Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

403K 11.3K 15.1K

(Y/N) was a victim mixed in a horrible accident that caused her to lose her family at the age of 5. The Heroe... More

Kapter 1
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Kapter 100
Kapter 101: THE END
READ BITCH: author's note

Kapter 69

2.5K 55 76
By shadow1dark2night

They let _____ rest while everyone else met the sleeping baby.

Kirishima smiled looking at Katsuki patting his back.

"He's perfect man." Kiri says as Katsuki smiled.

____ was just laying down as Mina was by her side.

"Wow..I can't believe you're officially a mom. And I'm an aunt!" Mina said as ____ smiled.

Nana, Baba and Akio met up with them as well.

They stared down at the sleeping child both crying.

"We're getting too old!" Nana whined as Baba smiled down at his great grandson.

"What's his name again?" Baba asked.

"Kiyoto Bakugou." Katsuki answered as Baba smiled.

"It's perfect." He said.

Hawks just looked down at the child with Akio.

"He's so big..how the hell did you push him out" Hawks said as _____ smiled at his question.

"He's gonna have a good life." Akio said smiling.

"Congratulations you two." They say as _____ and Katsuki smile nodding.

_____ looked really tired and they all knew she was.

They slowly left one by one letting her fall asleep.

Mitsuki stayed behind just to make sure they had everything they needed for the night before she and Masaru left.

Katsuki stood in the room alone with his family.

He looked at them both seeing them sleeping in the same position that made him smile.

He walked over fixing the covers on _____ and the sat down on the ledge looking down at Kiyoto.

"...." Katsuki smiled. This was it. This was his kid.

He's never felt so proud and eager to be the best before. He wanted to give his son everything he could ever want. That and he wanted to be the best future husband for _____.

He leaned against the wall closing his eyes just resting before he had to wake.

The next morning ______ got help from the nurses and Katsuki to stand up and get cleaned. She still had to stay in the hospital for two days just to make sure the baby was fine.

Kiyoto was still sleeping as _____ just sat down on the bed drinking the water Katsuki gave her.

"How you feeling?" He asked stroking her hair out of her face.

"I'm alright I guess..it hurt like shit tho. I never want to go through that again." She said as he smiled.

"Don't say that..."

She looked up at him. "Dont you dare be thinking of having another kid, I just gave you one right there." She said pointing as he laughed kissing her cheek.

"Ya ya, Hawks came by in the morning to drop off some pastries." Katsuki said handing her some as she smiled taking it.

The nurse walked into the room as she smiled at the two.

"I need to check on him is it alright if I take him for a quick review?" The nurse asked as they nod.

Katsuki watched the nurse like a hawk as she picked up Kiyoto. But immediately he started to cry bursting out into tears.

The nurse smiled. "I know I know I'm mean for waking you up." The nurse talked to him as she walked to the side of the room to all the tools to measure and make sure everything was good with him.

_____ smiled watching him squirm around as he cried during the whole process.

Katsuki hated it.

After a few minutes the nurse brought him back and hands him to Katsuki.

"Everything looks good. You may be able to leave by tomorrow afternoon if he passes the car test. Also make sure to feed him in a few minutes." The nurse said as they nod watching her walk out.

Katsuki looked down at the pouting baby in his hands.

He sat down next to _____ as she leaned against Katsuki and wiped Kiyoto's cheeks.

Kiyoto looked at his parents with his big red eyes.

He didn't cry anymore just looking at his mother and father.

She smiled taking him from Katsuki. "I can't believe you're already out and so big! How dare you come out looking like your father and not an ounce of me.." ____ said to him as Kiyoto giggled at her expression.

Katsuki smiled at them.

_____ kissed his cheek multiple times causing him to laugh, Katsuki just dying inside being so in love with his laughs.

_____ smiled hugging him as she looked at Katsuki.

"Looks like we need to buy a little suit for him for our wedding." _____ said as Katsuki nods.

Kiyoto looking up at his father a smile on his face as Katsuki smiled back cherishing his cheek with his index finger.

"You should feed him." Katsuki said.

"I just put on my shirt.." ____ whined as he smiled helping her take half of it off just so she can expose a breast. Kiyoto looked at it immediately knowing he would get food as he already had his mouth open as she smiled letting him latched on.

______ leans her head onto Katsuki's shoulder watching Kiyoto eat.

It was a precious moment for the family. Just being together..just the three of them.

Kiyoto was attached to _____ on their way home.

He didn't like his car seat so she had to sit in the back with him.

She smiled down at him and rests her hand on his body.

Katsuki got into the drivers seat looking back at her.

"Is he good? Are you ready?" He asked as she nods to him.

______ just played with Kiyoto to distract him from the car starting as he nibbles on his mother's finger.

She smiled as Katsuki checked the mirror seeing her smile.

He smiled just driving home finally.

When they get there Katsuki was careful with carrying Kiyoto in the baby carrier.

_____ opened the door as they walked in.

She stretched her arms.

"It feels nice to be back." She said as Katsuki kissed her cheek before moving to the baby room.

She followed him as Kiyoto whined, he had no clue where they were or why they didn't just carry him by hand.

He yawned softly as Katsuki finally gets him out of the carrier.

Kiyoto looked at Katsuki as he reached for his face as Katsuki smiled.

_____ unpacked all the baby necessities.

"This is your room. It's not permanent, I'll get you a bigger one once we get a bigger house. You got all your stupid toys to play with and everything you could ever want. So you better not cry." Katsuki told Kiyoto who babbled as if talking back to Katsuki.

_____ smiled at them.

"Kats let's get him changed he should be tired and napping by now." _____ said as he hands him to her.

She took him and put him down onto the changing table.

Kiyoto looked up at her as she kissed his cheek before undressing him.

Katsuki stood behind her as he watched her change Kiyoto.

She dressed him in a brown onesie placing him down to nap as he yawned looking up.

He saw the little Hawks as _____ turned it on for him as he watched them go in a circle while playing a small melody.

"I hate that thing.." Katsuki said.

____ smiled. "Hey it was a gift from Hawks. And I think it's cute."

They watch as Kiyoto's eyes slowly close to the melody as they take that moment to walk out of the room.

Katsuki looked at her as she looked at him.

"We're parents.." she said as he laughed.

"Hell ya we are."

"I can't believe he's here.."

Katsuki just smiled grabbing her hips pulling her close to him as he kissed her lips.

"All thanks to you." He said as she kissed him back.

"I really wanna sleep..." she says as he smiled.

"Come on, you still shouldn't be on your feet for too long." Katsuki told her as he walked her to the bedroom.

He let her undressed and lay in bed.

Katsuki let her rest as he just cleaned up the house and the mess they left.

He soon joined her in bed after finishing everything up which took 20 minutes, but the moment he got into bed the crying began.

_____ gripped his shirt until hearing Kiyoto.

She pats Katsuki's side. "Hush him.." she said just wanting to enjoy her pleasant nap.

He sighed getting back off the bed as he walked back to Kiyoto's room where he saw him crying reaching up for someone to grab him.

"The hell are you crying for? What do you need?" Katsuki asked looking down at him.

Kiyoto reached his tiny arms out for Katsuki as he just picks him up.

Kiyoto leaned into his chest as Katsuki smiled.

"What..that was it?" Katsuki asked seeing how he stopped whining.

Katsuki held him for a few more minutes before setting him down but Kiyoto cried whining trying to hold onto his fathers arm but failed as he cried louder.

"Holy shit calm down!" Katsuki said picking him back up.

Kiyoto continued to cry not wanting to be put down.

Katsuki freaked out thinking something was wrong with him as he took him to ____.

"Uh babe..he won't stop crying.." Katsuki said walking to her side of the bed.

____ turned to look at them as Kiyoto cried in Katsuki's arms.

"What did you do..?" She asked as he jerked back.

"I DID NOTHING!" Katsuki yelled as Kiyoto cried louder.

She sighed sitting up she reached getting Kiyoto in her arms as he cried until she held him patting his back.

He got quiet burying his face into her chest.

_____ smiled softly patting his back as she yawned.

"He started crying when I put him down..what's wrong with him?" Katsuki asked.

"Nothing..I think he doesn't like being alone" _____ said as Katsuki sat down in bed moving to lay down on his side.

_____ moved to do the same as she put Kiyoto between them on his back.

Kiyoto looked at them both as he was squished giggling now.

______ kissed his cheek having her hand on his little body for protection.

Katsuki closed his eyes just relaxing to the peace and quiet they now had as Kiyoto yawned falling asleep again.

All three of them cuddling together as they take a few hours to rest going into the night till morning.

Katsuki woke up finding Kiyoto and ______ cuddling together.

What surprised him was Kiyoto was actually awake.

He was just silent observing his mother as she slept.

Katsuki smiled leaning down and kissing his forehead before kissing her cheek.

He moved off the bed as Kiyoto babbled turning his head to the side to see Katsuki get dressed in his Hero Costume.

Kiyoto babbled more trying to get attention as Katsuki looked at him while putting on his belt.

"Quit it. Don't wake her up." Katsuki told him as Kiyoto giggled reaching towards Katsuki.

Katsuki just puts on his boots Kiyoto whining as _____ woke up slowly.

She yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Look what you did you brat." Katsuki said as Kiyoto giggled.

______ smiled down at him kissing his cheek then picking him up as she sat up.

Kiyoto let out tons of laughter as she just showered him with kisses.

Katsuki smiled walking to them.

"Where's mine?" He asked her as she hugs her child, having her cheek against his.

"Wait your turn." She said as Katsuki laughed.

Kiyoto giggled as she smiled.

"Does daddy deserves kisses?" _____ asked Kiyoto as she had him lay against her legs.

Kiyoto babbled up at her.

She shook her head. "Ya I didn't think so, he's leaving us for work. How rude." She says as Kiyoto smiled.

Katsuki looked at her amused.

"Nice try, but I'm not leaving without a kiss." Katsuki said as she shook her head.

"Sorry baby says no." ____ said as Katsuki leaned down fast kissing her lips.

She laughed against his lips kissing him back.

Kiyoto looked at them and whined as they pull away and look at him.

____ tickles his belly before getting up.

"Are you leaving like now now??" ____ asked Katsuki.

"I can stay for a few minutes longer why?" He asked.

"Can you change him? I wanna go to the bathroom." She said as he nods picking him up as she smiled and walking to the bathroom.

Katsuki took Kiyoto to his room to change and dress him which took a while since he had no idea what to do.

______ took a while in the bathroom before coming out. Still trying to get use to her body changing.

She walked to the boys seeing Katsuki dressing him in a red outfit.

_____ smiled taking Kiyoto from him as she kissed his cheek.

"Hey I'll be back around 5 maybe..I'll try not to stay out to long." Katsuki told her as she nods.

"We'll be here all day." _____ said as they walk to the living room and kitchen.

"Call me if anything happens. I'll keep my ringer on." Katsuki said as she nods.

He kissed her lips then Kiyoto's cheek before leaving the house.

Kiyoto looked at the door waiting for him to come back but he didn't.

____ thankfully distracted him with her kisses.

She goes to the couch and just fed him while scrolling on her phone.

When it hit 3 pm Kiyoto was taking his nap.

Asahi called _____ for more information on that Blade guy but she still refused to even meet up with him especially now since she had a child.

She just started on dinner making one of Katsuki's favorite meals as she lets it stay on the heat.

She grabbed keys and walked out of her house just to get the mail down the hallway.

She made sure it check the door every second as she got her mail and went back inside and to check on Kiyoto.

She smiled seeing him still sleeping and just sat on the rocking chair in his room looking through the mail as she found two for her.

One about work and the other having two infinity signs looping eachother.

She curiously opened it reading the letter.

"Hello Kira!

We are the infinite. The ones who bring peace to the world. We would like for you to join our cause and help us defeat the evil in the very souls on this planet. We will be waiting for your answer. We highly recommend joining us. You will receive a personal invite soon.

PS: Do not inform Dynamight about our plans. He seems to be against us yet we are giving you a chance to do better.

[address] come next week Thursday at 2pm. We will meet you there.


"The hell..." _____ didn't know anything about the infinite.

Katsuki didn't really tell her about the details of his mission so she had no idea what this was about.

She just thought about asking Katsuki about it later.

Kiyoto whined slowly starting to wake up.

She set down the letter as she got up and went to him smiling seeing him wake up and yawn.

She picked him up kissing his cheek.

"Hi baby did you have a good nap?" _____ asked him as he babbled burying himself into her chest as she smiled holding him close.

Kiyoto yawned as ____ smiled at his cute self.

She took out her phone and took a picture of him and her, mostly his cute squished face against her chest to send to Katsuki.

She sent the photo to him smiling kissing Kiyoto's head.

"Let's go get you a toy." _____ said going towards his closest as Kiyoto just watched his mother pick out a teddy bear for him.

It was a kitty cat teddy bear. She hands it to him as he touched its nose and giggles.

He hugged it as she smiled walking out of the room and to the couch to sit and play with him.

Katsuki was just going over some work and files. He sent out a few Heroes to deal with a situation in the city.

He was exhausted, especially since he didn't get much sleep during the last three days.

One of his assistants, Pro Hero Driven walked into his office handing him more files to look through.

"This is the last of it." Driven said to Katsuki.

Katsuki groaned.

"This is so pointless.."

"Yaaaa, Oh hey you remember that Steel guy you went to work for?? He's been asking you to come back. He found new leads and locations of the Infinite group." Driven told Katsuki

"Well screw that. I have my own problems to deal with." Katsuki said.

"True, that group calling themselves 'legendary spirits' are still causing trouble in the city. You should probably care of that yourself. The new Heroes are useless." Driven told Katsuki.

Katsuki just tapped his pen to the table trying to think of ways to be everywhere at once.

But then his phone buzzed.

He picked it up and it took him to his messages where he saw the picture of _____ and Kiyoto.

A smile appeared on his face looking at his girl and son.

He then looked back at Driven. "No, first I get married. Then we can deal with whatever the fuck needs my help. It's already 3...Just go take care of patrol I'm not going out today. I'm gonna finish these and leave." Katsuki told Driven who nods to him and walked out.

He looks back at his phone smiling just texting her asking what she was up to.

Without a reply all she did was send him another picture of her holding a stuffed kitty cat toy and Kiyoto laughed at it as he reached for it.

Katsuki smiled even more seeing that.

He would give anything to be there with them.

She then asked if he was busy and he said no as she called his phone.

Katsuki picked up.


"Hii, how's work?"

"Boring as ever. You two seem to be having fun."

"Mhm, he's got quite the laughter." She said smiling as Katsuki could hear Kiyoto's babbles and giggles.

"Did you eat yet??"

"No im waiting for you, I made your fav."

"Well that just makes me want to come home now." Katsuki says as she laughed.

"Be my guest, it's boring here without you. Plus I think he misses you. He kept looking at the door you left from."

Katsuki smiled hearing that his heart melting to it.

"I'll be home in an hour then. Don't have too much fun. Love you." He said jokingly smiling.

She laughed "of course, Love you too- you wanna say bye? Come here" _____ said, Katsuki knew she was talking to Kiyoto at this point as he then hears babbles.

Katsuki smiles. "Bye Kiyoto."


_____ and Katsuki smile both listening to his babble before they hung up.

That call got Katsuki motivated to finish up his work as he hurried it up.

When Katsuki got home he immediately hugged ______ kissing her lips before attacking Kiyoto holding him in his arms.

Kiyoto giggled touching his face as Katsuki smiled.

"You better have not caused mom any trouble." Katsuki said to him as Kiyoto giggles.

______ smiled setting the table and putting the food on it.

"No he was an angel today." _____ said as Katsuki sat down still holding Kiyoto in his one hand as he looked down at the meal ready to eat.

_____ took Kiyoto so Katsuki could eat normally as she just ate with one arm.

They finished up eating as Katsuki went to change.

_____ went to their bed with Kiyoto as she let him nap on her chest as she sat against the headboard.

She was just on her phone waiting as Katsuki walked back into the room wearing boxers only and got into bed.

He smiled seeing them cuddling together.

"Come here" he said to her as she scooted down to lay with him while having Kiyoto on her body.

He kissed her cheek smiling hugging his family close to him.

_____ smiled just closing her eyes to relax but then remembered the letter.

"Oh Kats? I checked the mail today and I got a letter from someone called Infinite, they said not to tell you about their plans but-"

"WHAT?!" Katsuki sat up fast looking at her which caused Kiyoto to start crying at the sudden outburst scaring him.

_____ sat up hugging him to quiet him down.

She looked at Katsuki confused.

"Geez..not so loud. It's in Kiyoto's room I left it there." She said as Katsuki immediately ran out to get it as he saw it on the rocking chair.

He opened it reading the letter his eyes widening as he walked back in.

"Did you see the person who sent it!?" He asked her as she tried to comfort Kiyoto while shaking her head.

"Who are they??" She asked.

Katsuki explained it to her as she slowly started to fear it.

"...but..how did they find our address?! Kats is it safe to even be here? We have a kid!" _______ said still comforting Kiyoto as Katsuki got on his phone calling Steel.

He looked at her seeing her worried and just walked over to her.

"I'll deal with it don't worry." He said hugging her with his arm while using the other to talk to Steel.

Katsuki left their room going to the living room and informed Steel about it.

_____ looked down at Kiyoto, just being worried for her son's safety.

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