Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

395K 11.2K 14.8K

(Y/N) was a victim mixed in a horrible accident that caused her to lose her family at the age of 5. The Heroe... More

Kapter 1
Kapter 2
Kapter 3
Kapter 4
Kapter 5
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Kapter 11
Kapter 12
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Kapter 98
Kapter 99
Kapter 100
Kapter 101: THE END
READ BITCH: author's note

Kapter 72

1.7K 53 108
By shadow1dark2night

Katsuki didn't come home until late at night.

The time being 8pm.

When he opened the door and walked in he saw Blade just watching TV munching on snacks.

"Where are they?" Katsuki asked him.

"Room. She hasn't come out in a while." Blade says as Katsuki looked at him confused before walking to their room but she wasn't in the bedroom.

He set his things down and walked to Kiyoto's room finding her on the rocking chair holding Kiyoto in her arms as she just looked down.

Katsuki smiled seeing them walking over as she looked at him.

He froze seeing her eyes a little red.

"Are you okay? What happened?!" Katsuki asked as Kiyoto babbled up at him.

She just stood up and hugged him as Katsuki hugged her back Kiyoto being squished as he giggled.

"_____ whats-"

"Do I look bad to you?" She asked looking up at him.

He looked down at her confused. "Bad? No why would you ask that?"

"You wouldn't cheat on me right?" She asked her eyes just screaming pain at her question.

Katsuki looked down into her eyes totally shocked at the question.

"No never. Where are these questions coming from what happened!?" He asked as she wiped her eyes.

Kiyoto reaching for Katsuki as Katsuki took him and set him down in the crib before going to ______. He just hugged her letting her sob into his chest.

"Babe...what happened?" Katsuki asked trying to get some information since he was so confused.

"...Blade just said some things that I can't get rid of in my head and I know you'd never do anything like that but it....it hurts to think of you leaving me.." she cried softly.

She may not be pregnant but her hormones were still fresh.

Katsuki just tightened his arms around her glaring getting mad at Blade now.

"What did he say? Tell me."

She told him about what Blade said and how it made her feel.

Katsuki just having a hard grip on her as Kiyoto whined wanting attention.

He leaned down kissing her lips not pulling away until he then looked at her.

"You're beautiful. Don't you dare think anything else. You gave birth to our son, MY son. That's the most hottest thing in the entire world to me..Don't worry I'll talk to him. Just go to our room with Kiyoto." Katsuki said to her as she nods softly.

He kissed her again before letting her grab Kiyoto and walk away as Katsuki, who was still in his Hero Costume walked out and to the living room as he grabbed Blade's shirt lifting him up.

"Listen to me. If I hear you ever talk shit about my wife or put any stupid thoughts like that in her head I'll kill you got it? Your only job it to protect. So be a good fucking dog and do that." Katsuki said to him as Blade looked at him confused before realizing what this was about.

"She's not your wife. And I didn't even say anything bad-"

"I don't care. Don't talk to her. That's a new rule." Katsuki said shoving him back into the couch as he walked off into the room.

Blade glared.."ya right.."

Katsuki just showered and got back into bed with _____ and Kiyoto.

Kiyoto reached for him as he picked him up and laid next to ____.

She just moved having half her body on top of his her head and hand on his chest as he held Kiyoto.

Katsuki just comforted her. He had no clue how long she's been in distress but he didn't like it at all.

Kiyoto just touched his face babbling as he explored his dads face with his tiny hands.

_____ just closed her eyes trying to relax as Katsuki stroked her hair back.

He leaned his head back as Kiyoto gripped his shirt then looked over at his mom.

He tried leaning towards her as he touched her head and giggled wanting her attention now.

Katsuki pulled him back to not annoy her but it only made him whine.

_____ moved to hold him as she cuddled Kiyoto against Katsuki's body.

The family just staying close together as Kiyoto loved it.

She smiled kissing his cheek and squishing them making him have fish lips.

Katsuki looked down at them as Kiyoto giggled up at her.

He smiled kissing the top of ______'s head then leaning down to kiss Kiyoto's.

_____ smiled at Katsuki as he cuddled her and Kiyoto.

"I love you both." He said smiling as Kiyoto babbled up at him.

"We love you too... Hey are you hungry? I can heat up food I know you didn't eat yet." ______ said looking at him.

"Ya, I'll just get it myself-"

"No I got it." She said handing him Kiyoto as she got up stretching.

Katsuki got off the bed too to just follow her as she walked out to the kitchen.

Blade just laying on the couch bored. He was scrolling on his phone.

He looked up as he sat up too seeing them heat up the food.

Kiyoto looked over at Blade then saw his toys in the playpen as he looked back at his dad to get him there.

He started to whine as _____ got food into a plate for Katsuki.

Katsuki looked down at Kiyoto seeing him whine as he sighed and walked to his playpen setting him down.

Blade got up as ______ put out another plate.

"Do you want some..?" She asked him as he nods.

She just puts food into his plate as she got some for herself.

"Thanks, also sorry about what I said I didn't mean to make you upset." Blade told her. She shook her head smiling softly.

"It's ok I just took it too literally." She said as he nods.

Katsuki however walked over glaring daggers at him for talking to her.

They sat down as Blade looked at Katsuki.

"Steel and Shoto messaged me asking for you to go in tomorrow. They said you didn't answer your phone when they called." Blade told Katsuki.

Katsuki just grabbed his phone looking at it seeing missed calls.


_____ looked at Katsuki then to Blade.

She just continued to eat hearing Kiyoto's giggles as he played by himself.

Katsuki got up to take the phone call.

Blade looked at ______ as she finished up eating before getting up.

"Hey can I use your shower now?" Blade asked her.

She looked at him and nod.

"Ya of course. Uh..just wait till Katsuki's out of the room." She told him as she took his plate and cleaned up the table.

Blade nods just leaning back into his seat.

He looked to the side and down seeing Kiyoto on his back hugging a kitty stuffed animal slowly falling asleep.

______ just finished the dishes and walked over to get Kiyoto walking him back to his room to change him and put him down.

Katsuki walked out of the room finally finished with the phone call.

Blade got up.

"I'm heading to the shower" he told Katsuki grabbing his clothes.

Katsuki just looked at him as he saw ____ walk out of Kiyoto's room and turning off the lights.

Katsuki just nods to him sending him off as he walked into their bedroom.

_____ watched before just going over to Katsuki.

"Is he asleep?" Katsuki asked as she nods smiling.

Katsuki just opened his arms for her as she walked right into them hugging him.

"Once we're married I'll get a bigger house I promise..." he said to her as she buried her face into his chest nodding.

"Hey Mina and Kiri want to come over tomorrow..I told them I'd wait till you got home to see..should we let them?"

"No. Not when Blade is here. We can't tell people about our mission..it's better to stay away from them for now." Katsuki said.

"But..they're our friends..and what about Baba and Nana? Or Mitsuki and Masaru? They deserve to see Kiyoto." _____ said.

Katsuki looked down at her. "I know but we can't..." Katsuki just sighed seeing her pouting face. "Alright..but they aren't coming here we'll go to them."

She smiled. "Will Blade come with us?" _____ asked curious to where he'd go.

"He can stay here."

"Or we give him the day off-"

"No he stays here. He wanted to protect. That involves protecting the house." Katsuki said as she just nods letting him take care of it as she went on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

He smiled just kissing her cheek back as they both walk back into their room.

The shower was still going on so they knew he was in there.

Katsuki just let _____ lay down to sleep as he stayed up sitting against the headboard her head resting near his legs as he just stroked her head for her to sleep calmly.

He went on his phone just scrolling on it waiting for Blade to be finished.

It took about 20 minutes as Blade finally got out.

He was already drying himself and dressing himself in the bathroom before walking out with a towel around his shoulders.

He looked up and saw ______ sleeping with Katsuki next to her just looking over at him waiting for him to leave.

No words were exchanged. Blade saw Katsuki's glare...he then looked back at ______ on purpose eyeing her as he then walked out.

Something grew in Katsuki's body. He was pissed off..he really didn't like Blade at their house..I'll get a replacement tomorrow..

The next morning Katsuki got up along with ______.

He got into his Hero Costume as she went to dress and get Kiyoto dressed and fed for the day.

Blade did the usual being bored watching TV or just on his phone.

There wasn't much protecting needed since nothing was happening. But what _____ has noticed was his phone calls.

He would always tell her it was his sister worrying about him but... when he talked on the phone..he told her everything about staying at 'Kira's house' _____ found it sketchy but didn't question it.

Katsuki was back at headquarters with Steel Shoto and Artlo.

_____ held Kiyoto in her arms playing with him on the couch as Blade watched.

"So...I know we went over it already but..are you thinking about joining the Infinte..?" Blade asked her making small talk.

"I can't not when I have to take care of Kiyoto." _____ responded.

"Come on I'm sure the Infintie will let you carry your baby around. They can't be that bad right? They're willing to bend rules for you." Blade said.

"Bend rules? How would you know? For all i know they can trap me and kill me leaving my baby motherless. I would never do that to him."

"Come on the Infinite doesn't kill unless the person has committed a sin."

"Believe me. I've committed many sins."

Blade looked at her confused. "Like what?"

"You're really asking me this? Do you know how many people ive killed in my teen years?"

"Hey that was for the Hero Commission right? Plus you were killing bad people sooo pretty much just like the Infinites." Blade said.

She shook her head as she held Kiyoto close to her body.

"I'm not helping with this mission." She said to him.

Blade sighed. "I'm not necessarily talking about the mission...you don't have to join for the mission..plus Is it really your choice or did Bakugou make you? Why doesn't he just stay home with the kid? You can help the world and get higher in the ranks but he's holding you back."

"He isn't holding me back. And I don't care about the ranks."

"Oh come on _____. He definitely is. You have crazy power you can do so much. Yet he got you pregnant so you don't do shit."

"Well I wanted to get pregnant so it doesn't matter to me. I'm not Hero motivated."

"Then why not be Infinite motivated? Maybe their cause isn't so bad. They have killed plenty of bad guys."

"They've killed innocent people."

"So what just a few lives."

_____ glared at him.

"Plus aren't you acting like an unworthy Hero right now? Not doing everything you can to-"

"That's enough Blade! You don't have the right to speak to me that way or use the word unworthy. I'm not leaving my child to finish a mission you boys can't. Just...stay here and do your job." She scoffed getting up and walking back to Kiyoto's room to get his diaper changed.

Blade smirked watching her leave. There she is..

Katsuki succeeded to get a replacement for Blade.

Steel didn't really care so he called another trusted older man age near 43 to protect the Bakugou family.

His name was Riven.

He seemed serious about his job so Katsuki let him tag along.

Steel called Blades phone telling him he can stop protecting and someone else will step in.

"WHAT!? Why!? There's only two more days left till Thursday!" Blade said on the phone as _____ looked at him.

This is going to ruin the plan...he thought getting mad

She was in the kitchen just making cookies for herself and Katsuki..maybe even Blade.

The door opened to the house as Riven and Katsuki walk in.

Blade glared at him.

"You replaced me!? Are you really that stuck up." Blade asked Katsuki getting mad.

_____ looked at Katsuki confused as he nods.

"Pack your bags and get out. I gave you tons of warnings. And no longer trust you to protect my family." Katsuki said as Blade glared just grabbing his bag.

Riven looked over at _____ greeting her as she smiled.

"I won't cause trouble so act like I'm not here. I'll take the couch and prepare my own meals-" Riven was saying but she cut him off.

"That's fine there's plenty of food to go around. I don't want you to do extra work." _____ said smiling feeling way better with Riven's presence.

Blade noticed this and glared before looking at Katsuki.

"She'll join the Infinte. Dont stop her. And I'm not done with you." Blade threatened him.

Katsuki didn't take his words literally. He thought Blade meant she'd join the mission...not the real thing.

Katsuki closed the door as he went to ____ and hugged her.

"Thanks Kats." She said as he kissed her cheek.

"I would never make someone who hurt you stay in our house." He said as she smiled hugging him tightly.

Riven looked over at the cookies as ____ smiled.

"Make yourself at home. You can have as many as you want I made a lot!" She said cheerfully.

Riven and Katsuki both grab a cookie as they smile eating it.

"You have a child right? May I see him?" Riven asked as Katsuki nods.

"He's in the room." Katsuki said sending Riven in that direction.

_____ hesitated moving but then looked at Katsuki.

"You seem to trust him easily..you're not one to let strangers see our kid." ____ said.

"Oh..right. Riven has a soft spot for kids apparently. He wouldn't stop talking about it in the car ride here." Katsuki told her as they then look over seeing Riven holding a giggling Kiyoto.

______ smiled seeing Kiyoto smile.

Ya this was much better.

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