishment!

I just love the Lee's. They are so much fun to write about. I seriously was laughing when writing this. They are good people for taking care of Steve and Kari.

Oh yeah, Captain America is a comic book hero, and his real name is Steve Rogers. To be honest, I didn't realize that Steve Rogers was Captain America until one day, I saw the movie. I thought I should mention it in case of questions. If you knew it already, you will laugh at the joke, but if not, I apologize.

Anyway, who are these two guys? How did they get in Kari's house? And most importantly...

Did they really just waste perfectly good hot chocolate??!!!

Chapter 3 will be up soon.

Please remember to comment or vote.

I really appreciate it even if you just read it and don't vote or comment.

I will try to keep these blabs at the end short, just for convenience.

Okay, ciao for now.

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